HATS e Here aTIO N Co. MAIN STREET AT WASHINGTON t ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS Established 1887 I UMNI ANH1U flIbNi TO ENTER AUXILIARY EMPLOYfENT hEAD FILLS AP- PROXIMATELY 700 POSITIONS UNDER ADMINISTRATION Neil D. Ireland, '18, employment secretary for the Y. M. C. A. has re- signed his position to enter the Naval Auxiliary, and will leave for Cleve- land next Sunday. The employment department will be in charge of E. G. Hersman during the remainder of the school year. Approximately 814 positions have been filled through the employment' office since October. Of these, 142 were permanent, and 652 temporary, or odd jobs. The total estimated wage value of the positions filled, assuming that all permanent positions continue throughout the year, will approximate, $21,893. Seven hundred University men have applied for work during the year, Due to the unusually small demand for student help this year,it has been impossible to secure work for all of the applicants. However, practically all of those most in need of work have secured it. The policy of the office. has been to give the job to the man who needed it most. Several positions, requiring special training,' such as picture framing, stenography, and mechanical drafting, have not been filled, due to lack of qualified men, On ma y occasions the office has been unable fill calls for temporary help, because the calls for it came in too late to be filled. The employment office will be re- turned to Lane hall the latter part of this month, with the same phone, 823. Choice Fits From CollegeE2xchanges A million dollars hs been awarded to McGill university by the Carnegie corporation in recognition of McGill's devotion and self-sacrifice. The money will be kept as an endowment fund. party were held last following candidates were nominated: Firs Huesel; second ward third fourth ward, Albert ward, ward, George James. Theodore Prochnow; C. T. Donnelly; fifth Spathelf; sixth ward, of Arthur Long tried offense'the jury failed deliberating 22 hours. evening and the for alderman st ward-Samuel , E. R. Mayer; CITY NEWS The caucuses of the Democratic In the case for a statuary to agree after Dru Co. -..Your Easter to-Order No SEASON. FRENCH DRY CLEANING, PIESS- ING, AND STEAM CLEANING AT CITY PRICES. WE WOU [.Y INVITED TO R WORK. TO TALK WITH YOU2 IT'S TI FOR VERYTHING ELECTRICAL Job too Small or too Large WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP "The Shop of Quality" it's not right we make it right - PHONE 273 - ABOUT GETTII TER KODAK F Long will probably have to undergo a new trial during the May term of court. According to announcements a new draft has been ordered and the local board expects to begin drafting men in small groups to fulfill the quota. The local board expects to complete the draft of the first registration. F. L. Keeler, state superintendent of public instruction, has urged the teachers in the stateto attend the lecture given here March 25 by Dr. George Myers. He will give an ad- dress on "Vocational Training." G. L. Thomas, Harold MacCormick and L. C. Hackbarth have been sent by the local draft board to San Antonio, Texas, where they will enter the army service in the motor department. Arraig n Canies In Justice Court "Bill," familiar canine figure on the campus, and another bull dog were ar- raigned in Judge Doty's court yester- day afternoon as the result of a fracas on South University avenue which was brought to a climax by the inter- vention of Officer Schultz of the city police force. Both offenders were whisked to the judicial chambers wherein a fine and costs amounting to $8.45 were imposed. One dog, straining from a leash, and the other from Officer Schultz's, grip, growled hymns of hate to each other during the session of the court. Representatives of the two fraternities owning the belligerents and Judge Doty completed the unusual scene. Two pleas of guilty were rendered, as the city ordinance that forbids un- muzzled .dogs running at large was plainly violated. ADVANCED SCHOOL OF MUSIC STUDENTS PRESENT RFCITAL 'I FURNISHINC VARSITY TOGGER 1107 So. Universit Candies Make -An Appropriat f. Let us supply you in boxes or bulk, at reasonable prices. Fountain of You SAMPLES ON I PLACE OF QUALITY FRATERNITIES 814 200 E. Washington Ann Arbor 117 earl Ypsilanti iey37 CITY MEN RECRUITED tes IN SHIPB 11 DING RESERVE Thirty-seven nien have signed the 244M -lists of Uncle Sam's shipbuilding re- - serve which is being recruited at the local post office. The majority of these are carpenters. The many shipbuilding yards that are running under forced construction plans make it necessary for the navy department to secure an extra supply of men to handle the' additional work. Mechanics and laborers 'are being called from all parts of the.couutry to assist the government by helping build the ships. Any skilled worker will be enrolled in the reserve upon applica- tion at the post office. Ford to Build Second Destroyer Plant Detroit, March 12.