)o you want a Job or Do you want some work done Call Mr. JfHrsman 2 823 SHIRT SHOES anent the vocabulary of every We read that Steve is letting his tracksters go outdoors. The season for modest eyes cast down is here Wahr's MAIN STREET again. lie, entally, o see you," days trans- ss of it all, house, with REAL tragedies ofI suddenly o are the s school" CRITICIZES M&GAINES SAYS JEWISH PUBLICATIONS ADDED TO PERIODICALS ARE UNREPRESENTATIVE Editor, The Michigan Daily: The writer has noticed in your Tuesday issue that Librarian W. W. Bishop has granted the petition of the Jewish Students' society requesting the librarian to place several Yiddish publications on the Library shelves. The authorities did the proper thing when they granted the request, be- cause in a community like Ann Arbor, where things Jewish are utterly lack- ing, it was high time to do something in this line. The writer feels, however, that the periodicals selected by the society are not representative of the various isms in Judaism. Let me briefly analize the choice. "Der Tag" was chosen as a daily paper; "Der Kampher" as a Zionist weekly; and "Die Zukunft" as a monthly,. These three publications are all radical. "Der Tag" as a daily is good because it is rational and accepts all the isms impartially. "Der Kampher" is not a nurely Zionistic paper as was Come H. L. 1 Pout Gives elephant) among those who make the "friendly rivalry of college life." Then indeed would the poor devils who missed out on the scrub teams and the worst of cubs loll in well-earned indolence and ease. Theda comes Thursday. . Cary:-Have you noticed the ana- tomical drama that has lately been displaying itself in A. A? First we have "Daddy Long Legs" and then "Mary's Ankle." Where is it all go- I I - - R.H.F. to find Visions of Hell-Standing at atten- tion in R. O. T. C. drill while your best Misery Is Especially Fond of Company in Spring When your last lecture note dates some time last month and you have a particular Hate on toward your pro- fessors; when your clothes are lots too hot and you've got a cold; and you can't get your laundry out of hock stated it Socialisi "Kamph ful of y society, "'Die Zu paper o Ab. Coh in itself iversity scribe tc Cohan not be C. has been y, the Car- i of material U owe every one letters; when ze in windows at spring trap- without the slightest hope of anything; when you're just for everyone to criticize you; ou want to get out of this in- burg into some other one; -ou feel lazy and discontented around low; take solace in the t you're far from alone in your urglars me that yeggs misery. here so that of last wint- .rded. nied by )RAWS y WOMEN The Athena literary society- held a vocabulary test for its members the other night and discovered that the average was 12,960 words. Would that we might have been present at that meeting, even though our ham- mer, anvil, and stirrup had been ruin- ed forever and our semi-circular canals reduced to the condition of Teddy's! A Chinese school wouldn't have been in the running in com- parison. Our admiration always goes out to scientists who experiment on themselves. A great service has been done for the world of unthinking males who have heretofore had no mathematical basis for their wild as- The writer has no faults to find with our librarian for he had no means of knowing these things. It, seems though, that if we are to get Jewish publications, we should get. an assortment that would satisfy all Jews. Hence, permit 'me to recommend a fair list of Yiddish publications: 1. "Der Tag" as a daily because it is neutral. 2. "Das Yiddische Volk" as a weekly because it is purely Zionist- ic. 3. "Der Amerikaner" as a weekly because it is purely orthodox and log- ically American. Then if we must have a Socialist publication, the "Zukunft" is the only one we have. However, we might be able to dis- pense with that, at least until the war is over. The above list is desirable and should prove satisfactory to everyone because it takes into account the orth- odox and Zionist elements, which build up the majority in Judaism. S. PAUL EPSTEIN, '18. Dancing Friday and Saturday nights at the Armory.-Adv. Register at time from 9 o'clock. It w minutes. Women wis vacation shot at the office o office set do n wom- . a way the gov-. 40 On All day BASE BALL 5 AT