CARYATID I Wiomen rhey are good haters. But the aver- age American looks too broadly upon he whole subject of the war. He sees he relation of things too well. But ie forgets in doing this that the na- ion which is trying to destroy his government will by the same means destroy' that very freedom which nakes him see things broadly. The Eun does not see the world as a great brotherhood of man. He only sees 'Germany over all." We in America have made a few sac- rifices. But most of us have done hem without suffering very much. We have done them for the social prestige hat comes from them. We are like he society woman who goes around and gets people to sign food conserva- tion cards; while her own cook at iome is throwing bread and meat and ether valuable foods in the garbage pail. But the students of the University hould as men and women who have een given advantages above others, 'ealize their responsibility to the tate. We can aid her in many ways. knd the easiest one for us all is the ironey way. Help your country. Buy L couple of Liberty bonds. I If it isn't cats, it's proof-readers. The particular cub, who knows more about yumor than we do and made mince-meat out of us last night,ais home sick in bed, for which we are duly thankful. Well, we're going to try again today to tell you about that Red Cross poster. You see it's like this-at least we hope it will be like this when the paper comes out in the morning:-Imag'ine a Red Cross and 5 Unusual Bargain' Lists for the spring tennis tourna- ment and for junior baseball are up in Barbour gymnasium and should be signed at once. Women who are willing to do regis- tration work in their own districts during vacation should sign up at the office of the dean of women. TENNIS RACKEI beneath it the words, Stop, Loosen. Set as written. Look, Those who have not taken the ex- After All There is a Merciful Allah He had roped himself into a party that wasn't going to be congenial and she had allowed herself to be roped. Immediately they began thinking up ways and means, fake telegrams and; other methods of extrication, which; are presumed to preserve the outward. apeparance of a truthful and sporting proposition. Buththe hour appointed for the slinging of the party arrived without anything framed. This was when the convenient thing happened. Just as he was goading himself along State street toward her infernal house, he was run down by an automobile and fatally injured, and just as she was standing in front of the mirror with a curling iron poised aloft, the gas flame reached out and burned her head off. So they didn't have to go on the party at that. Lots of people are just like ele- phants; they never forget' the peanut you swiped from them In their in- fancy. amination in the regular gymnasium, work, will receive no credit for the course unless an examination is taken at the regular class hours on next Thursday and Friday. Upperclassmen who wish to elect tennis or baseball for- a spring sport, should sign up for it now in Barbour gymnasium. Any girl who wishes to should report now at the office of Miss Alice Evans, the physical director of women's athletics, in Barbour gym-' nasium. Assignments for spring sports will, be posted in Barbour gymnasium be- 'fore spring vacation to go into effect on April 16. OPENING OF NEXT ARMY STORES COURSE CHANGED TO APRIL 271 ioo Rackets to select from-all the leading makes RACKET RESTRINCING PROMPTLY DO Wahr's University Bookstor MAIN STREET STATE STR We Sell MAZDA LAMPS Come in and see the 75 watt Blue Lamp Gives a white light. Just the thing to study by H. L. SWITZER COQ RESTRAIN THE IMPULSE Campus walks seem like dangerous places at this time of year. One would judge so fromthe number of students who avoid -walking on them. When spring weather comes, an itch for soft grassy places is manifest, and the sidewalks are abandoned often for the more tempting lawns. On turning a corner our feet instinctively cut. We hate the way constructed for us by civilization. The University has provided for this impulse by building many walks. The campus is cut up by concrete paths much more than would be necesseary if students would'heed the old injunc- tion. If the beauty of the campus is to be preserved, the grass must be kept from looking like a cow pasture. Take another look at the little signs. Their purpose is to keep the campus looking well. The next time your feet wander toward the grassy plot, re- strain them. Little habits like this are the first steps toward good citizen- Laundry Cases For Parcel Post 'th+ I Now Is the Time- That we begin counting the classes.