r ,
national army; Hewitt, H. R.,national1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Editor's note:-This is the second
list of the men Michigan has given to
the service of the nation. More names
will be published later..
Houston, Charles K., captain of ar-
tillery, NewiYork; Hammond, Maurice
E., '18, ordnance department; Hig-
gins, G. J., military band; Horr,
Charles, '19, Harper hospital unit in
France; Holcombe, H. N., '13, first
lieutenant; Hammel, H. H., '15, first
lieutenant; Higgins, F. W., Syracuse,
N. Y., national army; Hadden, M. A.,
'15, aviation; Hart, R. K., '19, U. S.
field hospital serice, Camp Sheri-
dan; Handy, L. D., '18E, Great Lakes
training station; Hassa, R. L., '17E,
Washington, D. C.; Hodges, G., avia-
tion; Harbert, R., Ft. Sheridan, Ill.;
Hayes, J. E. Jr., cavalry, regular
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
army; Hohn, Bernard S., chemistry
branch of service, London; Hardy, R.
L., aviation, Washington.
Haas, Charles L., national army,
Camp Custer,'Battle Creek; Hardy, C.
E., national army, Camp Custer, Bat-
tle Creek; Hardy, Frank, '12D, dental
corps; Hicks, Charles V., '19, section
92, American ambulance corps, Allen-
town, Pa.; Haigh, Andrew C., '18, ser-
geant, ordnance department, Illinois
national guard; Hinshaw, J. Carl, '17E,
first lieutenant, Sixth engineers' corps,
England; Howard, Harry A., '14, first
lieutenant, U. S. national army, Camp
Custer, Battle Creek; Hulbert, Dr.
Harold, '14, first lieutenant, Great
Lakes training station, Illinois; Hoad-
ley, Leigh, '19, ambulance service in
France; Hauser, Maurice, officers' re-
serve corps, Ft. Sheridan, Ill.; Hudd,
Leslie, '18E, quartermaster, ordnance
department; Haley, J. H., Camp Dev-
ins, Ayres, Mass.; Haan, E. H., hos-
pital unit Q, Ann Arbor; Hogan, W.
H., ambulance corps, Detroit; Holton,
H. S., '18E, First Ohio ambulance
corps; Hammels, Vinton, '18, national
army, Camp Funston, Kan.; Hopkins,
Dr. John, '17M, commissioned, now in
Detroit; Hyde, H. J., '20H, medical
department, Michigan naval unit; Hul-
bert, Dr. Harold, medical school.
Inwood, Louis, R., '19, battalion ser-
geant, Indiana national guard, Hat-
tiesburg, Miss.; Irvin, A. Claire, '17,
national army; Isenberg, I. H., na-
tional army, Camp Hancock; Ideson,
Dr. R. S.; first lieutenant, M. 0. R. C.;
Idafer, Dr. S., captain, M. 0. R. C.;
Ingham,. Hepburn, corporal, First
Iowa field artillery, Deming, N. M.;
Ide, 0., second lieutenant, field artil-
Readers are requested to hand *
into the offices of The Daily the '
names of any Michigan men or *
alumni who have gone into the *
service and whose names do not *
appear in these lists. These names *
will be given in the last list of *
names to be printed. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
'21M, national army, Camp Taylor;
Kraft, Dr. R. W., '15M, first lieuten-
ant, now in France; Kimball, Francis,
'21, aviation service, Columbus, O.;
Kinyon, Dr. H. B., first lieutenant,
field hospital No. 307, 85th division,
Camp Custer, Battle Creek; Koontz,
P. D., '14, second lieutenant, U. S.
army; Knight, R. H.; '19, C. P. O.,
navy; Kauffman, Prof. C. H., special
work, departmenit of agriculture;
Kerr, John, Ft. McKinley; Kerr, Rol-
lin, '17, ordnance department; Kelly,
A. P., '17L, second lieutenant, in-
fantry, U. S. army; Kilpatrick, W. S.,
'18E, coast artillery; Kolb, F. J., '17A,
first lieutenant, cavalry.
Now that you have found your *
friend's address in these lists of *
Michigan men in the service, write *
him a letter, now! *
army; Heakin, H. L., U. S. aviation
school, Champaigne, Ill.; Hecker, E.
