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February 27, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-02-27

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: t t t





Explanation and close analysis of
the causes leading up to and the is-
sues arising from the war will con-
stitte the subject matter of Prof. C.
IH. Van.Tyne's lecture to be delivered
at 7:30 o'clock this, evening in the
School of Music auditorium.
Y Professor Van Tyne's lecture is en-
titled "Causes and Issues of the War,"
fnd will be open to the public. It will
be followed by an informal discussion
during which the speaker will answer
any questions relating to his subject.
This lecture, the first of a series to
hbe given under the auspices of the
's Union, will be followed at short in-
tervals by others which, though not
connected, will refer to the same gen-
eral subject. It is therefore urged
that this initial lecture be attended
on by all those who wish to acquaint
ag themselves in regard to the situation
ox abroad.
"Let's G '' Cast
E xhibits Talent
en Rehearsals for "Let's Go!" are rap-
:ic idly making obvious the fact that the
he entire cast is oe of no small merit.
The double team composed of Rob-
al ert R. Dieterle, '18, Ione Wilber,;
asSchol of Music,.'aul M. Moore, '19,
and Marian Treadgohl, '20, work to-
gether in perfect harmony. From
present indications, it seems that
- there will be a close contest among
al them for the public favor.
he Winona Beckley, '19, to appear as
as Mrs. Clapsaddle, an Ann Arbor board-
st- ing-house mistress, gives promise of
sir taking a unique character part with
of ability. Gretchen Jones, '20, as Mrs.
In Fenton, and W. R. Frazer, '20E, as
he Colonel Olcott, the father and mother
or of the two heroes are being developed
,e- for two parts which will require un-
°usually delicate acting .
al H. P. Bennett, 19, as Archie, of
on ;peace-at-anyprice .inclinations, and
ce Carl T. Hogan, '20E, as 'Professor
ht Tush, have singing parts which are
ins designed to draw laughs from the aud-
ill ience. S. Elizabeth McDonald, '18, and
an Dorothy Sample, '19, chosen to take
the roles of the two little French
maidens, are scheduled to play their
parts to perfection.
n Washington, Feb. 26. -France and
in Italy have accepted in substance the
al proposed treaty with the United States
id respecting military service of nation-
on als similar to that signed with Great
re Britian and Canada. Secretary Lans-
ild ing sent word to Chairman Flod, of
he the house foreign committee, today
that he had received that word in
cablegrams from the Amerian am-
e bassadors at Paris and Rome.
- _
nd A meeting for all senior lits will
be held Friday afternoon at x o'clock
js in -room 11 Econics builing
er The resignation of twQ of the class
to representatives on the Student coun-
h cil will be presented at this meting
n- and their successors, as well as the
es successor of Jasper Reid whose term
:rof office an th' Student council ex-
pired at the end of last semester, will

Prize Crew Steamer Runs Ashore
Copenhagen, Feb. 26.-The Spanish steamship Igotz Mendi, with
a German prize crew from the Pacific ocean on board, is ashore near
the Skaw lighthouse. Two of the prisoners aboard are Americans.
The prisoners on the Igotz Mendi were taken from six ships
which had been sunk. Several of the captives had been aboard the
vessel for eight months while she cruised in the Pacific ocean.
Twenty-two persons, including nine women, two children and two.
Americans, have been landed by a lifeboat from the Skaw.
The Danish authorities have interned the German commander of
the Igotz Mendi. The German prize crew refused to leave the ship.

"There are three reasons why a sol-
dier fights," asserted Mr. Poultney
Bigelow in his lecture on "Prussian
Memories," at 8 o'clock last night in
Hill auditorium. "First, he fights for
his wife and child; second, for his
home and land; and third, for the
whole country, the ideas and ideals
which surround it."
Every seat in the auditorium was
filled when the speaker commenced
his address. Mr. Bigelow, who was
the guest of Prof. W. H. Hobbs while
remaining in the city, leaves this
morning for Buffalo where he is sched-
uled to deliver two lectures before re-
turning to his home on the Hudson.
Describes War Machine
Mr. Bigelow vividly described the
huge German war machine as it was
in 1888, and the yearly manoeuvers the
troops are ordered to undergo. The
'speaker told of how the men received
their orders by post, and whether
they were plowing or engaged in any
other occupation, they immediately
left for the nearest town, where they
obtained their rations and joined their
company. After marching several
hundred miles the companies soon be-
came regiments. These operations ex-
tend over a large area.
"Our people are apt to think that
after a generation of fighting we are
entitled to rest and enjoy the fruits of
conquest," stated Mr. Bigelow. "Not
so the Prussian, who devotes every
day of nominal peace to anticipating
the great day when he may prove his
power to dictate such terms as will
make his emperor the only one in Eu-
Germany's Rapid Advance Described
The speaker then related the vast
strides Germany made during the past
30 years in navigation, commerce
and industry. He also touched on the
obtaining of secret plans from the
American submarines which were
sent to Kiel at the opening of the
canal; the cowardice shown by the
German Admiral when he threatened
Admiral Dewey at Manila; and the
routine manner in which the Germans
obey instructions and commands.
"Bisimarck was the biggest power in
Germany at one time, and people won-
dered what would happen," declared
the lecturer. "I obtained the real
reason for his discharge from the
kaiser himself. Bismarck was dis-
missed because of his insulting atti-
tude he had shown toward the kaiser's

