I, JAY SERVICES IN; ANN ARBOR .CHOHE &L~ ~ a ___. r e for your inspeC- to give you 11 Army Uni- to quote 1. )LM .... MIMOWA I*I B, Two or Three Stars. olid Gold. 'ELER NICKELS ARCADE Recieved ictical Navigation" Bowditch UNITARIAN CHURCH Morning service at 10:30 with ad- dress by the Rev. R. S. Loring on "The Second Coming of Religion and the War." The Students' society will be addressed at 6:30 by the Rev. N. 'J. Springer, national secretary of the Unitarian Young People's societies. TRINITY. ENGLISH .LUTHERAN CHURCH "The Necessity of the Cross", sub- ject of sermon at 10:30 by the Rev. Lloyd M. Wallick. Evening service at 7:30 with subject, "The Parable of the Sower." Central standard time. ST. PAUL EVANGELICAL LUTHER- AN CHURCH English Communion at 10:30 with sermon on "David as an Example of the Truly Penitent Sinner." Sermon at 10:30 on "The All-Important Know- ledge of the Suffering and Death of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of All Mankind." Lenten services at. 7:30 with sermon on "The Immediate Ef- fect of the Death of Christ." A meet- ing of the Young People's society will follow the evening service. Central standard time. BETHLEHEM EVANGEILICAL CHURCH Sermon in English at 9 o'clock and in German at 10:45. Young People's meeting at 6:30 led by Miss Kapp. Lenten service at 7:30 Wednesday evening. Central standard time. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Morning service in German at 10:30 with subject of sermon, "Peter a Rock of Offense." Sermon in English at 7:30 on subject, "Gethsemane. "Lent- en service in German at 7: o'clock Monday evening with sermon on "The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus." Meet- ing at 6:30 tonight of workers in the Lutheran campaign for soldiers and sailors welfare. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH AND CHURCH OF CHRIST Father and son service will be ob- served at 10:30 with sermon by the Rev. . M. Wells. Subject, "A Message to Imperfect Fathers by an Imperfect Father." Professor Ward will speak at noon on "The Cry of the Children." Guild at 6:30 in the church. COMMUNITY CHAPEL Vespers at 4 o'clock with address by the Reverend J. Carmichael. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Sermon at 10:30 by the Rev. J. B. Pharr on "The Real Battle of Life." B. Y. P. U. meeting at 6:30 and even- ing service at 7:30 with sermon on "The Parable of the Lost Sheep."- ST. THOMA ROMAN. CATHOLIC CHURCH Masses at 7. 8:30 9:30 and 11:30 o'clock with sermon at 11:30 by the Rev. Fr. M. P. Bourke. Vespers and Gasoline 30, Jolarne 60. Staebler b Co., 117 8. Ashley St.-Adv. Estimates on all first class work in painting and decorating gladly given. Phone 237. C. H. Major & Co.-Adv. sermon at 8:30 in the evening. Lenten service at 8:30 o'clock Friday evening. ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Communion at 8 o'clock. Morn- ing prayer and sermon at 10:30. Con- firmation classes for students in the Chapel at noon on Sundays, or by appointment with Mr. Harris. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sermon at 10:30 by the Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas on "Chemistry-and the Soul." PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. L. A. Barrett will begin a series of six Lenten sermons on "Life's Investment"-at 10:30 . The subject for today will be "Spiritual Values in 'Life." There will be a social half hour at 6 o'clock followed by the Young Peo- ple's meeting. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Prof. Harry F. Ward speaks at 10:30 on "The Need of a New World." and at 7:30 on "The Voice of Labor." Dean Edward H. Kraus will address the Young Men's class on "The New Re- sponsibilities of American College Men."