THE MICHIGAN DAILY the local news University of morning except y year. t Ann Arbor as 1t - MtcDonald.......ManaginM Fditor mery...........Business anager ............. . C. S. Clark, Jr. ..........Herbert G. Wilson .r ......James Schermerhorn, Jr. ditor .........Bruce A. Swaney ditor ........ Mildred C. Mighell tor ........ Margaret H. Cooley ditor .......Albert E. Horne, Jr. 'nson......Advertising Manager iRobinson... .Advertising Manager ..tte ....... Publication Manager hi.......... Circulation Manager Smith............Credit Manager eFevre............Office Manager NIGHT EDITORS arnes C. M. Campbel Jr. W. R. Atl as Roeser Mark K. Ehlbert REPORTERS ine Paul A. Shinkman F Horace E. Hunter Fox Rilla A. Nelson Patterson Philip Slomovitz Frances Broene Ida E. Mines Price Samuel Lamport Edgar L. Rice geant David B. Landis K. Frances Handibo BUSINESb STAFF itzinger Harry D. Haus ss Lambert Hirsheimer en Katherine Kilpatrick :en Agnes ,Abele nis George A. Cadwell, Jr. edeskamp Frances H. Macdonald ethke L. A. Storrer Francis H. Case AY, JANUARY 20, 1918. Editor-C. X. Campbell IT BE PATRIOTISM? e do not know whether next ill witness the same fuel hat exists today.. The war er, or conditions generally ettered greatly during the be meantime we may think as to conditions generally r r x r l r r dents to discharge capably the activi- ties of the campus. We do acknow- ledge, however, that itis lack of Inter- est and loyalty that holds these men down. The most optimistic of us believe' that Michigan is capable of holding her own this year, even in the face of her depleted numbers. And there are others who sincerely believe that Michigan students, the few of them' left, are not only capable of holding, Michigan's own, but are able to ad-' vance her cause. We know of many instances whereE a small force of soldiers have defeat- ed a much larger one, simply because of their willingness to put forward all the effort and ability at their com- mand. The war contagion should not be centralized upon military matters alone; we who have been left behind in the march of humanity's army should take new heart and resolver "that these honored dead shall notE have died in vain;" that out of the de-x bris they have left behind will spring up a greater University,-a greater Michigan.t THE WAY WE LOOK AT IT Michigan's re-entrance into the Con- ference has been marked by two de- feats, at the hands of Northwesternt in football, and by Indiana in basket- ball. Now that they are both over, and CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 10:80 Eastern Time Mr. Lloyd C. Douglas preaches on "WILL THERE BE ANY RELIGION LEFT I" ern 2, Michigan 1; Chicago 3, Mich- igan 0. Next! "Ian Hay to Tell about Sammies" -Headline in Saturday's Daily. Isn't it but natural to suppose that a major will speak about your uncle's troops? The 'popular idea of economy is to go without many little things we need so we can get one big thing we don't need. A smile is like smallpox-con- tagious. GRADUATE PROTESTS AGAINST CHEAP BRAND OF PATRIOTIC SENTIMENT i p to conserve fuel will f the smaller colleges ntry, and the combin- ory schools wherever Alma, Albion, Olivet, 1 colleges could weUl d their students the larger schools, 'tain to run. The these smaller col- transferred to the while such a state of ive at present exists. t would naturally be the present system blished after the war s until next win- 1 have even less the case at pres- ng at lower gear Zg so, it will con- coal as did the we are again firmly re-established i Editor, The Michigan Daily:- the old Big Ten, we could adopt the I wish to protest against a cheap trick of last-minute alibis. We might brand of patriotic sentiment which sondone our defeat on the gridirot has of late threatened to fix itself to the loss of star players; we might upon the student body. It has been attempt to excuse our defeat of Fri- championed in several quarters; most- day to the same cause. Or we might ly indeed by men, mature in years explain it through the fact that this and supposedly of sober judgment. For is Michigan's first attempt at Varsity example, Lieut. G. C. Mullen, U. S. A. basketball. Retired, .writes as followrin his com- But no real Michigan student will munication of Jan. 12: adopt that subterfuge. We were de- "My advice is for every man at feated in both contests fairly and well. present enrolled in the University to Our men played to the best of their enroll in the military department at ability, but were rot good enough. once, for you are all going called But