Engineering students who have com-
pleted their enlistments in the. en-
gineers' Reserve corps must have the
February reports of their grades, and
attendance in the hands of Secretary
Louis A. Hopkins o:f the engineering
college today. These will be fr-
warded at once to Washington..
Much confusion has been caused by
the large number of things the ap-
plicants must do before being finally
accepted into the corps. Several stu-
dents who thought they had completed
enlistment were notified that they still
had another step to go before they
would be accepted. .
Students who enter this corps must
have a good average grade in their
work. They first apply at Secretary
Hopkins' office, and are then consider-
ed by a committee which is authorized
to administrate the work of the en-
gineers' reserve corps. This com-
mittee meets on the first of every
month to decide on applications, and
in so doing, consider scholarship and
other qualities of the students' apply-
Must Send Blanks to Washington
If a student is passed by this com-
mittee, he is given an application
blank which he must fill out and send
to Chief of Engineers Black, in Wash-
ington. This blank should be accom-
panied by a certificate of approval
signed by the Dean of the engineer-
ing college.
If accepted at Washington, the stu-
dent then receives a notice of permis-
sion from the office of the chief of en-
,gineers. He then takes a physical ex-
amination in Ann Arbor, and passing,
this, is sent to Detroit to enlist at the
recruiting station there.
After enlisting in Detroit, the stu-
dents' local draft board places him in
class five. A certificate from the sec-
retary of the engineering college,
stating that he has satisfied all re-
quirements, must then be sent to
Maen to Be Transferred
The student has now completed his
enlistment. He will be a member of
the Engineers' Reserve corps as long
as he maintains a high standing in
his classes. In order that the head-
quarters at Washington may know
that every student is still in ,good
standing, it is necessary that the
members of the corps hand in monthly
reports of their grades to the secre-
tary's office. These reports will be
forwarded to Washington. '
Several men from the cantonments
will soon be transferred to the re-
serve corps here as a result of a re-
cent order made by army officials.
This ruling provides that all engin-"
eering, architecture, and chemistry
students who enlisted or were draft -
since September' 1, and those whose
.standings were good at the time, may
return to school, being transferred to
the Engineers' Reserve corps.
Fayette Froermke Weds New York Girl
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Fayette Froemke, ex-
'18, to Miss Lesley Donaldson of New
York City,.'on Feb. 14, 1918. Froemke
met Miss Donaldson while attending
school in Florida, and the wedding,
which took place n New York, follow'
ed' a two years' engagement. Froemke
is. a brother of Gerald Froemke. '20.


