re noth oCse with tne most ex- e habits. Rather than that per- they Are those with the most bonds and Thrift stamps. To r through patriotism is a dis- n. have done away with dearly pleasures and general extrav- They are unfashionable. The 1 now is to save, to be econom- id to retrench. n fashion. FORGETFULNESS an old saw, "Many a man gets :ation for being a wit, whereas .1 only lay claim to a good of Satan as a person with pointed ears, cloven hoofs, and forked tail," why not show him with the spiked helmet and upward pointed mustache? These Siberian prisoners who were released recently must be wondering where it will be safe to go.-Cleve- land Plain Dealer. Greenland and one or two other places are left. The snow yesterday makes the lat- est promises of spring look more like our familiar friend--German propa- ganda. The campus wit comes forth with the suggestion: "Let's Go!" to "Phor- mio" with "Miss Hobbs." And then print a picture of our own Maurie Dunne, our heroic fern-loather from Illinois. Ah, Maurie, if you; could but step out of the picture, in your leopard skin, to see how the wo- men are grabbing the remnants of shredded fanie you were so kind as to leave in Michigan' But you're an officer now, so here's hoping you nev- er come into contact with the Russian *women's Battalion of Death- ':ey say that the Russians are awfully suscep- tible to masculine charms and beauty. Just think of an armed battalion of admirers-Melud, Melud A FEW TITLES OF THE Best New Books First Call-Arthur Guy Empey........................ A Yankee in the Trenches-Holmes................... How to Live at the Front-MacQuarrie.................... In Our First Year of War-Woodrow Wilson .............. On the Field of Honor-Hughes Le Roux.................. The Bolsheviki and World Peace-Trotzky............. Liberty Writings of Dr. Hermann Kiefer, edited by W. WN. Flo My War Diary-Waddington......................... Food in War Time-Graham Lusk................. ......... Wahr's Bookstore MAIN STREET STATE ARE YOU INTERESTED IP TELEGRAPHY? We can furnish you with Keys, Sounders, Buz Wire Batteries, Etc. P Likewise, and we now address the Purdue Exponent in particular, many a paper achieves a reputation for ed- itorial foresight and penetration, whose editors posses only asharp .pair of shears and a well-filled paste pot. Professional coutesy forbids the accusing of our above-mentioned ill- ustrious contemporary:of "lifting" bod- ily the editorial entitled "What of Russia?" which appeared in one of the recent issues of The Daily. Rather do we desire to put down to forgetful- ness the fact that the editorial was usedtwithout giving the source due credit. But such "forgetfulness" is danger- ous. Our western friend who "forgot" to look at the end of the rope he had found in a field was shortly afterward reminded that a yearling was tied thereunto. And in turn the jury "for- got" to condone the offense. We .might also cite the case of another gentleman who "forgot" the 'spelling of his own name in writing a check,_ using instead the name of a friend. We might add that he was lodged thereafter at the state's expense, but that his host "forgot," and locked the cell. A serious fault-this habit of for- getfulness. The city will vote on the water proposition at the next spring elec- tion. If the resolution is passed the plans should be in by next fall. It will " be too cold next winter to do anything, so it will be the summer of 1919 before the actual work is start- ed. It should take only a year or two, if there are no expected hitches. Anyway, good water should replace the mud by the spring of 1942. Long live the king! CARYATID LUltmatumn (Apologies to Riley and the rhetoric department.) I ain't a-goin' to climb no more, no more! I've got side-ache, an' I can't make It quit a-tall; My legs are wobbly an' my breath's .o1 shot Because I've climbed and don't rest none, But just climbed on when I ought to not; Yes, an' my cough Just shakes an' shakes me :it I'd like to curse West hail was bad but this is worse; May I be shot If I take a course again up on fourth ~floor- I just ain't a-goin' to limb no more,, no more! "What becomes