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March 09, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-09

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"Our nation has pussyfooted _long
enough," said Prof. J. C. Parker, of
the engineering department, in speak-
ing of the proposed measure to inflict
the death penalty on spies. "The ex-
treme penalty may seem too harsh to
the American people, but I believe that
it is necessary if weare to clean things
up. It is the only thing that will do.
In general I am in favor of it."
At present, American law prohibits
the death penalty for spies, but if the
plans of Representative Frank James,
of this state, are carried out, it will be
but a short time before the law will
be changed. Recalling the numerous
days on which American people are
depriving themselves of various -food-
stuffs in order that the allies may have
them, Representative James proposes;
"treasonless and seditionless days to
be observed 365 days in the year by
pro-Germans and traitorous Amieri-
That Pennsylvania stands behind
such action may be inferred from the
statement made by Louis Heinz, fed-
eral food administrator for that state,
at a banquet held recently in Phila-'
delphia. "We will not be a strictly
free people until 10,000 German pro-
pagandists in this state have been
hanged to telegraph poles, and shot
full of holes."

30 G NTS EPH6Toll Two thousand food conservation
30 CENTSPER TON : :::: ::
pledge food cards have already been
returned to the University health ser-
Fuel Board Reduces Anthracite Price vice after having been signed' by the


for Domestic Users From
April 1 to Sept. 1


have ac-
Russia to
ays a dis-

ted Pre~

of Petrograd,
cessful resist-
forces at the
les southwest
. This resist-
ly a local in-
n of the Bol-
fight against
eater Russia,
that 'tussians
ducting a de-




ails relative to the
Finland shows that
to the Black sea the
complete. ' It is re-
ind has "asked" Em-
place his son, Oscar,
throne. This abso-

r so



uld have for its ob-
eguarding of the in-
lies in the far East.

-German propaganda has again
evidenced in the sale of thrift
s by the spreading of rumors
he stamps were not valid in the
of the owner's death. State-
made by suspected German
in Port Huron to discredit
ork of the War Preparedness
ittees were denied by Postmast-
tliff of that city. It is expected
aany arrests will be made.
pite these attempts of various
gandists; the war work is being
d on as usual throughout the
y. Campaigns for the sales of
and war-savings stamps are be-
rried on with renewed efforts by
eorganized War Preparedness
s which are to have complete
e of all war efficiency work.
Washtenaw county committee
w fully equipped with offices at
ty Y. M. C. A. Roscoe O. Bonis-
'12L, is in charge of the organi-
work for the sale of stamps as
.s the coming Liberty Loan cam-

"That many contagious diseases are
not reported to the health department,
as is required by law, is known," said
Dr. J. A. Wessinger, health officer,
yesterday. "At this time of the year
when contagion is most current the
health department will be especially
alert for offenders. Such offenses car-
ry with them a fine of not less than
$5 nor more than $100. Prosecutions
will follow facts."
It has been reported that several
houses on the campus have been har-
boring students and others ill with a
contagious disease without reporting
the cases to the health authorities.'
Measles and mumps are the chief dis-
eases remaining unreported, the doc-
tor said. These cases are usually not
as serious as scarlet fever, typhoid,
and others, and people believe that
they can be treated at home very sat-
isfactorily. The doctor emphasized the
fact that there was a much more ser-
ious aspect to the matter than simply
treating the patient at home. "Other
people in the house are allowed to cir-
culate freely and spread the disease.
It is estimated that many cases are
spread in this way..
When asked how the campus and the
city in general could be safeguarded
from these offenders, Dr. Wessinger
said the only thing to be done in the
University regarding the matter would
be for the different departments to re-
port all absences to the health service
and have them Investigated.,
"This would be a very impractical
method," he said, "and it depends on-
tirely upon educating the people to
the real seriousness of such an of-
fense, and make them see the advant-
age in reporting all such cases."

