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October 13, 1917 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-10-13

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_ - .

Aspiring Verdant CONVOCTION HASHumble Freshmen
Goes Siveatertess DOI O Are Expectant llII~~T AIIV fFAl~ ~
Would-Be Wearer of the "M" Meets IIIICTONE Plan is Revealed Whereby Verdants UlNIVLITdlI IfULII UU L
With Disappointment as May Have Chance to Discard
IS NOW ASSURED He Shops Dean Henry M. Bates Gives Stirring ClassCaps ..INSISTENTPUTTERNOLS
Address on Duties of
One thing the second year men can- Students "Every cloudhas a silver lining."
ANN ARBOR LIBERTY LOANERS not blame you for, freshman, is the And through the darkness gleams a FREE POSTAGE FOR PROFESSOR ACCUSED OF A D
HOLD "PEP GENERATOR" total lack of school spirit. Yes, frosh, VISITING MEDICAL OFFICERS ray of hope for the oppressed fresh- EDTAREAK
AND BANQUET you have the true Michigan spirit. ARE HONORED BY PRESIDENT men. In truth, Allah is good. May the SAMMIES EXPECTED SEDITIONARY REMARKS





Civic Organizations Aid in
moth Drive for


That Michigan will raise its Lib-
eerty loan quota of $200,000, was con-
clusively demonstrated in. a mammoth
"pep generator and banquet held
Friday night at the Union.
The active campaign among stu-
dents will be launched Saturday with
the aid of the 120 workers, represent-
ing every campus organization, at-
tending the dinner.
Among the speakers were: Dean
Cooley of the engineering school; F.
A. Stivers, member of the Washtenaw
county campaign committee; Alfred
Rice of Detroit, representing the fed-
eral reserve banks; Prof. I. Leo Sharf-
man of the economics department; S.
S. Atwood, '17, president of the Stu-
dent council; Francis Bacon, '02, di-
rector of social activities at the Union;
Albert E. Horne, '18; Anna Lloyd, '18,
president of the Women's league, and
Prot Jphn C. Parker of the engineer-
ing scooL
"Economize and Buy Bonds"
"It won't hurt Ann Arbor to econ-
omize and buy bonds with the money,"
said Dean Cooley. "The sororities can
help the boys cut down on expense.
If a girl can dance ten miles or so
an evening, she can at least walk home
half a mile and save the taxi fare to
buy a Liberty loan bond. The parties
that Ann Arbor is notorium for can
be cut to buy bonds.' Michigan stu-
dents have spirit and will show it.'
Two of the evening's features were
the "Marseillaise," sung in solo by
Carlos A. Zanelli, '17E, and a quasi-
comic song entitled, "So Long Ger-
many," sung by Bob Hamilton.
The faculty campaign in progress
but two days has resulted in the sub-
scription of $65,000. Prof. Clyde E.
Love, alone secured $13,000 in his
canvass. The mathematics depart-
ment bought $9,000 worth of the is-
sue. What is termed a "combing cam-
paign," by Professor Parker, will be
launched today among those of the
faculty not yet approached. "No m.n
will be slighted," said Professor
A practical selling demonstration
between Robert McDonald, '18, of The
Daily, and Norman Ibsen, 'iE, Lib-
erty loaner, showed how to sell the
Every Student to Be Solicited
Every student in the University will
be asked to buy a bond. Faculty speak-
ers and canvassers will go to the va-
rious fraternities, sororities and clubs
to speak in behalf of the loan, and to
solicit if necessary.
All workers will meet daily until
Oct. 26, to deposit subscriptions In
room 206 Engineering biulding, after
4 o'clock.
On account of the lack of buttons
showing that the wearer has made the
purchase of a Liberty loan bond, tags
bearing the iscription, "I bought a
bond, did you?" will be worn by the
Lists showing the progress of the
various organisations will be pub-
lished in The Daily to stimulate a
friendly spirit of rivalry among the
"The Liberty loan bond campaign
will not fail in Detroit, I am confi-
dent," declared Alfred Rice of De-
troit, when approached after the ses-
sion. "When the manufacturers learn
that the Detroit banks are willing to
loan them funds to buy bonds, there
will be a decided increase. And then,
Henry Ford has not bought his bonds
as yet, so I don't helieve we need
worry, but we do need to work."
When asked what he thought of the
success of the loan nationally or as
a whole, Mr. Rice said he believed that
Americans would rise to help in the
greatest national crisis a nation ever

faced-downing enemy propaganda
(Continued on Page Six.)

