41Ifr at] rA DAY A ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1918. PRI sASSERTIO FAVOR eks, WIRELESS COURSE WILL BE GIVEN To Be Held Under Authorization of Chief Signal Officer of Army K Plans are now being perfected to give a course in wireless engineering in the electrical engineering depart- ) ment of the University under author- Ization of the chief signal officer. of the army. It is expected by engineer- ing faculty men that the course will be made acceptable towards graduation by the Regents and that eight hours credit will be al- d- lowed. Students in physics who are properly qualified, and engineering students who have had course two, electrical engineering, may enroll in the class as part of their work in the engineer reserve. Furnish Equipment w The war department is planning to ef furnish all equipment for the labora- e- tories and will furnish complete ap- a, paratus for each ten men enrolled. At present, 40 students have regis- tered, which means that at least four ed equipments will be furnished. Part e- of the laboratory work will consist ig of actual field work. o- Exceptional Opportunity b- Prof. John C. Parker, who has been to Washington to attend to matters ed pertaining to the course, believes that ri this branch of service offers Michigan at students an exceptional opportunity to n. qualify for commissions. ey Applications for the signal course will be received at Professor Parker's office, and should be handed in by noon today. U S. To Expbrt 7.fore -,.,-- Washington, Jan. 12.-Enforced food conservation in restaurants and extension of anti-hoarding regulations to make them apply to the household, are included in the plans of the food administra- tion for creating a larger export surplus of food for the allies. This was revealed tonight in a statement by Food Administrator Hoover, setting forth that the allies are in need of an additional 75,- 000,000 to 90,000,000 bushels of wheat and that they have asked America to double meat exports. Only by further saving, Mr. Hoover declared, can the food be shipped. There is no need for rationing in America, is Mr. Hoover's opin- ion, and with the supplementary regulations there will be no short-- ages. ._, .. _ Food tI rng still at a 1o fronts the chi negotiations b STORES MAY SAVE FUEL BY CLOSING ERL RFRANKLINTO TALK AT' UNION SERVICES TORNADO- SWEEPS THROUGH SOUTH Guardsman Killed at Camp Wheeler; 7 Killed, 25 Injured in Wreck- ed Cowarts, Ala. Washington, Jan. 11.-Swept by wind, rain, sleet, and with a tornado taking toll of life and property in parts of southern Georgia and Alabama, the, South tonight was in the grip of its worst storm of the winter. Only spas- modic wire communication was possi- ble with the larger cities and from them came reports that outlying dis- tricts were the heaviest hit. One Man Killed Camp Wheeler, near Macon, Ga., where Georgia, Alabama, and Florida national guardsmen are training, was struck by a tornado late in the day. Meager reports said one man had been killed and the corral of the 122nd in- fantry wrecked. This information was brought to Macon by a taxi cab driver who left Camp Wheeler while the storm was raging. The same blow struck the state fair grounds where a circus was winter- ing, and animals there were reported on a rampage. Seven Killed, 25 Injured Montgomery, Ala., reported that rail- way officials there had been advised that seven persons were killed and 25 injured by a tornado which virtually, wrecked the little town of Cowarts, Ala. Telegrap#h Course i ieing Arranged A complete course in telegraphy is now being arranged by Mr. H. C. Baumgardner, local manager of the Western Union Telegraph company. The class will be organized as soon as instruments arrive and are in- I IN 5 W' COAL it SHORTAGE INCREASES; WOOD BECOMING POPULAR DETROIT RABBI WILL SPEAK "THE TIMES AND THEIR INTERPRETATION" ON FARMERS HOLD LEAD U FEW MINUTES OF TEST BARTZ PLAYS STI ROLE FOR MI Opponents Weaken in See of Fight While Varsil Eight Points In the fastest contest p1 gymnasium floor this Mitchell's basketeers stru< stride in the last 10 min grabbing the game from t score of 17 to 13. It wa game u to the last few play when the Michigan away from the Farmers the best brand of basketbs displayed thus far. Bartzand Murray "Nick'.' Bartz, the rangy easily the star of the coat a fast floor game and c baskets. Murray, the se M. A. C. forward, put u game for the Farmers. From the start of the g final whistle the ball w down the floor first to th basket then to the Farm Sno time did either team hol for any length of time. Farmers in Lew The first half ended with ng these n that nothin of the pr ugh for put discuss rent, coi so Education Now ed, . o Coming Into Own eat tes, "The value of education is being ing demonstrated now as never before," declared Dean John R. Effinger, in 'his talk on "Various