r IEJIVIUI DuALI DHLL PLYES DISPLAY GLSS arr But one man has shown up for the shot put. This man is Baker of last year's All-fresh, and while he has R shown fair form, he will not be able to fill the hole left by "Cee" Cross and "Pat" Smith. Simpson, who graduat- ed last year, hardly has an equal in this year's crew of high-jumpers, al- st though Haigh, Johnson, and Later are- e rounding into form. While pole-vault- 'e ers Cross and Robertson have improv- at ed in the past few weeks, they are o not of the calibre needed for winners. at Meehan and Maynard will run the two- mile event in good fashion and should k win their share of the points. Beaul- .. lieu is a hammer-thrower with plenty e of strength and ability. Il The broad-jump will be well taken re care of by Johnson and Page. This it event will be greatly strengthened by a the return of R. H. Leslie, '19L, who will probably report for practice after e the holidays. Leslie was on the Var- ie sity squad of 1914-15, and 1915-16. i COACH ADRIAN HAS EXCELLENTl MATERIAL ON HAND FOR FAST QUINTET i I I With more than 75 men reporting for the first several nights of fresh- basketball practice, and between 30 and 40 every night since, Coach Ad- rian has had an abundance of material from which to pick an All-fresh quin- tet. Many old high school stars have put, in an appearance at Waterman gym- nasium and it has been with difficulty that the freshman mentor has been: able to pick the best five to represent the yearlings against the Varsity. Mitchell Thinks Well of Men Coach Mitchell says that the fresh- men are good basketball players and should make good Varsity material, and their record so far this season has upheld him in this statement. Many times the Varsity has gone down to defeat at the hands of the yearl- ings, and in every game played be- tween these two teams, the first year men have pushed the regulars hard and made them play their best game. It has sometimes been the policy of, the Varsity coach to send in first one bunch of regulars against the fresh- men and then after giving them a short rest start another bunch of un- Varsity ?Ien Get Final Practice I Team Returns Early To Receive Stiff Workout Before Hope Tilt Last night's workout concluded var- it bcaketall ractice until after Chri g th Mme ch e; stmas. Coach Mitchell intends to used basket tossers against them. Al- ways have the yearlings forced both the boys back in a couple of days teams to the limits. re the opening of college in order At forward Karpus, former Grayling et them in shape for the game highkman, and Isbell, former All-state .Hope college on Jan. 4. The con- basketball player from Jackson, have with the Conference teams be- been performing in fine style. They are both good basket shooters and directly after the Hope tilt and handle the ball well. e stiff practice must be got in if Van Rossun Plays Center Ligan is going to make a credita- Van Rossum, captain, last year of showing. Grand Rapids Central's basketball team, has been holding down center >pe always has one of the strong- most of the season. His work at cov- basketball teams in Michigan and ering the floor has enabled him to hold year is said to be no exception, on to the tip off position, and he is a aggregation from this. school has basket tosser of no mean ability. M. A. C. for the past four years Wilson, the scrappy little guard who has been one of the Aggies' most starred for Detroit Central, in last ad opponentst year's interscholastic tournament, each Mitchell does not care 50 along with Wickham, has been wor- h about the games outside of the rying the Varsity forwards at every Ten as long as they help him to meeting of the two teams. Wilson the right combination, which is is small but every inch of him seems problem now confronting him. The to be fight. All forwards earn every game helped to solve this difficul- basket that they throw on this man. ad that with Hope is expected to More men are appearing each night materially, and the present holders of positions >rnstein is playing a very accepta- on the All-fresh are fighting to keep game at forward but is handicap- their jobs. With more practice to- by his lack of weight. Rowley is gether to enable them to perfect g tried at forward where he will team work, the freshmen will be able valuable man if he can but learn to play a fine game. hoot. Boyd and Hannish are do-; No Regular Schedule Prepared the best defensive work, while Mc- Although no regular schedule has tock is showing the best on the of- been prepared for them as yet and al- e. though they will play no outside mil Va tea for me SiF G mic cav ten I "They'11 Commend Your Choice of Piano "' e -and give it enthusiastic welcome if it bears one of these names, for the test of time has given to these instruments a standing that makes ownership doubly pleasing-their excellence is known to everyone. Steinway, Knabe, Grinnell Bros. (own make), Sohmer, Vose, Sterling, Shoninger, Huntington, Smith & Barnes, Mendelssohn, Harrington Every piano backed by a reputable manufacturer: each one bearing our own guarantee. Designs, woods and finishes in which every buyer can be suited. A range of prices to meet all purchasing requirements-and PAY- MENTS ADAPTED TO YOUR INCOME. Never before so great a stock on our floors as now-no other time so ap- propriate as Christmas to bring the lasting gladness of music into your home. Exchanged Pianos, carefully regulated and tuned by our factory experts. Big assortment, wonderful values. Exceptionally easy payments. $95, $125, $140,$150, $165. NO NEED OF ANY HOME LACKING THE GREATER CHARM A PIANO ALWAYS BRINGS M ;{ ims, a. umUerJL of games are oe0ing'~L anged for them to play with the itary company teams and with the rsity reserves and freshman second m. These will be preliminaries be- e the games played by Mitchell's 1. n, TichiganPlayers Low In_1ieldingy lier and Lavan, with Browns, Rank Far Down in List on Defen- sive Play xeorge Sisler and Johnny Lavan, chigan's two graduates who are orting under the major league ball t, ranked low in the fielding for* among ,tne nrst asemen ana avan Lavan neiaea or .9 ranking 11th in the list of shortstops. 110 games, having 229 Leonard, of Washington, topped the 338 assists and fuinbliu first sackers, playing through 20 throwing wild on 47 sions. Scott of Boston, games and accepting 188 chances stops with an average without an error. Gandil of the Chi- only 39 errors in 818 e cago White Sox, was really the lead- Club Fieldi er of this division since he played aC full season with an average of .995. Clubs P.O. McInnis, Connie Mack's only remain- Boston.... .....4264 ing veteran, was two points below C ago Gandil. Sisler played in 133 games, had 1,384 put-outs, 101 assists, and 22 errors. His average was .985, only 10 points behind Gandil. But George was ranked low in the list, only two men being behind him. This is partly ex- plained by the fact that Sis is still green at the business and has not New York .....4228 205 Cleveland ......4240 217 Detroit .........4178 200 Philadelphia ...4091 209 Washington ....4244 189 St. Louis .......4177 209 There are opportunities Daily advertisements. Re A. 2111 1 r4 Gifts of Lasting Beauty and Charm f U.:k :C; 4 ... f r u, / I - -Tv Shop Early chu mascher ware Company 8-10-12 S. Main Street A Store of Individual Shops {ATING SEASON IS NOW OPEN skating? Sure. There is no better exercise. omplete line of Spaulding Skates for Men, ys and Girls. $5.50 and $6.00 for Complete Outfits We Wo- w i 0 A Rare Bargain from the standpoint of cost-a low-priced player in which the discriminating music lover will find real enjoyment-a Christmas gift for your family that will be deeply appreciated. The Famous PRICE ONLY $4250 PRICE ONLY $425.00 Play It: er-Piano C- Sticks, Pucks, and Skate Bags. *1 Boys Can Build the Toys That Teach Them a Man's Work 1 - II .iiw J "...4 I i1 l lil 'I EVERYTHING IN TOYS 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0 0 MECCANO is the greatest fun in the world. You can make real working models of flying machines, bridges, Ferris wheels that actually go round. And then use the same brass and nickeled -"steel beams, bolts and wheels to build a hundred other delightful playthings., Get. that boy aare,,int,..eeo, a Bet of MECCANO See its handsome, toy building material at our store. And in its book of designs, the wonderful things any boy can build. For birthday or Christmas or now, as part of his education-get him the toy that, while it amuses, teaches the Principles of steel construction civi engineering, etc. Sets from $1.0D up. *o 0 0 0 0 0 0 c0 The Aeolian Co., manufacturers of the unrivaled "Pianola" player- piano line, build this instrument. That it bears their name tells its superior quality. No other organization in the country is equipped to build a good, re- liable player-piano at as low a price as can the Aeolian Co. In its purchase you've the assurance of dependability, lasting beauty of tone and expression- control features that enable you to play with genuine musicianly excellence. The VICTROLA is the Perfect Gift You've the satisfaction in its choice of knowing yours is from the line of sound-reproducing instruments that stand highest the world over-that through this artistic instrument and cabinet you add to the attraciveness of your home- hat it is a Christmas gift in which all the family will find great and lasting enjoyment. Hop-o-Biles Velocipedes Shoo-Flyers Pony Peds Scooters Record Gift Certificates -a remembrance sure to please the VICTROLA owner. G rinnell Bros. Doll Buggies Mechanical Toys P-4 a+L " s'".' - dg~VJ*' m. 0 0 o0 I OPEN EVENINGS Any Instrument Gladly Held for Christmas 11 . ets 4 Ann