k rl 'ru MILITARY NEWS :Ht FOR RUOTUG Early Spring. ' ance are profess- fighting I VADETS TO LEARN CARTRIDGE. FILLING AND FIREARM MECHANISM A requisition for supplies for main- destiny of d the qual- f youth, the nent of .ex- value--best /i L&co_ taining the gallery -range in the base- ment of Waterman gymnasium was sent to the Rock Island arsenal, Rock Island, Ill., by Lieut. George C. Mul- len yesterday afternoon. The quartermasters department have been asked to supply 216,000 Krag gallery bullets, 216,000 primers, 216,000 pasters, 10 sets of Krag re- loading tools, 5,400 "X" targets, 100 square yards of target cloth, and a quantity of pyro-cellulose powder. Pyro-cellulose Proves Superior By experimental firing of the Krag rifle in the different charges of pyro- cellulose powder,. which was taken from a cartridge made for the Spring- field rifle, it was found that the be~t results were obtained in 10 grains of the pyro-cellulose powder, and a. 90 per cent lead and a 10 per cent tin bullet. This style of bullet is sim- ilar in shape to the service bullet employed in the Krag rifle. Cadets in the R. 0. T. C. will be instructed how to fill the cartridges. Each man taking rifle practice will learn theddetails of inspecting ammu- nition and the manner in which the different ingredients are mixed before being placed in the cartridges. This method was formerly used in the old United States army campaigns when the ammunition factories failed to supply the necessary demand. Preliminary Training Active work in the gallery range will commence next week. The cadets will be given a preliminary training in sighting and in the mechanism of the Krag rifle before receiving active firing practice.- Workmen have installed the floor of the range. The lighting system has also been completed. The slid- ing target, carriages and benches ' for the men in the pit will probably be fiinished today. - INFANTILE PARALYSIS AT LOW EBB THROUGHOUT MICHIGAN 3 c t } k Non-fitting uniforms may be ex- changed by the cadets at the clothing agent next Monday. A number of the cadets have failed. to procure their uniforms, and they must be issued to- day, or the men will have to wait until all the exchanges have been made. Every cadet in the R. O. T. C. must start wearing his uniform imme- diately, stated the military authorities last night. A government inspector will arrive in Ann Arbor about April 1 to review the cadet corps and all the men must be in uniform. The appearance of the corps as a whole ought to equal, if not surpass, the standard of all the other cadet corps in the country. General Orders No. 4 1. The following regulations con- cerning absences, and excuses for ob- sence, are published for the informa- tion of all concesbned- (a) In all cases of absence be- S Between the Theatres SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Come and see our choice selection of cut flowers and 1U4 Cousins & Hall Iv Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Assoc Society Brand and Hickey-Freeman Suits Also just received a line of Spring Hats and 4 JEf.W55 h1Th G 'IES APHS 619 E. LIBERTY mmon council will meet in ar session Monday evening. bable that the taxicab ques- be disposed of at this meet- that plans for a city build- will be discussed. The last of the present council will the first Thursday in April. r The local selective service board have not received official orders from the government for a new draft, but the board members believe that when the new men are called Ann Arbor will be called upon for about 40 men, and that the next quota will prob- ably be sent to Camp Custer. The local Civic association will en- tertain April 12 with a banquet for the common council, trades assoeia- tion, Credit association and its own as 300 members. Arrangements are be- , ing made by H. W. Douglas, president of the Civic association. The speak- or- ers of the evening will discuss na- nty tional unity and industrial conserva- "Ann Arbor, and in fact the entire state of Michigan, has been unusually fortunate in avoiding an epidemic of infantile paralysis during the past year. Every precaution is taken by the state health officials and the death rate among children is almost at a minimum," said Health Officer Wessinger yesterday. Since 1914 when there were 22 cases of infantile paralysis in Ann Arbor no cases have been reported to local health officials. The Babies' Welfare association of New York has collected data which shows a decided decrease in infant mortality in 1917 for ten of the la-g- est cities in the east and middle west. The death rates per thousand in these cities follow: St. Louis, 79.6; New .York, 88.8; Boston, 99.06; Cleveland, 100; Detroit, 103.4; Buffalo, 103.6; Chicago, 106.3; Philadelphia, 111;' Pittsburgh, 111; Baltimore, 119.26 EQUINOXIAL SMOKER PLANNED FOR ENGINEERS' WAR RELIEF t cause of physical disability the cadet will submit an application for excuse. When submitting this application he will exhibit to the Adjutant a writ- ten statement from a physician, den- tist, or oculist, showing that the ab- sence was occasioned by consulta- tion with, or examination by, a phy- sician, dentist, or oculist, or that par- ticipation in military drills would pro- long or prevent the cadet's recovery from his disability. In addition to statement above re- quired, the cadet will certify, on his honor, that it was impracticable for him to have such consultation, ex- amination or treatment at any other time. Absences caused by physical dis- ability, and for which applications for excuses are properly submitted, will be wholly excused, whereupon no ,make-up drill will be required. (b) If absence is caused by other than physical disability, the cadet, ex- cepting, in cases of an emergency character, will submit an application for excuse to cover the absence be- fore "assembly" on the day of the ab- sence. If the cadet, in his application, shows reasonable cause for his ab- sence, the application will be ap- proved. If approved, one hour of make-up drill will be required. Each case of this kind will be' considered on its merits. (c) If no application for excuse be submitted, or if an application for excuse be disapproved, two hours of make-up drill will be required. 