i i i I !res s and Men Working Michigan Game aturday Jan. 14.-The Chicago i is fast rounding into ie end of the week will e for the invasion of chances STUD T TTEDANFIVE 1IG UNIVERSITIES IN ATC TILLINOIS RELAY CARNIVAL FOT9nOW Second Annual Indoor Meet Will In. cUhide a Solders' and Sailors' Event OFFICIAL STATEMENT BY ATH- LETIC ASSOCIATION INDICAT- Urbana, Ill., Jan. 14.- The second ES DECREASE OF 1813 annual athletic carnival of the Univer- sity of Illinois will be held March A decrease in student attendance at 2. Five schools have already enter- the football games last fall of 1813, on ed-Chicago, Wisconsin, Michigan, the average, is recorded in the official Notre Dame, and Minnesota. An add- attendance chart just made public by ed attraction of the meet will be a the Athletic association. series of relay races for soldiers' and In 1916 there was an average stu- sailors' of camps and cantonments in dent attendance of 5,112, while last the middle west. Illinois' relay car- fall only 3,299 were on hand for the nival, which is held indoors in the big games. This decrease is partly ex- armory of the university, was one of plainable by the lower attendance at the biggest successes of the 1917 track the University, although some of it season. Twelve colleges competed was due, no doubt, to a lack of inter- before an audience of more est. than 6,000 people. Director George Avernge Attendance Less Than 1916 iHuff is preparing for another meet Altogether more than.21,000 less peo- equal to that of last yeah and active ple watched Michigan play last foot- plans are already under way for the ball season in 10 games than were on 1918 carnival. hand for the nine battles of the 1916 sedon. Since 18,000 spectators were ONLY TWO STARS LAND BERTHS counted at the Penn and Northwestern ON JACKIES BASKET QUINTET games, both of which were played away from home, and only 6,000 saw j Great Lakes, Ill., Jan. 14.- That the Michigan-Cornell tilt at Ithaca in team work and not the presence of 1916, the average attendance at Fer- individual stars is the predominating ry field is noticeably less than it was factor in the success of athletic teams in 1916. again is being demonstrated at the 20,000 See 3. A. C. and Penn Gaines Great Lakes naval training station, The largest crowd on hand during where a basketball quintet has been the 1917 season viewed the Michigan- selected from the 26,000 men in train- Cornell gaime, the attendance being ing for sea duty. A glance at the estimated at 16,733. In 1916 both the lineup shows that only one "Big Ten" 1M. A. C. and Penn games attracted tosser is on the squad. He is Felmey, more than 20,000 spectators, 20,872 be- who performed with the Univbrsity of ing on hand when the Aggies played Illinois for the last two seasons. here and 25,584 coming to watch Fol- Coveny of the Detroit Rayl'9 chain- well's machine in action. pionship aggregation, is the free lance There was an average decrease in star. Outside of this pair the team total attendance of 3,153 in 1917. is made up of men from less promin- The attendance at the games fol- 'ent basketball circles. Ayers, from "Congratulate you on sign ricks as manager. Congrat on being with you. Hendric own record, and in my o best fitted for the position." Cooke Athletic Manager at Minnesota Minneapolis, Jan. 14.- Dr. L. J. Cooke, physical director of the Uni- versity of Minnesota, has been ap-) RUB for Men a. Chic ads.- t since .go5 when re- broken off. Michigan out Chicago are getting out en masse for the ations are for the larg- at ever witnessed a e in the Windy City. team, though weaken- strong, the attack be- bout Gorgas. the giant o. ,;' i ' t k I was very fortur the pronounced able to obtain son week-THEY AR Fox- I have rubbers n FLAT H EELS, th HEELS and the TARY HEELS as Also Wht4 I would advise y you may get them thaw starts when need them and m; an under I Played at Indiana n, Ind., Jan. 14.-An in- - handball tournament has ed at Indiana university, r winning the most games loving cup. Each fra- be represented by four an to play 55 games dur- ;er. Handball is a com- ew, sport at Indiana, hav. rted since the opening of .nasium about a year ago any. ,. f, . lows: Game Students Case ..................3,403 Western State Normal..2,780 Mt. Union .............3,119 University of Detroit ..3,473 M. A. C... .. .... .5,182 Nebraska............3,030 Kalamazoo College . ..3,783 Cornell .4,651 Penn (away)......... Northwestern (away) .. 273 Total 4,035 2,906 3,657 4,419 9,038 5,022 4,345 16,733 12,851 5,232 North East high, Kansas City, Mo., has been performing well 'at center, while Erickson, who is playing right guard, hails from a small college in Minnesota. McColley is putting up a star game at forward, his accuracy on bank shots being little short of wonderful. Tener Thinks Lots of Hendricks St. Louis, Jan. 14.-John K. Toner, president of the National league, rates Jack Hendricks, the new manager of the St. Louis club, highly as a base- ball leader. In congratulating Branch Rickey, president of the club, on sign- ing Hendricks, President Tener wired: Another I KLE ARC or lowe cut. Basketeers at Kansas Kan., Jan. 14.-Thirty- s university freshmen for basketball practice, nusually large number, r, to the new Missouri mece rule which permits 119 EE Total. ...........29,694 f Daily advertisers cater :to 68,238 Daily For the be will say that than that of s road ers.-Adv. . a Ity this week we are offering 30% reducti and Supplies. Some of the attractions 22.50-No. 3A Folding Anscos, at...... 17.50 -No. lA Folding Anscos, at...... 14.00-No. 3A Ansco Juniors, at .,...... 7,50-Vest Pocket Anscos, at ........ " " " " " 0 0 " 0"t"*" " .,...........$15.75 . .. ....... . . $12.25 ........ ... .. ....$ 9.80 0 00 . $ 5:25 :............$ 2.10 -r Browns, at . '.y. .o closing out on our line of College Jewelry 40% reduction on our entire stock. ~ STORE WITH THE COLLEGE SPI