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March 16, 1918 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-16

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Washington, March 15.-More than
100 names were contained in the
casuality lists cabled to the war de-
partment by' General Pershing, but
only 62 were made public tonight be-
cause of delays in checking. Al-
T though the list was the longest yet
received from France in a single day,
the number of men reported killed in
action was comparatively small. The
great majority of the names were of
s men slightly wounded.
The 62 names made public were, di-1
vided as follows:
J Killed in action, 4; died of wounds,
3; died from accidents, 2; died of dis-
ease, 5; wounded severely, 4; wound-
ed slightly, 42; "wounded," 2.
The nearly 50 names withheld con-
tained those of several men killed 'in
action, but most of them were of men
s, slightly wounded.

U. S. Planes to Guard Yanks
Washington, March 15.-American built battle planes will be in
France by July n sufficient quantity to insure adequate air protec-
tion of the sectors held by American troops. This statement rests
on the highest authority and was made tonight with full recognition
of all failure and disappointments that have hampered the develop-
ment of the air program.
Figures on the aviation situation as well as facts and figures on
every other branch of the government's war preparations were today,
laid before virtually the full membership of the house military com-
mittee, for yesterday they were disclosed to the senate committee
at a conference at the war department.


vs. e Clee"

lepresentatives of the Women's
b of Ann Arbor approached Mayor
nest M%. Wurster again yesterday in
attempt to stop the exhibition of
film "Cleopatra."
Mayor Wurster still holds the atti-
e that he has no power to stop the
wing of the picture in question, no
tter how much he might desire to
'he Woman's club of Ann Arbor
led the attention of the mayor to
fact that statements to the effect
t the film in question had been cen-
ed by he state board is false since
:higan has no such board of cen-

Prof. Clyde E. Wilson of

the En-

as in "The local board is not acting on
, was its own convictions alone," said Mrs.
Her Wayne J. Atwell, head of the civic
Le au- committee of the Woman's club of
3. She Ann Arbor, when discussing the stand
stage taken by the organization. "We are
also supporting the action taken by
g opy the State Federation of Women's
iually olubs which is an organization large
spfairenough to merit consideration."
is fair The mayor stated that if possible
he would consider the first exhibition
ku M.,of the film and at that time decide the
tulM. advisability of permitting more shows.
teao. It is probable that the Woman's
ollier, club will drop a further discussion of
.eligt this particular.film, but will continue
v lit- the state-wide campaign for better
alt in moving pictures.
n Ar-
'o her-
song. Chicago, March 15.-J. Ralph Pick-
fessor ell, a grain expert, who has just re-
roles turned from Russia where he spent
r the six months studying crop conditions,
gaid today that th, Germans will find
it no wheat in Odessa. What little grain
r and there was in Odessa, he said, was con-
Book sumed some time ago by the inhabi-
show. tants, refugees and disbanding sol-
azbo" diers.
e per- He declares that Nikolaiev and not
er, it =sa, is Russia's great wheat stor-
ing center, and that a large army of
-Bye," Cossacks stand between the invad-
" and ing Germans and vast store houses
rop a containing five million bushels of

gineering college, chairman for the
third Liberty Loan campaign among
the students, issued a statement yes-
terday advising the students to spend
the coming Easter vacation at some
useful occupation in order that they
might be prepared upon their return
to school to lend their financial sup-
port to the movement.
Professor Wilson said that every
student will be expected to invest in
either a Liberty bond or in thrift
stamps, but that no one will be ne-
glected in the drive.
No Alibis Justifiable
"No excuses will be accepted from
any one refusing to invest in bonds or
stamps for the support of the gov-
ernment in this struggle," he said.
"With the vacation intervening dur-
ing the campaign every student will
have the opportunity to invest a cer-
tain amount. There is plenty of help
,wanted at the present time to supply
everyone with a position, and it is up
to all to avail themselves of the op-
portunity to help their country in
some way. The students must begin
to realize that their time is valuable,
and should begin to plan for the vaca-
tion at once. No one on the campus
will be allowed to offer any alibis un-
der the present conditions."" -
Campaign to Begin After Vacation
Student and faculty committees
will probably be appointed within a
week to begin the Loan drive. Al-
though it has not been decided upon
definitely, it is expected that the cam-
paign among the students will be con-
ducted during the ten days following
the Easter vacation.
Plans for the drive throughout the
county will be formulated at the Lib-
erty Loan banquet which is to be
held at noon today in the city Y. M.
C. A. A committee representing the
state War Preparedness committee
appointed by Governor Albert E.
Sleeper will be present to assist the
various county representatives with
,advice and suggestions for conducting
the campaign in the various localities.

