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January 25, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-01-25

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16 OUT OF 40 MEN
Sixteen men passed the examination
held yesterday at the Health service
rooms for entrance into the naval aux-
iliary reserve. Twenty-four were re-
Of those who were accepted, the fol-
lowing will complete their enrollment
immediately: Denman H. Cruttenden,
'19; Raynfond P. Brown, '18; William
E. Brennan; Harold E.. Willemer,
'21E; Raymond A. Fox, '18L; Herbert
A.. Gustin, '18; Harold Groves, '19E;
Rudolph Habermann, '20E; Lauren D,
Hart, '20; Joe H. Levin, '20L; Charles
V. McAlpine, '20; Irving M. Mum-
ford, '20L; Elmore S. Pettyjohn, '18,
and John P. Robinson, '21.
A. J. McAndless, '17, and A. F. Hall,
'19, will be sworn in at a latter date.
Plan Zone System
For Coal Relief

Roosevelt Slams Senator Stone
Washington, Jan. 24.-Theodore Roosevelt today, in a speech be-
fore the National Press club asserted his right to criticise the con-
duct of the war and declared it to be every man's duty to expose in-
efficiency if it retards the work of the war making machinery.
In answer to an attack made on him recently in the senate by
Senator Stone, he said the speech was an insidious effort in behalf of
Germany and that the Missouri senator, who had done all he could to
serve Germany, in opposing war legislation, had been the first to in-
ject partisan politics into the war.
While the speech contained little criticism of individuals, the Col-
'onel spoke of the "narrow administration" of the war department, and
warmly praised the work of the senate committee.

TOTALS $ 4,308.28
War Savings stamps are selling well
in Ann Arbor, according to reports
from the several places having them
for sale.
The Post-office reports that it has
sold 894 of the $4.12 war certificates
and 2,500 of the 25 cent war savings
stamps, making a total of $4,308.28.
Postmen in and about Ann Arbor have
been active in bringing the sales up
to their present high mark.
Other agencies which are selling the
stamps here are the express compan-
ies, the State Savings bank, the city
Y. M. C. A., the Michigan Union, and
the treasurer of the University.
People throughout the country have
shown great interest in this means of
saving in the short time that the
stamps have been on the market.
Ask Students To




Livingston, '18E, Resigns as
sident of Mimes; Elect
4. S. Dinwiddie, '18E
mes of the. Michigan Union
d in favor of having women
feminine roles in the cast
s of the 1918 Union opera.
eeting held yesterday after-
Mimes, whose function is to:
the Union opera, went on
sanctioning the action of the
directors of the Union in re-
the Senate Committee on
Affairs to approve of Uni-
nd School of- Music women
feminine parts in the opera.
eport of Committee
tion came as the result of
tee report stating that the
hange was not wholly due
of masculine talent, of for
of financial expediency, but
f a natural development. It
,t this will increase the dra-
musical value of the opera,
tuate the life of the produc-
Faculty Opposition
s of the Senate Committee
t Affairs have long been op-
he existence of the opera as
urlesque, and said that the
of its general tone was es-
its continuance. They also
hat the burlesque form had
Pass Resolutions
ons passed at the meeting
nes expressly state that the
e urged to participate in the
der a service to the Union,
the standard of the show.
hatically denied the rumor
en were to be used merely'


Washington, Jan. 24.-Continued de-
moralization of railroad transporta-
tion throughout the east today prompt-
ed railroad and fuel adminis-
tration officials to hasten plans
for developing a zone distribu-.
tion system for coal, and it was stated
that some definite announcement
might be expected within a few days.
Officials today expressed the belief
that the proposed system will prove.
so effective in eliminating long and
cross hauls as to render another ser-
ious coal shortage this winter im-
Under the zone distribution plan,
certain mining districts would be as-
signed a specific territory to which
their output should go and the rail-
road routes would be petscribed.
Detroit, Jan. 24. -- Confiscation of
coal in Kentucky and Ohio threatens
Detroit with the greatest calamity that
has ever happened to the city, ac
cording to a telegram Edgar B. Whit-
comb, local fuel administrator, sent
to Congressman Doremus at Washing-
ton today.
It was announced today that one
big local flour mill has had. to shut
down because of lack of fuel. More
than a score of local factories already
have been compelled to. close and a
large number of the factories doing
government work have only a scant
supply of fuel on hand.

