t of finals is expected to isting. Sort of going in- less dangerous, many of ulty alike thould be proud, it f. 0. T. C. And if the cadet emember that he is responsible development of the corps-that dividually responsible, just as rallest cog in the greatest ma- our Michigan military organiz- ould soon approach the stand- troons with much more train- Count Von Hertling is ill and may resign. What kind of illness, Count? -cold feet? The lits wish they were taking about 16 hours in the Engineering college; Well, "Let's Go." PRUDDEN'S FURTHER ECONOMY The action of State Fuel Administra- tor" Prudden in taking more or less drastic measures following the acute coal situation of the past several weeks was not gredtly unexpected. Some are apt to forget that there is more demand for coal this winter than ever before. Sixteen national army camps, not to mention the national guard, aviation, officers' reserve, and other camps and forts, never existed last year. They must be heated and lighted. In addition, the immense growth of plants supplying the needs of a nation at war, means more coal. Added to this, the government has shipped quantities to Europe to help the allied cause. The railroads have been congested beyond reason. In short, the supply in every way has fallen short of the' demand both in mining and transportation. We, who are thousands of miles out- side the war zone, can easily forget the many sidedness of war. We are not disputing the fact that the new order will impose something of a hard- ship on many concerns. But if we remember that when our representa- tives in Washington last April voted not the army, nor the navy into the war, but the American nation, it will be difficult to forget that we should follow implicitly the wishes of those who legislate for us. For once, "the trains weren't run- ning," was a legitimate excuse. And will be thoroughly used by all calling upon the attendance committee this week, or we miss our guess. a EENUS r H E perfec- tion of pencil rquality-un- 4qu-.I'led forJ I e othness, uni- formity of gradings hod durability. 17 black degrees' from 63 softest to to 9H hardest, and hard and medium (indelible) copy1 ing.a Look for the distinc- fire VENUS finishi This trial b ox withfiveVENUS - Drawin*Pencils, Holder and t w.:.. . for it. First Lessons in Snoken French for Men in Military Service.... Le Soldat A mericain en France............ ................ The Soldier's English and French Conversation Book....... International Conversation Book-French-English............ Rapid-Fire English-French-German ...................... Altemus' English-French Conversational Dictionary.......... Oxford English and French Conversation Book ................ Wilcox's W ar French ............................. . Cortina-French and English Military Manual ................ French for Soldiers-by Whitten & Long.................... Those interested in entering the poster contest for the Junior Girls' play are requested to report to Mar- garet Atkinson, '19, today or tomor- row. The first rehearsal of the freshman Girls' .Glee club will be held at 5' o'clock this afternoon at Miss Hunt's studio at the School of Music. Iota Sigma Pi will meet at 1:15 o'clock Saturday afternoon in room 151, Chemistry building. Acting Dean Agnes E. Wells will be at home to University women at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Newberry res- idence. , Freshman-senior basketbal.l practice at 4:50 o'clock this afternoon. Masques will.meet at 7:30 o'clock to- night at the Alpha Phi house. QUALIFICATIONS ANNOUNCED FOR GIRLS' EDUCATION CLUB In answer to inquiry regarding elig- ibility for admission to the Girls' Educational club, the authorities have announced that members are elected by the faculty of the education de- WAHRS UNIVERSITY BOOKiSTORES THE EBERBACH & SON 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET t American Lead Pencil Co. 215 ifth Ave., N. Y. Dept. D ii Try te VENUS Erase: ,oo. MaA in 12 sizes. $2 30 per' box. Chemicals Laboratory Supplies i Drugs and Toilet Specialties ---- I partment, and qualifications are e grade of at least B in two or more courses in the education department, at least one and one-half times as many honor points as credits, un- questioned scholarship, professional interest, and personality. The pur- pose of the club is to recognize super- iority along educational lines, to pro- mote social fellowship among students with common interests, and to enable those interested to meet leaders in the field of education. French Contract Hydrophobia Paris, Jan. 16.