Ideals in Edu- its cation" last night at the meeting of lent lent the Cosmopolitan club in Lane hall. ow- According to the speaker, the great' nts co-operation and efficiency of the Ger- ent man people at this time is due to n formed in the ssacks in south- General Kale- ssacks as pres- re is only e artiller- ICE rs. rs in Canton- raiting Ann Arbor, ce and a num- now awaiting are already in France, oth- ttered in army cantonments t the country. is to .be inaugurated for take a certain amount of ing in one of the army can- rn this country before beiig their being so effectively educated along these lines. "There is a great temptation, how- ever, in education," said Dean Effinger, "to overestimate the importance of the technical as compared with the idealistic or cultural training." He stated that many people consider an education merely a tool with which to achieve a material success in the world, while the true object of an ed- ucation is in reality far above this aim. It is the object of a cultural train- ing, according to the speaker, to de- velop sincerity in men and make them feel that they have a duty toward their fellow men, rather than that they are superior to them. "An edu- cation is not absolutely necessary to make a living," he said, "but it is es- sential to the man who aspires to a complete enjoyment of life." Following the talk, M. Uychara of the School of Music gave a piano solo and A. M. Elkind, '19E, gave several mandolin selections. The program closed with the singing of Michigan songs by the entire club. GRIFFINS, HONORARY SOCIETY,' INITIATES TEN UPPERCLASSMEN Griffins, upper class all-campus honorary society, initiated 10 men yesterday afternoon. The initiates' were: W. R. Atlas,.'18, B. A. Swaney, '18, O. P. Lambert, '19L, Chester Mor- rison, '19, Angus Goetz, '19, Hugo Braun, '19L, Roy Fricken, '19, J. H. Emery, '19, Gerald Gabriel, '18, and Gerald Nye, '19. After"the initiation a dance was held at the Ann Arbor country club. (Chas. R. Osius, Jr.) All stores in the city will be closed evenings after Jan: 14 if the campaign Jging conducted by the Ann Arbor Business men's association is suc- cessful. Written agreements are be- ing circulated among the merchants whereby they agree to close early ev- ery day to conserve fuel. Stores will be expected to close one hour earlier every day, with the ex- ception of grocery stores and meat markets, which will be asked to close a half hour earlier than usual. The movement is meeting with hearty ap- proval and it is expected that the rule will be enforced over the entire city. .Coal Shortage Continues Coal in the city is growing more scarce daily and the 'orders flowing into the police department are increas- ing proportionately. A locs l dealer turned over 20 tons to the police yes- terday, but it was all ordered before arrangements could be made to have it delivered, according to Acting Chief of Police O'Brien. The cars shipped from Port Huron and Toledo have not been heard from. Wood Growing Popular Wood is growing more popular, and people all over the city are laying in supplies as rapidly as deliveries can be made. Dealers have a consid- erable quantity of wood on hand and no wood shortage is expected. The people who feel the famine most are those who use stoves. The nut coal required for the average base-burners is not available and wood cannot be used in them. Eight-Hour Day Not Expected The eight-hour business day soon tc be enforced in Detroit will proba- bly not be ordered in Ann Arbor, ac- cording to Fuel Administrator Junius E. Beal. No word has been received from the state administrator govern- ing the matter, and Mr. Beal does not believe the move will be necessary. "The merchants have taken it upon themselves to conserve in every pos- sible way," said Mr. Beal yesterday, "and I don't think it will be necessary to order a shbrter day." It is absolutely essential that ship- ments of .coal be received within a few days, or some of the industries 'v ill be forced to close. The amount received earlier in the week was not sufficient to keep them running any reasonable length of time. London Meat Situation Relieved. London, Jan. 11.