Washington, March 15.-The decis-
ion of the all-Russian congress of
Soviets at Moscow to ratify the Ger-{
man peace terms, announced press
cables today, was reached at the re-
ceipt of President Wilson's message
to the Russian people assuring them
that America would take the first op-r
portunity to help them regain their
complete sovereignity and independ-1
Official expressions here today indi-
cated that America and the Allies ex-
pect the action of the congress to have
little direct bearing on the general
Russian situation. It was apparently
believed that chaotic conditions will
continue in Russia for a long time to
come, even though the Germans make
every effort to re-establish order and
to reorganize the country's industrial
and agricultural life.
The attitude of the Amercian gov-
ernmenit toward any move toward a
general peace at the expense of Russ-
ia is directly in line with the expres-
sion of Lord Cecil in the house of
commons today, that even if such a
proposal came from Germany it
would not be considered.
War department officials are not
convinced that the Germans are ready
to undertake a, big offensive on the
western front despite advance notices
sent out from Germany. Whatever
Germany's program is, America and
the Allies, it was re-iterated today, is
in the war to win and their stand
against a premature peace is as
strong as it has been at any time in
the past.
Prof. George W. Dowrie of the econ-
omics department and Miss Sue C.
Hamilton, sanitarian of the University
health service will speak at the food
conference to be held March 23 and
24 in Barbour gymnasium to which
the deans of colleges and normal
schools in southern Michigan have
been invited.
Mrs. Georgia L. White, dean of wo-
men 'at the Michigan Agricultural col-
lege, and Miss Sarah L. Arnold, dean
of Simmons college, Boston, will also
speak. On Saturday a sale of war
foods and recipes will be held by a
committee, headed by Mrs. L. C. Kar-
Bristol, Eng., March 14-(Delayed)-
Sir Auckland Geddes, minister of na-
tional service speaking here yester-
day declared the disposition of the
German armies on the British front
was most remarkable.'
"They have placed mass upon
mass," he said, "and Germany's mili-
tary object will be to 'strike at Eng-
land. I have no doubt Germany will
strike not only our frces in France,
but also, if she can, at the heart of

A loss which may amount to $400
was caused by a fire yesterday morn-
ing at 11 o'clock in laboratory 201
Chemistry building. A large scale dis-
tillation of benzoic acid was being
carried on by P. J. Wilson, '18E, un-
der the direction of Prof. C. D. Holley
and the fire is thought to have been
started from the electric heater used
in the work.
The building and grounds commit-
tee estimate that the loss to the
building proper will amount to at
least $200 while the loss of chemical
equipment and apparatus will prob-
ably equal. this amount. The rest of
the loss is in chemicals destroyed.
The fumes and smoke of the burn-
ing chemicals gave an impression of
a much larger firethan was actually
in progress, and also made the con-
flagration a difficult one to put out.
Coon Hears the
Call of the Wild
Those going down South University
avenue to early classes this morn-
ing, rubbed their eyes, gazed and gaz
ed again with incredulity and wnder
written on their faces, for perched
up on the lower bough of a tree sat
a furry, fluffy raccoon. A colored
porter who was passing smacked his
lips, for the animal was a tempting
target and deliciously fat.
He is the property of C. F. Pezz,
proprietor of a South University ave-
nue barber shop, and had escaped
from his cage during the night. With
the help of a small boy, who shook the
limb on which the coon perched
And by the adroit manipulation of a
rake, the animal was brought to
ground and re-captured after a stren-
uous scuffle. .
Every University woman is asked
to register during the week of March
18, because the registration of the
woman-power of all Michigan is to be
if -,
taken by the Woman's Committee
council of National Defence during
spring vacation. During the past
week, one hundred Univsrsity wo-
men have attended the registration
classes, and are now able to take
charge of the work next week. Regis-
tration will be held in Barbour gym-
nasium every day except Sunday,
from 9 to 12 o'clock and 3 to 5 o'-
clock, and although not compulsory,
is expected of every University wo-
Registration Voluntary
A statement issued by the Michigan
Division, Council' of National Defence
states that registration is voluntary
and women will not be drafted into
the government service. Women will
not be taken from their homes for ser-
vice unless they definitely offer them-
selves. They are expected to register
for what they are doing now, and for
what they have been trained to do,
whether or not they can give any ex-
tra service at the moment.
If a woman registers for service
now, and is unable to respond when
called on later, because of changed
conditions, no punishment or criti-
cism will fall on her, nor will she be