- That we have visions of being fed again. That we dream of once more cuddling down behind the Wheel of the fam- ily Ford, and "steppin' on de gas.," That we talk loudly of "bustin' out of this burg." That werthink of seeing the foreign "her" of whom we've talked all year. That we grow confident that the do- mestic "she" will "forget it" during vacation. In short, now is the time that we get all prepared to be disappointed again. Signs we met up with in Detroit: "If these prices don't suit you, you don't want likker." "If you don't want to be a camel, get your supply in before May 1.,, Three more days to buy your ticket. PROFESSOR YOUNG TO INSPECT TREES IN STATE FOR DISEASE ihn-h j ship. V. and prac- his year Emery is to lead imxt year's basket- e on at ball team. Here's hoping it's to a it aspect. different tune than has been the case king and recently. ions per- It's clear that none of the student hich are members of the R. 0. T. C. willever Wilson, be convicted for impersonating of- common ficers. n as be- ents this Those military suits for women may r school, be hygenics but where is the woman e service, who would sacrifice style for hygiene? The next army stores course will start April 27, instead of April 13, as was scheduled. The delay in the ar- rival of men to start the present course heldtit up two weeks, and made necessary the shoving ahead of the opening date for the course to follow. Three men Just arrived from Col- umbus barracks, Columbus, Ohio, where they were sent to be equipped and examined for the course now be- ing given, have been trnsferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where a course is now getting under way. The men are Seymore Buckner, H. C. Cage, and W. H. Englehart. Mich ganDMen Go to Officers' Camp Word has been received that M. S. Harlan, '18L, and D. J. Hillier, ex-'18P, passed the examinations and have been selected to attend the next coast artil- lery officers' training camp at Fort Monroe, Va., beginning April 6. They enlisted as privates in the coast artillery corps in February, and have been stationed at Fort Warren, Mass. Harlan was a meNrber of Sig- ma Delta Kappa, and Hillier a mem- ber of Phi Delta Chi. F. C. Heaton Leaves University F. C. Heaton, janitor foreman of the buildings and grounds department of the University, hasaccepted a position with the Packard Motor company of Detroit, and has already begun his new duties. Before his departure, the men of the department presented Mr. Hfeaton with a clock. A. E. McCall, who has been assist- ant foreman for the past 18 months has been made foreman. University Interest Fund $9,649.21 Lansing, April 2.-The amount in the University - interest fund at the present time is $9,649.21, according to a, report of the state treasurer just issued. The balance on hand June 30, last year was $9,633.81. Receipts during the year were $28,832.83, and disbursements $28,817.43. Buy your alarm oloks at J. 9 Chapman'., JewelIe. 113 i. MaIs, Adv. Gasoline 23c, Polarine 60o. Stabler & Co., 117 S. Ashley St.-Adv. There are opportunities for you ia Daily advertisements. Read them. '/ Swing Out April 26th in order to avoid all possibil- ity of delay in delivery Senior men and women of -all depart- ments are urged to leave their' CAP AND GOWN orders before leaving for vaca- tion. Caps, gowns and hoods for bachelors, masters and doctors can be purchased or rented at moderate prices. Correct styles and sizes guar- anteed. (Drapery Section-Third Floor) 11 The Slater , Book Shc ."= r Y1i QUARRY DRUG PRESCRIPTION S' T'i ing else in avor. You ner school Lat you can country in you should graduating ight in on s they, also er lines of not only wishes its to remain for sum- wants new students from preparatory It is a service to student body will bring new students to the University is to the government. those to regret with ess that they were o their part because y their summer in minmer resorts. Michi- the word "hurry" at during the course of that she may form a es necessary to cast ntil he reels, dizzy into Berlin, and has The county officials must have their little joke. Another one of them has been arrested. The few who haven't influenza now have either had it or expect to soon. The kaiser's six sons were all alive and well at last reports. Hindenburg's alibi is about due. VASSAR OFFERS SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NURSES' TRAINING CAMP Four scholarships have been offered for Michigan and other college grad- uates to the Vassar Nurses' Training camp by the class of 1913 of Vassar, in memory of their classmate, Amabel