THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER Walk-Over WHAT'S GOING ON TODAY '-I 1 /'. , , \ fl ,, " K . r ' ti = ' k: ti . .. f t 1 33 _ YrJ. }1 x .WU .,A ',,1 Our 2:30 o'clock-Michigan-Mt. game on Ferry field. Union "Devon" Model. A regular thorougbred Comes also in Brown Russia, Koko Brown Siberian Calf- Brown Cordovan Style 939 $7.00 to $9.00 Price $9.00 Walk-Over BootShop 115 S. Main Street 6 o'clock-Student volunteer band meets in Lane hall. 7 o'clock-Upper Room Bible class meets at 444 South State street. TOMORROW 2:30 o'clock-Polonia Literary circle meets in Lane hall. U-NOTICES The Varsity band will assemble at 1:15 o'clock today in front of Univer- sity hall.. Engineers are requested to reserve Wednesday evening, Oct. 17, for the annual all-engineer smoker. Tryouts for cross-country are re- quested to report for practice between 3 and 6 o'clock this afternoon on Ferry field. Announce Inglis-Milliken Engagement The engagement of Dorothy Baxter Inglis, '16, .to J. Gordon Milliken, '16E, of Bay City was announced last night. Developing Finishing, Groups Flashlights, Campus Views RAISING OF LOCAL LIBERTY LOAN QUOTA IS NOW ASSURED (Continued from Page One.) and floating a giant war loan at the same time. Local Bond Sales Total $269,750 Liberty bond sales for Ann Arbor totaled $269,750 last night. This in- cludes an individual sale of $150,000, which Mr. Charles L. Brooks, sales manager for Ann Arbor, reported as having been made to the Ann Arbor State and German-American Savings banks. The following reports have come in from local committees in the county: Ypsilanti reports that $50,000 in bonds have been sold; Manchester, '$10,000; Dexter, $5,000; Chelsea, $1,000. No re- ports have been received as yet from the rest of the county. The women's campaign in the coun- ty will be launched Monday, Oct. 15, at 3ho'clock, at a meeting to be held at the city Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Ella G. Heartt, chairman of the county com- mittee; Miss Anna Lloyd, represent- ing the University, and Miss Florence Pride, representing the city, will ad- dress the gathering. Captain Tenney of one of the local districts reported yesterday the sale of a $2,500 bond, the totalsavings of a local woman for the past 11 years. The woman expressed her regrets that she had no more} to give. Boy Scouts are doing a great deal in helping to swell the sales of bonds. These lads have sold $27,000,000 of bonds for the first loan and are hop- ing to oversubscribe this amount in the second. Last night a number of Scouts got together and paraded the streets with banners, one of which read: "Today's total for Liberty bond, $250,000. Buy a Liberty bond." The Daily's specialty is service to everyone. Let us serve you.-Adv. Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. for for 3 r 50¢ ARR~OW COLLARS '2O¢ IICLUETTPEABODY& CO"INC II MAKERS --I Originality- harnessed into the channels 9f good taste, accounts for the popularity of Ruby Footwear. J Students of the University of Aichigan Are invited to inspect our splendidly complete line of handsome Fall Suits and Overcoats Smart, Clever Models NEARLY HALF MILLION MEN IN TRAINING, SAYS BAKER Shipments of Clothing and Bedding Keeping Pace with New Arrivals Washington, Oct. 12.-- The number of men of America's new national army, either actually under training, or in one of the 16 cantonments throughout the country, totals 431,180. In making public these figures to- day, Secretary Baker said that the shipments of clothing to the camps is keeping pace with thetarrivalof the new troups. Up to Oct. 2, the day before the sec- ond increment of draft men was order- ed out, nearly 13,000,000 articles of wearing apparel and sleeping equip- ment had been sent t~o the canton- ments and shipments are being made daily. Camp Funston in Kansas, has the greatest quota of men of any of the camps, its number being 39,533. Camp Custer has the smallest, its number being 16,193. Baptist Guild Members Go On Hike Men and women of the Baptist Guild will take a hike this morning. , One party will start from the Guild house at 10 o'clock and another at 10:30 SHOES for MEN and WOMEN NICKELS ARCADE Alfred Ruby I INCORPORATED IN DETROIT 101 Washington Blvd. 4 F Pinch Back, Sack Coat, and full belted, in handsome tweeds and plain cloths, single and double-breasted. $19.50 to $40, o'clock. The hikers will take their lunches with them and will return in time for the game. "Ike" Fisher Varsity Sextet:at Arm- ory every Saturday night. Admission 75c.-Adv. f r ..__' l p lQ 7J . .e Z+7cv .%Eich. q 334 S. State Dames Old Stand Phone 2446-J The Nickels Arcade Cafeteria' The Kemfp Music Studio: Organ, Voice Culture. 312 S. St. Phone 212-J.-Adv. Piano, Division I =h i IN 'THE OPENS THIS NICKELS ARCADE WEEK Where Cleanliness Is Paramount Recreation makes for Efficiency. You can get those Neolin Soles put "We try to treat you right." Huston on at Paul's Place, 611 E. William, Bros.-Adv. tf. while you wait.-Adv. LYNDON, Photographer. 719 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor's Largest Dealer in Eastman Kodaks and Films Amateur Finishing is our Praticular Business and we make it our Particular Business to get the Kind of Results that make you our Permanent Customer Text-Books and Supplies For all Courses WE SUPPLY EVERY STUDENTS' NEED Sheehan & Co. Ann Arbor Detroit I Special Values in Fall & Winter Overcoats . m We were recently offered a line of Overcoats, so well made and so stylish that we purchased them and will pass them on to those needing overcoats at prices so low that no other store can duplicate the values at the prices we will charge for them. We are satisfied that if you only come in and take a look at them that you'll appreciate what great values are offered you. These overcoats are not a lot of odds and ends but every garment was made for this Fall and Winter trade and are the latest styles and the most desirable fabrics in the smart; new patterns. You'll find here overcoats in the MILITARY EFFECTS, BELTS, PLAITS,'YOKES, PATCH POCKETS, BODY TRACING MODELS, BOX COATS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED EFFECTS OF NEWEST CUTS Every one dressy, stylish and as smart as so have made extremely low prices on them. give you good service at these prices. can be desired. We want to move this lot just as quickly as possible and to do You'll find an overcoat here that you'll like, look good upon you and that will $16-00 $18,00 $20,600 $22 00 ALSO A FINE LINE OF SHEEP LINED COATS, FUR COLLARS These prices look low and they are. We stand hack of them and each one is up to our standard of quality: You'll get long service out of them. These cold days make an overcoat a necessity and you will be wise to buy now, when you can save money and at the same time obtain a full season's wear out of the garments. It will pay you to drop in and inspect the line. All sizes and both light and heavy weight. Certainly, the men of this city never had offered them before such an opportunity to save on such high-quality goods as is offered them now. I I " I J. KARL MA COLM Corner East Liberty and Maynard Sts. !1 MALCOLM BLOCK r i 0 --r wr ew