2. In case of tardiness, application for excuse may be submitted. Because there are few legitimate excuses for tardiness, only those applications of such a nature as to show the tar- diness to be due to unavoidable causes which could not possibly be foreseen or prevented by the cadet, will be ap- proved. The method of submitting applica- tions for excuses (or tardiness will follow the general rules prescribed for submitting applications for ex- .cuses for absences.. 3. Blank applications for excuses may be obtained at the Record office, R. O. T. C. If application is for excuse because of absence or tardiness due to phy- ,sical disability, it will be first submit- ted to the Adjutant, or to the Ser- geant Major of the cadet's regiment, who will endorse thereupon whether or not statement by physician, 'den- ,tist, or oculist was exhibited. In all other cases, applications will be deposited in their proper boxes in the Record office. BY ORDER OF LIEUT. MULLEN L. J. WILLIAMS, 1st Lt., P. O. S., retired. Adjutant. Companies B and C, Third regiment, will march to Ypsilanti at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Although these com- panies are composed of men from the Dental college, cadets in the First and Second regiments may join these companies in the march. Members of the First regiment were1 given platoon and company drills yes-l terday afternoon on North University avenue. The companies were a trifle awkward after the long period of in- The Custom Tailor 606 E. Freshmen an d Buy Your Spring Suit Sophomores UII We want young men for trav- eling salesmen during the sum- mer months, especially men who can travel for three or more consecutive summers. We pay a straight salary with traveling expenses, bonus and commis- sions. Address: Sales Manager, W. H. Hill Company, 56 Selden Ave., Detr'ot. a 1 1 D. E. Grennan Y ou Know the Reason 11 and Several local young men have en- listed in the coast artillery and will leave this evening for Columbus where they will be outfitted. They tors will go to the east from there where next they will begin duty. The young men neat- are: H. B. Clark, M. A. Schikl, Le- club roy Marx, and W. P. Chase Jr. sler, __ dh u- Shipbuilding Reserve Gets 40 Wor kers ! he the Forty-five medn have signed the list of workers in the shipbuilding reserve being recruited at 'the local postofilce. About five applicants enroll daily. peay Orders have not been received from play 'Detroit governing the time the men high will report. It is not known when the orders will come. will Miss Mable Rowe. Shampooing, orn- Manicuring, Massage and Chiropody. ning Open evenings by appointment. 226 and N. 5th Ave., Cor. Detroit St. Phone ion. 2402.-Adv. ' door training, but showed improve- ment in their drills. Make-up drills will be held from 9 to 11 o'clock this. morning in Water- man gymnasium. War Department Wants Photographers There is a great need of photo- graphers in the United Statesschool of aerial photography, according to a bulletin issued by the war depart- ment Wednesday. Men in the draft can be transferred to this branch of the service. Either amateurs or pro- fessionals will be accepted. From 12 to 14 men are needed to fill the Mich- igan quota, also 100 men are needed to fill Michigan's quota for engine and special automobile mechanics or re- pair men for the aviation section of the signal corps at Kelly field, Texas. Weather Reports Contain Seed Advice The United States department of agriculture has taken up a campaign for better farming by posting planting advice on the millions of weather re- ports' sent broadcast daily throughout the country. Farmers were advised on yester- day's report not to endanger their corn crops by planting untested seeds. Such, advice will be given from time to time. FOR your fn clothes, w mend an Immi spection of tI some fashiC woolens just from our Chica We're in p< deliver you a you want, mad as you wk=an honestly tai lo you and give ur satisfaction at easily within yc Dollar I city. "Sherman was Right" is the head- ing on scores of posters throughout the Engineering building, announc- ing the "All-Engineer Equinoxial" smoker to be held on the evening of March 21 at the Union. It is claimed that the effects of the condition so aptly defined by General Sherman can be alleviated by attending this affair. Although storms are always- sug- gested by the term "equinoxial," the entertainment committee claims that' the only storms at this smoker will be those of applause at some of the stunts it plans to spring on the en- gineers. Rev. Tatlock to Speak at Service Rev. Henry Tatlock will lecture on "The Function of the Church" at ,12:40 o'clock today in the Bible Chair house. Reverend Tatlock is rector pf St. Andrews' Episcopal church of this city. continued SATU R 8ervice--1 ways.I Leave Copy at Students' Supply Stare -You will through the find what you want Daily want ads-Adv.1 ,Women's League Party Well Atten A large attendance marked1 party held yesterday afternoon Barbour gymnasium for Wome league members and women belong to the athletic association. The c feature of the afternoon was championship basketball contest1 ,tween the seniors and the freshm Dancing and refreshments follow ,the game. Collegiate Alumnae Registrars 31 Collegiate Alumnae group of rei trars is to hold its last meeting a o'clock (eastern time) on Mond ,with Mrs. R. H. Croarkin, 649 Hav the at en's 'ing hief 4 _' es. Re- YOUNG WOMAN to care for conval- escing lady; light duties, two or ens. three hours daily. Phone 837-R be- tween hours of 6 and 8. din. In- We Represent the Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, Sohmer, Grinnell Bros., Sterling, Shominger, and many other makes. The world's famous Pianola Player' Pianos, Victor Victrolas. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. } !' y Mr. Du rial hall ,Festical Coup- et. V work ity to 'W GI1 INNELL B OS., 116 S. Main St.