TT * tract. 1 * the * met g to a mistake in the send- he Michigan track schedule hicago several weeks ago, to was said to have two meets with Chicago, both in ndy City. The first of the however, will be in Ann being run in Waterman ;ium on March 16. The meet between the two will be May 26 in Chicago. *: * * k ' t * t 1 PENN RE~LAYS A-ND EASTER'S TERCOLLEGIATES MAY 1BE ABANDONED IN- ools * i * * * * * * * * . * * * Two .vMore Tilts sruckOn Week 's Card Case and Hope Furnish Opposition for Varsity Basketeers This Weed-end Coach Mitchell is grooming his basketball players for the games this week-end with Hope and Case, the former appearing in Waterman gym- nasium Friday and the latter Saturday ,., -- ,1 Len t in ent- the the The men, who returned to school Monday, have been workihg out every afternoon, Mitchell drilling them in basket-shooting, passing, and plays. The regular nightly practices will start tonight, the track team claiming' -the floor for the aftegnoon. Mitchell is not expecting' another setback this week. Hope college has always turned out some fair basket- ball teams but the Wolverines, now running on high gear, ought to prove more than a match for the team from the small Michigan school. The game will afford practice for the men and will give them experience that will prove valuable next week when the big teams on the schedule hit town. Case will meet a different team than was met several weeks ago when the Scientists romped home with a 27 to 25 victory! in their own gymnasium. The Varsity has been improving stead- ily and is out to secure a decided re- venge over the quintet from the Cleve- land college. Coach Mitchell declared before thej first Case game that he expected to trounce that five in January although he was not so' hopeful in the first game. The Scientists were lucky to get away with a win before and the Wolverine basketeeres are sure they will not do it again. The fate of the annual Penn relays and the eastern intercollegiates hangs in the balance. P. G. Bartelme, director of outdoor athletics, just back .from two meetings of managers of the eastern schools, said yesterday afternoon that there is strong reason to believe the Penn re- lays, if held at all, will be on a small- er basis than ever before, while the intercollegiates will be run without entries from, several colleges in the east. Bartelme attended a meeting of graduate-managers and directors at the Hotel Martineque in New York' last Thursday night, while Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the board in control of athletics, went with Bartel- me to a conference of the national collegiate athletic association at the Hotel Astor, New York, the next day. ,Favor Athletics During War The question of intercollegiate ath- letics was the central point of discus- sion in both meetings and the concen- sus of opinion strongly favored athlet- ics during the period of the war. A 'schedule as usual" slogan met w1;h favor at both conferences and the let" ters of Secretary of War Baker and Secretary of the Navy Daniels, advo- cating the continuance of athletics, met with hearty response. But despite the favorable attitude toward athletics in general, there did not seem to be a very strong backing for the Penn relays and the eastern intercollegiates, two of the biggest track events of the college year. Many colleges, among them Cornell, Penn State, and Swarthmore, intend closing early next semester and it .will be al- mast impossible for them to send teams to the intercollegiates, which are held, usually, in the middle of May. The athletic director of Cornell said he would try to arrange to send some men to this meet but he could not promise a full team nor would he make any definite statement as to the num- her of men be could sent. Cornell has; usually sent the largest contingent to' the games and has managed to win or place high every year because of the number of men entered. The absence Michigan Not in Intercollegiates That Michigan would be unable to send a team to the intercollegiates is the opinion of P. G. Bartelme, who said that he did not believe the Wol-' verines would be represented this1 year. The meets with Chicago and the Conference contests are about all that Farrell's men will enter. All of the directors at the meet- ing last Thursday said they would doj their best to send some sort of a rep- resentation to the Penn relays but there was no definite assurance thatf there would be any sort of a team from their schools. Bartelme said, with the others, that an effort would be madey to send some relay team from herel but he would not make any definite' predictions either. The' Penn relays are now awaiting the decision of. two committees which will meet soon to decide whether they will be held at all or not. It is not unlikely that the Penn re-1 lays will be abandoned while some similar action is looked for with re- gard to the intercollegiates. Army details Its Mien For Football You've got to hand it to the army for mustering football teams in a business like way. When there are gridiron stars in the cantonment who for one reason or another are nGt playing on the team,l the commandment simply drafts the players into the eleven, details them to that duty-and it's all done. Such was the fate of Jack Dunn, star quarterback of the freshman foot- ball team in the fall of 1914. Jack, who enlisted in one of the ambulance units formed here last spring, was at Allentown this fall during football season. Because of broken'arches and several other minor injuries Dunn did -not want to play football. His friends prevailed upon him to go out;, and in the first game Jack sprained an arm and twisted his shoulder. He decided his football days were over, so he turned in his suit. Monday morning he received an or- der to report at headquarters. "You're detailed to play football, Dunn," said the commandment. Jack's playing aided the Allentown aggregation greatly in the two games played with Eddie Mahan's Marines, and 16 to 0. Iowa Service Flag Contains 669 Stars Iowa City, Ia., Jan. 2.-Measuring seven by thirteen feet, a service flag with 669 stars now hangs between the pillars of the old capitol here, as a tribute to the men of the student body and faculty of the University of Iowa who have entered war service. The flag was presented by the inter- fraternity council and was made by volunteer seamstresses from the home economics department.' Prof. C. A. Cumming, head of the art department, designed the flag, and he has made an indelible ink stamp with which to imprint additional stars. The blue stars are spread uniformly over the white field, room being left for the addition of more stars. Univ. of Minn. Has Pfize Guernsey Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 2. - A Guernsey cow of the University of Min- nesota farm, imported Victorina of Sarnia, No. 35,669, has just completed a yearly record which gives her eighth place in the list of cows of that breed PENCL .1 HE perfec- j tion of pencil (uality - un- I' elqunalied for smoothness, uni- formity of grading and durability. 17 black degrees' from 6B softest to to 9H hardest, and hard and medium (indelible) copy- ing. Look for the distinc- live VENUS Anish! lgt tse /FREE! ql' lniz~i his trial box with five VENUS Drawin Pencils Holder n VENUS Eraser sent free.- Write for it. I' i ! f .1 ~II dt A I its Is the k se Your college with a 1/ J Your figur and you style,irresj in dress, a sured. Mor Mod( {: a _ t do any at easily as rides or ' corset. f:L Be sure Corset you ch frocks- appears American Lead Pencil Co. 215 fifth Ave., N. Y. Dept.D 11 Try the V'ENUS Erase, too. Made in 12 sizes. $2.00 per box. ill $3' MAC , Of Supreme Importance to all of This Entire Community GREAT BIG PUBLIC S r ,. OF THE Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. Entire X45,000.00 Stock of Stein Bloch & Co. and other High Grade Make of Clothes for Me-n, Young Men, Boys and Chil- dren, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, which opens SATURDAY, JANUARY 5th, will be the Greatest Bargain Feast on High Grade Wearables for-all mankind that has ever before taken place in all the Merchandise History of this Entire Vicinity. See Circulars and Daily Papers for particulars of this GREAT BIG PUBLIC SALE. Store closed Thursday and Friday to arrange for this big sale and will be open Saturday, Jan. 5th LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL 209 SOUTH MAIN STREET SAVINGS WILL BE PHENOMENAL