- A meeting of the Wesleyan Guild will follow the social hour from 5:30 to 6:30, and the speaker will be Dr. Judson C. King, who will speak on- "Medical Work in the Congo." GERMAN M. E. CHURCH Morning worship at 10:30 with ser- mon by the Reverend H. Bau.. No evening service due to the coal short- age. Central standard time. BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Sermon at 10:30 by the Rev. James A. Charleston on "The Promise." Class meeting at 11:45. Evening wor- ship at 7:30 with sermon on "Com- mands for Manliness." Prayer meet- ing Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Morris. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (SCIENTIST) Sermon at 10:30 on the subject, "Soul." Testimonial meeting at 7:30. o'clock ;Wednesday evening. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Song service at 7:15 and preaching at 7:30 o'clock. Subject, "The Testa- ment Evidences of the Nearness of the End of the Age." JEWISH STUDENT CONGREGATION Services at 7 o'clock at the Bible Chair house. The speaker will be the Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas of the Congre- gational church. BIBLE CHAIR HOUSE Afternoon meeting at 4 o'clock with discussion by Dr. T. M. Iden of "The Psychology of Habit as Illustrated in the Bible." WHAT'S GOING ON U 7 o'clock-Jewish Student Con- gregation meets at 444 South State street. 7 o'clock-Jewish Student society meets at 705 South Thayer street. TOMORROW , 12:35 o'clock-Prof Harry ,Ward speaks at 444 South State street. U-NOTICES All students planning to take solid geometry in the engineering college WE HAVE A CHOICE STOCK OF TODAY 12:15 o'clock-Dean E. H. Kraus speaks in the Methodist church on "The New Responsibilities of College Men." 3 o'clock-Mixer at the Michigan Union. 4 o'clock-Bible class meets at 444 South State street. Victor Victroi and Records -1 Final men's tryouts fo the Union opera will be o'clock tomorrow night igan Union. The Varsity Mandolin hearse at 2 o'clock this the University School of The combined Varsity ( dolin clubs will rehearsE Monday night in Hill au Lab. Supplies, Coats, etc., at Wahr's-Adv. are asked to see Assistant Butts at once. A two-ho course will probably be soon. All students from Penns asked to meet at 2:30 o'clo the Michigan Union to pls state dinner. A women's chorus rehear Union opera will be held a tomorrow afternoon. Gibson Mandolins and Guitars Co. Detroit banjo Mandolins tenor Banjos Guitar Banjos on ATI vG OUTFITS Ukuleles and Banjo t 'O. J. MOE "SPORT SHOP" 'a LET US SHOW YOU OUR LINE BEFC YOU PURCHASE !. q J111. Everything new in wall paper .is represented in our stock. ,Phone 237. C. H. Major & Co.--Adv. NOTICE Our store will be operated on the following. schedule until further no- tice: Daily except Saturday, 1 p. m. to 10 p. m. Saturday 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. -Adv. HUSTON BROS. : rot~. M. M. Root 601 E. William St. lexedl .1 P LIST MAJESTIC THEAT R E EASTERN TIME 3:00-7:30-9:00 EASTERN 1 THE BEST SHOW OF THE SEASON ervice of your Government by preparing for a stenographic or typewriting position. Thousands Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb. -8-19-2. and typewriters-are needed with to $1200 atthe start. I BACK AGAIN A MUSICAL COMEDY "The Sunnyside of Br( J Semester THAT'S Max BloomnHORSE" All new but MAX and the HORSE. Classy cast and a cute chorus of Nifty A bruary 11. Call at once.' you can commence this This is patriotic Lovely ALICE SHER as "MLLE. MIMI" ,, THE SONG HITS "The Flower Garden Girl" "TnI.C . ir You Hit Is The Girl You Get" "'The Circus Queen" " 1 111 %.Jll l x vu a ~4 a.j s ,. ... .. TON BUSINESS S!1 T T .! J , MAX SAYS: This is the best show It ever had. All New But The Horse MATINEE. PRICES: Lower Floor-20c B NIGHT PRICES: Entire Lower Floor-30c Balcon SEATS NOW .rte. s, .w !II