there is no real Michigan student upon sooner or later to serve your who does not look forward to the country in this war, and there is no next time and its opportunity for ven- reason why a college man should not gance. That is the essence of Michi- make use of the advantage of his edu- gan spirit. cation and be of greater service to his Let us forget our inauspicious en- country in the capacity of an officer trance into the Conference, and con- instead of in the ranks. cern ourselves with a come-back. The "The government offers as an in- basketball season is not over. ducement a complete uniform free of cost and after those who have already COLLEGE WOMEN AND THE enrolled are wearing their uniforms FOURTH YEAR OF WAR about the campus, will you who are It is easy to say this is the fourth not making any sacrifice of time or effort to take this course, not feel that year of war, but it is very difficult to you are more or less slackers? How realize the fact in all its bearings. are you going to explain your inabil- The fourth year of war means the ity to appear in uniform to your fourth year of Red Cross work, it friends? * * * means an ever increasing need of sup- "So show your colors, prove your plies, but all the novelty has worn off. spirit, prove that you are not pro- Is less Red Cross work being done German yourself, by making every in and out of the work rooms by stu- effort possible to enroll in the mill- dents? Fancy work is still to the fore tary department now." in some quarters, though the demand I am convinced that the immoderate for socks is greater than ever. In militaristic enthusiasm embodied in short, are we becoming deadened and statements similar to the above must bored in spite of and in the face of be steadfastly resisted on the ground the need? that it blindly ignores the contribu- The fourth year of war means in- tions which sound university scholar- creased physical demands on women ship stands ready to make. If the for manual labour, agricultural work, chief purpose of the University educa- etc. Does the fourth year of war tion at this time, is, as Lt. Mullen sug- mean a higher physical standard to gests, to place us in the army as offi- meet that need? We have not facilities cers instead of as privates let us drop for compulsory gymnasium work, but our sociology, philosophy, history, we have every facility for individual and so on, and betake ourselves at training through gymnasium classes, once to an enlistment bureau in order athletics, skating, snowshoeing and to "make use of the advantage of" a other forms of wholesome exercise. If real and concentrated military educa- college women are undermining their tion with no irrelevant theoretical energies through "movies," late hours, studies to distract. Still better, let us lack of exercise and unwholesome diet, close the universites altogether. the need of the future cannot be met. Apparently Lt. Mullen hopes to Every woman must be physically fit, stampede' us into military training. The fourth year of war means in- His simple straightforward proced- creased demands on college women ure is two fhld. On the one hand is for service of all sorts and for leader- the irresistable "inducement" of "a ship. Disciplined academic work and complete uniform free of cost." On the development of the power of the other-hand is the haunting fear thought alone can meet the need. that "after those who are already en- Let no one think responsibility ends rolled are wearing their uniforms with knitting and physical training, about the campus" we will feel that Mental health and efficiency is the we are more or less slackers or at most vital point of all. Academic least pro-Germans. Let us have done, work is national service. We are fac- then, with this toy cannon type of ed by vague talk of the need of re- patriotism which propagates itself by construction after the war. These are intimidation. It may have its place. fateful words, for we are faced by the but its place is not the University. by the need of reconstruction now. H. S. LIDDELL, Grad. Only those who will learn to think can do the constructive work neces- 442 Vessels Being Built For U. S. Navy nary. This responsibility is being tak- Washington, Jan. 19.-Four hundred en or ignored by every colleg woman and forty-two vessels are now uider -there is no middle way. Are the construction for the navy, according women of the university going to fail to a statement issued by Rear Admiral in this crisis of the fourth year of W. D. Taylor, chief of the bureau of war?