THEWEATHER SLOWLY RISING TEMPERATURE BUY THAT LIBERTY BOND NOW! mi ~a1W ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT IE SERVICE VOL. XXVIII. No. 12. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1917. PRICE THREE CENTS AMAIGNERS TO CONTINUE ORIVE FOR LOAN BONDS PLAN TO GIVE EVERY, PERSON ON CAMPUS CHANCE TO BUY REGENTS INTEND TO SUBSCRIBE $50,000 Organizations Not Represented at First Dinner Friday Will Meet at Union Tomorrow Not a single member of the faculty or student body will be able to give as an excuse for not purchasing Lib- erty bonds the fact that he was given no opportunity. Two moves of the committee in charge of the campaign were announced today that will make it possible for every man to do his just share. In the first place, there will be a second meeting at the Union Monday at 6 o'clock, at which organizations not represented at the dinner last Fri- day will be expected to send mem- bers. Although there were 120 peo- ple present at the last meeting, there are still 52 fraternities, boarding houses, campus societies, and soror- ities which have as yet made no for- mal effort to assist. The second move is in behalf of the faculty men. A number of the com- mittee soliciting the teachers for sub- scriptions have reported that they have not had 'sufficient time in which to see all members of their depart- ments. As a result, another and final drive will be made next Tuesday and those who through no fault of their own are thus far delinquent, will be enabled to do their share. The meeting at the Union will be in the form of a dinner. A tentative program has been announced consist- ing of speeches by Prof. I. Leo Sharf- man, Frank Bacon, and Miss Anna Lloyd; a song by Robert Hamilton, and a skit by Robert T. McDonald, '18, and N. H. Nibson, '18E. Prof. John C. Parker will act as toastmaster. Although the success of the entire program is by no means assured, the committee has expressed confidence that the full quota will be secured. The most encouraging news, perhaps, that has come in, is the announcement of the Board of Regents to purchase $50,000 worth of bonds. Of this amount, $40,000 will be accredited to the University fund. This subscrip- tion brings the total amount offered by the Regent's during the year up to $100,000. For the convenience of those inter- ested in the campaign, it is planned to place a chart in the Engineering building next Monday showing the to- tals subscribed. This board will be erected Monday. The first student subscribtion to be received was offered voluntarily today by Myron W. Smith, '21E. Smith came to the office of Mr. Frank Bacon and announced his intention to take his share of the fund. Large Crowd Attends Union Dance The regular Saturday night dance was held last night at the Union. The affair was attended by an unusually large number, all the tickets being sold. The chaperons for the evening were: Homer L. Heath, '07, and Mrs. Hea*, and Waldo M. Abbott, '13L, and Mrs. Abbott. Alan Livingston, '18E, was chairman of the dance committee. Ralph Snyder, '16L, Weds Jackson Girl Ralph Snyder, '16L, was married last night to Miss Margaret Eaton of Jackson. N. C. Fetter, secretary of the University Y. M. C. A., performed the ceremony. Snyder is at present a student officer at Fort Sheridan. While attending the University he was presi- dent of the Oratorical association and the University Y. M. C. A. Christian Associations to Banquet Representatives of the University Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A; and the city Y. M. C. A. will discuss plans for army work by their organizations at a ban- quet to be held at 6 o'clock Wednes- day night in Lane hall. No program has been arranged. NEW YORK FIRE TO BE INVESTIGATED Fire Chief Says Natural Cause of Blaze inprob- able New York, Oct. 13.-Reports of in- cendiarism in connnection with a dis- astrous water front fire which des- troyed an elevator and nearly 700,- 000 bushels of grain in Brooklyn to- day were received when the fire chief issued a statement saying that the cause of the blaze will be rigidly in- vestigated. The property loss is es- timated at more than $1,200.000. "There have been 56 water front fires in New York city, recently and it is improbable that all resulted from na- tur'al causes," said the fire chief. The grain consumed was intended for ex- port. ABSENT PROFESSORS. TO RECEIVE PARTIAL PAY HUN TROOPS LAND AT GULF OF RIGA Germans Gain Footing on Northwest Coast of Oesel Island and on South Dago Island DREADNAUGHTS ARE SILENCING SHORT RUSSIAN BATTERIES Heavy Rains Block Moves of Armies on Plain in Flanders Both BOARD OF REGENTS VOTES MAKE UP DIFFERENCE IN SALARIES TO The Board of Regents at a meeting yesterday made provisions whereby those instructors of the University now serving in the regular