HOLY WEEK' Gymnasium -Team-work and Immortality. dress by Rev. R. S. Loring., -The Irreligion in Religion. Ad- ass by Prof. Leroy Waterman, be- e the Student Society. The pub- is invited. UNIVERSITY LENTEN LECTURES Conducted this week by REV. CYRIL HARRIS SHIRT SHOES Consisting of PANTS SUPPORTER TIONAL CHURCH 10:30 A. M. LLOYD C. DOUGLAS I BIBLE CHAIRHOUSE 444 So. State Street 12:40 to Io'clock We invite all Michigan men and women to observe Holy Week Special Price of $2.50 -AT- Wahr's University Bookstore, MAIN STREETLSTATE STRE I, reys We Sell I Students' Christian Association Church Student Organizations MAZDA LAMPS Come in and see the 75 watt Blue Lamp mans are placing upon this drive may be realized through the announcement that the kaiser himself has taken charge of the operations against the British. Twenty-two men will take physical examination for the U. S. navel re- serves, according to The Daily. Add- ing oranges, obviously, to the list of " xi~ h~xo ' " -nlx Gives a white light. Just the thing to study by CARYATIDJ There once was a managing ed., Who paled as the war news was read; "That sixty-mile shell Gives me Visions of Hell, And it's me for the cellar," he said. roene -win-meiwarjar tics.. The Health and Happiness editor .ndibo of the Detroit News is asked to ex- Rice Though pugilism has fallen off in plain "what causes a cracking sound orden the past few years, Billy Sunday con-; in the jaws in gaping or eating, with tinues to make the sawdust trail pop- a feeling as if the jaw were out of Sause ular. place." If it's a voluntary action, 'we atrick would suggest an additiona to our onald One way not to assist in beautify- criminal code. Abele ciia oe torrer ing the campus is to cut across in- stead of following walks. This. One Is a Heated Frenzy Visions of Hell-Playing tennis in A-- horned horse has.rbeen puzzlingDeath Valley where it is 140 degrees scientists of late. Perhaps it's theIthsadannohde kaiser in a new guise. in the shade and no shade. S Society rumor has it that Mr. Ho- It is to be hoped that the Allies hnolr fPtdmi xetn don't foozle the Germans' drive. henzollern of Potsdam, is expecting to be present at the April Fool party, tre- Mexico gets scarcely a line on her in Paris. We continua in the opinion have never ceasing revolutidls'. that he will be one of the fashionable guests who arrive after the party has away begun and, leave before it starts.- ame WOMEN REGISTER Well, we can't help it if we are Irish. and TO AID ON FARMS .- and Feminine Chorus-"Nowis the Winter the of Our Discontent"- his Temporary registrations for farm The Morrie Dunnist 'groans that work under the direction of the wom- arguments against fussing lose their s of an's land army may be made with potency some way on these bright ain- sypotncys into Miss Alice Evans, women's physical spring days. ther director, from April 1 to 5. All thoses Someone was messed ;up in his cal- is is who are considering it are asked to' culations when he predicted that stu- register at this time, and after the dents would be above attending accur- the spring recess when the opportunities ate historical representations. Oh, of . al- are more definitely known, permanent course, in classes-but that's differ- s of the ce, willr y of us a h the s Rehearsals for "Amazons" for the week are to be held as follows: Four to 6 oclock Wednesday afternoon, act I; 4 to 6 o'clock Thursday and Fri- day afternoons, act II. Lines should be learned for these rehearsals. The nlace of rehearsals and the members oft' the cast who are to report for each will be announced later. Interviews with Miss Harriet Tay- lor, international secretary of the Y. W. C. A., and Mrs. R. Reed McClure may be arranged for tomorrow by calling Marian Stowe, '16, at Barbour gymnasium. Tickets for the athletic demonstra- tion on March 28 may now be obtain- ed at the office of Miss Alice Evans, physical director, in Barbour Gym- nasium. The Michigan women's annual luncheon committee will meet at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Bar- bour