I*t I CO] CGIVES 1 "France at War" to be Subject Talk; Speaker Has Just Re- turned From Front of a single a victory humanity, I together se of self- n in one of the s that he who eives the most. ing would ac- years what is accomplish. y we have tan- gigantic effort forth. Every ces. Every day furthering our r national ser- nple, the phy- The new course in Red Cross sur- gical dressings begins at 2:30 o'clock today at Angell house. Mrs. Arthur G. Hall, 1036. Oakland avenue, and Mrs. William J. Hussey, 1308 Ann street, will be at home to University women from 3 to 6 o'clock this afternoon. The Girls' Glee club meets at 4:30 o'clock today in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Mortarboard meets at 7:45 o'clock tonight at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. "France at War," will be the sub- ject of a lecture to be given by Pres- ident William T. Foster of Reed Col- lege, Portland, Ore., at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the auditor- ium of the Science building. President Foster has recently re- turned from Europe where he, as one of the six men selected by the war council of the American Red Cross to inspect the work of that organization in Europe, investigated every phase of the care of the wounded men from the first aid stations in the front line First Lessons in Sroken French for Men in Military Servi Le Soldat Americain en France .......................... The Soldier's Eiglish and French Conversation Book.... International Conversation Book-French-English........ Rapid-Fire English-French-German ................... Altemus' English-French Conversational Dictionary.... Oxford English and French Conversation Book........... W ilcox's W ar French .. . .... ......................... Cortina-French and English N.ilitary Manual .......... French for Soldiers-by Whitten & Long................ UNIVERSITY pted a resolution that is consideration by other eties all over the country. decided to give free med- to members of every home service flag. The doctors on' have a great respon- ing upon their shoulders. number depleted by the rgeon General Gorgas for as, ther duties have ap- creased. And the fact that .ling to take on extra bur- it monetary remuneration, tier example of America's ening, to a sense of. duty anity. alf of the battle will soon r the exam schedules are ______trenches to the base hospitals. He Acting Dean Agnes E. Wells will be visitedsallhthe camps of the United at home to University women at 4 States soldiers in France, and inspect- o'clock on Thursday at Newberry res- ed the work of the canteens, the Y. idence. M. C. A. huts, the surgical dressings committees and the reconstruction One more week remains to have work in the ruined villages. He fol- senior pictures taken for the Mich- lowed several thousand repatriated iganensian. Jan. 20 is set as the civilians from behind the German lines final date, through Switzerland to Evian, France. - President Foster returned from N. C. Fetter To Speak on War Topic. England about a month ago with Ad- "Tanks and Trenches" is the title miral Mayd and his staff and since of an address to be given by Mr. N. C. that time has been lecturing in Wash- Fetter, secretary of the local Y. M. C. ington, BaltiWore, Spokane, Seattle, A., at Vesper service Wednesday after- and other cities. Chemicals THE EBERBACH & SON 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET Laboratory Supplies Drugs and Toilet Specialties .' 1918 noon at Newberry hall. A special fea- ture of the afternoon's program will be a violin solo by Mildred E. Sutton of the School of Music. No New Cases of Mumps at Newberry- No new cases of mumps have been reported at °Newberry residence this week. It is believed that the danger of contagion is past. The present pa- tient is doing well, and will probably' Flag Presented at Baptist Church It was erroneously stated in Sun- day's Daily that a new service flag con- taining 30 stars, one of them gold in membory of a member who lost hi life in the service, would be presented at the First Methodist church. The flag was presented instead at the First Baptist church on Washington street. The Methodist church already has DESK CALEND Slater's Book Shi Phone 430 336 S. "first man who saw Jbe out of quarantine