Customers May Be Required to Certify
Supply on Hand; $5,000 Fine
for False Remarks
Washington, March 8.-An average1
reduction of 30 cents a ton in the re-
tail price of all anthractice coal sold
for domestic use between April 1 and
Sept. 1, was announced tonight by
the fuel'administration together with
regulations governing the retail dis-
tribution of all coal for the year, be-'
ginning the first of next month.
The rules are designed particularly
to prevent hoarding and to insure the
filling of all domestic needs for next
winter during the summer months.
As a safe-guard against hoarding,A
at the direction of the local fuel ad-
ministrators, each customer orderingI
coal may be required to submit a cer-
tified statement giving details of his
needs, his supply on hand, and the
amount he has ordered from various
dealers. Certification of a false state-
ment would be made subject to prose-
cution under the Lever act, which im-
poses a fine of $5,000 or two years'
Hausques Choose
,fAmazons " Cast
Masques announced its cast for the
performance of Pinero's "Amazons" to
be presented May 3. The cast con-
tains the names of a number of girls
on the campus who are well known
for their dramatic work. Jenny Ja-
cobs was the leading lady in last year's
Cosmopolitan club production, "The.
Magic Carpet,"' and is the author of
this years Junior Girls' play. Bea-
trice Fales and Lois May figured prom-
inently in the Junior Girls' play -of last
year, and Nina Kellogg and Lavernel
Ross both had leading parts in the1
"Tragedy of Nan."
Male roles: Parrington, Viscount
Litterly, Beatrice Fales, '18; Galfred,
Earl of Tweenwayes, Winnifred Par-
sons, '19; Andre, Count of Grival, Mel-
ba -Bastedo, '19; Rev. Robert Minchin,
Marion Ames, '20; Fitton, Sue Verlen-
den, '20; Youalt, Ethel Glauz, '19.
Female roles: Marion, Marchioness
of Castlejordan, Nina Kellogg, '18;
Lady Noeline Belturbet, Jenny Jacobs,
'19; Lady Wilhelmina Belturbet, Ger-j
trude Sergeant, '18; Lady Thomasini
Belturbet, Lois May, '18; "Sergeant"
Shuter, Laverne Ross, grad. '----
The first meeting of the entire cast1
will be held next Monday at 4' o'clock
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.-

A campaign has been in progress
durini the past week under the man-
agement of Miss Sue C. Hamilton,
sanitarian of the health service. In
an effort to reach every student, the
matter was brought before the health
service representatives of the frater-
nities, sororities, and boarding houses
at a meeting held Thursday in Bar-
bour gymnasium. More than 1,200
cards were signed by students eating
at houses which had delegates at the
meeting. More cards are being re-
turned hourly.
A canvass of the literary and law
colleges will be started next week. The
engineers have already signed, as a
majority. The campaign is under way
in the medical and pharmic colleges,
and the dents have signed up. The
work of getting the cards distributed
is being managed by various organi-
zations in the different colleges.
Although spring vacation begins
just one day previous to the placing on
sale of the third Liberty Loan, a cam-
paign similar to the one conducted
during the second loan will be initiat-
ed among the students and others con.
nected with the campus.
"The students and faculty will not
be neglected in this campaign," said
Frank Bacon, '02, in charge of the
work among the students during the
second Liberty Loan. "Although no
plans have as yet been formulated for
reaching students during the coming
issue, a proper organization will soon
be formed to take care of this matter.
We expect to draft speakers to deliver
patriotic addresses throughout the
county, from among the students as
was done during previous campaigns."
Bonisteel Returns Today
The four representatives of Wash-
tenaw county headed by Roscoe 0.
Bonisteel, '12L, will return from the
Chicago conference today and imme-
diately begin work on the campaign in
the county. Bonisteel is acting as or-
ganizer for the Washtenaw committee.
His offices are at the city Y. M. C. A.
An extended educational campaign
will be conducted in connection with
the selling of bonds. At the same time
all other additional means will be used
to make the present issue an even
greater success than was the second.
The Boy Scouts of this city are again
organizing to contribute their share
to the work of the local and county
Local Committees Listed
Local committees and representa-
tives from the various townships ha
already been listed by the county com-
mittee and will be announced at the
county gathering which wil be held
in Ann Arbor on March 16 upon the
arival of the state campaign commit-