-Toronto Varsity. construction and repair, and Rear Ad- miral Griffin, chief of the bureau of Our own paper reminds us that on steam engineering. moonlight nights the street lights will The statemen also shows that since be unlighted. This should give the the United States entered the war, townspeople who traverse the streets the navy has taken over and converted about midnight on these aforesaid to war use more than 760 passenger moonlight nights, a fair idea of how and freight vessels, yachts, tugs, fish- light-or dark-it is when students ing boats, and other craft. wander to 8 o'clocks. Buy your alarm clocks a J. L. Our philosopher of folly thinks Chapman's, JewelerI. 11 8. Main. Michigan had a fine day Friday. -Aydr. Glimpse at these significant facts- Indiana 21, Michigan 17; Northwest-- Daily advertisers are first ahoe, UntarianChurc State and Huron Streets 10:30-Morning service with address by Prof. C. L. Meader. 6:30-Meeting of the tSudent Society with address on "Heredity and Mor- al Responsibility," by Dr. James B. Pollock. (Eastern Time) REASONS FOR CHANGE IN TIME GIVEN IN LETTER TO COUNCIL Secretary Smith Sets Forth Handicaps To Military Training Under Old Time The following letter. setting forth the reasons of the University for mak- ing a change in time was sent to the Ann Arbor council and read at their recent meeting: "To the Ann Arbor City Council, Ann Arbor, Mich.: "Gentlemen-In order that the mem- bers of your honorable body, and the city officials, and the public in general may not have any wrong impression of the attitude of the regents of the University when directing a change from central standard to eastcra stand- ard time, and in general to avoid misun- derstandings, I take the liberty of communicating to you the facts of the case. "Ever since the opening of the Uni- versity this year the faculty and the military department in particular have endeavored in every way possible to adalt themselves to a schedule, which while presenting difficulties still gave as much time as possible for the pres- eut important military work. The schedule has in general, however, fall- en soo rar short o wht art felt to be the necessities of the case, that every dean, the director of the chemical lab- oratory, and the professor of military science, joined in a request to the Re- gents to adopt eastern standard time as the best thing to do under the cir-. cumstances. This step has not been taken under the impression that the condition will be ideal or without great regret for such confusion as may follow. "As stated above, I make this com- munication to your honorable body with the hope that through a know- ledge of the motives and the circum- stances involved, we may all keep clear of any of those misunderstand- ings which are so unfortunate for any city when they arise. Respectfully yours, SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary." Lieut. Hindman, '16, To Be Married Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Tierney of Holy- oke, Mass., announce the engagement of their daughter, Edith Ele or, to Lieut. William Parkhurst H dman, '16E. Miss Tierney graduated from Smith college in 1915, and is now en- gaged in settlement work in New York. Lieutenant Hindman, whose home is in Grand Rapids, Mich., is stationed at Fort Hamilton, N. Y, with the 59th Artillery Regiment, C. A. C. The wed- ding will take place early in Febru- ary, as Lieutenant Hindman expects orders to leave for France shortly. Women To Work In Munition Plants Large numbers of women ae to be placed in munition factories through- out the country, acording to a pledge recently made by a convention of man- ufacturers of ordnance held at Boston, In preparation of the event, trade schools have planned special courses of intensive training for women along these lines. Just what training the industrial and educational institutions of Michigan will offer in their work will be known definitely when the Women's defense committee has com- pleted its survey of the state. A Switzer' s Hardware 310 STATE 1918 DESK CALENDARS AT MILITARY FRENCH First Lessons in Spoken French for Men in Military Service.....50C Le Soldat Americain en France...........................50c The Soldier's English and French Conversation Book.. ..........25c International Conversation Book-French-English.................50c Rapid-Fire English-French-German........................25c Altemus' English-French Conversational Dictionary.........