'I Chermans friend calls the lee- s in Hill auditorium "make-up " Referred to the Military News- it was explained that 90 per of the carets use these periods to up sleep. ea-"Popeorn, 6c per Sack" member the good old days when ne slapped on the counter brought a- can of "doesn't bite the ue," and the man didn't moan that shey's is going up to seven cents -the Allies use tons of it?" turns to in the spring, but a sub-con- scious sense of humor in regard to the situation in the old country seems to restrain people from quoting the pre- ceding lines: "In the spring a livelier iris Changes on the burnished dove." Nor Mr. Bryan Someone, who 'didn't know we were running this colyum, informed us that the only kind of jokes not used were the wife-beater-and-rolling-pin type, and the mother-in-law wheeze. Gymna SHIRT SHOES Consisting of PANTS SUPPORTER Special Price of $2, -AT- urn 1 Enter-Spring fever. Curtain. Wahr's University MAIN STREET we the Dlean AriulvofSinmo4ยง college, will sepqla i the 0food, conferenceat .3 We Sell MAZDA LAI Come in and see the 75 watt Blue L Gives a white light. Just the thing rm tle important, notice in the "What's Go- ing On" column and oblige, '18L. "There will be a regular meeting of the Law school at Joe's after three: o'clocks today as usual." Cary:-One of the down-town sa- loons has in its show window an old- fashioned high-wheeled bicycle of the "Ask grandad, he knows" type. Calling attention, of course, to the fact that his wares, too, will soon be out-of-date. SAM. Cary:-'Nuther Vision-Getting half way down-town with the boys and then finding yburself in R. 0. T. C. bag. I. Didit. And before we rest the case, we would add that the rough Garglers from upstairs have jusf descended on us to exult that "spring is here; bock beer is on tap at Larry's." Regiter at Barbour gympasium any' time from 9 to 12 o'clock this morn- ing or fromg 3 to 5 o'clock this after- noon. Tomorrow is the last day. Girls wishing employment during vacation should apply at the office of the dean of women. Senior girls' supper tickets should be purchased by Saturday. MICHIGAN WOMEN CARRY OUT SUGGESTIONS OF CONFERENCE Each of the four recommendations made by the conference of the deans of women held recently in Atlantic City, are being carried out at Michi- gan. It was suggested that college women pledge themselves to go be- yopd the average conservati n asked by the government, that they be strongly urged to join the food cours- es, that effective speakers on food be secured, for college groups, and that studeits be mobilized for service dur- ing vacation periods. The food card campaign last week, the food conference today and tomor- row, and the state and county groups now organizing for patriotic work in the summer, are directly in line with these proposals. A letter just received from the col legiate section of the food administra- Choice Selection of . H. L. SWITZER Dance Programs and Place Cards The Slater Book Shi > raise "hair- follow tion expresses appreciation of the sup- port given by, the Atlantic City con- ference, and pleasure with the popu- larity of the food courses which have been opened in numerous colleges, and universities. It is said that thousands of women are taking these courses, and it is be- lieved they will be most effective agents for conveying facts about food conservation \and use to the people. LET'S G and sere Army Cigar Cases asd degree from He lost his to put ust- "Bob! Why is the Gargoyle more particular than a squirrel?" "Well, as the-chart in the petrologi- cal , lecture room says, albite." "A squirrel will take almost any old kind, but the Gargoyle has to have chestnuts." Credit is being given in nea institution, and plans are b for similar instruction in sessions. Roll-Ups ev QUARRY soon be run- Everybody ,s been warbling about There ai always an opportunIty to Increase your business through Dally -adrertising. Try it.-Adv. Cor. ( cWO. When You Can Buy A Spring Coat -For---- l1 of appreciation nanner in which -ersity rallied to ion at a critical sserted that the n into the opera year in order success. They ganizations had further produc- en the last few realizing these id being cogniz- ianner in which to take part in en freely over- ances and bent e support of an knew to be well Exactly Like Cut You Realize Why B. Siegel Values Are Supreme Co.'s lq IA 'To Ypsilanti only, 9:2c 2:05 ;. in., 6:os p. m, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bo' a. m.. 10:20 p. m.. I2:2 6:48 Cars a. Ill.; DETROIT Between Detroit, - (Effective Detroit Limited a ra 8:1o a. in.; and Courteous TREATMEN' er, whether or small. The AnnMA I- I- I Capital and Surplu Resources ........ riev d th hey which MAIL jo SOLICITED f*liEC C rcmwo " 4sunT mw r AYolrm mm the last few days a its rather inclined nen for all of the Realize pleasure o Food. P Service . -r--r. .~-,--..- .-.r--.. . ..1..- --,. . for yoi of Home rices R Paramot tcomings of the opera. They{ Id hold the transparency of the against the women, quite forget- that due to the latter the singing dancing w'as far superior to any- g in past years. The tone of the le opera has this year been raised iderably above that of a burlesque >ubtful humor as given previously. ugh the alumni have in the past ported the opera, I believe they do so againthis year,nbut with feeling that they need not apolo- r rr;; K=P!;n -ing's Pleasures Spring's Nickel's Arcade Exquisite Ballroom I I I Well appointed Shops and Stores for Rent D, '18E. will .. For particulars: S. B. NICKELS, 337 Maynard St. Phone 1922-J