army or in the training camps will receive a salary equalling the difference be- tween their army pay and the pay received here.' The places of the men will be open for them upon their re- turn from the war. The board also voted that in case any student in college was called by draft during any semester in which he does not receive credit, his Uni- versity fees should be refunded. The resignation of Dr. C. B. Kinyon, professor in the Homoeopathic school since 1897, was accepted, and will go into effect at the expiration of the present 'college year. Dr. T. G. Yoe- mans of St. Joseph, Mich., was ap- pointed as his successor. % Lieut. George C. Mullen was form- ally appointed to the professorship of military training and science. At the present time Lieutenant Mullen has 1,800 students enrolled in his training courses. Prof. George E. Myers, superintend- ent of the continuation schools in New York City, was appointed professor of industrial education in the University. Professor Myers, who is expected to arrive in Ann Arbor shortly, will in- struct students preparing to teach manual training in the high shools and colleges of this state, and will co- operate with the engineering shops and laboratories in the furtherance of technical work in such courses. Franklin C. Carter of Cuba, Mo., was appointed to the Detroit Edison com- pany fellowship in chemical engineer- ing, which carries a yearly stipend of $500, with an additional $100 for ex- penses. Several fellowships were can- celed because of the fact that Prof. A. H. White and other members of the chemical engineering faculty, under whom the work of holders of these fellowships was conducted, were in the United States service or away from the University on a leave of ab- sence. FRESHMEN TO ASSEMBLE TO DISCUSS FLAG RUSH PLANS A captain will be elected for the flag rush and plans considered for this event at the first assembly of the freshman class, to be held at 7 o'clock. Tuesday night in University Hall. Dean John R. Eflinger of the liter- ary college, and several upperclass- men will address the meeting. Prof. Moritz Levi to Lecture Sunday "French War Literature" will be the subject of a lecture to be given by Prof. Moritz Levi, of the French department, at 6:30 o'clock this even- ing, at the Unitarian church. This will be the second of the series of Sunday night lectures, which are be- ing given by the Students' society. University Y. M. C. A. Gets New Piano A Mehlin baby-grand piano has just been installed in the auditorium of Lane hall. It was purchased with part of the proceeds of W. E. B. campaign conducted last spring by the Univer- sity «Y."- (By Associated Press.) Germany's most striking military move since the attack which resulted in the capture of Riga was started Friday on this same Russian front when German troops were landed at Oesel and Dago Islands at the mouth of the Gulf of Riga.. The heavy units of the main Ger- man battle fleet were brought up to assist in this operation and some of the dreadnaughts are silencing the Russian short batteries. The Russian forces are hampering the progress in every way possible, but considerable numbers of Germans appeared to have obtained a footing on the northwest coast of Oesel Island and on the south- ern shores of Dago Island. Petrograd speaks of the German movement as a stubborn effort to clear the entrance of the Gulf of Riga near the Courland mainland. Whether it is much more than this can hardly be determined by the moves made so far. The heavy rain in Flanders has turned the plain into such a sea of mud that neither of the hostile armies seem able to move. Whether the weather and the condition of the ground were the sole reasons which impelled the German's to refrain from meeting the British advance with counter attacks is considered doubt- ful in view of the many corroborative reports of the lowered state of the German army morale. On the French front the Germans contented themselves with bombard- ments in the Verdun region where there has been heavy infantry fight- ing recently. The efforts here were very violent and were checked by the French. COUNTRYS TARDINESS CUSES DEEP CONCERN WILSON AND CABINET WATCH SECOND LOAN CAMPAIGN WITH INTEREST Washington, Oct. 13.