-A large increase in hydrophobia is shown in the latest 1918 DESK CALENDARS AT Slater's Book Phonier,430 336 n R - IMF rrrw vital statistics and the Pasteur Insti- tate says it is due to the high price of foodstuffs. The police are taking an active hand in suppressing the threatened epideMic. var depart- ii .. DETROIT UNIITED LIN Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and (Cffective May 22, 1917) Detroit Limited and Express Cars m., 8:xo a. m., and hourly to 7:1o 0. M. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:48 every two hours to 6:48 U. in.; t 8:48 P. in. Jackso Express Cars Oocal sto^ AtIm Arbor)-9 :48 a. mn. and every to -:48 p. . Local Cars East Bound-5 :35 a. a. in., 7:o5 a. In. and every two hoaL To Ypsilanti only, 9:20 a. in., 9 a:o 5 m, 6:o P. im, 9:45 p m, 11 12:2oa. in. W:io a. :s.. 1:2o a.m. change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound- 6:05 a. a. m.. 10:20o1). in.. 12:20 a. iM. ill men who "Don't give your cows ice water to e registration drink," says an exchange. Nor let to register at them sit in a draught, or stay up late der the juris- nights, we might add. ,vviee law. i bargains for Mchigan yates of at least by' this Saturday Only January 19yth by Ir . 41 Men's Fancy Angora Wool Vests $5.00 to $600 values At $3.50 time r 31 The ze oif Men's Sweaters, $8.00 values At $5.95' Sale, of ar Schaff nr & MarX) Clothes Young, Men's Models in Overcoat. and Suits We are also holding our semi-annual sale of the fa- mous Manhattag Shirts., Come in and look these over. --- Suits and Overcoats $32.50 and $35.00 Values at $26.50 $28.00 and $30.00 Values at $22.50 $26.00 and $25.00 Values at $2000 $20.00 $20.00 and $22.00 Values at $16.50 $16.00 and $18.00 Values at $14+00 $15 Values at $13.50. Manhattan Shirts All $1.25 Values at 98c All $1.75 Values at $1.35 All $2.50 Values at $1.85 A11 $3.50 Values at $2.85 All $5.00 Values at $3.85 All $1.50 Values at $1.20 All $2.00 Values at $1.65 All.$3.00 Values at $2.15 All $4.00 and $4.50 Values at $3.15 All $6.00 Values at $4.85 We have both the inc the equipment to fu best in bankinge The Ann Arbor Sayi INCORPORATED Capital and Surplus $ Resources . . . $ Northwest Corner Huron S tree I I 707 North Univers I STOP AT ITUTTLES 338 MAYNARD For Lunches and Sodas 1%- TYPEWRITERS For Sale and I TYPE WRITIN( Mimeographing Fraternity and Social Station 0. D. MORRILL 322 South State Street Michiganensian Appointment Com tee Photographs I he idea of said the it military Men's Bath Robes, $6.50 quality At $5.00 Men's Hats, $3.50 quality, this season s' purchase At $2.50 C. fall in e a bit; pplica- y cadet I been t will, a new they Smartness in costuming begins vith the corse. If the foundation-the cor- et_--isproperly designed and carefully fitted with a full k-owledge of the figure- need, the result is all that one may hope for from the view point of appearance, c mfort and health. For even a last year's frock will fall with grace ov. r a Redfern Corset that is correctly fitted. Q ef- 713 sity Adler-Rochester Overcoats at less 111. fulfilled than cost of production. the 1 nato, ues- will t of 10 I- I 1-105 So. main If I Remember the date - Saturday - this week at I Liot "re quite as pretty to look ure t at Lis they are'comfortable ,!! r.'Their satisfaction ,non ( i.7:ss re d. Lutz Clothing Store I $3.50 up MACK,& CO. 217 So. Main-Street Reule, Conlin, Flegel & COO ri t ne H irt Soh affner & Marx Clothes. Do You Know that the SUGAR BOWL has one of the best equi Candy Stores in the statt They have their own Refriger System, and make their ow Cream and Candies. You are invited to visit ani spect their plant...:... Phone.967 109 5. Mai ;s to sacritice- service. We niversity stu- .. ____ _. WE PAY THE WAR TAX