Roberts, who recently lost her life in active service with the Presbyterian Hospital Unit in France. These scholarships are for $350 each and include the payment of ex- penses of the training camp and of the subsequent two years training at a hospital. The purpose of these scholarships is to enable some girls who might otherwise be prevented to take advantage of the opportunity of-S fered by the training camp recently organized for the summer. They will be awarded by Professor Herbert E. Mills, dean of the camp to whom all applications should be sent. Prof. Anderson to Address Engineers Prof. H. C. Anderson of the me- chanical engineering department, will address the freshman engineers at their assembly this morning at 11 o'clock in room 348, Engineering building. Prof. Anderson will outline the course in mechanical engineering as' it is offered at the University. Woodman, '18, Joins Aviation J. E. Woodman, '18, who was ac- cepted last November for aviation, re- ceived orders Monday to report to ther ground school at Princeton, New Jer- sey, and left Ann Arbor yesterday aft- Prof. L. J. Young of the forestry de- partment, has been appointed to take charge of the state survey to detect white pine blister. This work is un- der the charge of the bureau of plant 'industry of the department of agricul- ture. 5 "White pine blister is a disease'im- ported from Europe, which is proving very destructive to white pine forests in the east," said Professor Young yesterday. "The work of the survey will be to eradicate the disease in the state if it is found." Professor Young continued, "We will have nine men in the field all summer. Four of them will be from this department of the University. We will inspect the trees in every town- ship of the state during the summer." Grand Rapids Union Vlub Meets Plans for the annual spring hike and camp-fire of the Grand Rapids Union club will be disussed at the meeting at 7:30 o'clock"tonight at the Michigan Union. - All alumni of Grand jtapids Union hIgh school are re- quested to be present. There will also be a discussion of plans for spring vacation in Grand Rapids and elections of officers will be held to fill the vacancies caused by several of the members for the ser- vice. f _ Camp Davis Men to Hold Smoker Junior engineers who intend to go ip to Camp Davis this summer are to hold a smoker tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock in. the engineering so- ciety rooms in the Engineering build- ing. Prof. Clarence T. Johnston, director at the camp, will explain life at Camp Davis to the engineers and outline some of the responsibilities of the' en- gineer of the present time. Alumni Hall to Open Evenings The general reading room of Alumni Memorial hall will hereafter be open during the evening. A complete set of the latest magazines and newspa- pers is kept there. The new hours are from 8 o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock at night. Cor. State and N. Universi Phone 308 DEixVuvT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Ja (April 1, 1948) Detroit 'Limited and Express Cars- m., 8:i( a. m., and hourly to 7:10 p. n p. M. Jackson Express Cars 'local stogy' Atim .Arbor)-9:48 a. in. and every two to :4H D. 'im. Local Cars East Bound-- :35 a. m a. Mn., 7:05 a. m. and ev1°y too hoirs t p. M.. 8:o~s p. m., g:es P. m., 1.):=o To Ypsilanti only, i1:45 ; -_m., 12:oo :1o a. W., 1 :20 a. m. To Saline,. cha Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:oo a. n a. m.., 10o:2o D. m.. 1 z:2o a. im. Courteous and satisfacto TREATMENT to every custe er, whether the account be lar or small. The Ann ArborSavingsBai Incorporated 1869 I Capital and Surplus, $55( Resources .........$4,000 Northwest Cor. Main & 707 North University A f To Those Interested in the vacation is Our parents this opportune ks are not nec- START ond drive will Milit ar y Clothes f We, Sam Burchfield & Co., are expert to the last word in making military uniforms. 41 We are safe in saying there is no firm in our country getting more satisfying results. 41 If you are wearing civilian clothes, then let us make your spring outfit, which carries the same high grade class of work coupled with a very large and fine line of woolens. IF IT'S ANYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC, ASK SWAIN 113 East University I UTTLES means perfection in the ser vice of LUNClzSand SODAS I TYP Respectfully submitted, Fraternity and So ia itla 0. D. MORRILL 322 South State Street SHORTHAND sacrifice average, money in keep up e enoughI bond, cut Sam Burchfield & Co. a I 106 E. Huron Street Downtown BOOK b