The best summary of the new scheme which has yet appeared is published in a Swedish newspaper, the Gothen- burg Tidningen, from the pen of a German propagandist. He outlines the project as follows: ."The future central Europe-Russian P~ "block," among other aims, will have before it the mighty task of bringing e, the great riches of Russia into the world market. For this purpose there are two natural windows on the west; opie is Hamburg, the other Copenhag- en. Those two towns will become the great markets of the world. The pro- duce of southwestern Russia will go by the Danube and Rhine-Elbe water- ways to Hamburg; the riches of cen- tral and northwestern Russia will go by the Dvina and Volga to the Baltic and Copenhagen. In this manner an interchange of produce and manufac- Ii. tures will be realized between Scan- u!IluF-dinavia, the central European block, - Russia, and the whole Mohammedan world. I. nisteel, chairman at the meeting. TO GATHER UESDAY NIGHT meth- even- d vau- Imme- Germans Welcomed "The Germans have been given a friendly welcome by the Baltic peoples who hail them as liberators. Ger- many's occupation of this- territory will have results that no peace conference can prevent. Germany has opened up prospects of a northern Mediterran- ean, the waters of which are now un- der her control. Moreover, Germany's plans for activity still further north are being materially assisted by the increasing friendliness of the Finnish people. While' Finnish socialists are fraternizing with Russian soldiers, Germany is winning the friendship of the middle classes and the peasants of Finland. "Germany, however, , is meditating neither the incorporation of Finland in. the German empire nor any kind of political alliance, but rather an economic alliance. She would be de- lighted to see Finland united to cen- tral Europe as part of the economic block, thus extending German econo- mic power far to the north.. No Outlet for Russia "If Germany gains control of the Baltic, and Finland becomes an inde- pendent state, joined by economic alli- ance with central Europe, there will be no outlet for Russia westward ex-1 cept through this economic alliance. Even the western powers cannot help Russia here. Yet Russia must do her utmost to retain for herself economic breathing space in the west. She can- not dispense with the powerful cen- tral European block. It would hard- ly be to Russia's advantage to even try to fight her own way, even with the assistance of the western powers; the map shows this. Russia, once peace has been restored, will gradually incline herself to the central European block. his will be in keeping with her natural economic development. "In order to recover, Russia must; above all, procure an outlet and mark- et for her important natural riches. With no free passage to the west, she will avail herself partly of the assist- ance of the central European block1 and partly of Scandinavia." DIL FLORER TO GIVE COURSE IN GERMAN CONVERSATION A, course in German conversation under Dr. W. W. Florer will be open to' students during the second sem ester. Special emphasis will be laid on the language used in the Y. M. C.1 A. work, hospitals, and prison camps. Tire course will be booked in thet catalogue as German 10. Classes will be held at 8 o'clock in room 2051 University hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays. An additional class for all students who have conflicts at this hour will meet at 8 o'clock on the first Tuesday of the second semester, to make arrangements for otherl hours, in room 205 University hallT Consultation hours will be held dailyt from 11 to 12 o'clock.{ Women's league tonight at Barbour gymnasium, so say the members of the social committee. Women of sor- orieies, league houses, and dormitor- ies are preparing to appear in groups. Prizes will be given for the cleverest, funniest, prettiest, most original, and best group. Music will be furnished by "Ike" Fischer's orchestra, the grand march beginning at 8 o'clock sharp. Tickets may be purchased at the door or from Hannah Champlin, '19, chairman of the ticket committee, at 10 cents -for those in costume and 20 cents for spectators. CAST FOR COMEDY CLUB PLAY "MISS HOBBS" IS SELECTED The remainder of the cast for "Miss Hobbs," the Comedy club play, was chosen Wednesday evening. The cast of nine persons consists of Jean Mac- lennan, '19, Nona Myers, '18, Eva M. Herzberg, '19, Mary D. Brown, '19, John C. Cary, '19, Richard A. For- syth, '20, Gilbert R. Byrne, '19, and Edmund J. Kricker, '20. Miss Mac- lennan will assume the leading role as Miss Henrietta Hobbs and John C. Cary will play the lead in the men's roles. A. J. Adams, '18, is in charge of preparations. The play is to be given just after the spring vacation. All of the pro- ceeds will go toward the Red Cross fund in Ann Arbor. CHICAGO TRAINS TEACHERS TO RE-EDUCATE SOLDIERS effort is tic work will amination-wee] recorded, and make up the w Make-up classes tween 10 and 11 o'c in Waterman gymw of make-up work an ing the examinatio posted on the R. O. i OMEN C. A complete list showing the re ganization of the R. O. T. C. will given out next week, and the notic posted on the bulletin boards. Eve cadet will be enabled to find wb company he is placed by glancing the lists. in lk. All men who order R. O. T. C. uniforms in probably have to star expense of the suits. D ation can be obtained C. offices in Waterman ng a ser- le second about 10 1 '] .1 Frank McVei to be convalesc pital, No. 17, 1: tack of pneur member of the ity. Paul A. Kru iven, will take ad of tonight as will be follow- ig appropriate d the ballet in the postpone- ae play and the ers of the Cer- of member'ship To others ad- ,Leave Cop Sat .Sunn.., . Chicago, Jan. 18.--Courses for those interested in the re-education of sol- diers who are physically or mentally' handicapped, are being offered by the Chicago school of civics and philan- thropy. Normal instruction in games, gymnastics, weaving, cement wdrk, bookbinding, woodwork, and sewing will be provided.,- The training will also prepare teachers foir work with subnormal children in public or private schools. The course is to extend from Jan- uary 2 to June 7. The co-operation of medical and psychopathic experts of the community has been secured in order to carry out the program. eger, ex- cently been assigned to flcers' training camp, a Michigan's Greatest Music House Finest line of Misic Instruments in the world If interested in any kind of