-The tardiness of the country in responding for the second Liberty loan is causing deep concern to officials here. President Wilson and his cabinet are watching the campaign with great interest. With half of the time gone, treasury officials estimated tonight that not more than $600,000,000 had been sub- scribed and they considered this es- timate liberal. It has become appar- ent that a new impetus must be given to the campaign if the subscription is to apprpximate the five billion dollars hoped for. The whole weight of the administra- tion is to be thrown into the balance for the rest of the campaign and the drive of dimensions unapproached heretofore is to be made during the two weeks that remains before the closing of the subscription books. A new factor calculated to hearten the workers will be introduced into the campaign within 24 hours. The $600,000,000 estimate by the treasury takes into consideration all "optimis- tic and official" estimates from the various districts and that sum is only 12 per cent of the $5,000,000,000 de- sired. This would leave $4,400,000,000 to be raised within the next 12 working days, an average of $367,000,000 per day if the $5,000,000,000 is to be ob- tained and $2,400,000,000, an average of $200,000,000 a day if only the min- imum of $3,000,000,000 is subscribed. Polonia Literary Circle to Meet Polonia Literary circle, an associa- tion for Polish students, holds its first get-together meeting of the year at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the red room of Lane hall. Plans for the coming year will be discussed at this time. -Photo by Lyndon. PRESIDENT H. B. HUTCHINS DOING HIS BIT President H. B. Hutchins is shown in the accompanying photograph sign- ing a subscription for a Liberty bond. As the president was on the way to his office at noon last Tuesday, he was approached by Scout Bernard Coe, and was asked to make a subscription to the national loan. Scout Coe is a member of Troop 3, Ann Arbor Boy Scouts. richigan Spirit University Women In War Service Blend at Banquet Letter from Dan E. McGugin,'02, Tells Compare Work of Y. W. C. A. to Vari- Why He Is Taking the ous Metals at Annual "Big Chance" Feed Dan E. McGugin, '04L, Michigan Alchemist of a symbolic melting-pot, football man in '01 and '02, assistant in which precious and practical metals coach in '03, and for the last 14 years were blended, Miss Alice Evans, head football coach at Vanderbilt univer- of the department of physical educa- sity, tells in the following letter to a friend why he is going to take the tion for women, acted as toastmastress "big chance," and puts into words the at the annual Y. W. C. A. banquet in spirit that everywhere is leading Barbour gymnasium last night. Michigan men into war service. Mc- Helen Bourke, '18, president of the Gugin is a brother-in-law of Fielding Y. W. C. A., likened the work of the H. Yost. association -to tin, whose duty is a Army officials on several occasions bright and shining service. Copper recently have asked him to enter the was the metal preferred by Helen service, recognizing the value his ex- Master, '21, who spoke for the fresh- perience in handling men would be men, the guests of honor, while Anna to the army. To the last request he Lloyd, '18, chose gold. Miss Eva Lem- has replied, accepting on condition ert, secretary of the Y. W. C. A., added that he be given until December to platinum to make the alloy complete. carry through legal business he has A message from Dean Myra B. Jor- undertaken for clients. dan, who is out of town, was read, "You will pardon my saying that urging the girls to make the most of the service you indicated is one of the opportunities now offered for sac- the few things at which I believe I rifice and helpfulness. The Liberty can be really useful," he writes in his loan in its application to the women acceptance. "For 14 years I have of the University was discussed by been working with young men en- Mildred Mighell, '18, women's editor couraging the development of good of The Daily. habits, quick thinking and of physical Hilarious idiosyncrasies of a cer- and moral courage. Aside from those tain well-known professor of fine arts of a family character, my dearest were the basis of a stunt by Mortar- relations have been those with my board, senior women's society, in football men. They have shown their which Paulene Champlin, '18, starred. character by swarming to the coun- The rest of the cast posed as the va- try's service. They are in the hos- rious works of art under discussion. pital units, infantry, engineering "Baby Stuart," the "Mona Lisa," and corps, artillery and aviation. Some "Young America" were some of the are already in France, and everyone masterpieces which received due ap- is making good." . reciation. Senior society presented In asking for leave until December, an "Alphabetic Elopement," whose in- he says that he must have time to articulate ravings afforded amuse- straighten up his personal business, ment. to arrange home matters and to care for professional obligations. CONFERENCE ON RATES SOUGHT "It is not a light matter for a man, who has spent many of his 38 years BY MANY EASTERN RAILROADS in building up a clientele to give up the fruits of his labor and expect to Washington, Oct. 13.