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February 27, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-02-27

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* *
* The first tryout for the fresh-*
r* men baseball team will take place*
* s ome time after spring v~acation.*
* A s yet no coach has been found *
* to take the yearlings in charge, *
* and Director Bartelme has made*
* no definite arrangements regard-*
* ing them. *
* There will be no outside sched-*
* ule played by the freshmen ac- *
S* cording to Conference rules but*
* the team will be organized to give *
* the Varsity practice and to pre-*
* pare the first: year men for such *
* a time when they will be eligible *
* for Coach Lundgr~tn's team. '*


* * * * * * * * * *


he ma,
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laTru'th- -N'o Platter
lay- Editor's Note: The Following dis-
neesertatlon is nothing' more- or less than
and atliletics boiled down to the facts and
tder w ritten as suzch. We are not respon-
;ren sible for all that is herein containxed.
Four of the 1917 football team will
ays be eligible to play in 1918. isn't that
ills aomightybroofnof heeb raprowes
tthe of o s braw nhey?"robblyof-
th honstatngtl 'unu"a
uhe 10:30, no other eleven men could be
the ce, woattemst w n
half pifrckt o, o rtw h em os tsstwosand
i ad a fxra ctionr ofs who m s sesses such
ae But now that they are dead, let us
aeindulge in a few of those little inti-.
mate and personal FACTS which add
laineffable glamor to the lives of all
ion great men of both the sportive and
e-non-sportive varieties.
e IRe Cliff Sparks
11Clff Sparks is, or at last report,
ie.rantin' 'round Florida, spending Dad's
ban glittering fifth. If, eventually, the
ror- service rejects him as a physical
not wvreck, he may come back to star fore
the ,Michigan on 1918's War Residue team.
Tank Wieman has lost his curly
tohead over a fair one in California.
Lior Eltie gave the Sport's sheet lots of
not .the essential copy .and it mourns his
aft- passing.
ith, Gentle Oscar Peace Lambert has a
,rm- mole on his left knee. Aside from
nd- that we cannot see how he differs from
last other roughnecks.
hat A great deal 'might be said about
Sbe Butch Froemke, and a great deal were
ths better left unsaid. Let us mention
merely that he is very susceptible to
e a Melba powder and other feminine
men adjuncts and let there be peace.
Gil- Chet Morrison's line "can't be beat"
Van or (in the words of an other famed
een athlete, "can't even be tied") 'nuf
and said, n'est-ce pas?
obs. Oh You, Dick
ne- Dick Weske, our beauty from the
for east, wears orchid and violet striped
the 'jamas. As these shades are particu-
last larly trying to those of the brunette
[ons type, one cannot but admire this gen-
tleman's daring in introducing the
cl1- These few words are but a sugges-
are tion of what might be said. in inter-
;of eating comment upon these mene. W:e
tar- ,propose, in future issues of THE
seen MICHIGAN DAILY to take up suc-
ing cessively, members of the basketball,
men track and baseball teams, and other
Iew big men on the campus. If the edit-
ugh orials are crowded out of the paper,
od, no one will care.

The number of .men Michigan will
send to the Conference trck meet at
Ufrbana, Il., Saturday . ill be :deter-,
mined this afternoon in timxe .trials to,
b® held by Coach Steve Farrell.
It is practically -settled that ohn-
son, hurdler, will make the trip. There
is a strong possibility that Zoellin waulll
run in. the sprints,-:while rss in thej
pole vault, Haig in the high ump, and
Baker in the shot put might be taken
along. Forbes, in the qarter, andj
Sedgwick andl Dnnelly in the distanceI
runs-will dobtess conclude the' Wol-j
verine list of entries.
Farrell this afternoon will hold
tryouzts for the two mile relay .team,
that will run at Urbana.: There are
several men out for this team and
competition..for the positions will be
close. Stohl, Forbes, Donnelly, andj
Sedgwick stand out as the most likely
men fr the quartet. Each man will
run a half mile.
Reolay Team Breaks Reord
Two years ago a two mile relayj
beam coached by Stve Farrell broke
the intercollegiate indoor recrd andj
tied the world's record. This team
was composed of Carroll, Ufer, Mur-
phy,-andDonnelly. in a special match
race with .Yale, the quartet clipped .j
second r so off the frmer collegiate
record. A week before -the recorda
making radar the quartet was de-
fated by Yale in a lse record, the
,Blue ,runners coming close to record
time then.
Although the men Farrell has to
choose from this year are nt of te
same. caliber as those who .wor
Michigan's colors in the record-break-
ing run, still there are ,possibilities
for a fast two mile relay tam this
season. Dnnelly, though not yet in
the 'best of codition, is a better run-
ner -than he was two years ago. Sedg-
wick is not in a class wth 'Carroll or
I Ufer," but he can probably eqal the
time made by Murphy that night.
Forbes and Sthl are new men but are
%apable of half miles in _close to two
mlinutes. ,
Big Ten Teams Out for Relay
Several of the other Conference
team, ea specializing in this two mile
relay event and the time made will"
probably be close to the record. Chi-
cago .has a strong quartet and reports'
from the Windy City indicate al man-
ner of confdence in ths team. 'The
Maroons have several good men en-
tered in the ther events also.
In the dual meet between Notre
'Dame and' Ilinois last Saturday night,
which was wn by Ilinos by the nar-
row margin of three-fourths of a pint,
fast time was made ins several events,
while the world's record fr the 40-
yard "dash indooars was broken, :the
Notre Dame runner navgating the
distance in for and twofifths. se-
oinds: The frm displayed by .the
Catholic runners in this meet has
made Steve Farrell anxous ver the
result. of the Michigan-Notre Dame
dual meet which is scheduled to be
held 'soon..
The Wolverine track mn .have
shown themselves capale 'of fast,
time in some of the races and after
several 'weeks mre of training Michi-
gan ought to be able to compete with
most of the Big Ten teams. What su-
ce the Wolerines will have in the

