r Ztr I!anf I~Iai1F ASSOCIAT PRESS DAY AND NIGHT SERTICE A04 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1918. PRICE THRE ..._ -.,_.- | RREST GERMAN HOARDING WOOL vew York, Feb. 25.-Alleged to be agent in the United States for Ger-' m interests which have been seek- to corner the world's wool market, gene Schwerdt a wealthy wool mer- nt of New Yorkand Boston,*was ested herebtoday as an enemy en and will be interned. chwerdt's alleged activities were closed to the federal authorities by attorney-general of New York te, Schwerdt's name having ap- ired in the correspondence of Hugo imidt, banker and alleged pay- ster in the Bolo Pasha case which attorney-general investigated. klthough claiming to be a Belgian [zen, Schwerdt in fact was born in rmany. [he plan of.:Schwerdt and his asso- te, according' to the attorney-gen- 1, was to minimize the effect of a. ssible British economic embargo ainst Germany after the war by ,king it possible for German inter- s in America to hoard their great ck of wool, which was intended to sent to Germany when peace came. 'ale Of Opera Seats Announced Seats for "Let's Go!" to be present- at. the Whitney theater March 13, 15, and 16, will be placed on sale esday, March 5 at Hill auditorium. 4ail orders calling for tickets for the ening performance, Wednesday ht, March 13, will be filled before Sbox-office sale begins. These or- rs; accompanied by check or money der made payable to the Michigan lion, must be at the Union desk not er than Saturday night,: March _2. te orders will be filled in order of wlsheviki Arrest Nicholas Zurich, Feb. 25.-The Breslau Tageblatt says that the Bolsheviki has ordered the trial of Grand Duke Nicholas by revolutionary tribu- nal. He is charged with attempted high treason against the Russian republic. The reference in the newspaper is undoubtedly true that Grand Duke Nicholas, former commander-in-chief of the Russian army, is second cousin of the former emperor. In April 1917, an alleged plot was discovered to proclaim him em- peror. After the fall of the Kerensky government it was reported that Grand Duke Nicholas was raising an army to oppose the Bol- sheviki WOMAN ELECTED 0 TO HEAD MENORAH1 For the first time in its history, the Michigan Menorah society elected a woman as president at a meeting held Sunday night at the Bible Chair house. Rebecca Greenburg, '19, was chosen to head the society during the present semester. Other officerselected at this meet- ing were: Vice-president, Lawrence H. Seltzer, '20; secretary, Philip Slom- ovitz, '20; treasurer, Samuel R. Rosen- thal, '20; librarian, Bessie M. Rosen- blum; '21; board of directors, A. J. Gornetsky, '19L; Charles L. Kauf- man, '18L; Jacob N. Braude, '18, and AA J. Levin, '19L. In commenting upon the election of Miss Greenburg, Gornetsky, the retir- ing president, said: "During the past, semester the Menorah society has lost two-thirds of its male membership. It will now be up to the women of the organization to continue our work.' Miss Greenburg, as the winner of last year's Menorah essay prize, and as one of the most active.members of the society, was therefore the most logical candidate for the position." University Has 5 Alien Enemies HERTLING TO TALK WILSON NI I "NO COURT OF ARBITR PRESERVATION OF BY JUSTICE" ENGLAND D RULE -C sale to participating life I be held from 2 to 5 day afternoon, March 5, 'clock Wednesday after- 6, in Hill auditorium. vill be mailed out to par- e members this week, and abered at the Union Sat- ng, March 2, in order to hie holder a place in the 01 Seats will be on sale to yearly mem- ers from 10 to 12 o'clock Thursday orning, March 7, and 2 to 5 o'clock i the afternoon, in Hill auditorium. early members may obtain their. or- er slips at 9 o'clock Monday morn-' PROMINENT SPEAKERS ADDRESS STATE GATHERING OF COM- MISSIONERS Highway experts of the country are to address the road engineers and highway commissioners of this state who have gathered in Ann Arbor to attend the fourth annual short course in highway engineering which opened yesterday' afternoon under the direc- tion of the engineering college and will continue until March 1. President Harry B. Hutchins of the University, welcomed the commission- ers and engineers in his opening ad- dress-yesterday afternoon. Dean Cool-. ey, of the engineering college, was scheduled to talk on "Old Plank Roads in Michigan" but is now attending an educational convention in Atlantic City, and was, therefore, unable to be present. Gov. A. E. Sleeper to Speak Gov. Atoert .4; -meeper of Michigan, will speak tonight at 8 o'clock at a smoker and informal get-together at the Union. Mr. H. S. Earl and others will also address. the road men. An elaborate program has been ar.