;, trtan Bat!J DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1918. PRICE T __...... he ed i an IT ARRIVAL OF FLOUR 200 MORE NEEDED SRELhVESvFAMINE L1FOR SUMMER CAMP Allr No military training camp will be IIILAlfear of a flouir famine in Ann 1311 el yte nvrit hssumGR g Arobr was overcome yesterday by the ED FOR DUThe by the Unirsiy th s mI T arrival of a carload of 310 barrels, and unless 200 more men hand in their a bulletin from the government offic- Michigan Unit Is Notified at Banquet More Than Eight Miles of Trenches Only 75 studn signdfis 11 ials at Toledo permitting the Michi- By Lieutenant Clark, Recruit. Are Held by Americans onto today. Only 7 o students signifiedIA RL gan Milling company to resume grind- ing Officer Western Front tertat. .E O ing of flour. yestrday ED FOR ngflor "There will be no summer camp MOSCOW DECLARED NEl tIAN The carload order had been placed NINETY STUDENTS WILL LEAVE HUN S SEND UP HELP BEHIND unless 250 to 300 men are willing to AL; PETROGRAD TO BI by one of the dealers almost two MARCH 18 FOR TRAINING CAMP FRENCH AND BELGIAN LINES attend' sid L months ago, and had been on the way George C. MullenT all that time. Mr. G. Frank Allmend- yesterday afternoon. "I would not IESigwhisichreoth Men Will Work for Commissions As Enemy Has 16 More Divisions Along want to ask the governmnent to go toG RM N C NT i MOVE ated tat thetn charge of themills, Ensigns in Corps of Quarter- French Front Than Allies; the expense of furnishing a camp forG CONTIN bE gtated a e do of wheat to master Entente Stronger 25 or 50 students. Every cadet in the WAR ON BOLS be ground was raised from 75 to 90 _____sumrcm isndroobgtn Mat Japan bier cent in the new order. This will summer 'camp is under no obigation itage place several thousand barrels of The Michigan unit of the naval aux- (By Associated Press) to the government, and he is furn- Roumana Ready to Effect flour at the disposal of local dealers, iliary reserve, recruited on the cam- American troops now have taken up ished with a complete uniform, board, Peace; Preliminary Trea1 with the result that the amount dis- pus under the direction of Luther another position on the front in France and living quarters. If you want to prly Signed tributed will be large enough to sup- Beach, '18E, will entrain March 18 for and with their usual busines-like go to the camp, make up your minds was made ply the demands of the people for an active service, methods already have frustrated an at- promptly and hand in your names to ed States indefinite period. Just as the banquet held by the tempt by the Germans to raid their your company commanders as soon as (By Associated Pres ssented to In compliance with the orders is- unit at the Union last night was about trenches. The new position is some- possible." Petrograd, March 5.-(D on in Si- sued by Food Administrator Hoover to break up, orders were personally where in Lorraine. Altogether more The training will give the cadets a Moscow is to be declared tatements last week, 50 per cent of substitutes delivered by Lieutenant Clark of than eight miles of trenches are now thorough knowledge of military in- ions have will be sold with every order of flour. Cleveland to the effect that all mem- being held by Americans on the west- struction and tactics. At the present pital o Rsaand Petg sholdtime it is intended that the campwl proposes to prolaim Petrog two gov- This, said one of the bakers, will de- bers of the unit should prepare them- ern front.sP will e correct. crease the amount of flour consumed selves for a call that would come at Artillery Duels Frequent last for a period of six weks, and will port. ed under ordinary conditions and as a that time. Lieutenant Clark was From Flanders to the Swiss border be situated in the vicinity bf Ann Ar- has been consequence will prolong the supply scheduled to be one of the principal artillery duels of more or less violence bor. No extension of time will be al- March 6-Late reports fr the situ- for a much longer time. Mr. Allmend- speakers at the banquet, but arrived are taking place on various sectors lowed, and the total number of the indicate that the Bolshevi pail's ally inger assures the city that there will too late to include his words f ad- and here and there raiding parties of names handed in today, will determine P ent -probably will not ke ssions be- be no shortage of any kind in re- dress with the delivery of the /lindiv- both sides are frequently in operation, whether a summer military training gton are gard to bread. idual orders. The British have carried out success- camp will be given by the