THE M :HICAN DAILY 44j*look upon his achievements with a "alt Xlonging to reach such a pinnacle of ATE i PRESS. fame. Then comes along that inac- secuivelyetted curate person. "Buzz, buzz, buzz;" she on of all news dis- goes in our ear. And the next day we not otherwise credit- look into the face of our leader, Mr. also the local news Hyde, with leering mien and bestial the University of face.. ery morning except We swallow the news of the war ersity year. e at Ann Arbor a with great avidity. We are confident s Building. of our forces and the work they are Editorial, 2414. doing. In this respect we are also in- exceed -oo words fluencing our neighbors, and they events will bepub- in turn send out wave on wave of hes discretion of the e in the Ann Arbor confidence until the work of the whole tic boxc in the west library, we e t nation is strengthened and thrown :30 o'clock each forward to victory. Then comes one' with a kaiser. mustache and whispers . Managingdioin our ear. "Beware the president, be- *.Business Manager tepeiet e ware the army heads, they are all .Herbert G. Wilson muckers, working fo rgain." And the Schermerhorn, Jr. rumor spreads and goes on and on and no one takes the trouble to trace Mildred C. Mighell it to its source or inquire as to the Margaret H. Cooley lbert E. Jiqrne, Jr. truth. A few good lies well spread advertising Manager will soon affect the morale of a na- kdvertising Manager tion. ublication Manager Circulatio Manager Beware th. sly Dame. ...Credt Manager TORS C. M. Campbell. ALLENTOWN DISBANDVD W. R. Atlas' Mark K. Ehbert Another flaw in the conduct of the SRS war preparations may be easily found Paul A. Shinkman been disbanded. That lies elsewhere. Horace }~. Hunter Rilla A. Nelson in the disb'andonment of the ambul- Philip Somovit' ance units at Allentown. Frances Broene. Ida E. Mines We do not say they should not have SaEe Lamp ReBut if the ambulance units were to David B. Landis be no more, why was not the order is- indibo- sued some time back? Why could this TAFF not have been forseen? Training the Harry D.aaese L. A. Storrer 'men in ambulance work for eight atherine Kilpatrick months then transfering them to' Agnes Abele rge A. Cadwell, Jr. some other branch of the service, af ntes H. Macdonald Case branch in which they know scarcelyj the rudiments, is far from our idea' as to efficient preparation. We read that exams are more effec- RY 15, 1918. tive than medicine as a health mead. s H. Osius, Jr. ure, based on a report from the health s R OsusJr.service. Personally, we'd take a very bad cold in preference to say the E FLAG least. COLLEGE STUDENTS AND THRIFT , By Francis _. Bacon, '02, Executive C Savings C, College students are in the habit making age. Habits which they form between the ages of 18 and 25 are more than likely to endure. If the. habits are those of a spendthrift, the individual is more than likely to re- main a spendthrift in, mature years. On the other hand, if students prac- tice habits of thrift, the spirit of th.rift 'is more likely to predominate. Students have unique opportunities brought to them through the medium' of war. For some of them, with an allowance, which is barely sufficient for actual necessities, the ' Liberty Loans may have been out-of the ques- tion. Yet many of them bought, and in doing so became partners of the government in the conduct of the war. Bigger than this, they achieved for themselves something of the idea of thrift. The Liberty Loan can not reach all citizens; the War Savings certificates can. People may buy the War Savings hairman of Was'htenaw County War ominittee stamp for $4.13 this month, and realize $5 from it January 1. 1923; or they may purchase Thrift stamps at 25 cents each. Thrift stamps do not bear interest. They should be converted into War Savings stamps as soon as 16 of them have been bought. This can be done by paying the difference between the $4 and the prevailing price of War Savings stamps for the month. We must abandon many of the pre- war luxuries if the country is to con-; tinue the struggle to a speedy con- clusion. Financial aid from all the people is an absolute necessity. The War Savings idea brings this ques- tion of monetary aid even to the poor- est people. The money, with interest, is paid back within five years, thus necessitating but a short wait. But even above the safety of thej SECOND B0OKS SEMESTER And STUDENTS SUPPLIES For All Departments At