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March 17, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-17

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(R. B.)
"Let's Go" played to a packed house
yesterday afternoon and to a fairly
large audience last evening. The
principals seemed much more at ease
than in the three previous perform-
ances, while every vestige of ungain-
AJORIT. liness had disappeared from the chor-
QUAB. uses. Spontaneity and "pep" featur-
ed the evening appearance in particu-
INS Even the most pessimistic and crit-
r REAR ical admit that men in the roles of
Ruth and Marjorie would have been
too pathetic for muscial comedy. The
rs Report-song that drew the greatest laugh
1mer- from the audience was "When the
Meatless Days Are Over, Jenny Dear,"
as burlesqued by Mrs. Clapsaddle, the
s) - landlady, while the one that appeal-
nal ratifi- ed most strongly to the -student ele-
ictated by ment was Blue Book Blues."
. made by "Teach Me How to Say Good-Bye,"
if Soviets has the most melody and is the song
that people hummed as they left the
indicated theater. It is expected that it will
it Friday rank in popularity with "When Night
the relat- Falls, Dear," from "Michigenda."
social re- There are portions of the play that
r the rat- show a lack of stage technique, but
w an ap- the . production in its entirety has
rity. been a decided success.
l of ym-

Liner 's Gun Crew
Fires on Convoyer
Washington, March 1.- William'
Lusso, a seaman of an American des-
troyer in the war zone, was killed
and three others of the ship's crew
slightly wounded lasthJan. 16, when
the armed naval gun guard on an
American liner fired on the convoying
destroy~e6 after mistaking her in the
darkness for an enemy submarine.
In making this known late today
the navy department said Vice-Admir-
al Sims had named a court of in-
quiry which is making a thorough in-

he. in-
as it-
re do-
lers as

Members of Washtenaw War Prepar-
edness Board Sworn Into
Preparations Made for Coming Lib-
erty Loan Drive and Sale of
Thrift Stamps
A spirit of seriousness combined
with a grave sense of duty and res-
ponsibility reigned over the Washte-
naw county war preparedness board
yesterday afternoon when the mem-
bers were sworn into the service for
the cause of America in this war by
Hugh E..Van de Walker, of Ypsilanti.
More than 100 men and women repre-
senting every section of the county
were present and signed a pledge of
allegiance at the dinner given at the
city Y. M. C. A., where preparations
for the coming Liberty Loan drive and
for an increased activity in the sale
of thrift and war savings stamps were
entered upon.
The seriousness of the occasion was
summed up by Roscoe 0. Bonisteel,
'12L, who acted as chairman, when he
"This is a time when we should
spend 16 hoursa aay at soie valuable
work and eight hours iti recreation
and rest, instead of the opposite, as
was previously the case. We must
realize that our boys at the front are
spending 24 out of every 24 hours in
the mud of the trenches fighting for
our cause, for the cause of humanity.
We must forget self, it being the duty
pf every one in Washtenaw county
to do a little bit toward helping the
country along in this great struggle.
Every member of this organization
must be ready to give some of his
time towards promoting our cause
at home in order that our boys may
help to insure liberty and freedom
Mr. Evan Essery Speaks
Mr. Evan Essery, county school
commissioner, who has charge of the
boys' working reserve in Washtenaw
county said that just 'as Scipio kept
on repeating "Carthage must be des-
toryed," so must the United States
keep on emphasizing the point that it
must win this war..
Anxious for Victory
"Some of us who have representa-
,tives at the front are especially anx-
ious to see this war won," he said.
"The selective draft has taken 219
,of our boys to the various canton-
,ments, while more than 1,000 volun-
tarily went there to fight for the per-
petuation of our ideals. If we are to
.go by these figures it will be seen
easily where our youth stands in this
conflict. It is for us at home to help
along in this monstrous conflict."
Other Speakers
Among the other speakers at the
banquet were: Horatio J. Abbott,
postmaster of Ann Arbor; Prof. C. T.
Johnston of the engineering college,
chsilrman of the speakers' committee
for the county; Ray Bassett, '13,
chairman of the county publicity com-
mittee; L. L. Forsythe, principal of
the Ann Arbor high school; Frank
Bacon, '02, social director of the Mich-
igan Union; Alfred Rice, representa-
tive of the seventh federal reserve dis-
trict, which includes the state of

Michigan; Mrs. D. L. Quirk of Ypsil-
anti, chairman of the women's coun-
.ty committee fcjr the third liberty
loan; Dr. Kenneth Noble, of Milan;
and other delegates from every town-
ship in the county.
The committee appointed by Gover-
nor Albert E. Sleeper to represent
Washtenaw county on the state War
Preparedness board consists ofj
George W. Millen, chairman, Henry
W. Douglas, and William B. Hatch,
all of Ann Arbor.

