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April 02, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-04-02

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the use of corn-
1 Detroit physicians
Ad as "German pro-
. Warren E. For-
e University Health
on the form of in-
the consumption of
a reported as having
1 and east sections
rsythe said that he
hich corn can have
'here have been no
such illness among
Dr. Forsythe has
of the statements
c 1ainena

\All Seven Wards Give Majority Vote
in Favor of Steere Farm




Amendments to City Charter
Few Changes Affected
City Administration


the Detroit physicians
an illness of an intes-
'as slightly above nor-
eed at the cause being
al. Others have said
s is due merely to the
le have been forced to
den change in the con-
read. The University
have as yet found no
he slightest intestinal
the students, and con-
re scare as one of the
German propaganda."

18 MEN

The Steere farm water proposition
was passed yesterday by a vote of
three to one. Out of the 2,327,.votes
cast in all districts, 1,791 were in fav-
or of the change, and 536 opposed to
it. All the seven wards in the city
gave a majority in favor of the resolu-
tion, and in some cases the results, as
expressed by the men at the head of
the election, showed that an amazing
number were in favor of it.
According to the men at the head
of the. movement, the results have
proved exceedingly satisfactory. One
of the most hopeful men stated that
the figures for the changing of the
water system were even larger than
expected. He said that the fact that
every ward in the city was in favor of
the proposition was an indication. of
the extreme necessity of the change.
Out of the votes from each of the
wards, the following are the results:
First Ward, yes, 214; no, 38; Second
ward, yes, 199; no, 161; Third ward,
yes, 188; no, 126; Fourth ward, yes,
206; no, 88; Fifth ward, yes, 115; no,
33;' Sixth ward, yes, 342; no, 38; Sev-
enth ward, yes, 527; no, 60.
An amendment to the city charter
relative to the changing of the salar-
ies in the city treasurer's office, and
of the supervisor, was passed, with a
large majority. The proposition con-
cerning the election of county audit-
or's by the board of supervisors in the
place of being elected by the people at
large was also passed.
Aldermen, constables, and super-
visors were elected in each ward, but
the results show that there have been
very few changes made.

C. -
he-War has already taken th ' lives of
ss 18 University of Michigan men, some
having died on the battlefield, and the
others from disease. Some were for-
U- ner students, some alumni, and some
n dliscontinued their studies to join the
it- [Colors.
ry Among the 18 Michigan men who
ll have lost their lives, one was lost with
es, the Tuscania; one died at sea; five
died of disease; one was killed at
x- Vnmy ridge; one died as a result of a
nd sunstroke , while fighting with the
lt British forces in Mesopotamia; one
tt- was killed on a battlefield in Belgium;
m and two aviators were killed in train-
ie Ing. One died of blood poisoning;
one was killed while driving an am-
a- balance in France; two were killed
to in battle in France; and two aviators
$y were killed, one while flying in France
in and the other while in training.
et Mr. H. L. Sensemann, of the rhet-
oric department, editor of the Uni-
versity General Catalogue, will mail
ce 35,000 questionnaire blanksato former
rd Michigan men and alumni about May
t- 1, in order to prepare Michigan's roll
of of honor.- He expects to secure names
rt of all Michigan men in military ser-
at -vice.
n- "There is a little mound 'Over
y. There,' along the rugged Scottish
ro- coast, where the waves of the Irish
he Sea have for centuries dashed against
es the rough, rocky shores. Stanley R.
Augspurger, Michigan's first soldier
who has given his life for the prin-
in ciples of world freedom, lies buried
m there today," says 'a Dayton paper in
of commenting on the first Dayton death
[s from the war.
is "Perhaps he would have distin-
d: guished himself in battle-time alone
id could have recorded his heroism. His
n spirit was that of America, eager to
gs go what he could to help his country.
re He volunteered to go, and when the
t- call came he went. When the treach-
to erous blow from the German submar-
he ne mortally wounded. the 'Tuscania,'
c- Stanley R. Augspurger was among the
e 'others whom Fate decred should
re yield their lives."
Augspurger was graduated, from
v. the literary college in 1917,
s' '
of LOSSES NEAR 300,000 MEN
e- -
er Washington, April 1.-A French of-
is ficial estimate of the German losses
in the great battle on the western
front puts the total casualties at be-
'n tween 275,000 and 300,000 men. The
1- Germans are sending most of their
e- wounded to Belgium, it is declared, to
se conceal from the German people their
y heavy sacrifices.
e It has been possible to identify, the
it dispatch says,' nearly 100 German div-
r- (isions. More than 10 of these divis-
r- 'ions were twice engaged. Some of
it 'the divisions had to be relieved at the