WAHRS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES government, the ease of purchase conversion back into cash, the fact standing paramount it this: habit of thrift once formed. and one The CA (YATID, say that ad of its from the 'the ser- hing. In ded the, hen they' ted The on other rt of the the pub- the best >us. We ve do not with- ce, all! in school being on person of s journal- Another drive against %Grrmany starts Sunday. This is not the spring drive across the pond, but a local one, for the sale of Thrift stamps' and War Savings certificates.. Trying to get a rise out of the pro- fessors or the registrar regarding f.m. (friend marks), for the last semester has resolved itself into one of the leading indoor sports. "Quail Have Suffered from Extreme- ly Cold Weather." - Daily headline.. mnother reason why the weather man should be induced to discontinue wint- er entirely. The war has come to Michigan. Have you seen the new uniforms? Will the fresh toques and pots go well with the 0. D.? "The days of real sport"--Asplashing to classes in artics. Italiam Childreu Live in Daugr Iona Men, women, and children are liv- ing, eating, and sleeping together in the same large hospital ward in Italy, since the Austro-German invasion of that country, according to the' fifthk report of the American Red Cross commission to Europe. 'Many children' are in the actual fighting zone, near enough to be in serious danger. The commission is striving to find some better means of housing them, to pro- vide employment, and to remove the children 'to safer quarters where they may have school facilities. 'We know that the above extract of ,alphabet brings not the faintest ink- ling to your mind of what this column is going to be like. But that is as it should be. We haven't any either.' We just have one of these futurist, nude-inside-of-a-bookcase pictures of its further development. We expect 'to have a- biography like an amoeba. If you're interested in things resemb- ling that somewhat formless but live- ly animal, stick around. They have ceased importing olive 1oil and dates. The olive oil won't. be ,missed; we can rub them down with St. Jacobs' or Alpha Omega and drink keroete on our salad. But alas for .the package of stuffed dates she was going to send him as a valentine just in memory of all those they'd had to- ;ether before this Cr-uel War tore ahem apart! Lucky 'dawg that he is; have you heard his schedule? He has no Mon- .day or Friday classes to interfere 'with his week-ends; no afternoon Mlasses (you know, the River and Spring and O Everything); no eight I o'clocks, their too beastly early, no nine o'clocks, he needs that period for breakfast. At ten he strolls down State. Lucky Dawg; that Campus Airedale. "'Smatter soph? You seem flighty. "Shouldn't wonder. Most of my classes are on the fourth floor of the Natural Science building." Behold! The toothpick squad is, again waving the sticks in true form;' surely we have settled down to work. "My grades are just like my shoes." Go on; I'm braced for it." "Five Cs." Who can fail to admire the candor and naivete of a sheet which calls the attention of its readers to the rotten- ness of its own features? We don't expect to find it neces- sary. Dean Ward in Milwaukee for Clinic Dean Marcus L. Ward of the Dental college, left Thursday for Milwaukee where he is holding a clinic. He is ex- pected back tonight. The Literacy Critic Says HOW TO LIVE AT THE FRONT, by Hector MacQuarrie, Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery.-J. B. Lip- pincott company. Lieutenant MacQuarrie's choice of titles for his book was rather un- fortunate, for "How to Live at the Front," has a tendencyt'to lead oneto expect either a patronizing "look and see how I do it" disclosure, or a ser- ies of health lectures. His book is neither. It is a most refreshing mix- ture of clean humor and straight facts from an English officer who has had every opportunity to know and to un- derstand, and whose desire is .to help the American soldiers, that will nec- essarily encounter many of the dif- ficulties that the English and French have met. The "tips," as he calls them, are all straight from the should- er, and the entire volume is most in- formal in character. Probably the most likable charact- eristic of the -book is Lieutenauit Mac- Quarrie's naive way of expressing himself, - saying with the drollest gravity things that are excruciatingly funny. Often he becomes very serious, and begins a