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March 20, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-20

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.g vacation. This will
called to the colors a
upted period of college
the past nine years at
that the scholarship of
reek letter organiza-
than that of the men's.
Gamma and Alphi Chi
[ual at the head of the

Committees in charge of the com-
mencement exercises at the Univer-
sity of Kansas are planning to 'iave
the exercises extended to include two
days, instead of being crowded into
one as formerly.


the d

of the

Work began yesterday on the land
to be used for children's war gardens,
and it is thought that the ground will1
be in condition for use within three
weeks. The city is- divided into four
sections, and four women are to be
paid $50 each to supervise the work,
and see that everything is carried out
right. This amount is to be paid
them merely to make them feel that
they are under some obligation to the
work, said Mr. Ray Bassett, in charge;
of the work.
Attempts have been made to pro-
cure seed for the children to be dis-
tributed free, but as yet there has
been no definite information regard-
ing the purchase. Last year, accord-
ing to Mr. Bassett, seed was distribut-
ed to the children free, and at the
end of the season some of the small
4 by 8 feet gardens yielded as much
as $5 for the plants prown.
Letters are to be sent out this week
to all the city property holders ask-
ing them to allow all vacant lots to be
transformed into war gardens. In
this way people who are unable to
procure land for garden use, will be
afforded the means of using lands that
the owners do not wish for their own
use. Mr. Bassett said that this does
not only increase the amount of gar-
den supplies, but it also increases the
value of the property on the lots. Last
year this plan proved very success-
ful, and in all there was about 500
acres of such land cultivated in this-
manner. Many people found that the
supply they accumulated from their
gardens lasted throughout the winter.
The plot worked by the police depart-
ment produced 40 bushels of potatoes.

11 o'clock-Fresh lit meeting in
University hall.
12:35 o'clock-Lenten services at
444 South State street.
3 o'clock-Mr. G. S. Getchev lectures
to Cercle Francais in Tappan hall.
5 o'clock-Il Circulo Dante meets in
Room 204, University hall.
7:30 o'clock-Zionist society meets
in Room 204, University hall.
7:30 o'clock-Prof. E. R. Turner
speaks in School of Music auditorium
on "The Irish Problem in England."
8 o'clock-Reception for Dr. and
Ivrs. Stalker in Methodist church par-
12:15 o'clock - Dental faculty
luncheon at the Michigan Union.
12:35 o'clock-Lenten services at
444 South State street.
4:15 o'clock-Faculty concert in
Hill auditorium.
The cast of "L'Avocat Patelin" will
rehearse at 7 o'clock tonight in the
Cercle Francais rooms, University
hall. "Le Retour Imprevu" will be
rehearsed at 8 o'clock tonight in the
same rooms.
The All-fresh Glee club will re-
hearse at 7 o'clock tonight in Room
204, School of Music.
Dr. J. C. Wood, of Cleveland, 0., will
hold an abdominal and gynecological
clinic today at the Homoeopathic hos-
The Varsity Mandolin 'club will
practice at 7 o'clock Thursday eve-
ning in University hall.

1 T TAl M



A flve-year course leading to a
nurse's diploma and a bachelor of
science degree will probably be in-
stituted at the University of Wash-
ington. This will require a connec-
tion between the college of science
and the hospital in Seattle.
Women at Depauw university have
petitioned the Board of Trustees that
the dormitory now known as Women's
Hall be given a more desirable name.
Women of the University of Cali-
fornia, have invaded all the places
held sacred by the men. One morning
an athletically inclined woman was
seen on the running track and also
employing the services of the coach.
Upon the appearance of a number of
track men, the "neophyte" took to
her heels and put in practice the in-
structions given her by the veteran

101 Wasi
Class dancing at
emy Monday and 'I
7:30 to 9:30. Priva
pointment. Phone

You will always find bargains in
Daily advertisements. Read them.
Patronize Our Advertisers.-Ad#
::: - -::::-:-


-- - ..


ter clothes.