gymnasium. Sophomore preliminary apparatus meet will be held at 4:50 o'clock to- morrow afternoon at Barbour gym- nasium. Cold Weather Keeps Down Death Rate The continuous cold weather this winter has aided materially in keep- ing down the death rate in Ann Arbor the past winter, according to Dr. J. A. Wessinger, health officer. There has been very little pneumonia in the city and contagious diseases have at all times been kept at normal or below. There is no scarlet fever or diptheria in the city at present and there are only three cases of mumps at the Con- tagious hospital. Free Exhibition of Raemaeker's Great War Cartoons, daily at James Foster's House of Art.-Adv. Patronize Our Adyertlsers.-Adv Dance Programs and Place Cards H. L. SWITZER CO. The Slater Book Shop tave: hundred been str to "get vay or o ght. Thl Wanted-Swimming Teacher for Girls "Don't crowd, boys. One at a time, advised a young man at the Y. M. C. A. the other day as he tacked an an- nouncement on the bulletin board. "A strong, handsome, swimming instruc- tor is desired at a girls' summer camp." In addition to this induce- ment, all expenses will be paid by those in charge of the camp. The position has not been filled. Some time when dad's check frqm home is slow, lost in the mails, or\a trifle small, and you haven't enough wherewithal to guarantee two good week-end dances, glance at the list off jobs on hand at the Y; M. C. A. There are hundreds of them, which range from teaching a young girl to ride a bicycle, to moving furniture or barb- ering at a summer ,'esort. Several positions are open to "bright, intelligent" men during the Easter vacation. These jobs have been created by the city forestry de- partment, which intends to plant trees and plow up boulevards within a fort- night. and spe Army Ciga Caes Choice Selection of and Roll-Ups at QUARRY DRUG CO' PRESCRIPTION STORE a LET' S GO when ing ai from have mustc sury,] y must be k e things may are accesso ust have. h. Our moi . If our hee must never st the gravity ealizing that, om its letha ngth few of nue our edu Michigan'sc tte to the nat st efficiency p of the past t I us that one of history is mans are obvio .e attempt to cr ne monster bl rown the accu h she has wi issian front, w rans, against troops. Germa her power ul lminate the str loss the Germc uld seem to p the attack, if1 mil- groups will be formed. ent. new Registration may be made for any the period not less than three' weeks. our Women may form their own groups if Dean Cooley Has con- they wish. Others will be given the: i. in . Red 'choice of the unit they wish to enter Artcle i ec h ec the in order of application. Twenty-two f tay- have already expressed the desire to! Dept enter upon the work. Vnits may be Because of delays in printing, the not in relays, but they are expected to be March issue of the Technic will not pries maintainedat the size during the en- be ready for circulation until Wed- tire season nesday or Thursday. rale Mrs. William B. Williams of Lapeer, The feature of the number will be arts state chairman of the army in Mich- entitled "The Engineer and the War," how igan, who spoke here on Friday, is by Dean M. E. Cooley of the engineer- of fully convinced that women #can do all ing department. 'This will include a the that is necessary on the farm. A photograph reproduction of a letter rgy, strict physical examination is re- written by President Wilson on the us quired of all who go, and fast sum- duty of engineering students in the mer, only one girl in all the 17 east- war, together with comments by Dean ica- ern units is said to have been unable to Cooley. "Absolute Safety in the Air," stu- make good. is a satirical article by W. F.. Ger- ion, Miss Evans and Miss Marion Wood hardt, '17E, former instructor in aero- os- are willing to talk at any sorority or nautics, dealing with the. types of air- league house on the subject,.answer- plane designed to put on abrupt end ing all questions, if the women re- to the war. quest them to do so. J. Kucera, '18A, and