$1.00 Oxford English and French Conversation Book.. ... ...... ..25c Wilcox's War French....................................75e Cortina-French and English Military Manual ...,.............$1.60 French for Soldiers-by Whitten & Long......... ...........75c Slate r's Book.S hop Phone 430 33+6 S. State St. I A- W1omen I vSacancies in houses should be re- oorted at the office of the Dean of Womnen. Girls' Glee club will practice at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Ian Hay speaks at 8 o'clock Monday right in Hill auditorium under the auspices of Collegiate Alumnae. The proceeds of the lecture will go to the University Union in Paris. All Members of the Freshman Glee slub will meet at 12 o'clock today at White's studio, 619 East Liberty street, to have their pictures taken for the Michiganensian. U. of M. Jewelry. J. .. Chapman's SPECIAL! Idea Hair Brushes. $1.00 value 75c ' QUARRY DRUG CO'S PRESCRIPTION STORE Cor. State and N. University Phone 808 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES A is the place: 113 S. Matn.--Adv. _i as We have a complete stock of FLASHLIGHTS and Flashlight Batteries esident Hutchins is of the opin- hat next fall will see Michigan only 3,000 students in her halls. >ining many of the smaller >ls of the state temporarily in Arbor and in East Lansing will the use of little more fuel in two schools than is the case at nt, and will save all the fuel by the schools so combined. e arguments against the plan well be many, but we are slow to ve that they can outweigh the nent of conservation entailed. on, we understand, will be oper- as long as the war lasts if its Iment is but 25. At present it about 100 students, almost normal number. It will be ted because its endowment avy enough to offset other losses. uestion whether such a stand will triotic. We question whether any ar stand on the part of any of the er schools in the state will be r- 1 tat a Quarter Pound, if not satisfied with your purchase, you may return the remainder within io days and we will refund your dollar. DARK SECRETS are a wonderfully delicious creamy chocolate (with real fruit filling and bitter-sweet'coating) that is so de- liglitfully 'palatable, so different from, the ordinary chocolate, that they make a rare treat at any time for all lovers of good candy. You take absolutely no risk in re- mitting to us. as we are amply able ,(financially) to handle any proposition we may offer you. Kindly fill out the order blank, en- close in a sealed envelope, together with your remittance and address to ROLLER CANDY CO., Muncie, Ind. Please send.... bxs. Dark Secrets to Name .......................... * DETROIT. _UNITED. LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Effective May 22, 1917) Detroit Limited andti xpress Cars- 7:3s a mn.. 8:1o a. mn., and hourly to 7:1o p. in., 9:14 o. in. Kalamazoo Limited. Cars-8:48 a. m. and every two hours to 6:48 . im.; to Lansing, 8:48 P. In. Jackson Express Cars ,local sto"' west of Aa: Arbor)-9:48 a. m. and every twe hours to 7 :48 V. m. Local Cars East Bound.-s 35 a. m., 6:40 a. 9 :o5 a. m. and every two hours to 7:05 p. in.. 8:o5 p. in., 9:05 p. Mn., 10:50 P. in. To Ypsilanti only, 9 :2o a, In., 9:5o a mi., 2:o .,,6:05 p. m, 9:45 P:m, 11:45 n.m. 12:2o a. in., r:10 a. in.. I:20 a. in. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:os a. In., 7:48 a. m.. 10:20 p. In.. 12:20 a. m. We have both the inclination and the equipment to furnish the best in banking service The Ann Arbor Sayings Bank INCORPORATED 1869 Capital and Surplus $ 500,000.00 Resources . . . $41000,000.00 Northwest Corner Main and Huron Streets 707 North University Avenue S"Just a Little BETTER" I Patronize1 Our Advertisers.-Adv. Street. .............................. City..................... State .. .. .. ..1... . . . . ICE CREAM for all occasions TRUBEYtS 218 S. Main Street' I Hoover Steel Ball -and- too early to take next winter now. upI King Traler- Stocks These securities are very attractive at present market prices. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING PENMANSHIP Classes Just Starting. Enroll Today HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and William NG OUR OWN e the present, when the hich student activities and vigorous student depleted and lessened are bound to hear the >r capable men to fill vacant by those leav- rsity activities, espec- cessarily depend upon unremunerated effort, n intensity of this gen- YOUR INQUIRIES SOLICITED Forshee & Kuehnle INVESTMENT SECURITIES Radio Military $4.25 ii $2't Fountain Watur" and Col 7 ', Phone 808 412 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.