W., private, U. S. transport service;
Howe, Hoyne, second lieutenant, U. S.
army; Hall, R. P. Jr., Lafayette
escadrille, France; Hildner, Egmont;
Howard, B., '19; Houseman, Reuben
F., '19; Harris, Lyle F., '14, second
lieutenant, cavalry, officers' reserve
. Herbert, J. J., '17, second lieutenant,
artillery, officers' reserve corps;
Houseman, E. B.,.'17L, second lieuten-
ant, quartrmas er national army;
Huber, H. K., Ft. Snelling, Va.;
Husted, V. J., '19, Harper base hos-
pital unit No. 17, France; Huff, Hap
P., '15L, Ft. Sheridan, Ill.; Hopkinson,
F. L., '17, chief yeoman, U. S. navy;
Harrington, Dr. Elmer, second lieu-
tenant, naval militia; Huber, Dr. C. C.,
major, chief surgeon, Central division;
Herrmann, George P., '18, medical re-
serve corps, Ann Arbor; Hoffman,
Douglas, '14, national army, Camp
Grant; Hayden, J. R., '14, lieutenant,
medical officers' reserve corps, field
hospital No. 15, Ft. E. Allen, Vt.; Hoyt,
Dr. A. A. first lieutenant, medical of-
ficers' reserve corps, Ft. Riley; Ham-
ond, Dr. H. H., first lieutenant, med-
ical officers' reserve corps, first man
in medical reserve corps to sail for
France; Hartmann, F. W., '20E, rifle
range, Massachusetts; Holmes, H. P.,
'17, sergeant, quartermasters' depart-
ment, Louisville, Ky.; Hicks, R. W.,
'16, U. S. marines; Hurick, G. A., '19,
U. S. marines;- Humphreys, H. H., '16,
aeroplane corps, France; Hansen,
Harvey, '20, ambulance corps; Hough,
Frederick W., '18E, U. S. navy; Holt,
F. Farrington, '19, naval reserve, on
transport; Hanna, Jay, '16, U. S. S.
DeKalb; Hackstadt, N. A., '20, naval
reserve flying corps; Hatch, H. S., '18-
'20L, seaman, Don Juan de Austria;
Huntington, E.E J., .'17E, seaman;.
Hughes, James A., '18E, national
army; Homer, Wilson C., '15E, ambu-
lance corps, Camp Custer; Hale, Dr.
R. H., '15, first lieutenant, medical
reserve; Hackney, H., '15E, captain,
national army; Heywood, Oliver, '17L,
war secretary, Y. M. C. A.; Haley,
James, '17L, war secretary, Y. M. C.
A.; Hunt, Waldo, '16, war work, Y. M.
C. A., Egypt; Hayden, Dr. Joseph,
senior lieutenant, naval militia; Haer-
ing, J. J., '18, U. S. army; Hickey, P.
N., '88, major, medical corps; Holub,
David, mosquito fleet; Hummer, Rich-
ard P., '19, seaman, naval reserves;
Hilton, Stockbridge,, '16, lieutenant,
44th infantry, Ft. Vancouver; Harlan,
Marion S., '17L, national army, Camp
Custer, Battle Creek; Houghton, J. F.,
Jackson, Harold C. L., '18, national
army, 329th field artillery, Battery C,
Camp Custer, Battle Creek; Johannes,
Leland H., '16, lieutenant, infantry,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
One of the features that is to
be noticed in the list of Michi-
gan men in service is the fact that
the majority of Michigan men are
to be found at either Camp Custer,
Battle Creek, at Allentown, Pa.,
or at Fort Sheridan, Ill.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Camp Custer, Battle Creek; Johnson,
Walter E., '17L, national army, South
Carolina; Johnson, W. O. R., first
lieutenant, infantry; Johnson, R. M.,
naval reserves; James, Norman M.,
'16L, first lieutenant, national army;
Jacoby, Dr. A., '10M, junior lieutenant,
J. N., '19, U. S. navy; Jennings,
U. S. S., Kansas; Jackson, Dr. J. F.,
first lieutenant, M. O. R. C.; Jones,
J. N., '19, U. S. navy; Jennings,
Dwight, '16, ensign, U. S. navy; John-'
son, Harry, '14-'17L, coxswain; John-
son, L. C., '16, national army, Camp
Custer, Battle Creek; Johnson, Rudy,
'18, seaman, Don Juan de Austria;
Johnson, I. C., '16, war work, Y. M.
C. A., India; Jones, E. O., second lieu-
tenant, field artillery, O. R. C.; Jacobi,
Leon, '20E, Annapolis; Johnson, U. O.,
ensign, U. S. navy yards, Brooklyn;
Joslyn, L. E., '20L, ambulance serv-
ice; Jones, K. P., '19, stationed at At-
lanta, Ga.
Kemp, Edward G., R. O. T. C., Ft.
Sheridan, Ill.; Kemp, Lloyd, Camp
Custer, Battle Creek; Kellogg, Dr. E.
N., '17D, Plattsburg, N. Y.; Kenyon,
J. Darby, '18, aerial corps; Kuhns,
John, '17, signal corps; Kelley, R. B.,
national army, Chillicothe, O.; Kel-
logg, N. A., '04, captain, infantry;
Lance, Harold J., second lieutenant,
Camp McArthur, Waco, Tex.; Leiniger,
0. 0., '16D, dental corps; Lang, Chest-
er H., '15, officers training camp, Ft.
