1 _ - ?ping in ng Hop-. "Oh, who's shot? Not really over! Well, I'm so glad that I've learned the game thoroughly. You're still cher- ishing my Dorine, aren't you, Percy? AY PLANS ESTLING MEET hiug to Enter Meet Must Up at Gymnasium March 4 Plans for the annual wrestling re- tourney are rapidly taking shape. All men who wish to enter any one of the four divisions are to sign up in the office of Doctor G. A. May in Waterman gymnasium March 4 on Viich- blanks that will be provided there. o re- There will be lightweight, welter at 4 weight, middle weight, and heavy when weight divisions. Silver loving cups will be presented work the winners in each of the four divis- ng of ions while the runner up in each group will receive numeral tights. Ann Real competition is expected this year Vol- because of the training in wrestling. ere h given the members of the R. O. T. C. companies by F. D. Rider. O ket It is expected that the finals will ek of be held the latter part of March. sent- The lightweight division includesI green all men under 135 pounds; the welter weight all between 135 and 145 1e not pounds; the middle weight, those be- few, tween 145 and 158; and the heavy Sun- weight all those tipping the beam at play more than 158 pounds. If there are base- enough real light men entered, a eams feather weight division will be form- U. of N.Jlan Sent To Electric Chair One of the saddest tragedies in the history of the University was enacted in Detroit recently when Earl Brooks, ex-'21, was electrocuted at Navin field. The office of President Navin, of the Tigers, was the scene of the sorrowful affair, which was witnessed by Mr. Navin, Harry Tuthill, the eminent trainer and orator, and a number of -visitors. Trainer Tuthill was holding forth as usual when the victim timidly entered the office. This being his first ap- pearance as a big leaguer, Brooks stood until invited by Tuthill to re- move his coat and sit down. "I have just been reading about you in the paper," exclaimed the doctor. The young pitcher anxious to read of his fame on the diamond, leaned forward. This was the crucial mom- ent.A great hush had fallen over the audience as President Navin arose, yawned, and walked across the room. On reaching the other side of the room, Navin gently touched a secret switch. Brooks leaped from his seat with a convulsive shudder, sparks cracking in the region of his trousers, and danc- ed about the office as he tried to loc- ate the origin of the disturbance. "Th-they don't teach that at Mich- igan," he murmured as he carefully seated himself on the floor. - Everything new in wall paper is represented in our stock. Phone 237. Phone 237. C. H. Major & Co.-Adv. Rugs cleaned and washed. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Koch and Henne.- Adv. The World Today POLITICAL . .. . . .. .... ....Wm. A. Frayer Tuesday, February 19 ECONOMIC ............ ... .I. Leo Sharfman I Tuesday, February 26 SOCIAL .. .. . * .... ......Arthur E. Wood Tuesday, March 5 RELIGIOUS .Lloyd C. Douglas . .. .. . .. . Tuesday, March 12 Barbour Gymnasium 415 P.M. 0 ,0 ...: ...." .:i:: is. ..:. ...U .. 1:: I 2Clared, he meet real first base for 116 and was counting on first base- e. IHo left and is able MISS MIDRED BRINK MISS HELEN DALE l before THESE ARE A FEW OF THE STARS IN THE his all around play- g a sure fielder and arks was a fine hit- nobe, of last year's are expected to be coming Varsity. Ruz- and will be out in as basketball sea- nobe played second and showed himself best fielders on the men are expected to he team: Genebach, idler, catchers; Ruz- pitchers ; Adams, .obe, infielders; Ippel [ders. n 'sWorld different polis, The Little Girl, new spring disguise tripped down to see eroes from Michigan with her - own big an out?' Where are he nicest white arms n so well!" iat toss won't count; Bie PATRIOTIC WAR PRODUCTION To Be Shown In Ann Arbor A Grand Rapids production that represents something new and novel. A semi-professional musical comedy that is meeting with big success. JERRY CARGILL'S Musical Extravaganza Comedy CAMOUFLAGE 200 PEOPLE MOSTLY GIRLS SEE THE BIG AEROPLANE FEATURE A REAL AEROPLANE IN FLIGHT Big Beauty Chorus Clever Songs Catchy Music "Why Boys "Buy A Love The Girlies" Liberty Bond" "American Jazz" "It's All Up To You" "Let's Take A Run "It's A Long, Long Way Il HITNEY THEATRE, THUR. EVE. Fe b. 21