THE MICHIGAN DAILY SA _. r -- ,x 9 w United States ARMY SHOE Regulation MUNSON LAST Large Shipment Just Arrived SS o N All sizes and widths Regulation or Oil Tanage Price $7.09 .(V Walk-Over BOOT SHOP 115 S. MAIN ST. Men's Shop-Woodward at Grand River AN N OU NC I NG THE NEW 1918 SPRING STYLES IN MEN'S CUSTOM .SHIRTINGS Exclutive Importations in Madras, Silks,. Silk Mixtures-Distinctive Designs and Colorings EARLY INSPECTION SOLICITED 9' 4 : "ie t iJ,(:Yi. L RTICULAR PEOPLE*PREFER DOn o ., . . K .din' f A %W from Pure Pasteurized Cream TURKS BECOMING MORE FASTIDIOUS Ottoman Merchants Are Adopting Oc- cidental Methods of Doing Business Rotterdam, Feb. 15.-That the Turks are becoming occidentalized in their business methods and that their taste! are growing more fastidious, is shown in the statement made recently by one of .the most influential members of the Young Turk committee to the Balkan correspondent of the Nieuwe Rotte: dam Courant. "We will buy no more shoddy good Western manufacturers who think they can act on the old-time principle that 'cheap and nasty' is good enough for Turkey will do well to revise theh business methods thoroughly," he de- clared. New Spirit in Turkey It will be necessary, the correspon- dent asserts, for those who want to do business in Turkey to realize a few new facts. One is that a ne has come over -the Turkish merchant. His proverbially slow eastern methods have given place to quick decisions and rapid action. He has imbibed a taste for mking money quickly; ir short, he ha become a wide awake modern business man. Besides, there has come a remarkable awakening of nationalpride. The Turkants to do everything himself now, and he is especially bent on cutting out the Ar- menians and the Greeks. New Business Houses New companies and business houses, all of them purely Turkish, are spring- ing up daily, and the government has seen fit to grant many of them privil- leges that virtually 'place the foreigner out of competition. On the other hand, Djavid Bey, the' finance minister, has come back from Berlin with his chauvinistic ideas con- siderably chastened, the correspondent writes. "Djavid has successfully ne- gotiated a loan of 56,500,000 Turkish pounds from the German government, but obtained only 6,500,000 pounds in cash to pay for German purchases, the remaining 50,000,000 being in Ger- man treasury bonds. Increased Attractions, The Ottoman empire, says the cor-' respondent, will offer increased at- tractions as a field of operations for foreign industry. One who accurately foresaw this, the writer adds, was Abram Elkus,- the last American am- bassador to Turkey, Who made every effort to make sure that a share of the coming economic revival of Turkey should benefit Anerica. Meanwhile, the Turks are very busy pushing their own industries, espec- ially those that are capable of turning out simple articles of everyday use which they are determined to make themselves. Numbers of handicraft and industrial schools have sprung up all over the country, and hundreds of Turkishyouthshave been sent abroad to pick up experience in the trades and industries which they will ultimately conduct in their own country. HEALTH CARDS TO BE KEPT BY UNIVERSITY WOMEN Times Demand Unusual Care Be- ileves Physical Director Elements of hygienic living, thought to be compatible with university life, are outlined on a card that has been formulated by the department of phy- sical education for women, in co- operation with the Health service. Observation of the rules is not re- quired, but is being included in the athletic honor point system to stimu- late voluntary interest in the matter. For living up to the requirements of the card for 28 days, one honor poir, is given. The board is divided into several headings, such as sleep, exercises, care of the teeth, and so on, and on the back is a table where the record is to be kept. - All University women are strong- urged to try out the keeping of the record. Someone in each house group has been asked to present the cards to her group with explanations. Cards may also be secured at the of- fice of Miss Alice Evans, physical di- rector. "We appeal to the women of the University .to consider this method of hygienic living as an aid to a de- sired state of good health, which in these strenuous times is a more valu- able asset than ever before," said Miss Evans. Dancing at Armory, Friday and Sat-' urday Nights-9 to 1 Eastern time.- Adv. Recreation makes for Efficiency. "We try to treat you right." Huston Bros.-Adv. f. DOCTORS NEEDED BADLY SAYS NOTEDPHSICIAN 1)11. "RANK WIELAND, OF CHICAGO SPEAKS AT BANQUET OF lHOMOEOPS Sixty-five students and members of the faculty of the Homeopathic Medi- cal school attended a banquet given last evening at the Union under the auspices of the Alumni association of the school. The occaion of the dinner was a reception for Dr. Frank Wieland, of Chicago, professor of sur- gery at Hohnemann .edical college and head of the welfare service of the Montgomery Ward Company. Dr. Wieland is known for his work in bettering the conditions of employ- ees of the Chicago firm, and has been highly praised for his eorts in wel- fare service. He has been instru- mental in encouraging progress in this line in various parts of the country, and is considered an authority on in- dustrial medical work. At present his service at the Montgomery-Ward Company treats an average of 275 cases each day among the company's employees. Physicians' Work Great "The work of physicians is the big- ges-on earth today," said Dr. Wie- land. "We must work like the knights of Kind Arthur's Round Table in over- powering evil, which is found in our line to be diseases and ailments that make our world's workers inefficient. We must work here and on the battle fields of France to keep every single individual up to his maxium effiiency. The goernment has realized this need of physicians and is encourag- ing every move of the medical men. Industrial Physicans Needed "Industrial physicians are especially needed to carry on the great campaign to keep the forces of the nation at work. Our fighters need backing, and we must keep our manufacturing plants going to their utmost capacity. "Departments of industrial medicie should be established at every uni- versity, and I am sure that this ste) will be taken in a short time. Every man that can possible study medicine should rush to join the ranks of the physicians. We n-eed many, many more to carry on our gr'eat task. Homoeopaths Suited "Homoeopaths are especially suit- ed to this work because their treat- ments are particularly effective. When a homoeopathic remedy is pre cribed correctly, it is more swift and :uc- cessful. Every young doctor .hould remember one thing: There can be no success which disregards the other fellow. , Be conscientious in every thing thing you do, and dedicate your lives and your souls to the work uts for the Classical club play e held at 9 o'clock this morning versity Hall. Carson's English 2 section in Were nieo rIom Me so LO) LIIIY U racks by a miniature cyclone which hit the camp last night. The wind rocked and twisted build- ings at the center of the camp in such a manner that the soldiers were temporarily alarmed. Several smoke stacks were shifted from their bear- ings and two were leveled. The storm was entirely over in less than 10 minutes. These Are-"CONSERVATION DAY S" He is a wise man who sits down and considers his requirements a days hence. Buy your films during the "BUSINESS DAYS." Take your Finishing to a RELIABLE COMMERCIAL PHOTO- k.PHER. If there is any doubt as to who does the BEST FINISHING let me gest that you ask to see the METHODS and MATERIALS used in workshops of the various places, and use your own judgme* as to results obtained. There is JUST ONE PLACE where the "BEFORE THE WAR" 4MICALS are still being used and will be used for many months to e, and where the same results are obtained, that's at LYNDON'S, Where the KODAK is the PRINCIPAL DEFENCE. Open for Business on "BUSINESS DA fS" Drop your films in the e while we are closed and receive Treatment the. same as usual.