Due to the lack of campus dramatic
talent occasioned by the war, two
members of the University faculty will
supplement the student cast of actors
selected for the production of Ter-
ence's "Phormio," the play to be given
by the Classical club, March 27. These
members are Mr. Ralph M. Carson of
the engineering college and Mr.
George D. Wilner of the oraflry de-
partment, both of whom took leading
parts in the Greek play "Iphigenia in
Tauris," presented at Hill auditorium
by the Classical clublast year. Mi.
Carson will take the part of Phormlo
in this year's production. .
Remaining members of the cast are:
Lionel C. Crocker, '18; Robert T. Mon-
roe, '18; Lewis P. Waldo, '18; H. Rog-
er Thomas, '18; G. Buell Pearson, '19;
William K. Chidester, '20; Albert C.
Jacobs, '21; George Duffield, '21; and
Wilfred R. Lawrie, '21. There are two
female characters in the play and
these will be presented by Elizabeth
B. Oakes, '20, and Geraldine Brasie,
'21. Mr. Winer will take charge of
the direction of the play.
All members of the cast are asked
to meet at 3:30 o'clock Saturday after-
noon in. Room 101, University hall.
Plenty of Water
But Not a Drop--
Water, water everywhere, but--
This is the wail of the Man of
Michigan, as he wanders through the
halls of the old buildings in search of
something to quench his thirst. Every
drinking fountain on the campus has
been shut off so that the students can-
not drink the germ-and mud-laden
water that is being supplied by the
waterworks at present. Houses all
over the city have attempted to boil
the water to make it sanitary, but
have met with. little success. The
germs can be killed by boiling, but the
nud will not precipitate out. It can
be left standing for hours with no re-
The Steere farm water purveyors
cannot fill a fraction of the orders that
are pouring into their office. There
are not enough bottles to be had for
the clamoring market, and deliveries
cannot be made fast enough. Frater-
nities and sororities that have auto-
mobiles have sent them to the farm
to secure at least a siall supply of
the precious liquid. Pools of water
all over the campus provide water b'
it cannot be utilized for a thirst-
quencher. It is expected that the mud
will settle in a few days.
Professor La Itue of Zoology Depart-
ment Has Already Secured'
Part of the program for the annual
.neeting of the Michigan Academy of
Science' held this year March 28, 29,
and 30, in Ann Arbor has already been


Narva Garrison and I
Army of 10,000
Washington, Feb. 26.
partment was advised
bassador Francis that
ermrnt army was on
march from Petrogra
was preparing to lea
capitol with his staff.
London, Feb. 26.-A
patch to the exchange
pany dated Monday,'sa
"That resistance to 1
vance is growing is sh
ports of fighting whi(
the vicinity of Pskov.


1 I

Move Towai
"There is a gex
Germans are mov
because supplies o
400,000,000 rubles
the neighborhood.
sians, however, a
to guard the rai:
ing more troops I
Later advices
armies are now
ing the invaders.
rison and workn
army of 10,000 am
(By Assoc
Feb. 26. - AltI
peace proposals]
by Russia, the Ge
tinuing their inro
and Little Russia
In the north so:
ing placed in the'1
but so far the pr
sufficient to stop t
erable fighting hay
the town of Pskc
to. latest inforn
hands several tir
In Volhynia, t
kowitz has been
fighting, and act
bands of Bolshev
been put to flighi
An official's pra
Petrograd calls t
rally to the cause
sheviki governme
A call also has be
ple of the capita
aid in the digging
es and the genera

Owing to a
Albntl' ~ Q


tant reports from the social,
1, and program and invita-
imittees will be presented,
Club to Meet to Discuss Play
will be a meeting of the Com-
'at 7, o'colck Thursday evening.
Cercle Francais' rooms. All
s are urged to be present.
>urpose of the meeting is to
the presentation of the play,
Iobbs," The Red Cross will

Prof. George La Rue of the zoology A
address the m
department has secured all the speak- annual short]
ers for the first afternoon meeting of smoker last
the section which he has in charge. union. More
This meeting begins at 3 o'clock missioners an
Thursday afternoon March 28 and. the present at the
topic will be the "Trend of Zoology." sided over by
Four addresses on the trend of state highway
physiology, genetics, ecology and zoo- gan. Mr. H.
geography by Professors O. C. Glaser, F. Rogers, sta
A. F. Shull, J. E. Reighard, and A. G. er of Michigar
Ruthven of the University, and on-the ers who gave
trend of embryology by Prof. B. G.'men.
Smith of Ypsilanti State Normal The papers
school. At the Friday morning meet- tion today to
ing scientific papers by various zoo- course are: '
logists throughout the state. supervision of
The geology division of the academy *Mr. L. H. NE
will not conduct a symposium accord- state highwa
ing to Mr. F. W. Frostic, chairman of Maintenance i
the section, but all the first meeting Mr. F. R. Ott
and as much of the second as is Genessee cou
necessary will be given to the reading "Road mainte


ed. As a
to decide
the play

At the recent convention in Chi-
cago of the congress of national ser-
vice, instituted by the national secur-
ity league, the committee on education,
suggested to the congress that every
foreign newspaper in the United
States, should contain a continuous
series of lessons in English for for-
eigners, according to Prof. F. N. Scott,
of the rhetoric department, who has
just returned from the meeting. The
present plans call for uniform mat-
service, sent out to all the newspapers.
Prof. Scott stated that the sugges-
tion was very favorably received, but
he does not know what action was
taken by the congress, as he was ob-

J. Weis-
was kill-
ew York,

of thf
Mr. F

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