-A seecond ship- building plant to produce submarinej destroyers is to be erected near New- ark, N. J., by Henry Ford, local auto-' nobile manufacturer., according to in- formation given out here yesterday, The eastern plant is to be an exact du- plication of the one in course of con- struction by Mr. Ford at River Rouge near here. Completion of the plant is expected within three months and it is planned to turn oAt the submarine killers at great speed. Its proximity to the At- lantic seaboard was pointed to today as making for a minimum of delay of getting the new crafts in action. > Six hours of garden work is to be substitued for six hours of laboratory for freshman botanists at the Univer- sity of Cincinnati. A similar experi- ment proved successful last year, and the instructors declare the system in- teresting and instructive. To the best "all-around" girl who has made enough points in athletics to own a sweater, Miss Juliet Maxwell, director of woman's physical educa- tion at the University of Indiana, of- fers a yearly prize beginning next year. "Doctor of Public Health" is a new degree which has appeared iR the an- nual catalogue o rown university. More than 100 scientifl schools and colleges have volunteered to offer coures to train drafted men for spec- ial service in the army.-The Daily Kansan, Eleven fraternity houses at North- western university were canvassed by chaperoned co-eds last week, during the drive for the sale of War Savings stamps, The girls met with unusual success, The University of California has in- stalled a course for the training of voices for the soldiers in giving com- mands. All men eligible for taking part in varsity athletics at Harvard must en- roll in some naval or military course, according to a recent announcement of Dean Briggs. Ice Rate Not to Be Raised in City . Despite the fact that many cities are considering a raise in the price of ice,, Ann Arbor ice dealers declare that, they will not advance their present price for some time. Last year the price of ice in this city was raised to, $10 a ton to meet'the increased cost in manufacture. At present, mater- ials necessary in the manufacture are plentiful, and the dealers feel that the prices for them do not justify a raise.i Arrange for Your Unsurpassed Accommodations PHONE 948-W 619 E. 1 BACK AGAIN being advo- ol at present he Galen so- of the col- Advanced studeuto of the University School of Music will give a concert at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Frieze Memorial hall. The following program will be giv- en: Etude, F minor .. . ..........Liszt Lucile Colby Concert de Mazurka.....Ovid Musin Indian Lament .... Dyrak-Kreisler Dorothy Hayrmaker Arabesque in E........,....Debussey Music Box .................iao Olive McLouth Prelude, F major, No. 18.......Pach Etude, Op. 10, Nos. 3 and 5 . - . . . . ... . Chopin Clara Lund ell Japanese Sunset ...........:.Deppen Souvinir de Lubeck ........Reineke Frank Panek Papillons, Op. 2 .......... Schumann Jane Thomas FLOUR FAMINE IS POSSIBILITY IN DETROIT; SUPPLY LOW Detroit, March 12. - According to William B. Campbell of the Commer- cial Milling company, one of the larg- est mills in Michigan, Detroit's food supply is so low that a three-day store of a year ago must now be conserv- ed to last ten days, Under govern- ment instructions, the mills are re- leasing to the dealers only 40 per cent of what they had a year ago, and only half of this amount will be delivered at one time. "The country's flour supply needs must gradually diminish," said Mr. Campbell, "because the mills are clos- ing as fast as they are grinding their allotment of wheat, and they will have no more wheat until the next crop., Although Mr. Campbell admits that OREN'S CAFETE GLEN OREN, Manager GROUP PHOTOGRAf I., Freshmen anA Sophomores I Want a Ui that FITS ? Right at the Old Stand where we built up the of Ann Arbor. Wednesday morning we will have in our em --that's a real cook-"just like mother." Come in once and get acquainted with Oren will be there. We want young men for trav- eling salesmen during the sum- mer months, especially men who can travel for three or more consecutive summers. We pay a straight salary with traveling expenses, bonus and commis- sions. Address: Sales Manager, W. H. Hll Company, 56 Selden Ave., Detrot. All Wool Uniforms R. O.T. to the I Chemical Sorority Offers Prize ote Now Iota Sigma Pi, women's honorary e the chemical sorority, is offering a prize .s are of $5 for the best essay on the sub- have ject, "Women in Chemistry." This nove- gift was made possible through the . generosity of an alumna. The contest will close June 1. Acad- - - rings, Free -Exhibition, of Raemaeker's y ap- Great War Cartoons, daily at James r. Foster's House of Art.-Adv. The official R . 0. T. C. and U. M. Insignia have arrived at Erenry & Co. 715 N. University.-Adv. I Leave Copy at ' Students' Supply Store ,.I a .. the situation is grave, he neverthe- less does not entirely share the ap- prehension of some distributors who say that Detroit faces a real flour famine between March 15 and April 1._ Sale of Smileage Books Progresses Smileage books are still on sale at many business places throughout the city although the active campaign for selling them ended in the middle of February. Those in charge of their sale in Ann. Arbor do not know how' many have been sold since the cam- paign was concluded. The business men handling them are only required to hand in reports once a month. The next ones are not due until.the end of March. Hot Rol MICHI+ Phone 948-K ITUT 338 For Lunc S-~- I We Represent the Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, Sohmer, Grinnell Bros., Sterling, Shominger, and many other makes. The world's famous -Pianola Player Pianos, Victor' Victrolas. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Me- WANl rown for WANTED TED-Sinall furnished apartment ligt houskeeping, Address R, E., 1408 Wash.enaw Ave, r i 1 I, ALL '' 116 S. Main St.