Detrolt Registers Transients
Detroit, March 8.--Registra-
tion of every transient of uncer-
tain means of support is to be
made by the police department
in an effort to suppress crime.
Homicides, burglaries and hold-
ups have been unusually numer-
ous during the last few months
and the police department re-
cently accepted the aid of a
troop of state constabulary to
trol the streets at night.
To facilitate the registration
of transients the police plan to
visit every low-grade hotel and
rooming house in the city.
Gold Stars Shown
y-Three Hoses
Three campus fraternities have add-
ed gold stars to their service flags
as testimony that certain of their
members have lost their lives in the
service. -
The deceased and the houses of
which they were members are: Don-
ald E. McKisson, ex-'17E, of Toledo,
member of the Psi Upsilon, in the
Radio service, died of pneumonia on
Dec. 7, 1917.
Reginald S. Franchot, ex-'19E, of
Grand Rapids, member of Beta Theta
Pi; served in the Royal Flank corps
in Toronto and was later transferred'
to Dallas, Tex.; died on Dec. 18, 1917,
of scarlet fever two hours before he
was to get his commission.
William Sears, '20, of Grand Rapids,
member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon;
died of pneumonia at a military hos-
pital near Boston.

Officials Intimate More I
From Schools with Smal
Four members of the Germa
ty o f th e lite ra ry co lleg e w er d y n t f e y t e e e u i
mittee of the Board of Rege
their services would be nc
required at the end of the
semester. W. W. Kusterman,
tor in mathematics in the e
ing college, was similarly info
the same body.
The four members of the
faculty are Assistant Professo
Florer and John Dieterle, and
tors Herman J. Weigan adnd
0. Fricken.
Boucke Registered as Alien
The same committee grante
of absence to Prof. E. A. Bo
the duration of the war, at
request. Professor Boucke,
ago registered as an alien e:
"I have asked the Board t
sider its action," Professor
said last night. "My classes
are larger than they were
the action is not reconsidere
no plans as yet for the futur
some work of a literary natu
All four men dropped from
man department are Amerci
Ioucke was born in Prussia
property there at present.
Not Member of German A
"My. connections with the
American alliance, scored b
John School recently, broke
1915," continued Professor
"The alliance has not been s
the state for some years."
Officials of the University
plaining the action taken s
the three year terms of Pr
Florer and Dieterle will expi
end of the school year. All
tors are appointed for one yea
which expire each June. P
Boucke has been asking for a
absence for the past two ye
view of the fact that the Ger
rollment has fallen off in exc
per cent in the past two ye
versity officials thought it
grant his previous requests.
Other German Professors Pe
Other professors in the Ge
partment have permanent
ments with the exception of F
Officials said last night t
the intention to cut down on
ulties of other department of
versity, in view of a smaller
of students because of tie w
move may be made more or
eral in all the schools and
of the University.

A letter received from Paul Booth,
ex-'20, who left school early in Feb-
ruary to join the navy, gives an ac-
count of his travels since his depart-
ure from the University. It also con
tains information concerning Barry
Stuart, ex-'21, who left the University
at the same time. His letter, dated
March 4, was written from New York
and reads as follows:
"I have just completed a three
weeks' cruise to the West Indies and
Stuart and I reported in New York and
the ship to take on cargo, preparatory
to another cruise which I am assigned'
to make.
"After leaving Ann Arbor, Barry
Stuart and I reported in New York and
were enrolled and given assignments
to different ships. Barry sailed for
Cuba and I sailed for the West Indies.
"After two months on coast-wise
ships we will report to a school at
Pelham Bay Park, New York for a
short intensive training, fitting us,
if we pass the examinations, for jun-
ior deck officers in the merchant mar-
ine service. Barry is with me now'
but sails tomorrow for Colon. We are
both well and very keen about our new
work. A number of Michigan men are
now in this branch of the sevice.
"I am hoping that all goes well at
Ann Abor now and that the training
corps are progressing with their


