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March 27, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-27

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pit of this salient
ruesday. The Brit-
d firm to the north
he Germans to turn
the point of least


Huns Slacken Pace
With the slackening of the German
pace, there come indications that the
Allies are ready to strike back some-
where along the front. Just where
this blow will be launched will not be
known until it is struck, but it is ex-
pected that its impact will be terrific.
It is known that the Allied war coun-
cil at Versailles created a great strat-
egic reserve of men to be used in just
the contingency which confronts the
Each succeeding day reveals the
plan of the Germans to crush abso-
lutely the Allied lines west of Cam-
brai, a terrain which could not be de-
fended by Von Hindenburg a year ago.
Each official report shows that this
sector is valueless from a military
standpoint and that the Germans have
paid a terrific price for their advance.
It is officially reported that 70 Ger-
man divisions, or 840,000 men, have
taken part in the fighting and that
troops have been moved from every
part of the western battle front -to re-
enforce the armies which have been
forcing the British to fall back.
German Loss Great

rice, and


Observers at the front say that the
German losses have been frightful and
that the enemy has lost from 10 to 20
per cent of his men, by the most con-
. servative estimates.
While the German line of communi-
cation has been growing longer, the
British have constantly moved nearer
their base of supplies.
There has been continued activity
on the Italian front but no attacks of
importance have been made by either
side in this theater of war.

Nearly 525 cadets have left the
ranks of the R. o. T. C. since Novem-
ber to join the different branches of9
the service, according to Lieut. Losey?
J. Williams yesterday afternoon. The
enrollment of the corps during the
first semester was in the neighbor-
hood of 1,800 students. The total
number listed yesterday was 1,273 ca-
"At the present time there is a
splendid opportunity to 'obtain bene-
ficial military training by joining the
R. 0. T. C.," said Lieutenant Wil-
liams. "The different companies of
the two regiments are depleted and
the positions have to be filled by new
"Every student who joins the corps
before the Easter holidays will be
given preliminary drill training be-{
fore being transferred to one of the
regular companies. The men will also
be required to make up the back
drills, which will be about 30 hours.
This can easily be made up in five
weeks by taking an hour's make up
work every day.
"Students ought to realize that they
should aid their country in time of
dire necessity," continued Lieutenant
Williams. "The R. 0. T. C. training
gives them 'the opportunity to prove
their gratitude and sense of obliga-
tion for their country. The United
States needs the hearty co-operation
of every one of its citizens, and this
war can not be won until every one
is working heart and soul toward the
realization of his ideals. R. 0. T. C.
men are rendering invaluable service
to their country, and the result will
be evident when they enter some
branch of the service."
That girls should all receive mili-
tary training and should be compell-
ed to wear uniforms was the belief
expressed by Lieut. G. C. Mullen, in-
structor in military training, in an
address recently given here before
the Association of School Superin-
tendents and School Board Members.
Military training would be of value to
girls, not to teach them to shoot, but
to teach them to obey immediately
and to act intelligently In a crisis.-
"The wearing of a uniform is one
of the greatest factors for democracy
in the world," said Lieutenant Mullen.
Then he went on to state that a uni-
form is the cheapest possible way to
dress. Its use would do away with
school girl frills and thus save many
a family from mortgaging their fu-
ture in order to dress the daughter as
she wishes to be dressed.
Anna Herrst, eight-year-old daugh-
ter of John W. Herrst, of Pine stree,
was crushed to death late Monday
afternoon when astruck driven by her
father suddenly shot forward in the
garage mngling the body between
the radiator of the truck and a bench
in the shop where the car had been
repaired. The child died a few min-
utes after the accident.
The child had been standing in front
of the car and when her' father at-
tempted to back the machine out of
the garage the mechanism did not
work and the car shot forward.
Interment will be in the St.. Thomas
cemetery. Funeral services will be
held in the St. Thomas church this

Senate Falls to Pass New Draft Act
Washington, March 26. - Another
unsuccessful effort to pass the war
department bill extending the selec-
tive draft act to youths reaching 21
years of age since June 5, 1917, was
made to day by the senate. Debate
on the compulsory universal military
training amendment of Senator New
of Indiana, again prevented a vote,
but leaders still hope to dispose of the
bill in time for its operation in con-
nection with the next draft.