grave disucssion of cer- tain dangers of warfare, but he can- not resist breaking out frequently wit), "I rememter standing by a sally port one night," and then follows an- other funny story. Athough Lieutenant MacQuarrie wrote this book ' primarily fort our soldiers, there is no reason why everyone should not enjoy it, for it is of very general interest, and makes dplightful reading., Health of, Women Students Is Good "The generai neaith of the women students at present is remarkably good',' was the statement made by Dr. Lucy E. Boland today. There are no new cases of mumps according to Dr. Walker, and with the exception of the' usual number of February colds,, W~O MCuI There will be a Women's league party from 4 to 6 o'clock this after- noon at Barbour gymnasium. Mas- ques will present a playlet called "Food" and Ike Fisher will play for the dancing. Boards of directors of the Women's league will meet at 9 o'clock tomor- row morning at Barbour gymnasium. Board of representatives will meet at 10 o'clock. Association of Collegiate Alumnae will entertain senior women at a re- ception from 4 to 6 o'clock tomorrow1 afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henryj C. -Adams, 1421 Hill street.' Stylus offers a prize of ten dollars for the best short story written by an undergraduate woman. E4- t i SPECIAL Ideal Hair Brushe, $1.00 value 75c We have a complete stock of FLASH LIGHTS and FlashlightBatteries Switzer's Hardware 310 STATE ITB TOBS New and Secondhand -, ght Aad Sold Skater's Book Shop Phone 430 336 S. State 5 o thank the wom- rial .and business d enough to pur- flag. IE WORKLESS iAY sion to discontin- ays will meet with t has never been majority of peo- Seventy-eight freshman girls have' failed to pay their social tax of 50 cents. This tax may be payed. on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the General Library, Feb. 19 and 21. Girls wishing to attend to the matter before this date should see Cornelia Clark, Marcella ,Moon, and Eleanor Leonard. Warm Days Facilitate Work on Union. Laborers are again at work on the QUARRY DRUG Co PRESCRIPTION STORI Cor. State and N. Univers. Phone 08 DETROIT UNITrD LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Ja (E~ffective Mlay 22, 1917) Detroit Limited and xpress Cars- n., 8:io a. ,m., and hourly to 7:10 p. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8 :48 a. every two hours to 6:48 :. in.; to 8:48 p. in. Jackson Express Cars local sto^- Aim Arbor)-9:48 a. m. and every t%+ to : 48 ). m. Local Cars East Bound'-5:35 a. I a. n., 7:o5 a. m. and evPiy tw hors p. mn.. 8 :o5 p. mf., 90:5 p. n1., to :5 To Yljsi anti only, 9:2o a. m., 9:g 2:05 ^. m., 6:o5 p. m, 9:45 p.'m, It:4 t2:2 ") a. in.. 1 :1oa.I I.. J7:20 a. m. I, chiange at VYpsilanti. Local Cars West Bound- 6:o5 a. r a in.. 1o:20 p. Mf.. 12:20 a 111. We have both the inclination the equipment to fui nish th best in banking service The Ann Arbor Savings B, INCORPORATED 1869 Capital and Surplus $ 500,0( Resources . . $4,000,00 Northwest Corner Main at Huron Streets 707 North University Aver i/ ow in the ration. To needed to n not al- idle. the people have been ight of it. conducting satisfaction ositive dis- two or three cases of tonsilitis are outside of the new Union building, the only worries of health service au- after having been hindered for some thorities. time by the extreme cold. The thaw, and warmer weather have made it Dancing at Armory, Friday and Sat- possible for work to be resumed on 'urday Nights-9 to 1 Eastern time.- the exterior construction. Adv. "Standard" Loose-Leaf Note Books Engineer's Supplies a specialty at at Wahr's. Lettered without expense. Wahr's University Bookstore.-Adv. --dv. Gasoline 21o, Polarine 90t.# & Co., 117 5: Ashley 8t.-Adv. ota~blev f "Just a Little BET $59000, Worth of Shoes ICECG for all a ime involved throu ay of work. We a preparations vital1 must be turned into cash in 30 days TE PERSON of a man's' br large took ME N You can buy $9.00 shoes for $6.45; $7.50 and $8.00 shoes for $5.45; $6.50 and $7.00 shoes for $4.95, un- til March 16, but you should hurry to get your size. Even new spring styles at a big cut in price during this Sale. TRUBEY 218 S. Main Street SHORTHAND TYPEWRI of the past these old . But, hu- f the same Classes Just Starting. F Today, HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEG( State and William trea- n all them IS BOOTERY Radio Military wrist watches $4.25 to $21 308 South State Street