4, 1918 STATE STS Tickets able necessar- 1 we have the rvation down s concentrate I the nation as arise-anyhow, ter again. that's a diffe: The attendance committee will all kinds of reports of wrecks, trains, and so forth, within the few days. hear late next In our schools - and colleges there was a great decrease in attendance in the fall of 1917. Yet what can we ex- pect for the fall of 1918'unless we start now in this move for concert- e1 and concentrated effort? This is America's big year; it is her opportunity. And America will fail dismally unless all of her peoples, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, join bands in a campaign of concentrated effort. Such would be a great resolu- tion for 1918. Didja have a good time? Remember the "revival of learning" starts the 28th. We wish all men in the service a scrappy New Year. Camouflage repeats itself in the lat- est German peace offer. Will be rather funny to hear the Questions which -explorer. Stephans-1 son, who has been in the Arctic re- gions for three years, will ask. Yes, it will be light when we go to ithose eight o'clocks, but when we PROF. DOWRIE TO ADVISE FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION Prof. George W. Dowrie of the econ- omics department, will act as advisor to the local National Farm Loan As- sociation to be formed among Wash- tenaw county farmers. The Ann Arbor grange is behind the movement, and has appointed Horace Barnard, E. E. Calkins, and R. F. Brokaw as a com- mittee to take charge of the matter. The committee is desirous of getting in touch with all farmers who wish to take advantage of the five and one- half per cent interest rate offered by the system, whether for the purpose of obtaining a new loan or refunding an old one. FACUJLTY M1EM~BERS REPRESENT IMVERS IY A N INEAPOLIS. Six members of the faculty repre- sented the University at the meetings of the Biological societies held in Minneapolis last week. Prof. Warren P. Lombard and Dr. 0. M, Cope presented results in their recent investigations in physiology to the Federation of American Societies !SlIat e I for Experimental Biology. Prof. A. Franklin Shull, a men the' executive committee of the. ican society of Zoologists, attend nmeetings of that organization. on anatomy were presented by G. Carl Huber, Wayne J. Atwe Stacey R. Guild to the American ciation of Anatomists. The Daily's specialty' In ser *veryone. Lot us serve you.- x Our January Clearance Sale Starts This Morning Thousands of Dollars worth of Winter Stock-all must go. i re Sliding Down to Lowest Prices on Everything Man Wears. I_ SPLENDID SUITS "Buy Up Now" its from $18.50 to $25.00 NOW $11.75 to $17.50 SPECIAL FOB 'OPEN. ING DAY OF SALE 100 DOZ. COLLARS 2 FOR 25c SERVICE OVERCOATS "Supply Future Needs" O'coat from $15 to $27.50 FOR $9.75 to $19.50 do ouser Values $3.50 $5 to $10 Bath Robes $3.89 to $6.89 j ,BIG SHOWING IN 'HEN'S SWEATERS .$3.79 .~4.79 ... . . .6.79 60 doz. Phoenix Men's Half Hose, fast color, 35c quality 29c; 4 Pairs for $1.00 3RED . a OnS 309 S. Main St. SHIRT CLEARANCE $1.00 Shirts.. ...........690 3 for $2.00 $1.50 Shirts ..............$1.19 3 for$3. ..$.1 $2.00 Shirts .,. ........ $1.69 3 for $4.7&i $3.50 Sltirts '.........$2.b9 $5.00 Shirts ............. $3.89 .. .. THE WAR TAX