ARYATI1J EFFICIENT WORRY / Now and then someone comes forth with the saying that he admires a certain person because that person never worries. To follow the career of an unworried person would be most interesting, for, without doubt, such a character never lived. The man whom we thing of as never troubled, is, but carefully conceals the external 1signs of it. One of the high roads to success is worry. Self complacency is d a sign of decay. The man who is nev- er unduly troubled may well be an emotional slacker. He lacks one of the greatest spurs to action. To wor- ry leads to thinking, and to think is to progress. The same rule applies to nations. America has always been known for her self complacency. Before the -na- tion entered the war it was common talk that if we were invaded we would arise and push the enemy into the sea. That sentiment is too commonly reflected today. We still refuse to be- come excited about the war. We are much less efficient in many ways on our war basis than other nations. If the Allies had depended upon the Un- ited States to stop the great German drive, the Teutons would probably have been in,Paris today. The situ- ation at Washington shows the gen- eral tendency to be complacent. Where are our airplanes promised to the Allies? They are still in the minds of the aircraft board. IfnAmerica istordefeat Germany we must worry. National progress is oft- en dependent upon fear. The Romans were much more dangerous in the days when they were starting upon the conquest of the world, than they were in the days of glory during the latter part of the empire. At first they worried and progressed. When they became powerful theyslackened their attempts at perfection. Self satisfaction is characteristic of the rut. If America is to get out of the rut which many years of peace have worn in the minds of her people, she must try the old psychological stim- ulus-worry. Then and only then can- she become nationally efficient. She said, "The R. 0. T. C. boys In khaki look so sweet, Why is it that such lots of Wear cits upon the street?" them 'W1omeni Election of officers of the Women's league, athletic association, and Y. W. C. A. will be held from 8 to 5 o'clock today in front of the Women's league room in University hall.' The spring tennis tournament will be open to woien of all classes. Those wishing to enter should sign up imme- diately in Barbour gymnasium. Jun- iors who wish to take baseball should sign up now. lje said, "The R. 0. T. C. boys In cits must go about, For some have not received their suits, The rest have worn them out." The Times-News -- "Hotel Clerk Unusual Barga IN TENNIS RACK! ioo Rackets to select from-all the leading RACKET RESTRINCING PROMPTL sWahr's University Book MAIN STREET STA Tries to Evade the Service." ever see one that didn't? Didja It's April 1 to Some People All the Time "Ah," said the ambitionless stude, "Spring is really here. Just listen to those woodpeckers. I don't remember ever hearing them on the campus be- fore. There must be a whole army of them judging by the racket." And the riveting machine at the Library con- tinued "business as usual." Why Did We Start Anything Like This Cary:-I note that you are working for a Ph.D. in nomenclature research. May I add to your already well-begun store of knowledge that on another page of the same students' directory appear a-Miss Hatch and a Mr. Hatch- er? X.Y.Z. Some newly-weds have moved into our neighborhood. The newness is enough to make them obnoxious to bluebook-pestered mortals, but that isn't all. They're musically inclined, and the honeymoon blisses come- purl- ing forth into the cold world in duet form. Every night when we're burn- ing the midnight-(just this once we hope our profs are readirrg this)- why, they begin to mingle the manly mellow baritone and the glorious lilt- ing soprano. Last night the harmony was so close that it sounded as if they were standing right under our. window. We looked out and by Jove they were. We're not naturally mur- derous but we will say this: If our two-volume edition of Bryce's "Amer- ican Commonwealth" hadn't cost so much good lucre, one of those cats would have had a sprained whisker this morning. The Reared On The Campus with the innocent big eyes says that his Vision of Hell is being broke during, the last week of April. A British sailor brought up on a charge of bigamy begged to be allow- ed to return to his unit. If Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, who hath any like two women? . A contributor to the Chicago Tri- bune suggests this design for a Red Cross poster: A Red Cross-uh-huh, that is a bright idea-and beneath it the words: STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Zoologleal Club Meets Tonight At a meeting of the Zoological Jour- nal club to be held at 7 o'clock this evening in room 301, south wing of Upiversity hall, papers will be read by the following members: N. A. Wood, curator of the museum of Zoo- logy; H. B. Sherman, '18, and R. F. Hassey. The papers will relate to habits and qualities of certain birds and animals.. Wyvern will hold a short import- ant business meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Pi Beta Phi house. Stylus will meet at 7:30 o'clock to- hight with Margare't Cooley, '18, 703 Forest avenue. THE EBERBACH & SON C 200-204 E. Liberty Street Two women can secure earn board by application flice of the dean of women. places to at the of- e. % It is, than lit- cause it il should nion, the Hertling has decided to call all Ger- man criminals of military age for ser- vice. That being the case, the am- ount of iron which can be utilized from barred cells should be sufficient for a large order of iron crosses. According to the outlook promised by the aircraft board that 12 machines will be in France by July, the aero authorities must be banking on "food will win the war." Now that American~ troops are get- ting into the thick of the fight in France, there is no longer any excuse for not doing the