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March 19, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-19

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pearance are
and profess-
the fighting

itrol the destiny of
a will find the qual-
snap of youth, the
e refinement of ex-
acme of value-best

-171- ;


y follow the receipt of a
our roses or other flowers.
ightfulness and good taste
ail to find favor in the fair
s ey6s. When you send flow-
ours. That means the fresh-
most fragrant blossoms, the
last and please the longest.

213 E.LibertySt,
Phone 294

All University women are elig-
or membership.
A. E. Wood, instructor in so-
y, wil speak at 4:415 o'clock
fternoon at Barbour gymnasium
cational opportunities for wom-

UUL. IflUUI 111 I I10,ItL
Battle Creek, Mich., March 18.-An
unusually successful system of co-
operation between the Michigan State
Board of Health and the Division Sur-
geon at Camp Custer is chiefly re-
sponsible for excellent conditions at
that camp, according to a report to
Surgeon General .orgastoday by
Lieut. Col.Victor C. Vaughn, H. .,N.
A., upon the latter's return to Wash-
:ngton after an inspection trip to the
Michigan cantonment.
The purpose of this co-operation,
Col. Vaughn reported, has extended to
the limitation of all infectious diseases
but had been most especially con-
cerned with venereal diseases. The
legal authorities of the state have giv-
en their heartiest support to the mili-
Report 2000 Cases
Upon recommendation of the State
Health board, physicians of the state
have reported all cases of disease.
From September 1917 to March 1'
191, dmore than 2,000 cases were re-
ported to the State-Board of Health.
Many civilians have been sent to hos-
pitals and have undergone or are un-
dergoing treatment.
Free clinics are held in Battle
Creek adjacent to the camp, in Detroit
and hi other smaller cities through-
out the state.
Recommendations Endorsed
-COonel Vaughan endorsed the fol-
lowing recommendations for'improve-
ments by Col. Neale M. Wood:
1. Two additional barracks build-
ings and ten two-story ward barracks.
Authority to construct these already
has been received at Camp Custer.
2. Provision for additional bar-
racks space for 75 by providing rad-
lators in corridors now built. These
corridors are enclosed and the radiat-
prs would convert them into addi-
tional barracks with but little cost.
3. That additional screening be
provided for the administrative build-
ing, receiving ward, officers' ward.
kitchen and guard house.,
4. An office building for the sup-
ply officer and quartermaster.
5. Regarding general conditions at
Camp Custer, Col. Vaughan reported
to General Gorgas.:
"I find nothing to criticize in the
general situation at Camp Custer. The
camp is in good condition."
Named "The Volunteers"; Is Dedi-
cated to Chairman of Ship.-
ping Board
Washington, March 18.-Lieut.
John Philip Sousa, band master and
composer, whose martial airs have
thrilled America for years, has writ-
ten a flew march to help the ship-
building drive.
Sousa and his naval reserve band
are now famous all over the country
as a most potent force in encouraging
enlistments and inciting patriotic ef-
fort. For many years he was director
of the Marine band here. A letter
written to him, suggesting that a
march which would spur on the great
shipbuilding drive would be a valu-
able contribution to the nation
brought the following reply:
"Anything in the world to put more
ships on the seas flying the Star
Spangled Banner. I will try to get

an inspiration, and when I do, will
,communicate with you. It seems to
me a march of a joyous nature would
fit the situation better than ont em-
bodying the idea of barbaric splend-
or, and if I can think of something
of a lilting character you shall have

It is suggested by the Adjutant that
members of the R. 0. T. C. clip the
various general and special orders
published- fromtime to time in this
column and retain them for personal
reference. In this way they will be
enabled to determine just what ord-
ers have been issued covering any
subject upon which information is de-
sired. "Orders should be studied after
being cut out so that their provis-
ions can be mastered," stated Lieut.'
Losey J. Williams yesterday. "When
the nen are in the service thef will
be required to preserve leir orders,
so that it would be advisable to form
the habit while in the R. 0. T. C."
Work on the new gallery range in.
4yaterman gymnasium is rapidly ap-
proaching completion. A false wall
will be placed in front of the back-
stop of boiler plate to stop the spat-
tering of the bullets, which would
otherwise endanger the men in the
target pit. The gallery range, will
soon be used to give the men prelim-
inary instruction in sighting drills.
i, men from each company of the
two regiments will be thoroughly
trained by Lieut. Williams, before
they give instruction to the remaind-
er of the cadets in their companies.
Advance classes were dismissed
last night on account of the war lec-
ture given by Bishop C. D. Williams
in Hill auditorium. The classes will.
be held at 7 o'clock tonight in Water-
man gymnasium.
Pictures Snapped of Cadets
Michigan's future officers made a
striking spectacle as they formed in
front of Hill auditorium yesterday
afternoon to be photographed for the
Michiganensian. With rifles at right
shoulder, the men were formed in a
double column of squads along North
University avenue after having been
snapped as individual companies. It
was the first time that so many of
the companies had performed as a
.unit since the uniforms were issued,
and the long unwavering lines of
khaki convinced onlookers as never
before that Michigan is the posessor
.of a real organization of serious men
who are rapidly showing the benefits
of the military training received here.
Dr. George A. May will give the fol-
lowing athletic and gymnastic con-
tests to the first battalion of the Sec-
ond regiment at 4:15 o'clock this aft-
Second regimeht--Company A, dip-
ping, tug-of-war, two-mile cross coun-

iF9 ertkC

Between the Theatres
Come and see our choice selection of cut flowers and p

You Know the Reason

D. E. Grennan

Early Spring Showing
Society Brand and
Hickey-Freeman Suits
Also just received a line of Spring Hats and C

The Custom Tailor

Cousins & Hall UNIV.
Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Associa
I Buy Your Spring Suit No'




Every woman is expected to come
to Barbour gymnasium this week to
register. The hours are 9 to 12
o'clock and 3 to 5 o'clock.
The senior supper preceding the
Junior Girls' play 'will be held at
5:30 o'clock next Tuesday evening at
- the Congregational church.


