II II CUSTER M EN I 11 iom e n 'I I Clot I F -trim, smart, success-you lit who wants to Apfel Co. .n.. a4 1T CAPTAIN NEW3MAN, ARRANGES ATHLETIC PROGRAM TO IN- CLUDE ALL SPORTS Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 7.-Additional exercises, changes in schedules, and modifications of pro- grams are made daily by Major Gener- al James Parker. The new system is leaving less and less time for play. Instead of being agrieved at this cur- tailment of' their social activities, however, the men like the intensive training. Captain Newman, division ath- letic officer, acting on the adviee of his commanding officer, is arranging a program which will run the gamut of nearly every branch of sport known in this country and England. For the week ending Dec. 21 and for the preceding week, the Eighty-fifth division led all other divisions of the- national army in point of health. Divine worship at the camp has cast aside the denominational lines and united in Sunday services. The first united service was held last Sun- day in each Y. M. C. A. building. For the first day at least, the new plan worked out well. Catholic boys have their masses in the Knights of Columbus buildings and in the base hospital. The fine feeling between the Y. M. C. A. and k. of C. is shown by the fact that at least one "Y" building is loaned to the ,.Cathol- ics every Sunday for masses, because there are ifot enough K. of C. buildings to go around. COAL SHORTAGE FORCES NE W SCHEDULE ON LOCAL THEATERS Whitney Discontinues Stock Compaq- ies; Orpheum To Close Three Nights Weekly Only big road attractions will play at the Whitney theater from now on, owing to the shortage of coal, an- nounced the manager, M. R. Williams, last night. The present policy of pre- senting stock company plays will be discontniued until the shortage is re- *Tieved. In carrying out this plan the house will not be open more than two or three nights each wook. Following the same coal saving pol- icy, the Orpheum theater will be clos- ed every Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- nesday evening of each week. In ad- dition to saving coal by closing the Orpheum, Mr. Wuerth wishes to cut down expense as patronage at all thea- ters has fallen off since the theater war tax. 6 WAR IS DUE TO IMPERSONAL RELIGION, SAYS DR. MINAKUCHI Six" ries, 1.. Girls' Glee club will hold regular practice at 5 o'clock this afternoon at Barbour gymnasium.x Geneva club will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Chi Omega house. Wyvern will meet at 8 o'clock to- night at the Kappa Alpha Theta house. Stylus will meet at 7:30 o'clock to- night with Mildred Mighell, - '18, at 509 Thompson street. Board of directors and judiciary council of the Women's -league will meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon at White's studio for 'VAich.iganensan pictures. Senior girls who have not handed in their vocational conference blanks at the office of the Dean of Women are aske to do so at once. Junior play tryouts are to be held at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Junior basketball practice at 4:50 o'clock this afternoon; freshmen at 4 o'clock. Military Ncles Members of the R. 0. T. C. will have a lecture every day this week at 4:15 o'clock instead of military drill. The lectures, with the excep- tion of the one given Thursday, will be by Lieut. L. Williams. Lieut. George C. Mullen recommends the lecture to be given by Ian Hay on Jan. 21 in Hill auditorium under the auspices of the collegiate alumni, and urges every cadet to attend. A permanent plan for drill and gymnasium days. for tle military companies has been Irawn up $y Lieu- tenant Mullen and Dr. George A. May. Cut out the following program and use it for reference: Monday, first half of First regiment, gymnastic and physical exercise; sec- ond half of First regiment, manual of arms in Waterman gymnasiuni; See- ond regiment, drill outside or lecture, according to the color of the flag on the campus flag pole. Tuesday, first half of Second regi- ment, gymnastic and physical exer- cise; second half of Second regiment, manual of arms in Waterman gym- nasium; First regiment, drill outside or lecture, according to color of flag on the campus flag pole. Wednesday, lecture at 4:15 o'clock in Hill auditorium. Thursday, second half of First regi- ment, gymnastic and phyisical exer- cise; first half of First regiment, man- ual of arms in Waterman gymnasium; Second regiment, drill outside or lec- ture, according to color of the flag on the campus flag pole. Friday, second half of Second regi- ment, gymnastic and physical exer- cise; first half of Second regiment, manual of arms in Waterman gym- nasium; First regiment, drill outside or lecture, according to the color of the flag on the campus flag pole. Dr. George A. May, director of Waterman gymnasiunm, urges the ca- dets to report in the gymnasium at 4 o'clock on the days they have gym- nastic and physical training