thes play. The recruit soon I look a soldier''-trim, smart, would attain success-vou i Bloch / or a aels-Stern Suit dvertisements for the man who wants to as a comer. nitt, Apfel Co. a' L Pies ler, even if " this year. show y Men :er is very handy; it can lamp socket. 'We are e this appliance at your WAR1ESTABLISHES.ARMY OF TYPISTSAT CAPITAL EXPANDING DEPARTMENTS TO NEED OVER 20,000 STENOG- RAPHERS IN YEAR Washington, Jan. 21.-One of the results of the war on the city of Wash- ington is the establishment of a large army of stenographers. It is esti- mated that there are more than 12,000 stenographers at the present time, most of whom are girls. Although their work is not full of glory nor very romantic, yet it is highly import- ant, and the government could not carry on the war a month without them. The rapidly expanding departments that employ typists and stenographers, require more and more of them with astonishing rapidity. The civil 'ser- vfce commission estimates that before another year there will be more than 20,000 of sich employees. In many cases it is hard to find the people necessaryto fill the demands, and civil service examinations are con- stantly being held for those who are interested. The examinations are held every Tuesday, in 450 cities; besides these, an examination can be had at any time in any city if there is a pros- pect of getting three or four to take it. AJMlitary Newvs Three hundred and fifty regulation R. O. T. C. uniforms arrived last night, Lieut. George C. Mullen last night. Lieut. eorge C. Mullen last night. Thee are also 350 pairs of shoes on hand. A definite list of the men whose un- iforms have arrived will be posted on the military bulletin boards before the end of the week. Cadets are re- quested not to call the R. O. T. C. offices of Henry and company, either in person or by telephone, as no in- formation will be given out. Addition- al information will be published in this column tomorrow. On account of -the night classes in the University being advanced to the afternoon, specialarrangements have been made for the cadets to report for drill or gymnastic work, obtain an excuse, and take the regular drill from 7 to 8 o'clock every evening. These special drill classes will only be open to those students who have conflict in classes and cannot appear for the afternoon drills. - Advance classes were dismissed last night due to the illustrated lecture by Ian Hay in Hill auditorium. The classes will meet atthe same time to- night. "Military Courtesy," is the topic of a lecture to be given at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in University hall by Lieut. L. J. Williams to the cadets of the First regiment. The following schedule will be giv- en by Dr. George A. May at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Waterman gymnasium to the first battalion of the Second regiment: Second regiment: Company A, par- allel bar, vaulting horse, jumping, sprinting, wrestling, basketball; com- pany B, rings, high jump, relay rac- ing, tumbling; company C, wrestling, basketball, parallel bar, . vaulting horse, jumping, sprinting; company D, relay racing, rings, high jump, tumbling. Company basketball that are sched- uled to practice at 8 and 8:30 o'clock tonight in Waterman gymnasium, are urged to turn out. The amount of practice obtained during the week will determine the fitness of the different company basketball teams during the inter-company basketball games. CHICAGO TOSSERS STOP MICHIGAN QUINTET 22- VARSITY FIVE DROPS SECOND CONFERENCE BASKET- BALL TILT Michigan's quintet was set back by the score of 22 to 6 in the second con- ference game of the basketball season by the fast Chicago five in Barlett gymnasium Saturday. It was a fast and rough battle from start to finish, and the Michigan play- ers easily outclassed by the smoothly running. Maroon aggregation. From the first blast of the whistle the Maize and Blue players put up a stubborn defense and it was due to the untiring clinging and guarding of the Michigan guards and center to the crack Ma- roon players, Gorgas and Vollmer, that kept the score to what it was. It was the first Chicago-Michigan athletic contest since 1905, and the first time the two universities ever met on the basketball floor. Both teams showed the old time pep that the graduates of the schoql often re- late to this generation and considered from the viewpoint of Michigan's re- entry into the Conference the Maize and Blue team won a host of support- ers. Emery was the only Michigan player t , cage a basket and succeeded in bag- ging two in the second half when the Wolverines took a spurt that broke through the impregnable Chicago de- fensive. Ruzicka and Later guarded Gorgas and Vollmer as if'they were convicts and the clever Chicago basket tossers were unable to get in their deadly shots. Enthusiasm was at white heat dur- ing the game and a crowd of 3,000 students raised considerable din dur- ing the battle. Summary of the Game CHICAGO( (22) MICHIGAN (6) Hinkle ...........r.f........... Bartz Vollmer......1..l..........Emery Gorgas. ..........c............ Later Long..........r.g........ Ruzicka Jackson........1.9.........Boyd Final score: Chicago 22, Michigan6. Field baskets: Emery 2; Hinkle 2; Gorgas 3; Vollmer 4. Foul shots: Gorgas, 4 out of 9; Ruz- icka, 2 out of 9. Fouls committed: Bartz, 2; Later, 1; Ruzicka, 3; Boyd, 3; Hinkle, 3; Volmer, 1; Gorgas, 1; Jackson, 2; Curtiss, 1. Substitutions: Jackson for Bryan; McClintock for Bartz. Referee, Diddle, Pu 'due; umpire, Reiman, Wisconsin. . WEST HALL CLOSES TODAY AS CONSERVATION MEASURE MCI Also 20% off on Shirts, Raincoat, Trenchcoa Flowers For All Purposes So. Main St. Mf Clothing Society Brand and F and Overcoats Cousins & Hall Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery ?T jfr i 25% I EYES I guarantee to satisfy in both my exa I can save you time because I do n costs no more. Have you seen1 l n V UI T . navy i Co. A Ann Arbor k uller F CUSTER C KNOT RELIEVE COAL SITUATI*, SAYS MAJOR PARKER Gloves, Rubbers, and Shoes Arrive at A f ?Inn fMan Thwh&a. I in T 1 a local department1 McConnell and his companion, George Barnard, aged 20, were in Chandler the night of Aug. 23, 1916, and decided to attend a lecture to be given that night by a former bandit and train robber who is now an evan- gelist. The lecturer told the story of his former life and his subsequent reformation. The two farmer boys, after hearing the stirring narrative, broke into a local department store and robbed it of what they could carry. Sheriff Arnold attempted to arrest the boys early next morning in a park north of - Chandler. McConnell was crawling, through a hole in a barbed wire fence, after a short chase, when Arnold grabbed his coat and started to crawl through the hole after his prospective prisoner. McConnell, turning, drew a revolver and shot Arnold. Two white men have been hanged since the establishment of statehood, o but the five men suffering the death o penalty since the introduction of elec- trocution as the legal mode of inflict- I ing capital punishment, were negroes. Announce New .3Meeting Places for Rhetoric Classes in Sc. ence Building Beginning this morning, West Hall will be closed entirely for the present to conserve fuel. All sections of the rhetoric classes will be held in the Science building as follows: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday sections: Mr. Cowden, 437; Mr. Thornton, 444; Pro- fessor Brumm, 224; Professor Rankin, 217 at 8, 214 at 10 and 11. Mr. Con- key, 314 at 9 and 10, 437 at 11; Mr. Mosenfelder, 441; Mr. Everett, 437; Mr. Mallory, 214 at 9, 444 at 10, and 314 at 2 and 3. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday sections: Mr. Peterson, 224 at 8, 427 at 10, 44L at 11; Mr. Grim, 217 at 9. and 10, 214 at 11; Mr. Click, 444; Mr. Senseman, 437; Mr. Wier, 314 at 9, 214 at 10, 207 at 11; Mr. Cowden, 437 at 10; Professor Rankin, 437 at 2; Pro- fessor Scott, 436; Library, Miss Ved- der, 155. The Library will be open evenings this week but will be closed at 6' o'clock the two following weeks. Prac- tically all campus buildings will be closed at 6 o'clock from now on. Postpone Classical Club Meeting Because of the 6 o'clock closing rule which has been adopted for the University buildings, the . Classical club has postponed indefinitely the meeting scheduled for tonight. The date of Prof. A. R. Crittenden's lec- ture on "Caesar's Battlefields in France" will be announced as soon as possible. In Spare Time Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Jan. 21.-Following a number of requests from nearby communities that coal be sent them from the Camp coal pile, Major General Parker issued the fol- lowing statement today concerning the policies of the camp:- "While the commanding general deeply sympathizes with the hardship which is being experienced by certain people of communities and would be glad to be the means of relieving such hardship, this seems at present impracticable for the following reas- ons: "(1)-This encampment has no sur- plus coal; has coal only for a limited length of time and is likely to run short unless conditions are improved. "(2)-To loain certain individuals or communities would instantly bring about a demand from other communi- tie":, perhaps laboring under greater hardships. "(3)-The regulations of the war de-' partment explicitly forbid the loan- ing of army supplies to private indi- viduals or to state or municipal au- thorities." The official emphatically denied that coal intended for delivery at ad- jacent cities had been commandeered by the quartermaster. An emergency order of 8,000 gray kid fleece-lined gloves, purchased in the open market, arrived at the camp today in an effort to further protect the men in Camp Custer. They will be issued at once. More than 13,- 000 pairs of rubbers, purchased by the state, have been received. A carload of shoes and 8,000 pairs of leggings al- so arrived today. Gordon Cooke, '16E, Dies In Texas Second.Lieut. Gordon D. Cooke, '16E, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Dale Cooke of Detroit, died of pneumonia at Fort Bliss, Texas, Jan. 10. Cooke was once an active man on the cam~pus and prominent for his work on The Michi- gan Daily. He was taken ill while preparing a military survey some 200 miles from camp. He wandered 50 miles to the nearest railroad and returned to Fort Bliss by motor truck ands rail. His father and mother left for Fort Bliss on receipt of news of his illness but reached there an hour after his death. board in bution cc relief fur cupied di uania. s sent ts of birthday smal were placed c nearly all Ge places the 'pec the ground be * Over 14,000 physici commissioned in the army. The first Russian sembly broken The government 'i with a wooden soled shoe for use in the tr Searchlights are pl in present warfare. heights of the Italian: ed by the rays of m Italian engineers bridges in the dark a makes *for Efficiency. treat you right." Huston tt. Adverttsers.--Adv. I Leave Copy Headquarters and buglers will meet at at 4:15 o'clock Monday and Tuesday Students, in the basement of the gymnasium. At Supply Sone 4:15 o'clock Wednesday they will as- -b'la in frn tf Hill dit rifnl I FOB RET Music FOR RENT-Cheap for one year, a with neat small house and five lots ar- Hur- ranged for gardening, or chicken t 917 business in Clovis, California. Plant- ing season begins in February. Re- ferences exchanged. Phone 1580-R. with- FOR RENT-A four room apartment. Steam heated, furnished-best loca- tion in city. Phone 1366-W. foun- WANTED hone WANTED -- A Corona Typewriter. sem m e nironti orrim auCILorium. At 4:15 o'clock Thursday they will present themselves on the gymnasium floor. There is opportunity in Daily want ads.--Adv. by Michigan's Greatest Music House I Finest line of Music Instruments in the world If interested in any kind of instrument whatever see us GRINNELL BRC 116 S. I