niversity. eati the e s can be Out of the first class of 105 men sent ful attacks against the Germans east i indirect- a short time ago from Detroit every of Bullecourt and near Lens. OPerar ractices agreed upon at Brest-Lit r plans by French Off cer U man qualified as an ensign in the aux- Although the snow has ceased, there evacuation of Petrograd b3 ently the Y * TY **w iliary reserve. has been but little activity on the chief Moved t ta eshevik government and the o make a V 181 t JV &5I'pe) r The naval auxiliary reserve was or- American sector northwest of Toul. already has begun, and Tr4 iginally designed to adequately man Allies Stronger eign minister, has announce expressed "You have a very wonderful and the auxiliary ships of the navy, such German reinforcements continue to Inhabitants of the Union lobby will leaders of the revolution ha tion with 'o aeaveywnefl a t a eautifulunversityhere" said Ser-as colliers, tankers, and supply ships, be sent up behind the lines in Belgium be deprived of the privilege of hear- ed to fall back even to Ural but with the expansion of that service and France, according to General Mor- ing the singing of the opera prima which separate Great R than pro- geant Jo Dobelle, the only English- to include merchant vessels, a great rice, director of military operations donnas after tonight, when rehearsals Siberia and proclaim a Ho vstok and speaking member of the trio of French number of additional officers was in at the British war offlee. At present, will begin being held in Hill auditor- order to circumvent the pi army officers, who spent yesterday in immediate demand. he says, although the enemy has 16 ium. Music lovers who have chosen Germans to make the revo Japan this city while on a- tour of the United Outlines Qualifications more divisions than the allies along the Union as their habitat ever since successful. Iily Mail Lieutenant Clark gave out the fol- this front, the allied troops are numer- "Let's Go!" rehearsals began will Germans Continue 1 im Tienti- States in the interest of the French lowing rules of eligibility: Men must eally stronger and also hold the up- have either to ingratiate themselves It seems evident that the ilch quotes 'government. "Your officers' training be of proven ability, and must be of per hand in rifles, guns, and aircraft. with the door-keeper at the auditor- have not yet ceased their rthur as 'corps should have more men enrolled, officer material, must be over 21 and The major preparations of the enemy ium oi else remain without the sauc- against the Russians, for t it regard-~ tum in which milady sings so soul- vik commanderin-chief ho ia a- but it is very fine." not over 30 years of age. All appli- for a big offensive are now more or full-. Sergeant Dobelle sang before the cants must have completed a four- less complete and the allies must Tuh n -t protest to the German c assembly of the reserve officers' train- year high school course, which in- watch for the local preparations plae were an proaussg ca b asking whether all steps uponthe ing corps yesterday afternoon and cluded as a part of the scope of its which signalize the approach of an at- ploe toeadanta stas sn tiken A imilr meto in again last evening before a group of work trigonometry. All men must tack, he said. Japan in________ as the costumes arrive, a dress re- pthd t h uto soon for professors and instructors of the Uni- conform to the physical standard thearsal will be held. The aso sversity who dined at the Union. Each the regular navy, and must have had beheldcommander. The reason £ tairs. ierhe was welldreeivhdUnd his t lea n m n o us mill- R.O.T;C. TO LOSE Mr. Bert St. John, director of "Let's ter communication, howev time he was well received, and his at least one month of previous mil-IGo!" expressed himelf yesterday as apparent, for the forces o DUE singing of "The Marseillaise" was es- tary training.,MEDICALRESERVES gress of the opera. "The production monarchy are known to b ENTIONS pecially heartily applauded. To Train at Cleveland -has now reached a point where we clearing Little Russia and Thinks People Are Awake All of the Michigan unit will first Failure to observe a "joker" clause can look forward with anticipation in order to carry out the e 'rom the When asked if he. thought the peo- go to Cleveland, where one month will in General Orders No. 49 has caused and o o w aid Ukrainians in establishi tho hey ple in central and western America be devoted to general military train in ner al sN.4 s caus he declared. "Every ope and woman aid Ukring in elshir theearyearly ed hhethdeclared.sat ar"Everye. mnmanl