;- L: I TALK FOR OR SPEAK *1' part couri p t] r Tt d, To walk through the Arcade about h six, ve To be surrounded by scads of wriggly in boys, se To have newspapers thrust in the eyes, nose, ribs and ankles, d1- To be beseeched and fought over, s. To start searching for a nickel, it To draw forth the handkerchief, the he gloves, the bunch of keyes, as To extract the bank book, the pen, he the draft number, d. To have the mob doubt the reality of a the quest, y To hear murmurs of "Tightwad" and *e "De big stick." *- To decide to write a check for it, n_ To feel a disc in the pocket, Li- To dread it's being a penny, ai- To find it a dime, ni To receive the paper, To refuse the change, To be considered a millionaire, L To stroll nonchallantly away, cool- S uing off, k. Ah, THESE are the real Joys of ex- istence. to some d ust keep, i: the paths a s the Prey SECOND SEMESTER ,umius. r is scarcely fit to :drin s from Dr. J. A, Wessing 1. :E. Forsythe are that t he present time is not pa dangerous, notwithstandin dly unpleasant appearanc illy, it is agreed that t1 td not' attempt to install tration plant because of ti ion. City councilmen eta a move will not be attemp er te r- ag e. he te 7t- Dance in nude gives shock to N. Y. -audience-Detroit Journal. Wouldn't: the \4. Y..A. be electrocuted by a peep in on "The Fling of the Naked Cells" in zoo lab most any morning? After those hours in class,l and purchased two unbearably he went into the1 a pair of hollow long Mart sad- Sitre" ed at present. patrick Care should be taken to guard s Abele :donald against all sorts of diseases which I. Case the flooded river may carry. The only safe way is -to boil the water thoroughly. In the meantime it i escarcely to. 1918. the point to cry over spilt milk. What the city should have done some time. ox ago is not a matter for discussion to- - day. What is paramount is that every R, effort be put forth to protect both the' nd al- citizens of the" city, and University students, at the earliest possible mo- anoe- ment. Ann Arbor can not ho e to re for become attractive .o outsider ao beom ttacie oo'tsdrss e does Garfield advise ofull : atten- we buy our ml as soon a iwiug events, e 'would have d :1. t dles, sine 11D which he calls loe shoes. He's written her that he'll. see her in thirty-six days, five hours and twenty minutes. He's now out putting at a hole in the ground. It IS here,.isn't it? Visions of Hell-trying to get a course changed for no particular rea- con. The Washtenawers, who had to drag forth .ths little old canoes dur- ing the .Aood, oomn in for another loag, v ehnsant laugh. "Socialists .at Minneapolis Back Bolshevik .Regime."-Headline. When Bill Hohensollern hears about this, .he will no doubt make a home run for his own back yard. "A Thrift card would look better on -your wall than that li'l ol' high school sheepskin. Why, you could .imost .afford to take Julia Sander- .on herself down to make room for it. Now is the time for the modern' Maria Antoinette to come to the aid qt the city with "Let them eat cake, them." "LET -US HAVE PEACE" (B{ Idhxund Vance Cooke, Anthor and Writer) So spoke the master militarist of Ain4*ica three and fifty years ago. So say we after viewing the desolation of three and a.half years of the worst warfare the earth has ever known. Let us 'have peace-just as soon as (By Ellis Parker Butler) How long would an American - German, thinking and talking pro- Americanism, be tolerated in Berlin? How long would a German, thinking and talking anti-Austrianism, be tol- erated in Munich? If you who read. this were in Germany today, would you expect to be allowed to talk against Germany simply because you were an Amercian? Would you not be profoundly grateful to be permitted to .remain alive and keep your mouth shut? If America is not united for the war, it is, at least, to be hoped that from now on no human being in America will talk sedition. There are two pos- sible sorts of human beings in Amer- ica today-foreigners and citizens. Of these it is the duty of citizens to be loyal; foreigners will be taken care of as they deserve, according to their ac- tions. There is a third variety of human being in America-an impos- sible sort-citizens and disloyal. In time of war such a creature is an unimaginable as an atheistic Christ- ian. I cannot imagine, in time of war, how any being can be at once citizen and disloyal. Any German in Ger- many, !talking disloyalty to Germany, would be placed against a wall and shot. If you can't talk for America, keep your fool mouth shut. GOVERNMENT CAMPS MAY GET TEXAS PROHIBITION Austin Tex., Feb. 26.