- ranged for te men taking the course including a concert by th3 School of Music at 4:15 Thursday afternoon in Hill auditorium. Mr. E. H. Hines, chairman of the 'Wayne county road commission, will speak on "Uniform Road Accounting." Mr. H. Eltinge Breed, first deputy commissioner of the New York state highway commission has chosen as his topic, "New York's Experience with Various Types of Road Con- struction Under Varied Trtffic Condi- tions." Detroit Man on Program "Road Maintenance in Connecticut," will be described by Mr. C. J. Ben- nett, state highway commissioner for that state. Mr. Roy D. Chapin of De- troit, chairman of the highway trans- port committee on the council of na- tional defense, will read a paper on Friday afternoon on "Road Improve- mets as a War Measure." Mr. Chap- in's committee has charge of the na- tional highway problems and has been instrumental in forwarding motor- truck transportation for the army. Purpose of Course The short course in highway engin- eering has for its purpose the giving to highway commissioners and engin- .ers of information relating to the construction and maintenance of country roads. It does not attempt to cover the entire field of highway engineering, but the work given: has been so condensed and organized that an outline of best practice can be presented. The work will be a con- tinuation of preceeding courses which have been held here at the University. M. G. Hedn,'18, Joins Auxiliary Maritz G. Hedin, '18, has completed his enrollment in the Michigan unit of the naval auxiliary reserve. Hedin is a member of The Daily sport staff, a Pi Delta Epsilon, and a Nu Sigma Nu. LUE FOR WAR ON AUSTRlIANS Five Y ipper d y office, ing, March 4. ,f deep . Women of the University may pur- concern chase tickets from 2 to 5 o'clock Fri- s. Mr. day after-noon, March 8, in Hill aud- $100, itorium. Order slips may be secured deep in at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, f these ,March 5, at the Women's league office and Barbour. gymnasium. its A seat sale-for the general public s stated will be held Monday, March 11, at the by wat- Whitney theater. number e effect PROF. VAN TYNE WILL DELIVER ach the PATRIOTIC LECTURE TOMORROW "There are two fundamental facts that one must know in connection wit. this war," stated Dr. Charles Upson Clark, formerly professor of Yale uni- versity, in opening his lecture on "Italy's Part in the War," at 8 o'clock last night in Hill auditorium.- "We must remember that this war is a Bal- kan war,gand that Austria was the one who began it, not Germany." We are so engrossed in how Germany is carrying on that we forget Austria's part." Austria Broke Alliance Treaty Dr. Clark reviewed the history of Italy and Austria from 198, and ho - ed how Austria broke her agreement in the Triple Alliance treaty two times. The lecturer also exposed Austria's territorial plans, which were indirectly aided by Germany. "Italy saved this war twice for the Allies," stated Dr. Clark. "Once when she withdrew her troops from the French border at the declaration of her neutrality, therey enabling France to rush troops and win the battle of the Marne.. The second time came when Italy entered the war, which was at the time when the Ger- man Verdun drive was at its climax. Sammies Would Help Italy "The actual effect of the bodily pre- sence of American soldiers in Italy would bolster up the morale of the Italians," the speaker stated, "and de- moralize the Austrian troops on the border." A series of slides, depicting the des- truction of buildings, statues, and pub- lic works by Austrian aviators, the co- operation of women, and the manner in which Italy is attempting to pre- serve her works of art, were shown on the screen. Movies Showed Actual Fighting Three reels of motion pictures, which were lent by the Italian govern- ment, were shown immediately fol- lowing tide slides. The films vividly portrayed the severe weather condi- tions the Italians have to combat when fighting on the top of the Alps. MICHIGAN NAVAL AUXILIARY ORGANIZES SOCIAL SOCIETY Members of the Michigan unit of the naval auxiliary reserve met Sunday afternoon at the Union to organize a social society to be known as the Naval Auxiliary Reservists' club. All men who enroll in the unit automati- cally become members of the club. Provision was made so that members of the unit not now in school will be considered associate members of the club. The object of the club is to pro- mote general good fellowship among the members, and better the ulit. Officers were elected as follows: President, Luther H. Beach, '18E; vice- president, Guy D. Culver, '20; secre- tary, Irving M. Mumford, '20L. A committee on social affairs includes the following members: Chairman, F. Ward Culver, '20; David Forbes, '20, Lynn A. Glover, '18, Fred A. Gari- epy, '18, and Rudolph Haberman, '20E. student body. They are: Ewald Boucke, professor , of man;, Anton Griener, assistant pro-3 fessor of mathematical engineering; W. C. R. Voigt, homeopathic gradu- ate; Karl Ritscher, special engineer,' and Fritz Marstellar, '17E. Professor Boucke said.last evening that he had been a resident of the United States for the past 22 years and that, although he had never se- cured his first papers for citizenship, he applied for them in New York when he first came to this country. He said the reason he was not a citizen was not from any hostility to this country, but from 'merely postponing his application. Assistant Professor Griener refused last evening .to discuss the matter, but declared he would publish his reasons for not making application in a future edition. . C. R. Voigt, whoh.as been a resi- den, here since 1909, claims that he has secured his first papers and made application for his second paper's a year ago but was refused because dip- lomatic relations were broken off at' the time. Since Karl Ritscher has only been a resident in the United States for the last four years it would hardly be pos- sible for him to be a citizen of this country. Fritz Marstellar has secured his first papers, but the outbreak of the war prevented him from getting his second papers. 