same at home. Doc and Smuck are thriving in the overcoat business. Miss Pride of the city Y. W. C. A. will speak at 4:15 o'clock this after- noon at Barbour gymnasium on the work of the Patriotic League. Regular rehearsal of the Girls' Glee club will be held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. There wil be a rehearsal of "The Amazons," Act II, at 5 o'clock today in University hall. Neoline and Mutte- ly are requested to come. There will be a rehearsal of Act I at 7 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Neoline, Billy, and Tommy are requested to come. 250,000 MEN SIGNED FOR WORK IN U. S. SHIPYARDS Country's Workmen Quick In Respond- ing to Call; Volunteers Given Certificates Two undred and fifty thousand men have signed up for work in the, shipyards of the country, according to the Emergency Fleet News, a paper published every week by the govern- ment in the interests of the shipping board. "The groundwork is nowf laid for America's best efforts against the sub- marine," says the paper. "The men are enrolled and ready. American workmen have demonstrated their loyalty in a manner that cannot be misunderstood or doubted. When the call for shipbuilders went forth, the program for assembling the men where needed, was comparatively in- definite and perhaps a bit vague. It was impossible to give the worker de-- finite information as to what might be expected of him. An appeal was made; to his patriotism. That was stifficient. "Postcards which the volunteers were asked to sign began to flow into the office of the Emergency Fleet cor- poration by the thousands. A bat- tery of clerks was kept busy. The names were indexed and every vo - unteer was sent a badge and an ho#- orary certificate of enrollment signed, by Edward N. Hurley, a tangible re- cognition of the signer's spirit of pa- triotism and sacrifice. "The inrush of postcards developed into a veritable avalanche. Mail bags filled to the brim were delivered each day. The figures mounted quickly, and in the national enrollment week, The place to go when you want Chemicals Laboratory Supplies Drugs and Toilet Articles Laundry Cases For Parcel Post The Slater Book SI beginning February 11, the goal of 250,000 sought for, was reached." Dean John 1t. Effinger Ill Dean J. R. Effinger was obliged to remain at home yesterday on accounti of an attack of grippe. He expects to be at his office this afternoon. Do your bit--dance at Armory, April 2-benefit Co. L-Adv. Use the Daily classified columns. /4 -d f ' DE'xU1T UNITED i Between Detroit, Ann Arbor (Effective May 22, 1g Detroit Limited and Express in.. S:io a. in., and hourly to 7 IP. mn. Kalamazoo Limited Cars--8: every two hours to 6:48 V. in 8:48 p. m,. Jackson Express Cars local Arm Arbor)-9:48 a. in. and ev to )' :48 A, -- Local Cars East Bound- :3 a. Mn., 7:05 a. i. and every twAo p. i.. 8:os p. m.. 9,':os p. m. 'o Ypsilanti only, 9:2o a. m. 2:05 ; . in., 6:05 p. im, 9:45 P. n 12:ae a. i.. I: IO a. m.. I :2o a. change at Ypsilanti. loocal Cars West Bound-6:< a, i., 10:20 p. M. 12:20 a. m. Courteous and sal TREATMENT to every (er, whether the account or small. The ANn Arbor Saving Incorporated 18( Capital and Surplus, $C Resources .........$4, Northwest Cor. Main 707 North Universit: IF IT'S ANYTHIN( PHOTOGRAPHIC, SWAIN 113 East Unive TUTTLI means perfection in pirit per- dy, could lures are any way' men con-l been stu- ectly and ving, Saved that $50 for the third Liberty. s, it Loan? ouse tion. Extend Union Life Memberships' Tine lit- Many students and alumni have tak- Gina- en advantage of the last few days dur- flict- ing which Union life memberships nors, might be purchased for, $50. The col- Union has received a number of tele- ad a grams and special delivery letters ntest from persons who were afraid that rcely their subscriptions would not arrive .dent before the new regulation went into effect. In order to accommodate any s its persons who were unable to subscribe e de- before April 1, Homer Heath, '07, gen- auni- eral secretary of the Union, has ex- ough tended the time limit, three days, at to a the expiration of which, $100 fee must >ring be paid. LUNCHES and SODA --~~ TYPEWRITERS For Sale and TYPE WRITE 1K1~[meographing Fraternity and Social Stati 0. D. MORRILL 322 South State Street w -..k. t r- . "The Sensible SIx" The automobile which combines grace of design with strength and dura- bility at a fair price. Smartness in costuming beaitr nwiith ibncorse. If the foundation--the cor- set-- is properly designed and carefully fitted with a ful: knovAedge of the figure- need, the result is all that one may hope for from the view-point of appearance, co: fort and health. Jor e en a last year's fro C J i fall wilh grace ov r a Redfern Corset ihat is correctly filled. Your every ing need fulfil T H N en- ake the noun- - sufficient im- ethargic ca- Senior Engineers Sail for France Donald M. Drake, '1SE, and Robert A. Kimberley, '18E, recently sailed for Fr'ance with a small group of officers of the sanitary corps of the army, ac- cording to a letter just received by the former's father, Prof. R. E. Drake, of the Dental college. Kimberley and Drake were among the engineers who entered the sani- tary service of the army on Feb. 27. The other men, who left at that time, are in Washington, taking a short training course at the Walter Reed army hospital. We specialize in full sole work. 0. G. Andres Shoe Shop, 222 S. State.- Adv. Farmers & 101-105 So. Main A. C. m ese, which might be approaching spring e the president el- nt body, instead of rs of his own coun- ell insure him cam- and through this e his decisions of n has been true in EXPERT REPAIRING SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS MARQUARDT GARAGE are quite as pretty to look at s they are comfortable to wear. Their satisfaction is assured. $3.50 up MACK & Co. Try our HOME-MADE Candies They are both delicious a Wholesome MADE AND SOLD A' 31 Maynard St. Phone 1927 The SU Phone 967 1 i . Cash and Carry" TM OA