Last Wednesday a tall, slim indi-
vidual rushed intoGeorge Moe's ath-
letic store on North University avenue
sputtering, stuttering, and smattering
unintelligable words. At length the
trade winds automatically adjusted
themselves, and the yearling inquired
"Have you any 'M' sweaters?"
"No, I haven't," answered Mr. Moe.
"What do you want an 'M' sweater
"Oh, dear," the Frosh groaned, "I
simply got to have an 'M' sweater to
wear to the game."
"We have been out of 'M' sweaters
for some time, and since the war has
curtailed the production of woolen
goods, we will not have any more in
until next season."
And the frosh wondered why his or-
der wasn't taken.
Washington, Oct. 12.-Discussion of
the advisability of expediting a call
for the second increment of the draft
army is now in progress at the war
department. It seems likely that the
date may be fixed for sometme in De-
cember or January.
Mobilization of the first increment is
now far enough advanced to show
clearly that there will be a big de-
ficiency for the 17 national army di-
More than 250,000 of the first in-
crement are still to be assembled but
it already is evident that there will
be available at the 16 cantonment
quarters after an additional regiment
is added at each post, a sum for a
full briga' ie of two regiments. The
shortage 4s due partly to the necessity
of taking out national army men to
fill up the national guard divisions.
Drafts on the national army forces
also must be made to fill up the en-
;isted personnel of the aviation serv-
ice, the medical service and the serv-
ice battalions needed behind the fight-'
ing lines abroad. Evidently there will'
be 250,000 men in the last named serv-
ice alone, and aviation and medical'
service will take nearly as many more,'
although not all of them will be taken'
from the national army.
Fixing the date of the call for the
second increment probably hinges up-'
on the careful study being made by
Provost Marshal General Crowder and
his assistants of the results of the plan
followed in assembling the men called
Many questions have arisen which
it may be desired to avoid hereafter,
and substitute regulations to guide
both local and district boards, pre-
pared Inthe light of what actual ex-
perience taught, may be issued to gov-
ern the second call.
Was Optomistic Regarding Germany's1
Unrestricted Submarine
Amsterdam, Oct. 12.-Vice-Admiral
von Capelle, the German mninister of
marines, has resigned, according to
the Frankforter Zeitung.
Vice-Admiral von Capelle was one
of the administrative leaders in the,
ministry of marine before the war and I

has served as a captain. He succeed-
ed in March, 1916, Admiral von Tirpitz
as imperial minister of the navy.
Several times since then, Von Cap-
elle has appeared before the reichstag
with optomistic statements regarding
the progress of the unrestricted sub-
marine campaign, and as late as Au-
gust 26, 1917, he defended the U-boat
policy of his predecessor and himself
at a meeting of the reichstag main:

University Executive Urges Michigan
Men to Work Faith-
"The University should co-operate
in every way with the government
during the present time of stress. In
former wars Michigan contributed her
share, and never yet has she failed
to do her part. If the actions of Mich-
igan men now is any criterion the
University will continue her splendid
This was the substance of the ad-
dress delivered by Dean Henry M.
Bates of the Law school at Convoca-
tion exercises yesterday afternoon in
Hill auditorium.
"The student should spend eight
hours of every school lay with his
studies, and of the other two days
he should at least devote three hours
to his work, in order that he may
make the best use of the opportunity
afforded him at the University. Es-
pecially is this necessary now, so that
the student may aid in the reconstruc-
tion of ie country after the war
Rev. L. A. Barrett of the Presbyter-
ian church opened the services with
the invocation. He was followed by
the introductory address by President
Harry B. Hutchins.
"The student who remains in the
University waiting the call from the
government," said the president, "is
ust as patriotic as the one who enters
the service immediately. Of course,
it is the duty of the student to work
faithfully while he has the opportun-
Following Dean Bates, President
Harry B. Hutchins, by will of the re-
cent action of the Board of Regents,
conferred the degree of arts on each
of the French and British medical of-
ficers present at the exercises as
guests of honor.
"Capt. John Gilmore," the president
said, "because of your distinguished
services in South Africa and in Fland-
ers you have been decorated by your
king. In view of your signnificant
services in this country, the Board of
Regents does not wish to see you
leave Ann Arbor without acknowledg-
ing their appreciation for you, and has
decided to confer on you the degree of
master of arts."
Major E. Rist of the French med-
ical service, Col. Thomas H. Goodwin
of the English medical service, and
Col. C. U. Dercle of the French med-
ical corps were honored in turn.
Exercises were ended by the singing
of "America."
Find Chloral Hydrate and Cyanide of
Potassium ii Soldiers Bar-
Washington, Oct. 12.In explanation
of the recent arrest of Private Samuel
0. Livingood at the army aviation
camp at Princeton, N. J., for having
poison in his possession, the commit-
tee on public information tonight cs-
sued this statement: .
"An inspection of the barracks at
the aviation school at Princeton, N. J.,
a small quantity of cyanide of potas-
sium and chloral hydrate was found.
A soldier in whose possession the
poison seemed to be was placed under
arrest and taken to Governor's Island,
N. Y., for trial by court martial."
At the war department it was said
the case was being handled by the
commander of the eastern department
and that nothing was known here con-
cerning the court marital.
H. B. Teegarden, 17, in Ann Arbor