100 A TTEND SUCCESSFUL ALL-CAMPUS SING AT UNION More than 100 persons attended the first All-campus sing held Sunday afternoon at the Michigan Union. The program consisted of Michigan songs, patriotic airs, and old-time melodies. The singers were led by Joseph Pal- ma, '20M, with W. J. Kellar, School of Music, 'at the piano. As a special feature of the after- noon, Kellar played a polonaise by Chopin.-, "The sing was a great success," stated Frank Bacon, '02, social direc- tor of the Union, yesterday. "The Union hopes that -a still larger num- ber will attend the next one, and that each person who was present Sunday will bring at least one friend with him to the next sing." POULTNEY BIGELOW LECTURES ON "PRUSSIAN XEMOtIRS" Ge- DR. CLARK REVIEWS HISTORY WAR IN ILLUSTRATED ADDRESS OF German Head Says Presid age of Feb. 11 Constiti Toward Peace (By Associated Pre Amsterdam, Feb. 25.-Sp fore the reichstag today tl German chancellor, Count ing, made this declaratioi "I can fundamently agre four principles, which in Wilson's view must be al mutual exchange of views declare with President Wi general peace can be di such a basis. Local registration of alien enemies "Only one reserve shows five members of the faculty and in this connection. 7 must not only be propos President of the United must also be actually rec all states and peoples. Goal Not Yet Reae "But this goal has not reached. There is still no ( bitration established by a tions for the preservatior in the name of justice. Wi dent Wilson incidentally the German chancellor is s the tribunal of the entira must decline this tribuna judiced, joyfully as I would an impartial court of arbi isted and gladly as I wou ate to realize such ideals. "Unfortunately, however no trace of similar stateme part of the leading powers tente. England's wal, aim thoroughly imperialistic wants to impose on the wo according to England's g ure. England Forgets Ir "When England talks people's rights of self det she does not think of ap principle dia. to Ireland, , Chur AnnI et freeIb Prof. C. H. Van Tyne, of the history lepartment, will speak at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening in the School of Music auditorium on "Causes and Is- ues of the War." This is the first of a series of lec- ures on the war, to be given under the auspices of the Michigan Union. The speakers will be chosen from the fac- ilty and from the citizens of Ann Ar- or and other cities. Professor Van Tyne has -been grant- d a leave of absence by the Uni- rersity to lecture throughout the state on the same topics as will con- titute the subject of his address to- norrow evening. His having made a study of this particular subject prom- .ses to make his lecture one of un- isual value and interest. SENIOR INVITATIONS MUST BE ORDERED BY TOMORROW Senior lits must purchase their in- ritations at once. Bruce A. Swaney, '18, chairman of ;he invitation committee, stated last night that the orders must be sent in at once, otherwise the company which .s doing the engraving would be un- able to finish their work on time. Members of the class can secure the invitations ,at the stand in the main corridor of University hall, today from 2 to 4 o'clock, and Wednesday at the same hours. After Wednesday the- "It has been repeatedly do not contemplate r gium, but we must be from the danger of a which we desire after live in peace and friend ing the object or jumpin of enemy machinations. a proposal cume from side, for example, from ment in Havre, we shou an antagonistic attitude, the discussion at first m unbinding. "Meanwhile I readily President Wilson's messa constitutes a small ste mutual approachment." * I* * * * * * * * * Change Engin Assemblies w: lows in the eng 11 A. M., Feb. lecture room. This Afternoon-4:15 P. M. Intimate views, peculiar situations * Speaker: now existing in Germany, and the * las. * strength of the kaiser's vast army, will *9 A.M.V, be discussed by Mr. Poultney Bigelow in his lecture "Prussian Memories," *gineering at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill X Speaker: auditorium. * Mr. Bigelow is recognized as one * 10 A. M. of the greatest -living authorities on * gineering world colonies. The lecturer has * Speaker ,crossed the Atlantic 90 times, and * "The Situa traveled around the world three times. * He was a personal friend of the kaiser * 11 A. M for 25 years, and his knowledge of -* hall. the conditions existing in Germany * Speaker Rev. 1920 rch 5, 'I. LEO SHARFMAN speaks on "WORLD TODAY-ECONOMICS" .' rah Caswell Angell Hall 3 ' i Ihas