Two students, Corwin Smith, '19,
and George Williamson, '21, narrowly
escaped drowning yesterday after-
noon when their canoe upset near the
railroad bridge across the Huron riv-
er. They were paddling down stream
when they struck a whirlpool which
sucked the canoe into its eddies and
threw the men into the icy water.
Both were able to swim ashore, al-
though one took cramps.
Immediately upon reaching shoe
they were met by a witness of the ac-
cident who called a taxicab. After
waiting for half an hour for the cab
to appear, another call was put in and
the response came that the roads
were too bad for a car. Meanwhile
the students almost froze.
The accident was caused by the
breaking of the stern paddle and the
extreme narrowness of the canoe,- ac-
cording to one of the students. After
the paddle broke, the canoe was
pitched around in the current, and fin-
ally capsized broadside. Williamson
immediately swam to shore, but Smith
clung to the canoe, weakened by his
plunge itno the cold water. He float-
ed down stream to the ice house, and
then struck out for the shore. He was
in the river 40 minutes before a row-
boat took him to the bank. Neither'
of the students is suffering except
from the shock and exposure.
Naval Auxiliary
Reserve To Leave
Seventy men enrolled in the Mich-
igan unit of the naval auxiliary re-
serve will leave Monday morning for
service at Cleveland, according to the
orders received from that city yes-
Luther Beach, '18E, who is recruit-
ing the force, has called a meeting of
all men in the unit at 7 o'clock to-
night at the Union. Definite orders re-
garding entraining will be given at
that time. The route of the trip will
take the men to Cleveland via De-
troit. The men will be given training
at Cleveland, and then will be placed
on ships at some other part of the
country. All are working for en-
signs' commissions.
- Michigan may expect a hard battle
in the mid-west debate Friday even-
ing March 22, in Hill auditorium if
the experience of the men from Wis-


* * * * ~, * * * * * *


Von Tirpitz Strong for U-Boats *
London, March 16.--"If we con- *
tinue the U-boat war without *
flinching we can secure a peace *
with England which will insure *
for Gernany's navy a base off the *
Flemish coast for all time," Ad- *
miral Von Tripitz is quoted as *
declaring in a recent telegraii. *
The admiral's message says the *
exchange telegram correspondent *'
at Amsterdam, was sent in reply *
to a telegram from the director of *
the new Von Tirpitz. school at *
Swinsunde, Germany. *

Varsity Wins Firsts in
But Quarter and M9
Score Is 57.20
Michigan's track team
feated Chicago last night
dual meet since Michigan r




** * * * * * * 4' * * * *

Chicago was
firsts, winning

able to
the mil




. advance ofl
ist of Ypres.
ench reports
has been in
region, and
isk work by
is, along the
Alsace. No
in the Am-
has been in-
eports a Ger-
f Flirey, near
iwest of Toul

In the absence of first hand details
officials of the naval department hes-
itated to comment on the case. It
wassuggested, however, that the des-
troyer might have run out of the
place assigned her in the convoy and
thus arose the suspicion of the gun


-Washington, March 16.-Holland on
the eve of her shipping being taken
over by the United States and Great
Britain has given evidence of a read-
iness to make a voluntary agreemet
to that purpose, even agreeing that
the ships shall be sent through the
war zone.
In view of the continued pressure
upon Holland by Germany in opposi-
tion to such a step, officials here were
mystified at the sudden change of the
situation and began to speculate what
arrangements Holland may have made
with Berlin.
The official attitude .here neverthe-
less is that all arrangements have
been made to take over the ships on
Monday, and that the injection of any
new proposals by Holland cannot stay
the decisions reached in London and
Beginning efforts to gather gar-
ments for the sufferers in Belgium

margin, and copping the
dash in good time. In m
other events, Stagg's. men
classed. Even one of Ch
lay team was downed. T
ines won the eight-lap re
minate the evening by a 1&
Johnson Again the
Two gym records were
both by Johnson, again th
ing figure of the meet.
O'Brien's mark in the 50
and his own in the 60-yart
dies. He also tied with
Haigh for first in the high
points totalled 13. Feue
McCosh were the only visi
nex first places.
Michigan stepped into I
the outset when Baker and
took first and third in the
cago then evened things
only time during the meet
a first and third in the mil
was too good for Sedgwick
,run, and made the distai
minutes and 25 seconds.
time of 4:25 is the faste
this -track this year and Si
coming in two seconds bel
two Chicago men.
Johnson then started hi
work of amassing points
the dash. Zoellin grabb
from Feuerstein. Cook, o
was barely nosed out of a'
Beardsley Shows F
Ames, the only entrant (
in the 60-yard high hu
forced out of the money 1
verines. Johnson repeate
tory, and was followed in
ley and Zoellin. Beardsley
best form in this event h
since putting on Michigan
Feuerstein took a pre
mile away from Forbes.
Chicago was weak in the
her best bet, Annan, bare
the bar at the opening hel
feet. Scott took down a
this number, and Cross c
bar easily on each occasic
,topped 11 feet, where he q
Three Places in High
Chicago was also weak
jump, the three Michij
forcing the Stagg protege
at but five feet six inches.
mark was tried.
Stoll passed Greene in
of the half mile and was :
ed. Greene, of the visiting
second ahead of Langley.
In the relay Messner ga
baton to Kruger two yards
of the Chicago leader.
creased the lead to fivA