After weeks of preparation, the
Oratorical association - play, "The
Tragedy of Nan" by John Masefield, is
ready to be presented at 8 o'clock to-
night in Sarah Caswell- Angell hall.
Tickets :'are being sold at such, .a
rapid rate that a. full house seems
The scene of the play is on the Sev-
ern, in England, during the year 1810,
English law still applied capital pun-
ishment for petty thievery. Nan Hard-
wick's father had been hung after be-
ing falsely accused of stealing a sheep.
Nan's aunt, Mrs. Pargetter, who has
adopted her, makes life miserable. for
her, because it is the ambition of Mrs.
Pargetter to secure Dick Gurvil with
whom Nan is in love, for her own
daughter, Jenny.
In order to get Dick to renounce
Nan, Mrs. Pargetter tells him of Nan's
father and adds that Dick's father
would disinherit him if he refused to
marry Jenny. It is here that Dick
shows his weakness and, because of
sensual desire for an easy life, he
promises to marry Jenny.
On the same night an official from
London arrives, Captain Dixon, and in
his cold, brusk, businesslike manner
reyeals the discovery that Nan's fath-
er was unjustly hanged and offers 50
English pounds as compensation for
the mistake of the government.
Dick Changes
Dick, seeing the money which Nan
has fallen heir to,, begs Nan to for-
give him and to reconsider his pro-
posal. But Nan, seeing the superficial-
ity of the people and things about her
and the despicableness of the man
she formerly loved, seizes a knife, and
after plunging it into Dick's heart,
throws herself into the incoming tide
of the Severn.
The cast of the play is as follows:
Nan Hardwick, Nina M. Kellogg, '18;
Gaffer Pearce, Warren H. Townsend,
'18; Mrs. Pargetter, La Vern Ross,
grad.; Mr. Pargetter, Joseph D. Men-
chofed, '18; Dick Gurvil, Lionel G.
Crocker, 18; Jenney Pargetter, Eva
Herzberg, '19; Parson Drew, Richard
A. Forsythe, '20; Captain Dixon, Eu-
gene Given, '19; Arthur Pearce, Wil-
fred Nevue, '18; Ellen, Eva Bowen, '18;,
Tommy, John H. Hathaway, grad.;
Susan, June Brooks, '18; and con-
stable, Carl Dahlstrom, '19.

For the first time in many years
the Glee and Mandolin clubs will give
two home concerts in one semester.
The Coamittee ,on Student Affairs
has given the management permission
to violate the old rule because of the
extraordinary conditions existing as a
result of the war.
Organise Eate
The clubs were organized later than:
usual and were delayed several weeks
by the failure of the music to arrive
on time. This necessitated the post-
ponement of the first semester concert
until Feb. 20. Arrangements have at
last been completed and Theodore
Harrison, director of the Glee club,
states that the delay has resulted in
a perfection evident in the clubs that
has not been present for some time.
36 Cents Admission
The management has decided that
the admission will be 35 cents and
tickets will be placed on sale soon.
A large attendance is expected re-
gardless of the war, because many
towns people are backing the organiza-
tion in its work this year.
The Rotary Club of Ann Arbor
heartily endorsed the organizations
after their appearance at - the
Union recently. A letter of congratu-
lation was sent Mr. Harrison in which
the clubs were lauded enthusiastically.
The club promised its support in mak-
ing this concert a huge success.
The Red Cross is also interested in
the success of the clubs. At the Red
Cross mass meeting held a few weeks
ago in Hill auditorium, the Glee club
rendered a selection that was re-
ceived with great applause. More than
90 men are enrolled in the organiza-
Claims Half of Wood Cut By
Citizens For Dis-
Use of one of the city's teams each
Monday was allowed by the board of
public works last night to the com-
mittee in charge of the wood-cutting
campaign, to bring the wood cut by
citizens into the city.
The first trip to the woods is plan-
ned for next Monday morning. The
men will meet at 8 o'clock in front of
the city building and will be taken to'
the woods by the city team.
Men joining the company are re-
quested to be equipped with one cross-
cut saw, two axes, and two wedges.'
Each man will have one-half of the
wood cut by himself and the rest will
go to the city for disposal. Men de-..
sirous of making the trip should call
Ray Bassett, chairman of the commit-1

An invitation has been issued to
students of the University by Ensign
D.. J. C. Colman, who has charge of
all naval recruiting in Michigan, to
attend a meeting. on- Feb. 14 of the
Naval Recruiting station in Detroit
at which Col. Theodore Roosevelt is
to speak. They are asked to take a
place in the escort procession, and
help put pep .into the meeting,. The
invitation is as follows:
"The Navy. station in Detroit has
asked that the University 'of
Michigan send. a delegation of-students
to help receive the Colonel, take a
place in the escort procession, attend
the night meeting, put a world of blaz-
ing spirit into the whole affair, and
incidently, joy into the heart of the
man who has been called "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic." With bands
playing and colors flying, military and
civilian societies and delegations will
escort the former president from the
Michigan Central depot to the Detroit
Athletic club at 3:55 in the afternoon."
There will be no charge of admis-
sion to Michigan men. All that is ask-
ed is that students have a lot of pep
stored up for the occasion. In order
that 'the committee in charge may
make the Michigan section "down in
front" large enough it is asked that
all interested leave their names either
at the Union or at Huston's, before
Sunday night.