R. Kruger, '18A, have contributed the cover design, two which is a remarkable pen drawing of of WAR GARDENS RAISE $350,000,000 the engineering towers and arch. be- IN VEGETABLES, SAYS BASSETT us- -- REV. LORING LEAVES PULPIT TO ush "From war gardens alone $350,000,- ENTER DENOMINATIONAL WORK ow. 000 worth of vegetables were raised ani- last year," according to Mr. Ray Bas- The Rev. Robert S. Loring of the th- sett, city forester, who spoke on war Unitarian church, has decided to leave vith gardens yesterday in Barbour gym- the pulpit to take up denominational the nasium. I work in the administration of minist- any Mr. Bassett said that adults should erial pensions and relief funds for pon make use of every good piece - of clergymen of all sects. He will leave ug- ground for gardens, either by working some time next month. ans it themselves, or by loaning it for Prof. Leroy Waterman of the sem- re- use. Those wishing to make arrange- itics department, will address the the ments for loaning ground should see Students' society of the church at 6:30 Mr. Bassett. this evening on "The Irreligion in Re- ion Children's gardens were also a sub- ligion." 'me ject of his talk. At present there are uld four large gardens in Ann Arbor for Prof, Rankin Lectures at 3f. E. Church can children, two on each side of the "The Proverbs of Ben Sira" will be ies city, with sufficient acreage to accom- the subject of the lecture to be given or modate 500 children. by Prof. T. E. Rankin of the rhetoric department, at 12:15 o'clock today at in Bible to Be Discussed at Meeting the First ld'thodist church. The meet- er- Prof. W. H. Humphreys of the Eng- ing will close promptly at 12:45 ar. lish department, who teaches all Uni- o'clock. All students are invited. mns versity courses on the Bible, will Wellington M. Logan, executive sec- the speak at the meeting of the Round retary of the Detroit Y. M. C. A., will are Table of the Congregational church at be the speaker at the meeting of the ays 6:30 o'clock tonight. His subject will Wesleyan Guild at 6:30 o'clock. Buy your Chapman's, alarm clocks at J. L Jeweler. 113 S. Main EM . A Patriotic Duty The Commercial Economy Board of the United States Council of National Defense recom- mends that clothing manufacturers avoid models that use cloth for needless adornments, such as belts on coats, cuffs on sleeves, pleated coats (pinch backs and norfolks), etc., all of which waste labor and cloth at a time when they are both urgently needed by the army and for other essential uses, Our models are made up according to The Commercial Economy Board's recommendations. Please do not order any unnecessary style features as we have pledged ourselves not to make them. Cor. State and, N. University Phone 308 DET rIT UNieio tINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jacksin (fflective May 22, 191) Detroit Limited an Express Cars~7 :3s r1.. 8:Io a. in., and hourly to 7:10 P. iM., 9:I 1). IT". Kalamazoo Limited Cars---8:48 a. n at every two lours to 5 :48 D. iM.; to Lansin 8 :48 p. Mn SJackson Express Cars ;local sto- west c Ain Ar>or)-9:48 a. In. and every tae how to : :48 1).in. Local Cars East Bound--5:35 a. m., 6:4 a. 'm., 7:0; a. n. and every t ro h''~rs to 7: P. in., 5:o.S P.-in, 9:n5 p. In., Ja:o tp. I To Ypsilanti only, 9:20 a. m., ): o a m z:o5 m., 6:05 p. m, 9:45 P. m, I145 n. ms 12:2;o a.-in., i::1o a. mn. z :2o a. mn. ro bliw change at Y'psilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:o5 a. m , 7 a. Mn.. 10:20o P. i..12:20 a. m. Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or snall. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $50,000.00 Resources .........$4,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave. Realize for yourself the pleasure of Home Cooked Food. Prices Reasonable. Service Paramount. TRUBEY' S 218 S. Main Street I' P. Radio Miltary WEFo WristWatches E F $ 4 .2 5 to $ 2 1 U. Sc h1ande Jewelry Schianderer & Seyl HIRSH-WICKWIRE CO. !!' Wagner ii & Co. 11 State St. at Liberty We sell War Savings Stamps of M. Jewelry. J. 1 Ch