-An almiost completely dry Texas within 30 to 60 days was the opportunity which dry leaders predicted they had within their grasp at the opening of a special session of the legislature today. This session was called by Gover- nor W. P. Hobby to declare a 10- mile dry zone around army camps in Texas. The drys asserted that in passing this bill, they would be able to add clauses to includ, ship build- ing in the same category as army camps in such a way as to render the state practically all dry. They pre- dicted furthermore that they hoped for the enactment of statutory pro- hibition which would shut out liquor completely. The proclamation of the governor of Texas was issued after Secretary of War Baker had written him that "the war department will be deeply interested in any effective measures" enacted by. the special session of the legislature "which will make it more difficult for soldiers in the camps of Texas to obtain liquor." Gov. Hobby said that all doubt as to what he should do regarding this legislation was removed from his mind after re- ceiving this expression from the sec- retary of war.{ And Bought and Sold Slater's Book Si Phone 430336 Y. W. C. A. cabinet will moot at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Judiciary council of the Women's league will meet at 12 o'clqck today at Barbour gymnasium. Senior lit invitations must be order- ed between 2 and 4 o'clock this aft- ernoon in the main corridor of Uni- versity hall. Michigan Daries will meet this aft- ernoon with Mrs. L. Mason Lyons, 1704 Geddes road, to sew for the Red Cross. Senior girls will hold a meeting at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon to de- cide on the style of collar to be worn with caps and gowns. Girls are ask- ed to order gowns early. SPE Hair UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES STUDENTS SUPPLIES For All Departments At WAHR'S $1.00 valu4 We have a complete stock of FLASHLIGHTS and Flashlight Batteries Switzer' s Hardwar( 310 STATE New and Secondhand Uor. and nan officers never lead their' in battle according to a promi- vriter. What 'they are doing is g behind the lines ready to shoot' era. office philosopher declares that :ne look at the city :water that he old style tramp would post- his annual bath. nans are now building aero- sheds under the ground. Jaybe e been wiped .off the fac. of .the Betwe Detroit Li m., 8:xo a. u. m. Kalamazoo irs a 1 The n the bai is simply es t obe lecture king of the new uniforn eard no kick againDst the ,ps. n jumping pu'ddles bear in days this winter that it JISED Td NET WI: ., Feb. 2.-Fuel arfield today advis to buy their norma for next winter.: as soon as the ec i denied that 'he h* -last-year not to supply of coal -fo governing the dli >r domestic purpose I upon the reta of L. A. Snead, f or, who is now vi ms we the broken sword of Prussianism is hoolatendered 'rin uhconditional surrender.' Detesting war, we are forced to be- lieve in a War which became neces- min'd sary to regain peace for the world. didn't Respecting peace, we protest against a pseudo-peace which the -enemies of mankind may use as a preparation BIY for renewed war. [ TER If Might is God 'and Schrecklich- keit is its Prophet, then Prussianism is justified. Welcome peace and wel- ed- eems the -shaokles -which shall bind ed all the -w*rld. But if such a standard is L, sup- wrong, then Germany is wrong and in the e :dare not submit or quit until her oal is power is no longer a menace. Let .us have peace, but let it be a peace d trg- between peers. The only peer of put in democracy is democracy. When r this: Prussianium flouted its own royal bonded *ord sas a "serap of paper" it ctribu- forever abjured all right to enter in- es will to another treaty with -self respect- urn to ing peoples. When Prussianism speaks ederal now, no matter how fair the words, isiting neither its friends nor its enemies be- e reg- liese. It does not even believe itself. ioning Prussian :speech is a mere means of adopt- disguistng its purpose. How can . there be a ,parley between Unfaith on its part and Unbelief on ours? Today Prussianism's only absolution is re the restitution. Its only symbol must be gradu- "Surrender." Either surrender to the favors forces of the world which it has out- s, and raged or surrender to its subject peo- ilacing, pies which it has deceived. rridor The people of Germany can again :k this rise to the -height of credibility in the world by trampling upon the dead d last body of Autocracy. When the people e to be of Germany cry "Let us have peace!" to en- we -shall listen. As long as her voice i their is the voice of Prussianism, we can TRAC V A Real Pipe Colege 1Men These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratford $1.00 and up WD CHand Ma de $1.50 and up Each a fine pipe, with sterling silver ring and vulcanite bit. Leading dealers in town carry a full as. sortment. Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH & CO. oth the T1 a. m. 10:20 p. m.. r2:2o a. 909 North iib r I Genuine French Bia r " Just a Little BE'T ICE C for all nrld' ,,- HAVE YOUR NEXT DANCE 218 S. Main - , - -in the- NICKELS ARCADE DANCE HALL (Over Post Office Sub-Station) WILL ACCOMMODATE 35 TO 40 COUPLES ' ;.U - Will also rent space for offices aicd store rooms 4 For further information call' 4S.B. N