THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGA mey il La DLIEV I LELSW [1 all PL layer A nd rof. C. 0. Davis to A ddress Women important phases of the wars r ery Will Lead T[[{ IG[ERSl lyrAn SrIs"Maintaining Existing Standards of for women who have regist Vext Year 's Five AD il IVTADnii Soldier Loses Eye -Education During the War," will be service in the line of patriotic WIT IIY ~~~~~~Cthe tirt fn ,rrc ~ rffaLinP ana1n1cnilA Red Kuhn, Former Chicago Snapped With Towel Scuffle Dallas, Tex., April 1.-A Catcher, In playful Detroit, April 1.-Will the Detroit snapping of a heavy bath towel cost Tigers abandon their slashing hit and Uncle Sam a good soldier and depriv- run attack this season? That is the ed a promising catcher from partici- A question. which is arising in the minds pating in any more baseball games. foa of Detroit fans because of certain "Red" Kuhn, formerly of the Chi- slatements which are credited to cago White Sox and later of the Coast ol e ei "Wild Bill" Donovan, former man- league and star receiver for the Dal- TRADE MARK ager of the Yankees and now coach- las Giants when they won the Texas TeeArEtMofK ing the Tiger pichers. league pennant last year, was drafted These are wo of the "Show me a club that uses the hit into the army last fall. He was glad and run to any extent, and I will show to serve Uncle Sam. Along with sev- W you can get tht you a club that invariably is in the eral thousand others he went to Camp Stratford second division," said Donovan. He Travis at San Antonio and in a few ~ $1.00 and up has gone on record as saying that Ed- weeks -the husky ball- player was die Foster, of Washington, is the only transformed into a regular soldier and r 5AYfC a n vMad real hit. an(l run batsman in the Am- made a corporal. $1.50 and up erican league, and he also politely in- A few weeks ago he was lounging in each a fine pipe formdl the Tiger sluggers that the the barracks when the troopers start- with sterling silver rum Detroit club has not had an effective ed scuffling. One had a bath towel and vulcanite bit hit and mrn man since "Dutch" Schae- with a long heavy fringe. "Red" said Leading' dealers it for left. something and his companion snap- town carry a fill, as Jennings, it is understood, agrees ped the towel, the fringe striking him Genuine sortmnent. Select you with Donovan, except that he consid- in the right eye. The army surgeon French favorite style. ers the hit and run play, used occa- found that the fringe had struck the B r i a r We.DEMUTH & C, sionally as a surprise, of unquestioned pupil with enough force to destroy Now York value. the sight permanently. Worl's Largest Pipe Manufacture If the Tigers do give up this mode of Kuhn was given an honorable dis- attqck, this season is likely to see a charge from the army. His sight was decrease in the number of ninth in- gone and he was of no use as a fight- ning rallies on the part of the Detroit er. Now he's back in Dallas. His sluggers. This will be a great disap- baseball days are over, but he's not N O TICE pointment to many old fans who al- disheartened. ways expect to see the Tigers come "I'll come out alright," is the way MEN WHO ARE LEAVING FOR THE FRONT through with some heavy stick work he expressed it. His home is in Cali- should have their eyes examined. Let us show you in the ninth. fornia. the new army frames. They eliminate breakage. ENAINE:RIS OVER 21 MAY STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENLIST IN RESERVE CORPS ADVISES KILLING OF FLIES R. C. FULLER, Optometrist-Optician Engineers who have reached the age Swat the fly and drive away the With Haller & Fuller State Street Jewelers of 21 years since June 5, 1917, will spreading of typhoid fever, a state- be eligible for enlistment in the engin- ment from the state department of eers' reserve corps, if the draft bill health advised yesterday. The de- just passed by the senate becomes a partment paraphrased the maxim, "a law, Secretary L. A. Hopkins of the swat in time will save nine million," Engineering college stated last night. and urges that the public kill as many The senate bill provides for the regis- flies as possible, before they begin to tration of all men who have become of lay their eggs. S UM age since June 5. Since only stu- It has been estimated that one pair dents who are subject to draft may of flies, beginning to lay eggs early in apply for enlistment in the corps, men the spring, would by fall have des- FR ATERN IT IES who have just become of age cannot cendants totalling -almost 200,000,- now be enlisted. These men will, 000,000,000,000,000, or 200 quintillions, however, become subject to draft if enough to bury the entire earth to a Arrange for Your the pending bill is passed by the depth of 47 feet. House, and will then be eligible for " The health department points out GROUP PHIOTOGRAPHS enlistment in the reserves. that fly killing has 'been one of a It is estimated that about 75 engin- number of necessary measures in Unsurpassed Accommodations eers will be affected. typhoid prevention. Do your hit-dance at Armory, April You will find what you want PHONE 948-W 619 E. LIBERTY 2-benefit Co. I.-Adv. through the Daily want ads.--Adv. Do like the Women! Shoparound a it If more men would do like the wvomen, shop around and make comparisons, they would get more for their clothes money and incident- ally more men would get acquainted with ALLEN'S and our famous values in EA 11 ti F 'K ' . a 6: TI 1 "2 *,% *,% lr% *0% 41% d" o *4%0% /1 IN T . Up r13J 'l11II Clothes Before you buy a suit or overcoat at $22.5 $25, $30,$35, or $40, make comparisions. Y who come here last, will wish you came fir N. F. ALLEN CO. MAIN STREET 5 0, ou st. A te Iw--ww -a aa - - a a a S t m 4 a a V- t-. a -