Meyer, Va.; Lamlein, Harry, '18D
Camp Custer, Battle Creek; Lind, Geo.
J., '17, officers reserve corps; Laird,
Cecil, '19E, secret service; Lyon, Fred-
erick, '19, Harper hospital unit in
France; Liliegren, Carl, '20, Michigan
naval militia; Lowe, H. E., '18, am-
bulance section; Lowry, Francis B.,
'17E, aviation corps, Norfolk, Va.;
Luse, A. H., second lieutenant, regular
army, Newport; Ladd, E. S., Norfolk,
Va., navy yard; Lawton, C. B., '17,
second lieutenant, infantry, Camp Cus-
ter, Battle Creek; Loveland, R. R., '18,
second lieutenant, engineers, Camp
Custer, Battle Creek; Lyman, J. B.,
'12, naval reserves; Luke, Glen E., '10,
first lieutenant, quartermasters' corps.
Lane, Henry, '18, Red Cross service
in France; Lee, A. H., '17, Camp Cus-
ter, Battle Creek; Louis H., ambu-
lance corps, Allentown, Pa.; Lorimer,
R. E., naval reserves; Lowe, P. S.,
first lieutenant, coast artilery; Loud,
H. E., aviation; Legeman, Chas., na-
tional army; Loutit, W. R., ambulance
Co. No. 339, Camp Custer; Lewis, C.
E., second lieutenant, infantry, O. R.
C.; Levenson, H. D., second lieutenant,
infantry, 0. R. C.; Loucks, Alvin E.,
'18, Rifle Range, Mass.; Loucks,
Franklin, '18E, Rifle Range, Mass.;
Lake, J. P., Ft. Logan; Lamb, H. W.,
Ft. Sheridan, Ill.; Langs, J. W., Ft.
Sheridan, Ill.; Loveland, A. S., Ft.
Sheridan, Ill.; Lovell, Prof. A. H., en-
gineering school, major, Camp Custer;
Laird, Dr. Lee, medical college; Lav-
erty, L. F., '19, Great Lakes, Ill.
Mason, Carl H., '19, naval reserves,
Wakefield, Mass.; Mason, Ralph, '17,
Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J.; Mitch-
ell, George, '20D, aviation corps; Mac-
Allister, E. K., '16E, engineers' corps,
Columbus, 0.., Moore, J. M., '20E, sig-
nal corps; Marks, C. B., '15L, Ft.
Sheridan; McCree, R. D., '17E, avia-
tion corps; Mouser, Vivian, '19, ser-
geant, national army, Viriginia;
Moore, William A., '20, headquarters
company, Third Indiana infantry,
Shelby, Hattiesberg, Miss.; Munn, J.
C. Jr., '18E, aviation corps, Columbus,
0.; McCormick, A., '19, Michigan naval
militia, Wakefield, Mass.; McMichael,
H. B., former University band man;
Murphy, F. W., '14, infantry; Mills, W.
H., '17, ambulance unit; Mac Mullen,
H., '05, second lieutenant; Mac Mul-
ler, Frank, '11, second lieutenant;
Mosher, De Thurston, '18-'21L, medical
infantry, Camp Green, North Carolina;
Meibyer, E. H., '18, national army,
Camp Custer; Middleditch, P. H., '15,
coast artillery, second lieutenant, Ft.
Winfield Scott, Cal.; Moore, J. H., '13,
national army; Muskatt, Roy, '17, am-
bulance corps.
McKinney, Francis F., '16, chief yeo-
man, Brooklyn navy yards; Morris,
Walter E., '16L, officers' reserves
corps; McLeod, W. C. G., quartermas-
ters' corps; McDonald, T. F., captain,
machine gun company; Mosier, D. T.,
U. S. automobile." ambulance corps;
Mathews, B. B., second officers' train-
ing camp; Metzger, L. D., officers' re-
serve corps, Ft. Benjamin Harrison;
Marsh, F. M., '19D, infantry; McMar-
tin, Bowen, first lieutenant, U. S. Ma-
rines; McArthur, Lawrence, ambu-
lance unit, Des Moines, Ia.; Middleton,
Edward, ensign, U. S. navy; Mercer,
E. J., second lieutenant, infantry, of-
ficers' reserve corps; Murphy, F, '13L,
first lieutenant, infantry; McCloud, D.
B., '17L, second lieutenant, officers' re-
serve corps; McNamara, T. R., '16L,
second lieutenant, field artillery, of-
ficers' reserve corps; Mills, C. C., sec-
ond lieutenant, U. S. reserves, Des
Moines, Ia.