Resignations of David A. Forbes and
Charles B. Stegner as president and
treasurer respectively of the Soph lit
class were accepted at the class meet-
ing yesterday afternoon. Forbes and
Stegner both left with the naval aux-
The followingnominations for pres-
ident were made: C. G. Louks, U. A.
Carpenter, W. A. Leitzinger, and D. D.
Nash. Earl H. Cress and Mark K.
Ehlbert were nominated for treasurerl
Preceding the nominations, R. C. Pat-
terson, '18 of the Student council ex-
plained the rules governing eligibil-
ity, and stated that elections would,
be held from 10 to 3 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon in University hall. All
members of the class are urged to
take part in these elections.
Gregg Shorthand. Beginning Class
starts 11 or 3 Eastern Time today.

10 E. Hoover Ave.I
-e been annoyed stated that
I no purpose in prosecuting'
r than providing for their own
The case was dismissed this
in Judge Doty's-ccurt.

You will find what
through the Daily want

you want l Hamilton Business College,
ads.-Adv. William.-Adv.

State and

Only 60 per cent of the students
have signed the food conservation
pledge cards being distributed by the
University health service, according
to the report of Miss Sue C. Hamilton,
Many have taken cards but have not
returned them. This is due to neglect
in some cases, but in a few it has been
due to lack of patriotism, it seems.
It is conspicuous that fraternities and
sororities have responded more read-
ily to the request for conservation
volunteers than have those who eat
at boarding houses. The medical
school has returned a bare 15 per cent
of the cards allotted to it, The liter-
ary college has been allowed a score
of 50 per cent, and the engineers are
about 50 per cent. The law school
has not reported.
No reason has been assigned to the
lack of spirit on the part of the stu-
dents. Michigan is the first univer-
sity to take up the food campaign, and
the government officials at Washing-
ton are watching the campaign with
interest, it is reported. If the cam-
paign fails here, it is probable that
other' colleges will not take up the
movement. This would be seriously
detrimental, according to the opinion
of the food administration. The
movement is still being pushed on the
campus so that any who have failed
to sign the cards may yet enroll in the
list of patriots.
Thomas S. Harrington, ex-'17,
,started suit for $5,00 in the circuit
,court Monday against two- secret
service men - of Lansing, Robert J.
Cornelius and Robert E. Ferguson,
for conspiracy to defame and injure
Harrington's reputation.
Harrington was a member of the
varsity baseball team and played
against M. A. C. here two years ago.
Last summer he worked at the Reo
Motor Car company's' plant and play-
ed baseball in the Reo league. He is
now in the aviation corps at Cham-
paign, Il.
Although he was on his way back
to Lansing from Battle Creek, where
he had been working at the canton-
ment and waiting for his call,'he was
arrested as a deserter by Cornelius,
who was working under Ferguson. It
is alleged that he was not given a
chance to go before his local draft
board for a hearing, but was thrown
into jail and was kept there after his
papers were taken from him.
Harrington claims that in their efforts
to collect $50 for the apprehension of
a deserter from the government, Fer-
guson and Cornelius conspired to the
detriment of his good name. Friends
,of Harrington will endeavor to get
the police ,board to take his name off
the blotter. in the Lansing police sta-
tion which says "Thomas S. Harring-
ton, deserter."
There is always an opportunity to
----- - .. . ....si n ,. "*it


Spring and Summer

March 20th, 21st, 22nd
A Superb Exhibition of New M6erchandise embr
Paris inspiration; Suits, Coats and Gowns from for
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White Goods and Trimmings; Gloves from famou
makers; Shoes; Corsets, Accessories; and fine Hom
that possess rare individuality and character.

Season is Now Open

will interpret the season's lov
Promenades, which will be he
evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 (C
Floor Salons.



at present a very large and fine line
ns. As good as we have ever had.
price which is not exorbitant, con-
he present conditions. Our tailoring
: best in the country.


J _





to have you reserve your cloth
: made up when you wish.


uniform makers.



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thorough eye examination
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