compelled to serve.
Registration may lead to securing a
position, for many employers have
looked over registration cards with a
view to engaging an employee.
Training Offered in Special Lines
This registration of women which.
has already -taken place in New York,
Illinois, and several other states, is
nation-wide in its scope. It gives
every loyal woman an opportunity to
offer to her country such service as
she is best fitted to render and to get
,this offer in such form that it will be
definitely available to the government,
the state, or her home town. If she
wishes training for some new kind of
service, she registers for that, wheth-
er it be as a nurse, wireless operator,
or any of the 154 occupations listed on
the cards.
One million men in the United States
have already been taken out of in-
,dustrial, civic, and industrial life, and

Has r

(Summary of ;war de)
That peace terms haye
Great Britain by Germ
sibly be inferred from
ficant statements given
Lord Robert Cecil, Eriti
blockade, when asked
had been received for a
expense of Russia" ans
such proposals are hei
or will be considered."
lier in the day in answ
patch he quoted Field
Hindenburg as saying
tente had shown an ur
tude toward Germany's
tions and the great Ger
must therefore go on"
No Peace, Then
Later in the day Gen
endorif, the German .q
general, was reported
"Since the enemy is in
make peace he will have
this fight will be, of cot
strenuous of the whole
Continuing, he said
stronger than the enein
men, material, aerial f
everything in fact of whi
is standing in readiness
,the greatest abundance.'
It was admitted that c
had been made to Serb
Hungary and Bulgaria,
ed that Serbia has abso
to _.consider them.
Soviets Ratify I
The treaty of peace
Germany to Russia whic
sia an outpost of the c
has either been ratifie
Russian congress of Sc
ratification is immine
from M6scow are not cle
uation, but it seems ce:
bolshevlik, element has
large majority to affir
As this element domin
gress, the terms will do
cepted, notwithstanding
Leon Trotzky, the mow1
Bolsheviki, is opposed t
ions and is willing to tr
Ize the Russian armies
German invaders.
Tau Beta Pi, senior
gineering society, at its
election, has chosen t
nire men from the high
of the junior class: E.
B. Campbell, J. A. D
Eliott,- J. P. McFarlan,
E. L. Spanagel, D. M.
The initiation will be
.nesday, March. 27. Thi
lowed by a banquet at
Union.' .

Fight Must

SAYS 101





as- Senior laws yesterday elected the
speakers for Class day and the mem-
bers of' the alumni committee. A. C.
Ruihley was elected valedictorian,-W.
F. Marsteller, orator, W. W. Visscher,
historian, and D. R. Brown, poet. J.
W. Thomas received the most votes of
ron- any of the candidates for the alumni
ated committee and is therefore chairman.
oon. The two other members of the com-
quet mittee are L. L. Forbes and F. J. Kre-
C. mer.
H. War Department Consults Senate
oke. , Washington, March 15.-A new pol-
as icy of co-operation was inaugurated
today when the war department called
der- in the senate military committee for
Liam the- first of a series of weekly confer-{
'90 ences with thA war council. The sta-.

Washington, March 15.-The week
of March 18 has been set aside by the
department of labor as a national en-
rollment week for the boys' working
reserve. President Wilson has called
upon all boys over 16 years of age,
and not permanently employed, to
join the reserve.
The boys' working reserve was in-
ptituted over a year ago, with the pur-
pose of putting the boys of the nation
to work to help win the war, while
their bigger brothers were "over
there" fightipg. They are to help in
various ways, by working on farms, at
trades, or in factories, according to
.the division of the reserve that they
The movement has been enthusias-
tically taken up by the boys of the
,countfy, and has' the approval of
President Wilson.
3Sociology Students To Visit Eloise
Sociology students who desire to




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