C: tir ,a
, cs_
o .. --

1I or 3, Eastern Time


Or Call at


Girls taking required work in gym-
sium are asked to leave their class
hedules at Miss Evans' office in
arbour gymnasium.
Women wishing employment dur-
g vacation should register with
uise Potter, '16, at the office of the
an of women.

try run;

company B, two-mile cross
run, dipping, tug-of-war;
C, wrestling, relay racing,
tug-of-war; company D.,
tug-of-war, wrestling, relay

Y. W. C. A. cabinet will meet at 4
his o'clock tomorrow afternoon with Mrs.
W. R. Humphreys, 1435 Cambridge
Stylus will meet at 7:30 o'clock
ae tonight with Margaret Klein, grad.,
ill,613 South Thayer street.
is Tickets for the Junior Girls' play
w go on sale today in Barbour gymnas-
ek. ium.


ons college
m, is on the
ference Fri-

n will

We have. just started a fruit and
vegetable establishment in rear of the
"Fountain of Youth." The finest line
of Fruits and Vegetables at 25 per
cent to 35 per cent less than you can
buy at any place in Ann Arbor. Fine
potatoes 25c a peck. Grape fruit, 12c
kind-4 for 25c, and everything else
in proportion. Call and convince your-
self. Corner of State and Liberty Sts.
in rear of Fountain of Youth.-Adv.
The Daily's specialty is aervie to
everyone. Let as serve you.--Adv.

Definite permission to enlist 20 men
in the naval reserve was received by
Charles F. Lambert, '19, from Capt.
D. F. A. de Otte of Detroit, who in
turn received it from the Great Lakes'
Training station. Additional inform-
ation has been received and all stu-
dents interested may obtain it by call-
ing 131.
Librarian William W. Bishop of the
University library last Saturday
granted a. petition presented to him
by the Jewish Students' society re-
questing that several Yiddish period-
icals be placed in the library for the
use of Jewish students. He has order-
ed the following to be placed in the
reading room: "Der Tag," a daily pa-
per; "Der: Kaempfer," a Zionist
.weekly; and "Die Zukunft," a monthly
The society is now co-operating
with the Jewish organizations"of De-
troit in forming a people's college,
the purpose of which should be to
offer a course of study in Jewish his-
tory, literature and science. The or-
ganization of such an institution is
especially aimed at Americanizing
the Jewish immigrants by giving
special courses in American history,
civics, and government.
"The society at the University
hopes to become an important factor

State- and William Sts.
in the Americanization work of the
state," Jacob Pearlstien, '20, said yes-
terday. "As a University group we
believe that we can be of great help in
naturalizing our foreigners and
spreading the' ideals of the American.
institutions and the American democ-
Registration *of University women
commenced yesterday morning in
Barbour gymnasium, and some women
responded to the call. The registrars
,turned out * well, but the number of
women who registered fell somewhat
.below that expected. Registration
will continue all week from 9 to 12
o'clock in the morning and from 3
to 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
While it is purely voluntary, regis-
tration is expected of every Univer-
sity woman. The registration is un-
der the auspices of the Women's
Council of National Defence, .and is
a nation-wide movement. By means
of it, every loyal woman is given the
opportunity to offer to her govern-
lnent whatever service she may be
able to render, and to get' this offer
in such form that it is definitely av-
ailable to the government.
A 100 per cent registration is the
aim at this University, and every wo-
man is urged to come out as soon
as possible. All registrars who have
not yet signed up are requested to do
so at once.




Smartness 1(1 costo
beginsS iti the
If the foundation-th
2et -is properly de
and csirefully fitted i
fiuli knowledge of the i
nped, the result is a
s.ne may hope for frc
view-point of appea
comfort and health.
For even a last y
frock will fall with k
ov r a Redfern C
that is correctly fJ



ical dressings
ock Thursday
e. The class-
y Mrs. Carrie


Leave Copy
Supply Store

Later came this second letter from
Sousa: "I have virtually completed
the sketch of the march which you
requested, and have thought that I
would use as the title "The Volun-
teers." The march is dedicated to
Mr. Hurley and the men who are
building the fleet."

are quite as pretty
at Zs they are con
to wear. Their sat
MACK & 4
Geese Reported Flying
Two flocks of geese w

ravelling bag,
d. Flinde-r call

WANTED-Four lady students desir-
ous of learning to demonstrate

Free Exhibition of Raemaeker's
Great War Cartoons, daily at James
Foster's House of Art.-Adv.


to be flying nort
Losey J. Willian
geese in one fioc]
in the second. Bc
at about 250 yari
This is the first

methods of practical food conserva-
tion. Write for particulars The F.
B. Dickerson Co., 56 Lafayette Blvd.,


We Represent the
Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, ohmer, Grinnell Bros.,
Sterling, Shominger, and many other makes.
The world's famous Pianola Player Pianos, Victor

FOR SALE-Two May Festival Coup-
cam- ons for $2 each. Address Box E,

Prof. Tilley Speaks at Lenten Service
Prof. Morris P. Tilley of the Eng-
lish department will be the speaker
phis noon at the University Lenten
service in the Bible Chair house, cor-
ner of State and Jefferson streets.
His subject will be "The Reasonable-
ness of Sacrifice," and the talk will
begin at 12:40 o'clock ending in time
for 1.o'clock classes. Both men and 1

^1 T


- s


116 S.


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