Nine senior engineers passed the
physical examination for second class
machinist's mate, U. S. Navy, out of
the 25 who accompanied Karl Bintz,
'18E, to Detroit last Saturday. They
are: S. S. Atwood, C. B. Barnard,
W. G. Brayer, E. M. Haley, J. D. Hib-
bard, Julius Klein, R. M. Langley, D.
G. Moorhead, and H. M. Stephen.
The men, who were enlisted here
last Friday by Lieut. Clark, will be
sworn into the navy at Cleveland as
soon as they procure their release
from the Engineers' Reserve. corps.
Most of them were recommended to
the navy department by Prof. H. C.
Sadler of the marine engineering de-
The work will be in connection with
the operation of steam turbines and
other steam power plants on navy
vessels in active service. The men
will first go through a period of five
weeks' training at a land school in
New York city, followed by several
!months' experience on shipboard. Up-
on passing the examinations given at
the end of this period, the engineers
will be eligible for commissions as
ensigns in the navy.
William"S. Dinwiddie, 'iSE, and P.
C. Stephen, '18E, who were enlisted
into the same service several weeks
ago, are now at the training school in
New York city.
Owing to the fact that all of the men
who enlisted were in their last sem-
ester at the University, they will prob-
ably receive their degrees..
Major Max G. Garber, of the United
States army, will inspect the cadets in
the R. 0. T. C. at 4:15 o'clock this
afternoon on Ferry Field.
After the cadets fall in according
to their respective companies in front
of Hill auditorium, the R. 0. T. C. band
will lead them down State street to
Ferry Field, where the government
Inspector will review the entire corps.1
The cadets will be given every com-
mand and drill they have learned
since October.
Members of the band are requested1
to report for duty in uniform at 4:15
o'clock in front of the auditorium.
Most of the members of the Comedy1
club cast that will present "Miss
Hobbs," April 19, at the Majestic the-
ater, have taken part in former cam-
pus productions.
David D. Nash, '20, who takes thel
part of Charles, was leading man in
the amateur productions of "As You
Like It," and the "Merchant of Ven-
ice"; Eva M.. Herzberg, '19, as Mrs.
Percival Kingsearl, was Jenny Par-
'getter in "The Tragedy of Nan," as
Betty in the Junior Girls' play; R. A.
Forsyth, '20, Percival Kingsearl, ap-
peared in "The Tragedy of Nan," as
Parson Drew, and also played in
"Miss Hobbs" in a presentation at
Houston; Tex.; Mary Dodge Brown,1
'19, Millicent Farey, was in the Union
opera; Gilbert R. Byrne, '19, as George
Jessop, was in the French play, "Les
Pattes de Mouche," given last year;
and John C. Carey, playing the role of
Wolf Kingsearl, was a member of the
"Pillars of Society" company.
The other members of the cast,
Jean Maclennan, '19, as "Miss Hobbs,"
and Nona B. Myers, '18, as Miss Susan3
Abbey, have had extensive dramatic

Washington, April 1.-Twenty-five
casualties among the American Ex-
peditionary forces reported today
were divided as follows: One killed1
in action; one died of wounds;' fourt
died of disease; two severely wound-1
ed, and 17 slightly wounded.
German Employees Given AllowanceI
New York, April 1.-Owing to the
high cost of living the government of
Baden, Germany, has appropriated 14,-<
000,000 marks for an extra allowance
for state employees, according to Ger-
man newspapers. Married employes
rAive a bonus of 200 marks and those



Washington, April 1.-Plans for a
super-cannon, a great gun of long
range, possibly similar to the one with
which the Germans have been bom-
barding Paris; have been submitted
to Secretary Daniels by naval ord-
nance experts after months of experi-
ment. It is understood, however, that
the ordnance officers do not believe
the military value of such a weapon
would compensate for the time and
money which must be spent in per-
fecting and developing it.
The reports were heard in some
quarters today that the range of 105
miles was expected of the proposed
gun. Secretary Daniels would not
diiscuss the matter in any way, but
other officials declared that- no defi-
nite data was at hand on which to
make any estimates.