eandrerwoman nmbminfmesteringent wtheiisnewlyth nflyror -six, w realized that the country was at war ng. e men w e quarere n is working hard and is taking an un- lio. n-Dean C. and what war meant, the Frenchman the Cleveland Y. M. C. A. building, if are already enlisted in the medical usual interest in the success of the Whether Japanese troops y Dean C.in smiled broadly and answered, "I think present plans materialize, and will re- reserve corps to join the ranks of the show. Next Wednesday we wil be able vade Siberia and put dow: ray m n so. You are doing fine. You people ceive pay of $1.25 per day. All men R. O. T. C. rto give to the campus a finished opera. orders there and also make ayre onm.are worrying because you have been who do not qualify for commissions "Men enlisted in the reserve corps great stores of all kinds tt edunable to keep up with plans laid after after the completion of the full. period are already in the United States army, War Stamps Sale Reaches Apex the harbor of Vladivostok, In reality the declaration of war, but every thingngs ac- and according to General Orders No. The sum of $11,015.15 for War-Sav- has not yet been determined models of splendidly." cording to their ability, and will be 49 no man in the army may serve ings and Thrift stamps was collected the political parties are I al devices Captain Dutoit, Lieutenant Flary, subJect in the R. 0. T. C.," said Dr. Charles by the various agencies'ln Washtenaw mously in favor of Japanesi machines and Sergeant, Dobelle have been in navy W. Edmunds, secretary of the Med- county during the month of February. tion. tos Te Canada for two months working Prof. Brumm Speaks ical school last night. "The inelig- This is the largest monthly sale -made Roumania for Pea ,was but among the French-speaking people Prof. J. R. Brumm of the rhetoric ible medical men in the R. 0. T. C. in this county since the beginning of Roumana evidently is or on ose utthere, and will be in this country for faculty spoke on the attitude of the will be automatically dropped from the W. S. S. campaign. A total of of effecting a separate peac n the same period of time doing similar recruit to the service and to his coun- the corps." 11,894 25-cent Thrift stamps and 1,705 Teutonic allies. The p work. try after a months' training. It is not known how many medical War-Savings stamps were disposed of. peace teraty has been signi ses to at- Speaks of The Daly "We should look on this war not as men are affected by this order, but This largesale for the shortest month armistice extended so tha Theserge nt, after courteously an- a job of punishing the kaiser, but as should the order include the reserve of the year indicates that the baby cussion of a formal treat swering the questions of those around the role for a crusader. Unless the corps of the dental and engineering bonds are growing in favor with the gin immediately. Among him, began asking about The Daily, recruit catches the spirit of our na- colleges, it is estimated that a large eedemands of theenemy is the Elected ~demainadsndeofr teweenemyr se is ptple "Do you publish a weekly paper?" tional endeavor, he will never see the number of students will be dropped _of the.Dobrudjaretifcat lo Dante said he. vision of the crusader. This is not a from the R. O. T. C. ranks. Hungarian-Rumania border When informed that The Daily ap- war to settle disputes, but a war for yadvantages for the entr Margaret eared every morning and was the ideals. Life is a cheap price to pay PROFESSOR BRUMM SPEAKS ON arty fr 4 to 6 o'clock tis Friday the adruple alancer Roger'H. product of students carrying regular for victory." TaUTHrAT4LENTENclEkVhiEFriaythe quadruple alliance thr and Lu. work in the University, he appeared Navigation Head Names Duties afternoon, March 8, in Bambour gym- davia and Dessadia to Odes etary and greatlysaid,, Prof. R. H. Curtiss, of the astronomy nasium. The feature of the party will z Hisattention was then attracted by department, who has been conducting -The educated man should be able to be a basketball game between the YEARLY MEMBERS LINE o ganize the singing of Robert hDieterle '21M classes in navigation primarily de- sense out human worth, and should Juniors and Seniors at 4 o'clock, fol- FOR OPERA TICKE' lowed by dancing. Ike Fisher will -- who was rehearsing for the?Union signed for the reservists, summed up be able to recognize truth. This idea ,r~ eets from er Wh thsrhdsum hdtsoteaaax opera. 