Dissatisfaction has been expressed
the local committee with the
ount of stamps that have been sold
ong the students. It has been
nted out that in a ten-day campaign
thrift stamps held in the Univer-'
y of Illinois $22,000 worth of stamps
ve been sold. Reports from that
iversity show that 95 per cent of
students and faculty are war
mp investors.
Ison Considering New War Tax Law
Washington, March 8.-President
ison and his advisers, according to
thentic reports are considering new
renue legislation for presentation to

- The appointment committee an-
nounces the followirg teaching ap-
pointments the past week: Pearl
Lockhart, '18,' to teach physics and
chemistry at Wayne, Michigan; Jessie
Whitney to teach English at Wayne,
Michigan; Mabel Hall, '18, to teach
mathematics and French at Plainwell,
Michigan; Alberta Bolen, '18, to teach
English and Latin at Plainwell; and
Catherine MacNaughton, '18, to teach
commercial subjects at Ionia, Mich-
Senate Reports Enemy Property Bill
Washington, March 8.-Legislation
enabling the government tc place in
the .merican hands permanently great
German commercial and industrial
conceuls in this country whicn have
been instruments in spread' _g the
grist .f German Kultur was fxvorably

Concrete work on the new library
building is being resumed. The men
have finished the work on the fourth
floor, and are now making the col-
umns to support the roof over the
main reading room.
When all the concrete work has
been completed; the steel girders of
the building will be put in place.
Exterior brick work on the south
side has been started. The slight
changes in the original plans for the
building has been made and Flemish
bond, being used for the walls instead
of the English cross bond, as was
The mortar on the main portion o
the building will be a few shades
lighter than that used on the stack. It
is thought this will improve the ap-
pearance of the new part of the build-
F. W. Faxon, vice-president of the
Boston book company, and editor of
the "American Dramatic Index,'
"Magazine Subject Index," and "Bulle-
tins on Bibliography," inspected the
new library Thursday. He expressed
himself as particularly interested in
the construction of the library, as this
is one of the few large buildings in
the country using re-enforced c in-
crete. This type of construction is a

Ann Arbor people are observing the.
federal order "watch your garbage
cans" according to men in charge of
the local incinerator. The amount of
waste from private homes and eating
houses has recently been cut down ap-
proximately one-third.
That people are Hooverizing is
shown in the disappearance of unused
loaves of bread, unopened cans, and,
meat that could be used. It is said
that most of the food actually wasted
comes from the homes of the better
class of people rather than the other
classes. Reports show that members
of the faculty are the ones who have
least observed the food conservation
order in respect to the waste.
Hotels, restaurants, and some of the
leading boarding houses are conserv-
ing food in two ways. The waste
is sold to nearby farmers to be fed to
cattle- and hogs, and the supply of
grain otherwise fed them is thus

Twelve men will be selected from
the engineering college -to undergo
special training in the navy for com-
missions as ensigns in the engineering
Lieutenant 'Clark, recruiting officer'
at Cleveland, asked Prof. Herbert C.
Sadler to choose the men best quali-
Bled to do the work required of engin-
eering officers, and the selection will
be made today 'oretomorrow. Orders
wxill probably be received for the men
to report as soon as they are accepted
-by the navy.
Subs Destroyed Exceeds Those Built

Thirty-five hundred app
been sent out to Detroit
the interest of Alumnae resi
To date over $1,200 has 'co
it is expected that $1,000 1
sured from other sources,
to the amount already colle
"Responses, especially fro
have been most gratifying
expected that the entire
$5,000 will be received befoi
of the campaign this mc
Miss Claire Sanders, '03, cl
the Detroit committee, yes
The fund must be turn
the Regents of the Univers
pay off a second .mortgag
property, and to cover the
pairs and furnishings.
Barristers, Vulcans and
nior honorary societies of
school, engineering college
ary college respectively,
night in the annual B. V. D.
dance was held at the Pac
emy from 9 to 2 o'clock, an
eroned by Dean M. E. Coole


Washington, March 8.-More sub-;
marines were destroyed by the AlliesI
and Amercian naval forces in Decem-
ber than Germany was able to build

y '

the I new onE

is an object of great :n-

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