ng" will put in ap-_ within a week. I a service flag containing 70 stars. - Spanish Club to Elect Officers El Atenea Cervantes will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at Lane hall for election of officers. Ui 4 ift stamps yet? Liberty bond And pay- forget 7 lom feels out of sight, up to his ears in debt. will be free from"dust tely February 5. ks add zest to 8 o'clock D AND FUEL E CLOSE CHURCHES and the coal shortage, roper heating of the ssible, forced many cel their regular ser- M4ARK( TRADE" r A R~ad Pipe for These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the . Stratford $1.00 and up W D C Hand Made $1.504and up Each a fine pipe, with sterling silver ring and vulcanite bit. Leading dealers in town carry a full as. sortment. Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH & CO. New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer The Unitarian church was closed all day and the lecture which was to have been given at 6:30 o'clock before the Students' society by Prof. J. B. Pollock was postponed. The Congregational church was also closed all day. Sev eral churches held morning services but due to the small attendance, closed for the rest of the dlay. The Union services which were scehuled for the evening at Hill audi- torium were postponed one week due to the weather conditions. Dr. Leo M. Franklin of Detroit, who was to give the address,- will give his talk next Sunday evening on "The Times and Their Interpretation." Tickets for Fancy Dress Ball on Sale Tickets for the Fancy Dress party to be given by the Women's league next Saturday night at the gymnasium can be secured from the house of rep- resentatives or at the door at 10 cents for those in costume and 20 cents for onlookers. Every one is invited. The grand march will start at 8 o'- clock sharp, the music being furnished by Fisher's orchestra. Catholic Students To Give Dance Members of the Catholic students' club will give the last dance of the semester at the Packard academy at 8:30 o'clock Friday evening. Refresh- ments will be served, and "'Jazz" music will be secured for the occas- ion. The chaperones will be announc- Genuine French B riar K -1 Sale of Hart Schaffner& Marx Clothes Young Men's Models in Overcoats and Suits We are also holding our semi-annual sale of the fa- mous Manhattan Shirts. Come in and look these over. Suits and Overcoats $32.50 and $35.00 Values at $26.50 $28.00 and $30.00 Values at $22.50 $26.00 and $25.00 Values at .$20.00 $20.00 and $22.00 Values at $16.50 $16.00 and $18.00 Values at $14.00 $15 Values at $13.50 Manhattan Shirts All $1.25 Values at . 98c All $1.75 Valties at $1.35 All $2.50 Values at $1.85 All $3.50 Values at $2.85 All $5.00 Values at $3.85 All $1.50 Values at $1.20 All $2.00 Values at $1.65 All $3.00 Values at $2.15 All $4.00 and $4.50 Values at $3.15 All $6.00 Values at $4.85 Relle, Conin, Fiegel & CO. DETROIT UNITI Between Detroit, Ann A: (Effective May 2. Detroit Limited and Exp mn., 8:io a. m., and hourly' p. Mn. Kalamazoo Limited Cars every two hours to 6:48 U 8:48 p. m. Jackson Express Cars Clo Ain Arbor)-9:48 a. in. an to ;:48 p. m. Local Cars East Bound- a. M., 7:05 a. m. and evrery p. m.. 8:o5 p. m., 9:05 p To Ypsilanti only, 9:20 a 2:05 , ., 6:e5 p. in, 9:45 12:2o a. in.. Sx: f0a. n.. Iz.2C change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound- a. m.. 10:20 p. M.. r2:ao a I We have both the i I The An Capitalf Resourc North, 707 No 322 So Michi Appoints tee Pho S 713 East Jniv post class . Your every ing need fulfil plan- Do Not Let the T ;on e Cord G I THU Farmers&Me 101-105 So. Main Do You Kn SUGAR has one of the Candy Stores in They have their ov System, and 'ma Cream and Candi wet telephone cord will cause a short circlut and interrupt your s;vice. This is the a Tass of "w7tc ve t 0or tt'e crd:i.r into en i:-''', uti . e ons Awarded Michigan Men 20 commissions recently an- by the War department of >flicers in the middle west were awarded to Michigan rry -J. Raschbacker of Ann s made captain of. the Sani- cause of a -I eat many cases of telc h on o c telephone trouble.T Frequently a wet umbrella is carelessly laid ainst the cord, c;' tC;c ~i.Cep yot the Southwest Cor. Main d MICHIGAN STATE TELEp to visit The Home of I AY THE WAR TAX . .,: RR