'When the star had finished the duties of the naval auxiliary re- was developed by Prof. John R. Yearly members 0the day after- sergeant Dobelle said, "You have a serves when he stated that, "We must Brutm of the rhetoric department In Pinkerton Gets Commission oday t H ickets fori ywonderful voice." have a bridge of ships across to Per-today at Hill auditorium. ____d_____________. shing. It will be your duty to help his Lenten talk yesterday noon at the David Pinkerton, ex-'17E, who left bearing numbers 1 to 100 m itiation man those ships." The assembly was Bible Chair house. school last spring and enlisted in the sented between 10 and 1 R and-up -SCHOOL OF MUSIC FACULTY TO also entertained by Sergeant Dodelle, According to Professor Brumm, cul- naval reserve as first class machinist's numbers 101 to 200 betweer the Michi- GIVE TWILIGHT CONCERT TODAY F mate, has received a commission u o'clock; numbers 201 to 300 re ..of the French mission now touring ture is to be regarded as the pursuit eninEei ttoe tteAn-ad3ocok ubr )re:" R. A. the country, who delighted the men ensign. He is stationed at the Anna- and 3 o'clock; numbers 3 E, H. F. The fourth Twilight recital will be th anumber of French native songs. f perfection, and unless the univer- polis Naval academy for four months between 3 and 4 o'clock; an 20E, C. T. given by the faculty of the University The banquet was managed by Luther sity student can learn to sense that prior to entering regular naval ser- 401 and above between North, '20, School of Music this afternoon at 4:15 Beach, '18E, and Ward Culver, '20. which is superior in life, he may con- vice. o'clock. ;ray, '19E, o'clock in Hill auditorium. sider that his four years have been h n Participating life member The program will be as follows: more or less wasted. Eighteen BrItish Ships Are Sunk ed to secure their seats Tu T held 'by Chaconne ............. Bah-BusonCivic Association Begins Shrub Sale Professor Brumm will speak again London, March 6.-Eighteen merch- obtain them by presenting Packard "O Divine Redeemer" ...... Gounod About 5,000 shrubs and trees will be at 12:40 o'clock today, and the speak- antmen were sunk by mine or sub- der slips between 9:30 and Albert Lockwood placed on sale by the Ann Arbor Civic er for tomorrow will be George F. marine during the last week, accord- Ithis morning at the audit Nora Crane Hunt association for the purpose of beauti- Burley, '18L, who will talk on "The ing to the admiralty's report tonight. y Hoover Violin by Mrs. S. M. Stanton, fying the streets and private grounds Responsibility and Peril of Influence." Of these 12 were vessels of 1,600 tons Prof. Campbell Will AddeOs eorge V. Organ by Mr. Earl V. Moore. about the city. Since the spring of The services are held at 12:40 o'clock or over. Prof. E. D. Campbell' of New York Concerto, No 7, E Flat.........Mozart 1913 the campaign under the man- every day except Sunday during Lent The losses to British shipping the istry department, will addr has been Allegro; Un poco adagio;. agement of City Forester Ray E. Bas- at the Bible Chair house, and are last week were the same as in. the iversity section of the y the na- Rondo (Allegretto) sett has resulted in the sale of more under the auspices of the Student previous week. Chemical society, at 4:15 Samuel -P. Lockwood; accom- than 60,000 - trees and shrubs. The Christian association and the Church afternoon in room paniments by Frances committee will plant the shrubs at Student organization. All meetings F. B. Smith Is Now 1st Lieutenant bilding, taking as his su, 1ill Meet Louise Hamilton. cost, and will lay out grounds to beau- end promptly at 1 o'clock, and are for Frederick B. Smith, ex-'16E, has re- allio Solutions." a will meet Etudes Symphoniques .... Schumann tify the city without cost to the own- both men and women of the Univer- ceived a commission as first lieuten- This meeting was post Ar T .n. n1 w A er. sity. ant. Smith is now in France.'- last Thursday. r development f "Go-devil" of he modern twin topics treated by n of Purdue uni e lecture yesterd West Physics lect lk, Dean Benjami inventors were ;s, forthe firstj modern mechanic elaborations of iliar to the inven >bile, for example ent of the comm engine ng claw rculo Dante Officers' meeting of I1 Circu esterday afternoon, th Icers were elected: ein, '18, president; s, '18; vice-president Quarry, '18, secr 'er. rculo Dante has been B study of the works alian culture, and m o'clock every Wednes i Room 204 Universit nd-up Club Holds In ig initiation to the as held last night att ion. The initiates we '20, W. B. Heyes, '2' '20, F. G. Schwalbe, ' '19D, V. C. Southw Halts, '20P, Howard G C. Boyle, '20. aitiation dance will b ub March 22 at the Alnted b h 6.-G of the r change.