1918 Your NoI In j This, the greatest of a] want in the entire yea3 mnd drastic reductions. great disposal sale offer known. All excess wintE repriced for an immedia It Will Pay , VIAn V INPRO6RESS' Ug Far the 'Greatest. wzary Sale A. Siegel Co.'s. History Ul sales known to women shoppers, is the most important .r, surpassing all others in completeness of assortments A With the largest part of cold weather yet, to come, this ~ rs to women and girls the most extraordinary values ever ,er merchandise, All broken lines and odd lots have been tte clearance. You to Come to This Great Sale MAIL, ' C0VHERWOOOdWAIWb4STATE ICITED N k4o rnONWCTION vgTH ANY OTHER'S"Mrg STATE ST. An Excelsior Diary A Handy Desk Calendar Dozen Letter Files Ledger, Day Book and Cash Boo Ink, Paste, Pencils Pens, Clips, and Files, Etc., Etc. Get your order filled at WAHR'S IiOOKSTORES [MAI L ORDERS SOLICITED! WeX have a complete stock of FLASHLIGHTS and Flashlight Batteries SwItzer'sHardware 310 STATE Il ." a 1918 91 R ian army, ready for duty, yet tempor- arily on furlough to assume other great national responsibilities. For the student, the measure of Dec. 15 solves a great problem. With a min~d untroubled, he can now give all of his attention to the work in hand. And to the minor undergradu- ate, the measure of Provost Marshal General Crowder certainly is full of meaning. To him, as certainly as though spo- kcen before a vast assemblage, or as7 though printed for nation-wide cir- coulation. is the advice: If your government needs you, she will call you. And she will not call you until she considers that your age and accompanying abilities are of val- u:: commensurate with the need. 'Therefore, continue the good work that now engages you. Your govern- mentt asks you only to wait. I ~ ONE HOUR AHEAD 'Changing time to eastern for, thy, university wilfl among oth~r Oriigs serve the fiunctionfs of elimiuatig the disagreeable icaiture of havilqg classes start on the hl f hour, will conserve heat and light, and provide an ad- ditional 3 0 iwmutes of daylight fo". military drill. These reasons alone' shlould surmount all grumbing which may arise. Ea.stern time is a step brought abot more by the war and its conservation tfian any other fact and the University will undoubtedly return to the estab,- lished time wvhen peace comets.' Churches ,-,d all sorts of anmuse- r.ents will of-iiccessity fined th~lmselvrk compelled to conform to the change of the clock to hold the faculty and, student patronage. Even though Anii IArbor had previously arranged to ((make the shift April 1, the city is ex-I pected to follow the University lead shortly to, avoid the comiplications and busines7 lhanicaps which wil other- wise prevail -Michigan is too vital a part of1 A'io Arbor to have two dis- t!Dct hours within the sane limtits. Tegovernment gave Kaltschmidt four years and a fine of $20,000 for his crimes. It makes use shudder to think what kultur and the kaiser would have inflicter? upon an American for equal crimes in Germany. One of the German lifebelits recently picked' ,up by American -eamien had 'Kaiser" mark~ed on on" side, and "Gott" on the other. 13ill certainly favors pa;rtrership with the Deity up to the very end. Now that we have seer pictures where a battleship is so cleverly cam- Slate r's Book Phone: 430 h 7 L1 336 S. DESK CAILENDARS AT 1r Ouflaged that nothing but the sea is visible, we can almost go down cel- lar and see a coal pile. Stud1ents w+ll now go to c asses on e stern tim, o the downt~own thea- t( rs on central time, and to bed mnost. <.z y timel. With a shave costing 201 cents in De- trofit, cutting one's own face oug~ht to become popular as an indoor sport. Gilberts Cranes a] Choc rs' meeting The great riner Michi- I not opened ung subordi- dle conver-. BIG REDUCTION OAN ALL QUARRY DRL PRESCRIPTION Cor. Staite and , con-II Hart Schaffner &o Marx DETROIT Between Detroit, -ion grown, that -the old colonel, cer but a veteran e from his head- on with the regi- A 'after listening SUITS & OVERCOATS AT CLEARANCE PRICES x 4 n Manhattan Shirts Detrcit -Limited and Express Cai In.. 8:io a. im., and h'ourly to 7:10 Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:48 eeery two hours to 6:48 a. in.;t 8:48 p. n. Jackson Express Cars ;ideal sto A11n Arbor-9 :48 a. ini. and ever to ;- :438T). Mi. Local Cars East ,Bound.-, :35 a. i., ; :o5 a. in. and every two ho; p:. mn. 8:0; p. in.. 9:05 p. in., It 'Co Ypsilanti only, 9 :2o a. in, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound- 6:o5 a,.in., 10:20 1). in-.12:20 a 111. We have both the ineingti the equipment to fpjish best in banking spr'vi oThe Ann Arbor Savings er that your o finish the lo, anud then e. ),our atti- forget pro- ork, not for ir country, And that is' tyou want. All $1.25 Values at 98c All $1.75 Values at $1,35 All $2.50 Values at All $3.50 Values at $2.85. All $5.00 Values at All $1.50 Values at $1.20 All $2.00 Values at $1.6 All $3.00 Values at $2.15 I707 Northji nversity. I ten and Ige stu- remem- i or an s honor che has As it 'r they at col- All $4.00'and $4.50 Values $3.15' " just a BF-T All $+6.00 Values at $4.85 ICE(C for all NECKWEAR All $2.00 Values at . ..........,.......$1.5ALMUFESQ0 F All $1.50 Values at ... ... ,............$1.00 ALL SOFT AND STIFF HATS 20% OFF All $1.00 Values at ...... ...... .........75c(incluzding Knox and Stetsons) All 75c 'Values at...................... 50c l 'TRUI 218 .MaJ e andl gone; are no long- er vice meth- upon to fill BOOKKi And, Reue Conlin &Fiel~gel Co. Southwest Corner Main and Washington Streets I1; Classes workd The Home of-Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes