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January 15, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-01-15

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-, R






ient in the naval auxiliary
vill be kept open until Thurs-
t inasmuch as Recruitng Of-
k of Cleveland was unable to
Ann Arbor yesterday to swear
dditional men have applied
Iment and they will be taken
service Friday, when Lieuten-
: will be on the campus. The
t was called to Chicago while
o Ann Arbor and will not be
ome here until the latter part
ers have been given out to
en already sworn in and no
information can be secured
their disposal.
H. Beach, '18E, will continue
nlistments pending the arriv-
itenant Clark and applicants
lephone 1641-M for informa-
y student is eligible to the
If an applicant is of draft
oust present a release from
board before he will be ac-
Shortage In
Grows Worse

President Hutchins Advises


School .Lnrollment

In view of present conditions, it is highly desirable that students
should advance as rapidly as possible in their University courses. If
called to public service, their places in that service and their effec-
tiveness will depend in no small degree upon the thoroughness and
completeness of their preparatory training. Furthermore, the near-
er they are, when called, to the completion of their requirements for
graduation, the greater the probability that they will return after
their service, to finish their University work.
I wish, therefore, to advise students to take advantage, is possible,
of the excellent opportunities offered by the coming summer session.
In my judgment a majority of the students now in attendance might
with profit to themselves enroll for the session. The courses offered
are numerous, attractive and well-balanced, and substantial credit to-
ward graduation can be earned.






in Ann Arbor is
regardless of the
fficials to secure
oal, according to
ng chief of police.
arrived Saturday


ned over to the police.
f coal were delivered by
nt in the police patrol
ep fires going in needy
hout the city. Wood was
3d in small quantities by
er Plant Closes
Steel Ball company was
>se its plant Sunday,
) people out of work.
:ly enough coal left in
s bins to keep the lab-
fices heated. Every ef-
e to get at least a small
d to keep the plant par-
tion but not a bit could
'he plant will not be able
a considerable supplyf

"I think we are going to learn
through this struggle what patriotism
really is," said President Harry B.
Hutchins at the mixer held Sunday
afternoon at the Union. "The American
people will realize that democracy,
means" something else besides liberty,
and that there is danger in an unregu-
lated democracy. Liberty means re-
sponsibility; democracy means re-
"Anotheryone of the by-products of
the war will be a broader and more
effective patriotism," continued the
president. "We will no longer be an
isolated nation."
Summer School
President Hutchins urged that stu-
dents avail themselves of the advant-
ages offered by the summer school. He
said that the courses to be given dur-
ing the coming summer session would
be unusually comprehensive, and that,
by attendance during that time, de-
grees could be earned at an earlier
The speaker expressed his hearty
support of the Michigan Union, its
broadening influences, and its war ac-

Traffic is again opened on practical-
ly all lines snowbound by the blizzard
which struck Ann Arbor Saturday.
Roads entering the city have gotten,
back on their regular schedules again
and communication has been fully re-
The Michigan Central reported all
its trains running normally yesterday,
although no trains came through on
Sunday. ' The Ann Arbor railroad's
trains are about four or five hours
late in most cases, but are all run-
ning. The interurban lines are run-
ning according to schedule. Sunday,
traffic was in about the same condi-
tion as it was on Saturday, but yester-
day matters were changed.
Telegraph Lines Repaired
The western lines of the Western
Union and the eastern wires of the
Postal Telegraph company were re-
paired Sunday and are in normal
working order again. The long dis-
tance telephone wires have also been
repaired. Mails are being handled
as usual but rural delivery is greatly
Plumbers Busy
Plumbers were kept busy night and
day answering emergency calls to
mend frozen pipes. Several calls were
also made to drain houses where fuel
could not be secured. Some serious
damage resulted in various parts of
the city.
A caravan of 15 new automobiles
became snowbound on the road be-
tween Ann Arbor and Saline Sunday,
and had to be abandoned. A wrecking
crew was sent to dig them out yester-
Other Cities Feel Attack
Other cities felt the attack much
more than did Ann Arbor. Chicago
was snowed in for many hours and
20,000 soldiers had to be secured to
clean the streets. The expense to-
tals $15,000 daily. Detroiters suffered
(Continued on Page Six)