-The meat situa-. tion, which has been acute during the last week, was greatly improved to- day. Large consignments of beef and mutton reached Smithfield last night, and all retailers applying received supplies this morning. { Dr. Leo Franklin, rabbi of Temple Beth El of Detroit, will address the combined congregations of Ann Arbor churches at the Union Services at 7:34 o'clock (eastern time), Sunday eve- ning in Hill auditorium. His subject will be "The Times, and Their Inter- pretation." Dr. Franklin is at present vice-pres- ident of the Central conference of Am- erica. He founded the Jewish Students' congregation of the University, the local organization being the first of its kind in America. He is now sup- ervising rabbi of the congregation. He is also editor of the Jewish Chronicle, a Detroit publication. His education was' received in the Hebrew Union college, the University of Cincinnati, and in Ann Arbor, where he was given private tutoring by Prof. R. M. Wenley. Dr. Franklin has been rabbi of the Temple Beth El for about 15 years.. Music will be furnished by the choir of the Temple Beth El, which has been to Ann Arbor several times with- in the last few years. This choir is led by William Howland, a former head of the University School of Music. PROMPT UNLOADING' OF CARS ENFORCED U. S. To Impose Fine;-No Idle Cars In Ann Arbor Freight Yards Is Claim Movements of fuel and other vital necessities are being seriously hamp- ered by congestion of loaded freight cars in large cities and in railroad terminals, and after Jan. 21 the gov- ernment is to levy heavy charges up- on manufacturers who do not prompt- ly unload cars consigned to them, ac- cording to a communication received yesterday from W. A. McAdoo, director general of railroads, by the Ann Arbor Civic association. Duty of Manufacturers The railroad director advises that it is the duty of the manufacturers and business men to see that freight is removed from cars assigned to them at the first opportunity and that cars leaving yards be filled to their capac- ities. Although officials in the Michigan Central office say that the local man- ufacturers are very prompt in un- loading their cars and that there are no cars standing idle in the yards, the Ann Arbor Civic association is to' hold a meeting of business men at 2 o'clock, central time, Monday after- noon in the association rooms to dis- cuss the local situation. stalled. ers' l Enrollment in the course is being change taken at the Union,'and information basket can be secured either there or from and w Mr. Baumgardner at the Western Un- the W ion office. The list will be kept open points fot applicants for about a week or had ca until approximately 100 students have a single f signed for the course.- Summa Women May Enter M. A. C. Women also may enroll in the Brigham course, and more than 15 have already Murray .. made arrangements through the city Higbee Y. W. C. A. University women may en- Garret. roll at the Union or the city Y. W. C. Kurtz ... A. The Western Union will also take Final se names of applicants. 13. Scor Many Operators Needed igan, 9:M The United States government and Field g the commercial telegraph companies 2; Rycher are in need of several thousand oper- 1; Murray ators for their offices and stations. Goals a There will be an excellent opportun- of 4; McC ity for men wishing to enroll in the ray, four army to get warrants or commissions 2. after completing the course, accord- Foulsc ing to Mr. Baumgardner. The work Cohn, 1; F is not being conducted by the govern- 1; Kurtz. ient, but plans are being worked Brigham, out whereby men may enlist in the Substitu signal corps when entering the course. for Cohn, Men enrolling mu'st be under draft stein forI age, or must make arrangments with Garrett. their draft boards to take the course. Referee Course Complete In Eight Months Time of The course can be completed in six or eight months, according to the abil- Irish Dr ity of the individual operator. A nom- Dublin, inal tuition fee will be charged which months in will include all necessary material. by the Ger Quarters have not been secured yet .Irish druu but a location for the class will be de- reported termined soon. I broke out Classes Conveniently Timed Germany. The classes have been conveniently St. Quenti timed so that every student can make caped and arrangements for one of the sections Unable tc without trouble. One section will refuge in meet from 8 to 10 o'clock each morn- dressmake ing, one from 10 to 12, another from two years 1 to 3, a fourth from 3 to 5, and a night was evaci class from 7:30 to 9:30 four nights a lation on week, eastern time. Mr. Baumgard- cided to s ner will secure a leave of absence tenced to from the telegraph company during refusing t the course of instruction. benefactor foul. ries - Position .. ...L.F.. .. .~c.... .. .. ..L.G.... .. ...R.G.. . core-Michigan e at end of fir J. A. C.. 10. oals-Bartz, mer, 2; Higbe( Y, 1. fter fouls-Ru lintock, three out of 7; Hig' aged but committe Ruzicka, 3; Mu 2. utions-1 Emery Emery; -Steven halves- scor one lavey, one of the nur- city, has written from aerican people cannot the French women gh in the war. Miss iat herself and her e nothing but straw and have to undergo although she says the eresting. Lhl is also in France that she has charge ning 15 beds and that of heat is from little ch, besides her other o keep burning. She for the men in the ye coals in the stove. in r _ Speaker: DR. LEO M. FR r, I "THE TIMES AND THEIR INTE ~9 - U Under Auspices of Jewish Students'