Unrest Prevails Among
Germany and AustrJ
ga ry
(By Associated P1
Jan. 24.-After weeks. o
the Germans at last have
proposals at the peace c
Brest-Litovsk and the Ru
declined to accede to then
Notwithstanding the:fa
imperial German chbauc
speech to the main comn
reichstag announces that]h
hope that a satisfactory c
the peace conference will
the terms of the Germans
ed by General Hoffman,

no annexations ai

Russians fail
mands, furth
ritory would
port of Reva
gulf of Finlai
Amazed at
man progran
asked for ti.
mands. This
gether with t
was the last
be expected.
to the effect


Livingston Resigns
Alan V. Livingston, '18E, tendered
resignation as president of the
nes, stating as flis reason, inabiliay
act both as' president of the Mimes
I as general chairman of the opera.
S. Dinwiddie, '18E, was elected to
L constitutional committee was ap-
nted composed of George F. Hurley,
[, A. J. Gornetzky, '19L, Paul M.
ore, '19, and Walter Atlas, '20L.
. meeting of the Mimes has been
led for 6:15 o'clock Saturday ev-
ng at the Union, at which time A.
Weeks, '10, will be present to dis-
s matters pertinent to "Let's Go."
here will be a second try-out for
men for the cast and chorus of the
ra at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon
he School of Music. At this time all
se who have not previously tried
will have the opportunity of com-
ing for places in the show.
irls of the sonior class, in a rep-
entative meeting yesteray, gave a
,nimous vote in favor of having
.versity women in the opera. It
3 urged that the senior girls lend
t support to this war measure and
w that they are equal to the op-
tunity of making this year's opera
uccess by sending the best talent
napshots were recently received
Elmer C. Schacht, '18E, managing
or of the Michiganensian, from W.
. John, '16, managing editor of the
sgoyle '14-'15 and '15-'16, and Les-
K. Ferris, '18E, of the base hospi-
unit, both somewhere-in-France.
pictures show John and Ferris
rounded by French scenery and in

Washington, Jan. 24.-General Task-
er H. Bliss, chief of staff, who arrived
in Paris today, will represent the Unit-
ed States army on the supreme war
council. Secretary Baker in so an-
nouncing tonight disclosed that the
general is accompanied by high of-
ficers of every branch of the service
to advise him about any questions
that may arise.
From General Bliss the war coun-,
c'l will obtain an up to the minute re-
port on what the United States will
be able to contribute to operations on
the western front this spring, and
summer. His report in this regard
has been forecast to some extent by
President Wilson's statement to con-
gressional visitors. This stated that
there would be in Europe in June twice
the number of American troops, as
were originally planned.
Probably the primary consideration
before the council when it reconvenes
will be the widely adveritsed proposed
German offensive on the western front.
The possibility is suggested that the
Allies may anticipate the German at-
tack with a great drive as the British
did in Flanders.
Attendance Committee Meet Jan. 81
The last meeting of the attendance
committees for the literary college
will be held Thursday, Jan. 31, at the
regular hours for both men and wom-



C. S. Thompson of American Defense
Society Would Have Aliens
Apprised of Facts
New York, Jan. 24.-C. S. Thomp-
son, chairman of the press commit-
tee of the American defense society, in
an informal. discussion at a lucheon
given by the organization here today
declared that the society had been in-
formed that the United States had
executed 14 spies since the beginning

Austrian Workmen]
Accounts of-the situa
gleaned from Germans
dicate that there is stil
tent among the workm4
all the strikers have re
In Germany, the unre
lace also continues but
militarist party is man
the people in curb.
Withdraw Armies A
Of great interest as r
itary situation is the
the Austro-German am
Italian front- from the
westward. The retrogr
undoubtedly was due to
attacks the Italians, re

ering for s

of the war with Germany. He added dications ar
that enemy aliens. in this- couotry given' up: hi
"should be apprised of these facts as On the ot
evidence of America's determination are keeping
to protect herself." on various
At least two of the spies he said -
were from Detroit. COMMISSm

Several vacancies in the list of as-
sistant managers of -the Varsity Glee
and Mandolin clubs are to be filled
through competition, according to S.
L. Sonne, '19, in charge. Prospect-
iye tryouts are requested to meet him
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock in
room Z160, Natural Science building,
for information.

Cambridge collects War Literature
Cambridge, E0ngland, Jan. 24.-Cam- Supe
bridge university authorities have for soldier:
the past three years been making an
effort to form what they hope will be ganize
one of the finest and most complete appoint
collections of literature of the present purpos
war. Much material has been gath- the me:
ered at the various fronts, and agents .gAlre
in the United States, Spain, and South ibng fro
America, as well as the Scandanavian best tai
countries and Holland, have been at been s
work. A special appeal has been made ing for
to Cambridge men in all parts of the Asw
world to aid in the work. large,
-- -

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25C and 36C

"The Tragedyof NaE
By John Masefield..






8 o'clock

Eastern Time

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