"If the world is to be made safe]
-- for democracy, if free and faith-
TTES ARE keeping peoples are to be allowed to
MISS EVANS exist in independence and liberty,
pursue their ideals and develop their
sous to Form civilization, this war must be pursued
iltural to the bitter end and a complete vic-
tory won by them," says Bishop
Williams, who will give a lecture at 8f
higan women o'clock- Monday night in Hill auditor-
under the Wo- ium on "Three Months at the Front,"J
aerica to carry under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.-
the state this "It lodks now as if the brunt of the
z of Miss Alice war were to come on us. Engiand
,1 director. and France have been bearing our
a formed last burdens, fighting our fight, and n:ak-
Woman's com- ing our sacrifice for us, now we must
f national de- take the chief weight of the task off
dium between their wearied shoulders. We have not
and farm com- begun to realize what that is going to
>r. It is based mean to us. To win this war every
several units one of us must do not only his bit but'
arm work last his utmost."
Bishop Williams further says that
to 70 college the Y. M. C. A. is doing an inesti-
d communities .nable work in relieving the tedium
be a chaper- and monotony of routine with clean
group, which recreation. It imparts a bit of Am-
it 'house or in erica into France.
wn living and,

consin counts. for anythIng. All the will be made tomorrow when letters,

Badger debaters. have had consider-
able experience and two of them are
varsity men.
Two of these men, Sergeant P. Wild
and Roy S. Erlandson, are seniors
and Joseph Beach, the third member
o the team, is a sophomore. Prof.
R. T. D. Hollister has complete charge
of the program here and is trying to
secure some musical organization to
The Michigan affirmative team
which will meet Wisconsin's negative
team here is composed of A. J. Ad-
ams, '18, J. A. Krout, '18, and R. F.
Matthews, '20L.
The negative team which meets Il-
linois at Champaign the same evening
is composed of Don Bell, '19, Morris
Paris, '19, and Don T. McKone, '19L.
The Illinois affirmative team has in
personnel two men who helped de-
feat Wisconsin last year. One of
these men, Paul Breese, is a senior
and the other, Galen Knight, is a jun-
Ion. The third man, Truman G.
Searle is a senior.
The formal question, "Resolved, that
the cabinet parliamentary system of
government should be substituted for
our present state government," is one
of the first purely political questions
to be debated by Michigan teams for

-asking for used and surplus clothing,
will be sent to all the fraternities and
similar organizations in the city.
Dr. Warren P. Lombard, chairman
of the committee in charge of the
work here, stated that the campaign
will last from March 18 to 25 inclu-
sive and it is hoped that during this
time it will be possible to gather
5,000 tons of suitable clothing. The'
campaign is being conducted by the
National committee of the Red Cross.
The appeals will be made to indiv-
iduals to bring any garments that
they be be able to spare to local com-
mittee for Belgian relief at 207 E.
Huron street, to the Michigan Union,
or to Barbour gymnasium any time
after March 20 and before March 23.
People having clothing that they are
willing to give to the cause but who
are unable to deliver the garments
to any of these places are asked to
communicate with Mr. Lombard at
805 Oxford road stating when and
where the committee can get therm.
"The Belgians are our allies," said
Dr. Lombard," and if it were not for
them we would not be over there now.
Their dire necessity should be real-
ized and it should be remembered
that our boys are fighting beside these
destitute peoples who have sacrificed
everything they had for the cause of
of victqry."

s a Income tax regulations for farmers
ost issued by Internal Tax Collector
vas Roper provide that all gains, profits,
nts or incomes derived from the sale or
exchange of farm products, whether
on raised on farms or bought and resold
her shall be included in the returns.
er, This rule applies to all persons
;is- having dependents, and are operating
farms, ranches, plantations, stock,
dairy, fruit or truck farms, whose in-
aks comes amounted to over $2,000 in
of 1917, and to all persons engaged in
is, the same work whose incomes for
to- 1917 amounted to $1,000.
uth Deductions from gross income may
ga- be made only for expenses directly
be connected with farming operations


Huron and Division
10:30 A. M.-An Answer to the Doubter


The Union
campus sing
n'clnk this



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