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March 28, 1918 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-28

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"U "IW"""" "1U ULU




Early Spring Showing



e destiny of
nd the gual-
)f youth, the
ment of ex-

.FEL &_CO.


PHONE 1101


Completing a week of local meet-
ings of educators in various parts of
the state and series of lectures by Un-
iversity professors and outside men of
repute, the ,Michigan Schoolmasters'
club will convene for its 53rd annual
meeting in Ann Arbor today and to-
Among the speakers that will talk
at the conferences are Prof. F. S.
Breed of the .University of Chicago,
Professor Whipple of the University of
Illinois, William E. Hall, natinal di-
rector of the boys' working reserve,
Prof. Wallace N. Stearns of the Uni-
versity of North Dakota, and many
University of Michig n professors,
The Schoolmasters' club will hold a
general session at 9:30 o'clock Fr-
day morning. At this meeting Pro-
fessor B. S. Breed, Professor Whip-
ple, and Mr. W. E. Hall will speak
Twelve Sections
The conference will be divided into
12 sections, meeting separately. The
classical conference will assemble in
Alumni Memorial hall, the modern
language conference in room 203, Un
iversity hall, the history conference in
the high school, the physiography and
geography conference in room G217,
of the Natural Science building, the
mathematical conference in Tappan
hall, the physics and chemistry con-
ference in the physics laboratory, the
biological conference in the Natural
Science building, the commercial con-
ference in room B8 of the high school,
and the educational psychology con-
ference in the high school.
Prof. Wallace N. Stearns of the Un-
iversity of North Dakota, will lecture
at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon in
Alumni Memorial hall before the
classical institute on "Can Greek
Come Back?" Prof. John W. Scholl
of the German department, will ad-
dress the modern language teachers'
association at 2 o'clock Thursday aft-
ernoon in room 203, University hall,
on "German in American Schools;
During and After the War."
W. W. Bishop to Speak
Librarian W. W. Bishop will speak
at the English conference at 2 o'clock
Thursday afternoon in the high school
auditorium on "The Relation of the
Library to English Work." "The War
and What It Means to Us," is the sub-
ject of an address to be given by Prof.
Edmund R. Turner of the history de-
partment at the history conference at
1:30 o'clock Friday afternoon in the
high school..
Chemistry Conference
Prof. Alexander Smith of Columbia
university, and Prof. F. W. Pawlowski
of the engineering college, will lec-
ture at the physics and chemistry con-
ference Thursday and Friday after-
noons in the physics laboratory. The
subject of Professor Smith's address
is -"The Oddities of Chemistry, As It
Is Taught," and Professor Pawlowski
wil speak on "Aeronautics in the
Prof. L. C. Karpinski of the mathe-
matis department will address the
mathematical conference at 1:30
o'clock Friday afternoon in Tappan
hall, and Prof. James B. Pollock and
Prof. o. C. Glaser of the biology de-
partment will speak at the biological
conference Friday afternoon, in room
207, of the Natural Science building.
Art Session
At the art conference to be held Fri-
day afternoon in room A, of Alumni
Memorial hall, Prof. Emil Lorch of
the college of architecture will speak.
Prof. George E. Myers of the depart-
ment of industrial education will
speak at the manual training confer-
ene Friday afternoon in the highi
school, and home economics will be
discussed Thursday afternoon in the
high school by women of the Michigan

Agricultural college and the Michigan
State Normal college.
Miss Anna B. Cowles and Mr. A.
Lindemann, state club workers for
boys and girls, will speak this after-
noon in Barbour gymnasium.
About 1,000 or 1,200 school teachers
in Michigan attended the Schoolmast-
ers' club meeting last year.
Dancing Friday and Saturday nights
at the Armory.-Adv.

Cadets not wearing uniforms at the
drills must submit an excuse to their
top sergeant, according to.a statement
issued yesterday by the military au-
thorities. This does not prohibit the
men from drilling, but is merely the
enforcement of general orders No. 6,
which were issued several days ago.
Cadets are advised by the authorities
to comply to paragraph one of the or-
Several dozen standard hand gre-
nades were received by Dr. George
A. May yesterday afternoon. They are
similar to those used at the different
cantonment camps throughout the
country. Classes in hand grenade
throwing will be started as soon as
the weather permits extensive outdoor
work. Dr. May is also considering
the possibility of a number of grenade
throwing contests, which will cover
every phase of the art.
Plans for equipping the gallery
range in the basement of Waterman
gymnasium were submitted to the
military authorities yesterday. They
conform to the regulation standards
adopted by the army. The authorti
stated that the plans submitted by the
building and grounds department
were satisfactory, and that imme-
diate action will be taken to install
the necessary equipnent before the
arrival of ammunition.
High school authorities at Adrian
have asked Lieut. Losey J. Williams
to recommend a senior in the R. 0. T.
C. for the position of instructor in
military and physical training in the
Adrian high school. The salary will
be determined by the ability of the
man accepted by the high school offi-
cials, but they stated that it would
be $1,000 or more.
Lieutenant Williams will recom-
mend a senior proficient in military
work. The applicant will then be
given a special course in physical
training under Dr. George A. May.
"There is a large field for this kind
of work," state Dr. May last night.
"Schools are beginning to see that
they need military training."
Members of the First regiment will
be given the following athletic and
gymnastic contests by Dr. George A.
May at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in
Waterman gymnasium:
First regiment-Companies I and
K, two-mile, buck, tumbling, high
jump; companies L and M, wrestling,
horizontal bars, rope climbing sprint-
The entire battalion will be given
three one-minute rounds of shadow
boxing, with one-minute rests after
the contests.
Declaring that Russia is not yet
out of the war by any means, Prof.
Clarence L. Meader of the literary cel-
lege, explained to the freshman engin-
ers at their assembly yesterday, how
Russia's armies are still fighting on
one front, and continue to be an im-
portant factor in the Dar as an aid to
the Allies.
"People forget, in times like these,
the great aid that Russia rendered in
the early part of the war," said Pro-
.fessor Meader, "her armies contri-
buted more than half toward the'sav-
ing of Paris when the Germans were
within 20 miles of its gates. Had it
not been for the withdrawal of the
German forces, made necessary by
Russia's great drive in the east, there
is no doubt that the Huns would have