of handsome men?" "Every Week" asks. We're with you "Every %Veek.", We've ofien wondered where tUe Aron- .ises and Phoebus Apollos were hiding. Visions of Hell-Counting the wee chromosomes through the scope. After all, the real Blighter is she, who, when you've spent all period carefully extracting her newspaper from her pocket in order to return it with the muttered, "Isn't this your paper?" says "How did you guess?" It's a Fine Fine Line Beautiful Bill: "But-" Violent Vera: "No, but voa'll have to admit that she didn't even vamp. him in a ladylike manner." Try This Over On Your Trombone, William O Hindenburg, O Hindenburg, How green are your intentions! The German method is to sit on the opponent's chest, punch him until he cries quit, and then keep on punch- ing. Loyalist slap at Lafollette again de- layed-Chicago Tribune headline. Congress must be coujiting up the proverbial hundred. Visiting Doctors Hoid Clinic Dr. E. M. Cowell and Dr U. E. Fish, of Sayre, Pa., held a surgical clinic at the Homeopathi: hospital fuesday afternoon, in-which they demonstrated a number of new surgical features. 14 THE EBERBACH 200-204 E. &SON( Liberty Street Stationery Saele I Pound Writing Paper and 2 Packages Enve 35c The Slater Boo See Goldman Cleaning Special, Bros.' Wednesday Page six. -Adv. ,. w m . . . w-.a, .,. ., A con- r a AT ARMORY FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1918 MUSIC this, gan The government turned down a 17-' t up year old boy who sought a position as the SPY. If any German boy had been and so foolish as to offer himself to his ket- country he'd have been placed in the first line trenches. "Doe" Wright "Toni" Huss "Cy" Darling "Harry" Cook '"Johnny" Shwer Piano Violin Banj orlue Saxophone Drums R., . ,... ..uv , . ,, :: Dancing Friday and Saturday nights at the Armory.--Adv. SPRING STYLES 7I y v ?~ ~1 r1 I Capital and Resources Northwe H7 707 North Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and (Effective Mlay 22, 1917) Detroit Limited and Express Car m., 8:io a. m.. and hourly to 7:10p o. mn. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:485a every two hours to 6:48 . iM.; tO :8:48 P. m. Jackson Express Cars ;local-to- Aun Arbor)-9:48' a. tn. and every to :':48 A- m Local Cars East Bound-5 :35 a. a. M., 7:o5 a. m, and every two ho P. Mn., 8:o, V. in., 9:05 p. in., 1t) To Ypsilanti only, 9:2o a. in., 9 2:o5-. m., 6:o5 p. ", 9:45 p. 1%n ,1 2:o a. mn.. 1 :1o a. i., i :zo a. in. change at Ypsilanti. Loca Cars West Bound-6:o a a. m., o:zo . in.. 12:20 a. m. We have both the ai the equipment to f bet in banking The Ann Arbor Sai .. 4 in foot- come so the en- ted that IF IT'S ANYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC, AS SWAIN 113 East University I o STOP AT T UT TLES 338 MAYNARD eFor Lunchs and Sodas I TYPEWRITERS Our Spring Season is, Now Open * ics does not d make us ald or no. e necessary >otball stars I the height spent many Other ath- { We have at present a very large and fine line of Woolens. As good as we have ever had. Also at a price which is not exorbitant, con- sidering the present conditions. Our tailoring skill is the best in the country. We would like to have you reserve your cloth now and have it made up when you wish. Dlimeogr Fraternity and So 0. D. -1LOi 322 South St Your ev ing need ft 4 it. Like the e an appren- d with deter- tain task gen- .atural ability laziness. The Ler thing one We are expert military uniform makers. get 100© results. We Hart Schaffner & Marx spring suits and top coats are more snappy than ever this spring; the kind of clothes red- blooded young men will be wearing. They have incorporat- ed in them all the style tenden- cies that will be popular. We have bought freely and as a consequence offer you choice of a stock unequalled for rich- ness of choice and variety, of style, anywhere but in their shops. You will find here clothes as good as you can buy in any city, and the price is more reasonable. New neckwear, Steson and Knox Hats. ery Bar ulfilled THE, Farmers& N 101-105 So. Main 330 (Nic Sam Burchfield & Co. 111F Try our gant eco- 106 E. Huron Street. Downtown ii They ar CO," MADE 't"te PIPES BEST to