McElwain, J. M., first lieutenant, U.
S. reserve officers' corps; Mack, E. E.,
'17; McKinney, F. M., '16L, yeoman;
McCall, K. S., '18, naval reserves; Mc-
Cauley, Earl H., '19L, hospital unit,
Allentown, Pa.; Mittlesdorf, D. C., '18,
U. S., engineering corps, Alabama;
McKinley, E. B., '16, first lieutenant,
medical corps overseas; McVeigh, F.
B., '20, ambulance corps, France; Mc-
Mahon, George, Y. M. C. A., France;
McGarry, Fr. R. A., '12, first lieuten-
ant, medical reserve; Morrish, Dr. R.
S., '12, first lieutenant, medical re-
serve; McKinnon, Dr. J. D., '08, first
lieutenant, medical reserves; MacAl-
lister, E. K., '16E, engineering corps,
Columbus, 0.; McKinney, Theodore,
'17, Michigan infantry; Mattern, L. H.,
naval militia; Mooney, F. L., U. S.,
ordnance reserve corps; Miller, G. W.,
second lieutenant, national army; Mil-
ler, F. K., '18, U. S., naval reserves,
U. S. S. Massachusetts; Mayer, F. C.,
'17, U. S., naval militia; Marsh, B. F.,
'08, French foreign legion; Mills, R. J.,
'16, U. S., engineering corps; Murphy,
D. C., '06, U. S. army; Monson, James
C., '19E, aviation; Maurer, Ernst L.,
'19, ambulance corps, Allentown, Pa.
Montigel, L. E., '19, American Red
Cross ambulance unit Co. 1, 309th
sanitary train, Camp Taylor, Louis-
ville, Ky.; Markham, '07, major, Ft.
Benjamin Harrison; Mole, L. S., '17L,
boatswain's mate, second class;
Moody, J. B., '19, machinist's mate,
first class; Moyer, F. C., '17, seaman;
* * * * * 'k * * * * * * * *
Owing to the fact that there is *
no directory or, printed book l*
showing the Michigan men in *
service and where they are 10- *
cated, readers of The Daily are *
advised to clip these lists for fu- *
ture reference. Many students are *
saving and posting them in their '
"M" books. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mann, Harry, '20, seaman; McKelvy,
Wm. W., '18, second lieutenant, na-
tional army, Louisville, Ky.; Morse,
Chas. H., '20E, Battery D, Illinois na-
tional guard; McKinley, Earl B., first
lieutenant, France; McAffee, Dr. F.
W., captain, M. O. R. C., ambulance
corps No. 4, 117th sanitary train, Gar-
den City, New York; McMullen, Dr.
Harlan, medical officers' reserve corps.
McDonald, T. F., Fort Snelling, Va:;
Moll, R. S., U. S. naval coast defense;
Montague, A. S., Michigan naval mi-
litia; Morris, Dr. H. J., field hospital
No. 338, Camp Custer; Mayo, W. J.,
'82M, major, U. S. army medical re-
serve corps, France; McKean, George
E., '94M, major, hospital unit, France.
Kohler, Walter W., '17L, navy hos- corps, regular army, Camp Wilson, Ft.
pital corps, Wakefield, Mass.; Kemper, Sam Houston, Tex.; Miller, W. T., U.
J. W., '17D, dental corps; Kennedy, S. naval reserves.
David F., '15L, captain, national army; McDuff, Douglas, '03; McMahon, F.
Keen, Dr. Victor, '02, major, Ft. Ben- A., '16, captain, ordnance department;
jamin Harrison, Ind.; King, Paul Z., Mercer, E. J. '13, second lieutenant,
I naguration
Today we are beginning a series of sales which we intend to hold on each Saturday. At these sales we will offer articles
of exceptional value at prices which are almost. unbelievable. Oawing to an extremely poor summer we have a large stock of goods
which we must sell. The sales will be upon a strictly cash basis. No goods ddivered or exchanged.
Today we are offering Wright & Detson and Harry Lee Tennis Rackets at a 40 per cent discount. There is no need of our
explaining their quality. Their name will speak for themselves. If you are in need of a Racket, look over our stock.
$2.00 Lee-Iroquois ...........'...............................$1.20
2.50 Wright & Detson-Country Club..........................1.40
3.00 Wright & Detson-Columbia ............................. 1.80
3.50 Lee-Common Wealth................................ 2.10
4.00 Wright & Detson-Champion ............................. 2.40
5.00 Lee-Pythian ............... ...........................
8.00 Wright & Detson-Davis Cup-............-..-.-..-'..-..
8.50 Lee-Lee Special...........................
9.00 Lee-Lee Special ................... ...................
All Rackets in First Class Condition