H. B. Teegarden, '17, assistant pay-
master in the United States navy, is
a visitor in Ann Arbor today. Tee-
garden has been in the pay officers'
school in Washington for the past two
months. Though he has not yet been
assigned to a stalion, he expects to
be placed on sea duty in the near fu-
ture. He. luaves today for his home
in GreenvIlie,Ouio.

the Great Spirit be praised. Yet, it
is not the Great Spirit but the war-god
Mars that is worthy of gratitude. And
the, ones who kneel before his shrine
are not exponents of militarism, but
the very pacific freshmen themselves.
For Mars has offered a means of
evading the wearing of the freshman
caps and toques. When the military
drill students, a number of whom are
freshmen, receive their uniforms, reg-
ulation hats will be in order.
Further explanation is unnecessary.
Will the reshmen wear the chapeau
de la guerre or the commonplace "pot"
or toque?

Only Men in Actual Service Will Be
Allowed to Use Priv-
Soldiers in France are to have the
franking privilege from now on, ac-
cording to Assistant Postmaster Sanzi.
The local office has not received of-
ficial word to that effect, but as sur-
rounding offices have the statement,
it may be considered authentic.
The order provides: Letters written
and mailed by the soldiers, sailors,
and marines assigned to duty in a for-
eign country engaged in the war may
be mailed free of postage, subject to
such rules and regulations as the de-
partment may see fit to prescribe.
It is seen from the above provisions
that only soldiers, sailors and marines,
who are assigned to duty can take
advantage of this order. The only
other restriction is that the sender's
name and home address be in the up-
per left hand corner.



Detroit, Oct. 12.-With thousands of
Detroiters shivering last night in their
homes without fuel, Police Commis-
sioner Couzens took over the duties of
municipal coal administrator backed
by an emergency fund of $10,000.
Mr. Couzens' appointment was made
by Mayor Marx today after a stormy
session with the ways and means com-
mittee of the city council.
Outlining his plain of action, Mr.
Couzens said he would divide the city
into 10 districts and place a clerk in
charge of each to keep a house to
house record on the needs of the peo-
Word was received from Washing-
ton today that only 25 carloads of
coal a day had been released to De-
troit. This, it is figured, is only suf-
ficient to supply 1,000 families With
one ton a month.
British Capture 600 German Prisoners
in Advance Over Six-
Mile Front
(By Associated Press.)
For the first time since he started
his series of attacks against the Ger-
man positions in Flanders, Field Mar-
shal Haig has had to cease an opera-
tion, before all the objectives were ob-
It was not the German guns, how-
ever, that stopped the British. A more
than usually heavy rain fall, which
started during the battle, turned the
already swamped region over which
the men were supposed to pass into a
quagmire from which they could not
untrack themselves for a forward
The drive was started in the early
hours of Friday morning. At several
points the British troops succeeded in
gaining ground over fronts ranging
up to 1,000 yards, but when the rain
intervened, the fighting ceased for the
day. During the forward movement
over the six-mile front, the British
captured a total of 600 prisoners. The
Germans were expecting the battle.
For several hours prior to the signal-
for the British to attack them, they
laid down a heavy barrage fire all
along the lines interspersing the rain
of steel and explosive shells with
axphyiating gas bombs.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Prof. I. L. Sharfman, secretary of
the economics department, in an inter-
view today, spoke strongly in favor
of the new licensing system effective
Nov. 1.
Under this war measure all' con-
cerns with a $100,000 business and
more, dealing in any of 20 named com-
modities will be forced to operate un-
der an extensive licensing system.
The government is determined to
put an end to hoarding, speculation,
and extortionate profits between pro-
ducer and consumer.
It has named among the first of the
goods affected the most essential
staples-eggs, poultry, milk, meats,
vegetables, sugar, flour, bread, wheat
and other cereals, fish and canned
goods. Practically the only foods to
be omitted are those classed as lux-
"In peace times such arbitrary con-
trol of prices would not be necessary
or expedient, but during the present
crisis such control is a link in the
chain insuring the success of our
country in the war," said Professor
"The lowering of present high prices
will do much to increase the people's
confidence in the sincerity of the
causes behind our entrance into the
war, and diminish the needless suf-
fering of the laboring classes at home
who are supporting the soldiers in the
Washington, Oct. 12.-Existence of
a general coal shortage, was admitted
tonight by the seological survey, which
attributes the situation not to the
failure of producers to do their best,
but to the unprecedented demand.
"The tremendous increase in manu-
facturing and transportation activities
this year," said the statement, "has
created a demand for soft coal in ex-
cess of any in the past. The state-
ment also said that in the last part of
September, the daily output of the
mines was 1,823,000 tong.
Directory Lists to Be Posted Today
Typewritten copies of the Students'
Directory will be posted today in
University hall opposite the Regis-
trar's office, and in the Engineering
society's rooms from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Students are requested to make any
corrections necessary in their ad-
dresses or in the spelling of their
names during the day, as there will
be no corrections made after this
There are several house clubs which
have not yet sent in their lists of
members, and several sectional clubsj
whose lists of officers for the year
have not hen received.