University women "will elect officers,
for their various campus organiza-
tions from 8 to 5 o'clock today, in
the Women's league room in Univer-
sity hall. The names of the nominees
for the various offices were announc-
ed in The Daily some time ago.
FoodSliortage Causes Loss of Weight
Zurich, April 1.-During a discussion
at- a conference of the Medical associ-
ation at Munich, it was stated that the
shortage of food had b'ought about an
average loss of weight of 15 per cent
in the male population of Munich, and
10 per cent among the female popula-
tion. In villages, however, the loss
of weight has been only two to four
per cent.
The reduced dietary, it was stated,
has caused the almost complete disap-
pearance of gout and alcholic diseas-
es. On the other hand, there is an
alarming increase in tuberculosis.
132 Accepted for Army Stores Course
Notifications of acceptance for the
army stores course scheduled to be-
gin April 13 are being mailed out to
the successful applicants. Not all of
the 150 have been selected, but 132 of
them having been passed on favorably
yesterday afternoon. The full list will
be out later in the week.
Masques Give "The Amazons" Twice
Masques will give two performances
of "The Amazons," on May 9 and 10.
The first performance will be given
primarily for the members of the Wo-
men's league - and their friends, al-
though both performances will be
open to the public.
Deputy Sheriff Arrested for Drinking
Ernest White, deputy sheriff of
Washtenaw county, was arrested'yes-
terday on the charge of being drunk
and disorderly. Yesterday was a le-
gal holiday, and no liquor was permit-
t'ed to be sold.
Leaf Hay Substituted for Fodder
New York, April. 1.--- The serious
shortage of fodder in Germany has
made it, necessary to resort to leaf
hay as a substitute, according to Ger-
man newspapers received here.

"Women of our schools and colleges o ltebatt
should dress in uniform so far as hy- which larged no
giene, economy, and common sense seems to b
are concerned," stated Lieut. G. C. gained by th
Mullen of the reserve officers' training claim to hai
corps yesterday. "I would have the have carried
style and color fixed absolutely," Lieu- ish say the
tenant Mullen continued, "and those back from p
could be decided on primarily to suit in this sectoi
the opinion of the majority involved. Fre'
a certain standard should be adhered The Frenc
to just as is the case with the uni- stood firm
especially in
forms now used in the training camps. and eastwar
A blouse could be worn under the coat part of the :
to suit the taste." to a terrific
Would Eliminate Rivalry week. In a
"Rivalry with regard to dress would French surgE
be eliminated. It would be more sen- en hard-earn
sible from a hygienic standpoint, es- mans, and h
pecially with regard to. the shoes, for solidly along
I would have a shoe worn similar, to pected allied
the army shoe for men. Then, so far yet come, ba
as economy is concerned, the uniform reported to1
would be much cheaper than the style French fro
of dress now worn by our women. there.
I should apply this to schools and Fighti
colleges only. There is no reason, The chief (
however, why a woman could not go have been in
on with it after finishing school if she Albert. Arou
wanted to. She could then make a been stern fi
change in the style and color if she hurling their
wanted to." in serried r
Women's Camps Carry Out Idea mowed down
"At Plattsburg, San Francisco, and gun, and rifl
Monterey in California, there are Moreuil regio
camps for women, similar to busi- an attempt t
ness men's training camps, and I "'am railroad whi
told that the women there have car- distant.
ried out this idea of uniform. I have Pershing
heard of other organizations, too, that The begin
have done this. In one school I know soldiers of t
of, the girls wear uniforms instead of ing to take t
dresses. Their uniform is just like fiercest figh
that worn by the men in our training now is repc
camps except that it has a long coat 100,000 of his
reaching nearly to the knees. They ed to them b
wear leggings or puttees, too, of er of the al
course." ' not known.
"While I was in Yosemite National It is not p
park last spring," Lieutenant Mullen general staff
added, "I found that 98 per cent of situation as1
the women seen there on outing part- lieg~e that an
ies were uniformed like our soldiers Italy is inl
are now. In fact a woman looked con- ports from I
spicuous if she wore a dress. I think (Contir
it would be infinitely' wiser to have
college girls dress just the same." PRES. HUT(
Dean A. E. Wells Favors Plan BY UNIVE
Acting Dean Agnes' E. Wells ex-
pressed herself as being-in favor, in President]f
the main, of the plan suggested by ed to Ann A
Lieutenant Mullen. "I would not ad- fornia where
vocate the wearing of knickerbockers the charter
at all," said Dean Wells, "but a uni- versity of C
form with coat and skirt of cadet blue, President
and a sensible tan walking boot, prominent m
should contain a white dress and ac- the celebratic
cesories for afternoon and evening of L. L. L. w
wear. I have seen this plan worked The part
'out successfully at Monticello, God- Michigan is
frey, Illinois, and in several other world crisis




made by LaR
f the speaker
th federal r4
e Secretaryc
appear in D
e chief speak
Plans for th
under way.

'Y of
y$. HL

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