9 o'clock-Session of the institute
for superintendents, principals, and
supervisors in room B, Law building
10 o'clock-Prof J. G. Winter lec-
tures in Alumni Memorial hall on
"Troy, Tiryns, and Mycenae."
11 o'clock-Prof. G. J. Laing lec-
tures in Alumni Memorial hall on
"The Worship of the Emperors."
12:35 o'clock-Lenten services at 444
South State street.
3 o'clock-Soph lit meeting in room
205, Mason hall.
2 o'clock-Session of the institute
for superintendents, principals, and
supervisors in room B, Law building.
4 o'clock-Prof. G. J. Laing lec-
tures in Alumni Memorial hall on "The
Oriental Cults."
5 o'clock-Il Circulo Dante meets in
room 204, University hall.
8 o'clock-Dr. H. W. Laidler speaks
in Natural Science auditorium on "So-
cialism After the War."
8 o'clock-Classical club play in Un-
iversity hall.
9:30 o'clock-General business ses-
sion of the Michigan Schoolmasters'
club in Hill auditorium.
12:35 o'clock-Lenten services at
444 South State street.
12:15 o'clock-Dental faculty lunch-
eon at the Michigan Union.
2:30 o'clock-General session of the
Michigan Academy of Science in room
B-207, Natural Science building.
4:15 o'clock-Prof. C. T. Currelly
lectures in Alumni Memorial hall on
"Recent Discoveries in Egypt."
8 o'clock-Mr. William Wirt lec-
tures in Hill auditorium on "The Gary
School System."-I
8 o'clock-Prof. LeRoy H. Harvey
lectures in Natural Science auditor-
ium on "Old Wine and New Bottles."


hearse at 7 o'clock tom
University Hall.
The entire cast and e
Go!" will rehearse at
afternoon and at 7:30
at the Michigan Union.
Reserved seats for '
be on sale from 8 o'cl
ing to the time of perfo:
in University hall.
Gasoline 23c, Polarine
& Co., 117 S. Ashley St


The Varsity Mandolin club

will re-



ye Man

CA will bring yf- u
: 2601 One door
E. Hoover Ave.
A. work, has traveled
cially in the Far East,
the wonderful work ac-'
u foreign countries. Con-
e held with Mrs. McClure
Barbour gymnasium.
lure's co-worker, Miss
or, spoke particularly of
houses," run by the Y.
iich have now become a
caiip life, in which the
dliers may find a home.

(Continued from Page One)
orate but fulfilled all the needs of the
plot if the beholder was willing to
follow the good old Elizabethan
method of using his imagination.
Senior Girls Slug Class Songs
A little vaudeville chatter and song
put on by Hannah Champlin and
Frances McDonald enlivened the per-
iod between the second and third acts.
Hobbies, secrets, and scandal con-
cerning the seniors were received
with great appreciation by the vic-
tims, and the song which entreated
them to leave their cabbages and on-
ions at the door drew repeated en-
The seniors in their caps and gowns
who came directly from the senior
supper singing their class songs filled
the entire center of the main floor and
parts of the side sections. It is pos-
sible that a performance will be given
next week which will be open to the
entire campus, and the play is assured
of a full house next Saturday after-
noon after the alumnae luncheon.


make a costume that is appropriate for alr
semi-formal occasion-and now that there
tremely formal ones any more, it is the so
should be the mainstay of every co-ed's wai
Skirts are of beautifully patterned &
foulards and pussy willows pred
and these are often printed in whit
blue backgrounds; or in various

color combinations.

$10 to $20.

Blouses include lovely bead-trim
embroidered Georgettes which begin
as little as $5, and come in a host
pastel shades-and in scores of ef f

to Colorado]

rs, instructor
Ann ArborL
o, where a me
ported seriou
d to return u
xt week. P
present condu

roff .
Washington, March 26. - Another
last storm of criticism of America's war
em- efforts broke in the senate today.
isly Democrats and Republicans joined in
ntil declaring the shortage of ships, air-
rof. planes, and artillery.
uct- Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, re-
ferred to what he called a wasted year
and declared that the truths should
be told the American people about the
war situation. After spending about
$840,000,000 on the aviation program
he declared "we have not a fighting
plane in France; and General Persh-
ing's men are without American artil-
Senator New of Indiana, said al-
though the original aviation program
called for delivery of 12,000 airplanes
l July 1 only 37 will be delivered under
present estimates.
Announce Rates of Coal Dealers Profit
Lansing, March 26.-A schedule of
profit margins for coal dealers of
Michigan, upon which the retail price
of anthracite is to be based after April
1, was announced by State Fuel Ad-
ministrator Prudden tonight. The
margin is based on population, the
largest unit being cities of more than
20,000. For coal delivered in consum-
ers' bins the gross margin of profit
varies from $1.50 a ton in the case of
I villages of less than 500 population to
PHa $2.25 in the case of cities of 20,000
population or more. For towns of

and silk ones.

Price range up

Main and Liberty Streets.

Packard Lawn
Lots Sellinu for $36O0

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