Important Evidence Presented; -St-
dents File Statements Aginst
Former Teacher
Because of his pro-German iatttude,
Dr: Carl Eggert, assistant tuofessor of
German, was removed from the Uni-
versity faculty yesterday afteron by
the action of the Board o nts.
The resolution of the Regents was
as follows: Resolved, That bease f
the attitude of Dr. Carl Eggert, aa-
sistant professor of Germa with re-
spect to the war, as appeara rom the J
investigation conducted by tIs board,
it is'deemed that his usefidness to
the University is ended, and his posi-
tion is therefore declared vacant
The investigation was preipitated
as the result of letters sent to the rye-
gents and President Harry H 2utch-
ins by prominent alumnis Detroit,
Chicago and New York. They asked
for an investigation of Dr. Eggerf's%
alleged unpatriotic remaks, thogh'
the president and the Rf cuts have,
conducted a probe previous to the- ~
ceipt of the inquiries. Reports of Or
Eggert's actions had reah i te
alumni through correspondence with
students of the University.
Students Incensed by Uttrances
Various students in the Gean de-
partment taking work undr Profesor
Eggert were incensed by his unpa-
triotic utterances in the clas room
and filed statements with the Re-
gents.. It is reported that the pro-
fessor expressed himself more 'upenly
in public.
Among the cases filed b the stu-
dents was one in which it wasre-
called that a few months ago Pro"
fessor Eggert spent nearly the entire
class period arguing in behalf of the
militarism and the absolute power cif
the German government.
The argument started when on of
the students brought an editoria on
Prussianism to class. O;i of te
statements declares that Profesor Eg
Bert said, "The German gvrn2nefl
is far better than the United tate
It is more democratic. The presiden
is more absolute and despc tictha
the German kaiser."
Refuses to Subscribe to Buerah Fun
One of these depositios sated tha
about last April Professor Eggert wa
approached by a University woman t
subscribe money for the Busra~h c- m-
paign. "Do you think I would givc
one cent of mine to hel Great Brit
a-?" said Professor Eger The
young lady replied, "It would he
not only Great Britain but the Unite
States." To this it is reported tI
professor replied, "I wouldn't give oK-
centto help the United States so o
as it is injuring Germany"
Another statement reads: "W
congress was deliberating over Pi
dent Wilson's April speech, ProfessOC
Eggert spent most of the recitatior
hour, that we were supposed to
vote to the study of German literat,
repeating in various forms the sth
ment that the United States was
terly unjustified in declaring a s
of war with Germany, and that t
country had done nothing to *rn-
such action."
In a conversation with a membe
the faculty who asked him pointb
whether his sympathies were
Germany or the United States,~
fessor Eggert is alleged to have
that they were with the central -

James Thomas, '18L, took t- o
as a member of the Stimuent coT
Thursday evening at the nmeetmw
that body, and was adned to
At the same meeting it as dec
that no athletic man-. gers _ortb'
various classes be elected because C
the abandonment of tE interclas
--ames for the vear.




"Two parties in a year in the *
University cost a young man $50. *
What about savig this and buy- *
ing a bond?" Dean M. E. Cooley. *
"Buy a bond and do your share,
or you may be deprived of the *
many privileges that you now en- *
joy. We must win the war !"-F. *
A Stivers county loan committee. *
"So long Germany," Bob Ham- *
ilton. *
"Go out and sell these bonds, for *
Michigan, for the nation, and for'
God"-Prof. John C. Parker. *
* * * * * * * * * -* * * *

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