in order to be ready when the gong rings at 4:15 o'clock. Also 20% off on S Raincoat, Trenc a /1 Society if. w ue Ri Phn 294 Phone 294 I So. Main St. Flowers For All Purposes MacDiarmld Cousins & H I Members of the Florists' T . Over( iill4l / ! SPECIAL EVENTS AT H UTZEL'S A Clearance of I neckwear and blouse Wednesday is the day showing and sp< Annis Furs. Arrival of Spring PEWRITERS For Sale and Rent T'YPEWRITING oographing d Social Stationery MORRILL hState Street xovernment Positions received at the Mich- he intercollegiate in- . at the Union for a o fill government po- t includes research ,r trade board, men work abroad, army emical engineers 'for ent. Applicants for sitions are asked to '02, at the Michigan rell '20, Engaged t of Margaret Jewell, Meld, ex-'21L, was an- t at the Kappa Kap- . Mr. Bradfield is a lpha Delta, and is at serge frocks skirts. Come tomorrow! There ar good reasons for your coming! Main at Liberty Noted Japanese Says We Are Christians in Mak- ing But, Leave copy it Stleus' iuply sr ,.I "The war in Europe is largely due to our impersonal religion," declar- ed Dr. Yutaka Minakuchi of Tokio, in his address on "The Religion of the Future," Sunday night at the FirstMethodist,-church. The speaker stated that we must ob- jectify our subjective consciousness in order to make the future religion more personal and in this way secure inter-j nationalism. "The church is a relig- ious and educational factor," he said; "which does not change, but a new interpretation of our religion which will enable us to think and - act in- ternationally is necessary. We are now but Christians in the making who must think and act." In closing, Dr. Minakuchi contrasted the religions of the East and of the West by declaring the first to be the religion of the past and the latter the religion of the future, although he predicted an ultimate union of the two in the religion of the West. "The whole world will then be connected through a common religion," he said, "and though not of one blood, will be of one mind." Sotokichi Katsuizumi, '17, addressed the Guild meeting. at 6:30 on "The Need of an Open Door." Recreation makes for Efficiency. "We try to treat you right." Huston Bros.-Adv. tf. Always-Daily Service-Always. L. B. Hadley, ex-'17E, was recently transferred from Appleton, Wis., to the School of Military Aeronautics, Austin, Tex., according to a letter sent by him. Hadley also states that Louie Bruch, Kemp Burge, ex-'17, and B. A. Stenberg, ex-'17E, are attending the "ground school" at Austin. "MISS HOBBS" IS FINAL CHOICE FOR COMEDY CLUB PRODUCTION Profs. Brumm and Strauss, and 11. H. Townsend, '18, to Act as Judges in Saturday Tryouts George Booth, e News, will speak of the department o'clock Friday in room of Alumni I Booth has as yet topic, but is expec a part of his lect News building. The lecture is E students in journ rhetoric 31, 33, and ed for the day, lecture on the pa these classes is where other Univ conflict. Attendan entirely to studei but is open to thos ally. land bag. Giv- Central check mistake* Re- turn. Box H, Following is the program for the first four companies of the Second regiment in Waterman gymnasium at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon: Second regiment, company A, wrest- ling, basketball, vaulting bar, rope' climbing and sprinting; company B, buck-and tumbling, high jump and re- lay; company C, vaulting bar, rope climbing, sprinting, wrestling, and basketball; company D, relay, high jump, and buck and tumbling. Instead of finishing the gymnatic anid physical program with setting up exercises, Dr. May started the ca- dets in boxing practice yesterday af- ternoon. Hereafter, the program will end with boxing practice. leather writing case F. C. on outside. R. Reward. appa Sigma badge. 'Finder call Phil Comedy club has designated as its final choice for its yearly play pro- duction, "Miss Hobbs," the first play which they originally considered at the first of the year as suiting their purpose. An important meeting of the club's members will be held at 7 o'clock this evening in the Cercle Francais rooms for the purpose of discussing plans for this play and starting active work upon it. "Miss Hobbs" will be staged under the management of Warren H. Town- send, '18, and the first tryouts will be held next Saturday morning, the time and place to be announced later. Prof. John R. Brumm, Prof.. Louis A. Straus, and Mr. Townsend will act as judges. Students desirous of trying out will find a number of available copies of "Miss Hobbs" at the general desk in the Library. I 'I te book with name outside, ntain pen attached. Phone mnbda Chi Alpha pin. Call ylor's Principles of Econo- all 1569-W. 1 Michigan's Greatest Music House Finest line of Music Instruments in the world If interested in any kind of instrument whatever see us - A want atd in the Daily will nl? your property.-Adv. I The Daily's 3pe yeryone. Let us GRIN: JELL DD f- , .r/ 116 S. Li