meet at Urbana is a matter for con-
I ecture solely, for the .runners have.
not been tried under "fire, but it is
safe to say that Steve will have sev-
eral men in close to the leaders, if
not leading themselves, at the. finish '
of some of the events on the card. '

.. _ - - - - r-.- -
w=ardls vwere able to rain shot after
shot at the basket. Poor shooting.
cost Michigan many baskets~ and the
M itchell hay been working for the.
past. two .nights on basket shooting..
and he feels that if his men can get
their eye before Friday night, Chicago
may have to take 'the short. end of
the scramble. The Maroons have a
strong team centered about Captain
Gorgas, but Michigan's quintet. has
been improving rapidly .and is out to

Shumble at least one Cneec g
gregation.Cofrne -
Coach Mitchell put his men through
a, str enuous practice last night mix-
ing the Varsity with the scrubs in a
fast. contest at the end.
Enroll G7 Engin eers fr Semester
Sixty-seven students enrolled in the
engineering college during ,February.
About half of this number. are men
who have never attended the Univer-
sity before.

it is thought tha
in the engineering~
'much lower this se.
although no definite
able at present.

A ccording to a story in a
paper, Larry Benton, a forme.
versity of Michigan catcher, ha
signed by Branch Rickey,
coach of the Wolverine ball tea
a spring tryout with the St.

r: ?stillllllltlit111f1i1f1111I11i[ ItE11t]i11111It1fItU 1111tllltlll!llllifllltlf11 1111t1U lfllll

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n 'from the material
but doubtless a bet-
e put together with
Which to choose.
ttery men will con-
ing every day at 1
.g until 3 o'clock.
,nnual Women's ath-
banquet to be held
iy night in Barbour
nder way, and show
iber of innovations.

Coach Farrell cent his track squad
through a stiff workout yesterday in
preparation for the Illinois relay car-
nival to be held at Urbana, next. Sat-
Men will be entered in the individ-
ual events, but Steve is undecided
about entering a two mile relay team:n
Owing to injuries the relay candidates
have not had a chance to show their
class as yet. The track mentor plans
to have a tryout at 3:15 o'clock this
afternoon and if the men mnake a
showing good enough to -warrant tak-
ing them to Urbana, a team will be
entered in the two mile event.
Report from the Notre Dame-Ill-
inois dual meet indicate that the
Wolverine dash men will have to
show their best. Captain Mulligan of
the Notre Dame team equaled the
world's record in the 40 yard dash by
running the distance in four and two-
fifth seconds.
No new "phenoms" were unearthed
in last Saturday's interclass meet,
but some of the new men ii .ay pos si-
bly develop into good performers.

Courtesy, attention and know-"
ledge of the' goods form the basic.
platform of our claim to good ser-
vce-plus the endorsement of a
good name with long--standing

which closed
for the first
custom, the
team stunt
inmerals in*

That' Michigan's basketball team
will give the ..Chicago quintet' a regu-
lar battle Friday: night is the belief
of Coach Mitchell, who is hopling that
the form displayed in the past two
games coupled .with the home floor and
crowd will enable the Wolverines to
turn the tables at last and to cop. a
Conference game.
Against Indiana and Northwestern.
the Michigan five seemed to be a dif-,
Iferent team than the one which 'was
humbled so decisively by_ these teams
in WVaterman gymnasium.. The for-
ward combination of Hewlett and E+m-
ery helped the Wolverines greatly ..and
had it not been for a reappearance of
the old weakness of poor shooting, the
result might have 'been different in
both places.
The Purple defense had great dfi-
culty in keeping Michigan from rush-
ing the ball the length of the floor,
while at Indiaina the 'Wolverine for-

Full stocks now on display of
new Spring things, in wearables
for men, and, very important-


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