-Eastern rail- come back with empty hands, espe- roads seeking relief from conditions cially when his own flesh and blood which their executives assert are rap- are most of all affected," he writes. idly approaching the point where they "But who, unfaced by insurmount- cannot operate with profit, indicated able difficulties, can possibly fail to today the form their efforts will as- actively serve in this great cause. sume in a letter to the interstate com- Other wars have been fought to pre- merce commission asking for a con- serve a principal or to" preserve or ference to consider rates not included procure the freedom of a race or state. in the advance allowed by the commis- VARSITY SWAMPS MOUNT UNIONITES BY SCOREOf 69-0 COACH YOST UNCOVERS STAR QUARTERBACK IN WESTON CROSS OHIO'S GOAL LINE TEN TIMES Reserves Get Chance in Last Half and Continue Piling Up the Score Michigan encountered very little re- sistance in massacreing Mount Union yesterday. The Wolverines crossed over the Ohioans' boundary line ten times and accomplished this feat for the first time after only six minutes of play. The figures at the close of the contest stood: Michigan, 69; Mount Union, 0. The size of the score is no indica- tion of the brand of football displayed by Yost's gridders. After the first touchdown the Wolverines had a lit- tle difficulty in getting started because of the initial spurt of defensive foot- ball played by Mount Union. The vis- itors line was a problem for the Maize and Blue aggregation and as a result they only scored once in the first quarter. In the second quarter the Wolver- ines braced. considerably. Froemke replaced Rye and. straightway pro- ceeded to race 35 yards around left end to score Michigan's second touch- down. The speedy little half back re- ceived the leather on a pass and head- ed straight for the visitors' goal posts. Wieman kicked the goal. Weston Runs 55 Yards At this juncture Mount Union kicked off to Weston, who was put in to re- lieve Genebach. The Soo boy carried the ball back 10 yards before he was downed. After two trials Froemke made it first down. Wieman added eight yards and then Cohn made it first down again. Michigan made one more down which put the Wolverines on Mount Union's 15-yard line. Froemke carried the leather over for the third touchdown. Weston then added two more touchdowns to the string, making it five altogether. The plucky little quarter contributed the most spectacular play of the game when he raced 55 yards around left end for his second touchdown. Wie- man kicked goal every time. The half ended with no further serious damage done to the Ohioans. The score at the end of the first half: Michigan, 35; Mount Union, 0. Mount Union opened the third quar- ter with a kick off. Cohn carried the ball back eight yards. On the first down Michigan was penalized 15 yards for holding. Weston ran around right end and made up 10 yards. An at- tempted forward pass failed and Wie- man made it first down. On the very next play Weston sauntered across for his third touchdown. Wieman kicked goal and then contributed his first touchdown of the game, after run- ning 40 yards with the ball. Two more tallies, one by Weston and other by Cruse were chalked up against Michi- gan in this session. Score: Michigan, 63; Mount Union, 0. Reserves Used In the last quarter the game lagged. Mount Union was all tired out chas- ing the Wolverines over the field and resorted to a kicking game. Besides, Coach Yost was pretty generous with his allotment of players and sent in everybody but one, and that man was in no condition to play. The Wolver- ines scored only once. Culver failed to kick goal. Michigan was penalized six times for holding but had no difficulty in making up these losses. Only one for- ,ward pass was completed, the honor going to the Wolverines. Tad was in fine kicking condition and made every chance -count. Weske was the only regular who played out the whole game. Garrett was sent in the latter part of third quarter to replace Wieman. Weston was .a marked man. His sensational playing pleased Yost and the coach was glad 'to discover a worthy substitute for Cliff Sparks. Cliff was hurt in the Kalamazoo game and will probably not work out in (Continued on Page Four.) But none have threatened the freedom of the whole world. If other tyrants have been less trained, less powerful or of less 'Kulture,' certainly those opposing the less deserve to be serfs. The universal willingness to make the supreme sacrifice shows the temper of the people of our generation and (Continued on Page Six) sion in the 15 rate advance cases last June. Indications are that the railroads might have in mind filing applications for increased rates on a large number of rates of commodities not already raised if it should develop at the con- ference that applications might meet with any measure of success.