Washington, Jan. 14.-Interferene
with railroad transportation by the
blizzard, led Director General McAdoo
tonight to establish limited priority
orders on 6oal and food for New York
and vicinity, giving the first instrue-
tions of the kind since he recently can-
celled all formal priority.
This action was taken on advice of
A. H. Smith, assstant director. in
charge of Eastern lines, who reported
that 118 ships were held in New York
harbor awaiting bunker coal and that
trans-Atlantic freight movements were
suffering to that extent. Mr. McAdoo's
orders provide preference as follows:
(1) Coal for domestic use and vital
public'utilities; (2) food; (3) coal for
bunkering the ships in New York har-
bor which are loaded for American
armies abroad and for the allies..
Law School Sets
Date br exams
The law exam schedule for this
semester is as follows:
First year class:Wednesday, Jan.
30, 2,o'clock-Property1Saturday,
Feb. 2, 8 o'clock-Torts; Wednesday,
Feb. 6, 9 o'clock-Criminal Law; Fri-
day, Feb. 8 2 o'clock-Contracts.
Second year class: Thursday, Jan.
31, 2 o'clock-Trusts; Monday, Feb. 4,
2 o'clock-Property 111.
Third year class: Wednesday, Jan.
30, 2 o'clock-Trial Practice; Satur-
day, Feb. 2, 9 o'clock-Constitutional
Electives: Thursday, Jan. 1 2
o'clock-History of English Law; Fri-
day, Feb. 1, 9 o'clock-Judgments;
Saturday, Feb. 2, 2 o'clock-Bills and
Notes; Monday, Feb. 4, 9 o'clock-Con-
flict of Laws; Monday, Feb. 4, 9 o'clock
Roman LoiW; Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2
o'clock -Suretyship; Tuesday, Feb.
5, 2 o'clock-Sales; Wednesday, Feb.
6, 9 o'clock-Insurance; Thursday,
Feb. 7, 2 o'clock-Bailments and Car-
~riers; Thursday, Feb. 7, 2 o'clock -
Equity 11; Friday, Feb. 8, 2 o'clock-
Federal Courts; Friday, Feb. 8 2
o'clock-Property IV.
Conditions have not required a
change in next semester's courses in
the Law school. All of the eourses
which were offered last semester will
be continued during the next semes-
ter. The few changes which might be
necessary will be of minor importance
and will not affect elections.
Probably the greatest attraction of
the Inlander which appears tomorrow
is a story by Catherine Connell, '18,
entitled "Dona Ferentesr' featuring
some very real and up to date children
of the streets. The escapades of these
waifs offer a good laugh.
A fairy story by Katherine Harring-
ton, '18, takes next honors, recalling
the time when you used to stay awake
to see fairies come in the window on
moonbeams. And did you ever sit in
the drug store and gaze longing over
your pie-a-la-mode at someone whom
you would have liked very much to
meet? If so, read "P. N. .R.," for it
has this setting and will supply you
with plenty of information regarding
courtship under difliculties.
A poem entitled "Maytime," is the
1contribution of Muriel Babcock, grad.,
and a song of the road, "The Vaga-

bond," by Allis Hussey, '21, will find
a echo in the hearts of all lovers of
the open.

nufacturing company
e same predicament.
>ugh coal to last two
acording to the man-
3 no way to get more.
fuel stored by, other
been sold and this
cut off.
Loans Amount
loaned the city 100
y order of Regent
administrator, and
Smith. The police
amount in half-ton
of $4.75 per half ton.
ty," said Mr. Beal,
not let anyone suf-
d will help out local
r possible way. If
.s fail to arrive with-
it may be necessary
Tto continue turning
> the police. I ex-
ars from Toledo this
probably near Ann
r which arrived Sat-I
in the same ship-

Mr. Hamilton Sings
Preceding the talk by President
Hutchins, Mr. James Hamilton of the
School of Music, rendered three vocal
solos. "Somewhere a Voice is Call-
ing," "Uncle Rome," and "Where My
Caravan is Resting," all receiving
hearty applause. Mr. Earl V. Moore,
also of the School of Music, played the
piano accompaniment. "Jazz," was
furnished by 0. H. Morton, '19, Uri
Carpenter, '20, and P. E. Lyon of the
army stores methods course.
Attendance Large
The total attendance at the mixer
was appromixately 200, and Sherwald
Sedgwick, '19, who presided as chair-
man, declared that it was the most
successful meeting of the year. The
committee was especially pleased by
the attendance of so many faculty
members, business men, and army
stores students, and wishes to em-
phasize the fact that they are always
Mexicans Execute 10 Army Officers
Mexico City, Jan. 14.-Ten army of-
ficers, including a general, out of 45
arrested in connection with a plot to
kill General Novo, commander of the
military district in the state of Mexi-
co, and Governor Millan, governor of
that state, were executed today at To-

Conserration Steps Taken
nservation of coal has become es-
al and many citizens have taken
on themselves to save all unnec-
-y use of fuel. Unused rooms are
g closed in homes all over the
and "a lower degree of tempera-
is being kept. The Armory dis-
nued its weekly dances to save
and Lane hall, the University Y.
(Continued on Page Six)

Faculty Men to Lecture on War
Prominent members of the faculty,
will give lectures on different as-
pects of the war from, 3 to 4 o'clock
on Tuesdays during the next month,
at Newberry hall, according to the an-
nouncement made at the meeting of
the board of representatives of the
Women's league, Saturday.
Women's houses were urged to vote.
independently on the 8 to 11 o'clock
dance hours. Reports of vacancies in
league houses for the second semester
are to be made to the office of the Dean
of Women.

Major Gardner Dies at
Macon, Ga., Jan. 14.
Gardner of the 121st
many years representa
6th Massachusetts distri
base hospital at CampI
of pneumonia. He had
a few days.

* * *








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