gone straight through to Paris."
"It was the collapse of the Russian
army that caused the revolution, not
the revolution that caused the collapse
of the army. The men fought on in
spite of treachery, among officers and'
even among court officials. The Czar
himself was 99 per cent Geramn and
married to a German, while his min-
ister of war was a pronounced sym-
"It was this condition of affairs that,
finally brought about the collapse of
the army's fighting power, and, after-
ward, the revolution."

Society Brand and
Hickey-Freeman Suits

Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery


Buy Your Spring Suit Now

A iso just received a line of Spring Hats and Caps

You Know the Reason


D. E Grennan

The Custom Tailor

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Between the Theatres
A pretty plant, a box of choice cut flowers or a dainty corsage
would be the most lovely gift for Easter.
Leave your order with us and receive the best.
Cousins & Hall UNIV.AVE.

A Student, for Gordon
Press Feeder.



Phone 809-M

filling up the books when once start-
LURANT ed. It is thought that all the returns
of the drive will be in by tonight.
11 Hours
Many garments were received at
'one the Belgian relief headquarters yes-
RTV terday afternoon in spite of the fact
that the active campaign for cloth-
.ing was discontinued Saturday. To
REACHES accommodate people having things to
LTS RECORD give, the headquarters, which will be
open for packing purposes, will re-
all reports ceive clothing this afternoon. No col-
thrift stamps lections will be made.
night, results Dr. Warren P. Lombard, chairman
has prov- of the committee in charge, estimated-
ye r yesterday that it would take at least
ftgures already the rest of this week to complete the
of stamps at final sorting and baling. Contribu-
e sales of the tions brought in yesterday were fu
on Washing- Iigated last evening under the direc-
J7. Abbttion of the city health officer. Twenty-
J. Abbott, six bales of clothing were ready for
ig on the re- shipping last evening.

109-111 E. Washington St.
Nursing offers to women an oppor-
tpanity for patriotic service, a splendid
preparation -for life and a profession of
broad social usefulness.
Washington University gives a three
years' course in Nursing. Theoretical
ilitruction is given in the University.
clinical instruction in the wards of the
Barnes arnd.St. Louis Children's Hos-
pitals, Washington University Dispen-
sary and Social Service Department.
Six months' credit is offered to appli-
cants having an A.B. or B.S. degree
from this college.
Address inquiries to the ?upt. of
N urses; Barnes hospital, 6oo South
Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo.
"Even if the war continues for
years, the enrollment of women in the
University will never be more than
one quarter of the whole enrollment,
or in other words, there will always
be three men for every woman in.the
collegestsaid Registrar Arthur G.
Hall yesterday.
"In the literary college the men are
still in the majority, but if the war
continues the enrollment of the two
sexes will, within a few years, be
about even. It. must be remembered
"the entrance of the freshman class
brings the enrollment of men up every
year, as most of the newcomers are
under draft age."
Visitors on the campus this week
are being informed concerning the
war 'work of the University through
the medium of a four-page pamphlet
just put into circulation by the com-
mittee on publicity.
The circular sets forth briefly the
efforts of the University to meet the
war conditions, by the addition of
helpful courses, by public education,
and by monetary contributions. It
also contains a plea to the men under
draft age to take advantage of the op-
portunity to complete their scholastic



Copyright Hart Schaffner& Man
Hart Schaffner &
spring suits and top cc
more snappy than ev
spring; the kind of clot
blooded yomng men
wearing. They have inc
ed in them all the style
ties that will be popula
We have bought freely
a consequence offer yoi
of a stock unequalled I
ness of choice and va
style, anywhere but
shops. You will fin
clothes as good as you
in any city, and the
more reasonable.
New neckwear, Stes
Knox Hats.

ar-f Sixteen Men Located In Service
Rir Sixteen men who had not returned
ily their questionnaires to the local sel-
en- ective draft board have been located
vi- in various branches of the service.
of Some of them are already in France.

Leave Capy,

A want aa in the Daily will
lour property.-Adv.

ner ai



r ,


A pair of nose glasses in
case. Returny to 1052 ald-

We Represent the
Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, Sohmer, Grinnell Bros.,
Sterling, Shominger, and many'other makes.
The world's famous Pianola Player. Pianos, Victor


ton streets.
the department
March 1 there we
191 storage hou
1,334,129 pound:


w :

SELL BROS., 116 S. Main St.

Many Eggs Available in United
Washington, March 27.-Ther
plenty of cold storage eggs on
throughout the country, accord
a report of the bureau of marl


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