186, af t ized will doubtless be a thing of the M N U- IuLl I I UIK[ service. - past. - E. 0. Haven Second President title We should aid the Red Cross and le was followed in office by Erastus s dis- war movements generally if we are to O . Haven,a native of Boston, and a nes leaders among Michigan men. We -- member of the class of 1842 at Wes- must continue the fast pace Yellow FIVE PRESI1ENTS BRING tNIVER- ioyan university. Dr. Haven held a- SofIand Blue students have set. We must SITY TO PRESENT HIGH1 RANK professorship at the University of xcept give some time this year of all years AONG COLLEGES Michiganfrom 1852d to 1856, but re- or as Ito the nation's work. People of our _____ signed to become editor, of Zion's age are looked to for such things. Herald, a religious paper published Let's do more than is expepted of us. In the eighty years since her organi- in Boston. Thuse he was not a stran- words zation it has been the good fortune Weu toh niestyo icia to have ger in Ann Arbor when he was re- fthe We take this occasion to offer the of the University of Michigan called to become president in 1863. Arbor her destinies guided by five men~ of Arst taxicab companies a very Merry hre nie aiiddyiyt m The great popularity of President e the Christmas and Happy New Year.gy Tappan made the position of the new each The method of government, by the .T official dimficult., The students receiv- dtor Beinsto look as if the kaiser will rotation of professors each year, first ed him coldly, and the townspeople nager have to wait another year for that adopted by the University 1837, were indifferent or unfriendly, but r Christmas dinner in Paris. proved unsatisfactory as the institution his fairness and kindly manner, his waney Cdeveloped. So it was finally decided faculty for conciliatibn, his tolerance, Pack --Ito establish a more central control and and above all, his persuasive speech ighefl Which do you prefer, to study a few 'in accordance with that decision, Hen- soon won him favor. ooley hours during vacation or to give up ry p. Tappan was made first president. sleep during exam weeks? Pres. Tiappan Was Born it 1806 Pr ocures Annual Appropriatikn nager e was born at Rhinebeck on the It is generally conceded to be due' nager Join the Red Cross, subscribe for 1-Hudson in 1805. He was graduated to his skillful management that the nager war certificates, and have a real from Union college, New York in 1825, legislature in 1867 took up the debt ager Christmasy vacation. and after three years' special of the University and provided for an bell -training he entered the ministry. annual appropriation. htias This year of all years we should Subsequently he held the chair of pro- After serd six es, Presiden Iier +Haven tendered his resignation.: He - have the merriest Christmas possible. fessor of moral and mental philoso- was later invited to return but did jcinn -.---phy at the new university of New Gen York. not accept the offer. ndibo Please pass the coal.Yt Inter - Dr. Tappan left several tempting Henry Frieze Elected elson offers from eastern schools to come Henry S. Frieze, who was/then head roene to Michigan, because he felt that his of the Latin department, was immedi- 1 jidea of education cotid better be put ately elected acting president. Per- into practice in a new and rising in- sistent efforts failed to secure a man stitution. to fil the vacant position permanently.. Gates EJudiciary council of the Women's His ideal, to use his own words, was, So for two years Dr. Frieze discharged elmer league will meet at 11:30 o'clock this "A University worthy of the name, the duties of the office. nAnbeleberyhal with a capacity adequate to our wants, Twmotn dvne eemd heps 'receiving development commensurate during his term in office. Graduates Women expecting to be in town with the growth of all things around from certain high schools, at the dis- during vacation should sign at once us, doing a work which shall be heart- cretion of the faculty, were admitted -in the Women's league room or at ily acknowledged by the present gen- to the University without examination. 1917. Newberry hall. " . eration and reaching with increasing The co-educational controversy, which power through the generations to had been debated fiercely for several N t mc s come." years, was settled by the admission of No elective gymnasiumi classes will lcieSse tre oe oteUiest. b-- held today. Elective women to the University. President Tappan laid the founda- One Woman In 1870 tion for the present graduate school In February, 1870, one woman took :ulty Several positions such as light and inaugurated the scientific course, advantage of the new rule. The fol- cer- housekeeping and the care of children, which marks the beginning of the elec, lowing year there were 14 women ins very are available during the holidays at tive system at Michigan. He abolished the literary department, and 18 in the erti- the ofice of the Dean of women. the established practice of appointing Medical school. only ministers to fill the principal Dr. Frieze declined the permanent yoi- Freshman Girls' Glee club will hold chairs, and laid down the rule that presidency of the University, asking y he another try-out after the Christmas professors should be appointed only for a leave of absence to go abroad. g is holidays at 5 o'clock Thursday after- on their qualifications for the posi- J. B. Angell Accepts Office t of noon, Jan. 3, in Miss Hunt's studio at tions. After a second urgent invitation, dua- the School of Music. F The dormitory system was done James Burill Angell agreed to accept away with, the students finding homes the presidency of the University and that 50 Students to. Work in 1etroit in rooming houses throughbut the was accordingly elected to office, Feb- the More than 50 students are to work town. 7, 1871. He was born in Scituate, at in the Detroit postoffice during the There is an amusing story told of Rhode Island, in 1829. He was grad- nior Christmas week. The heavy holiday President Tappan, which ireveals uated from Brown university, where it is mails and a lack. of regular help nec- somewhat of the human side of the he afterward held the chair of modern adies essitates the employment of students man and his attitude toward his stu- languages and literature. - during the busy week. The local post- dents. Later he became president of the office has the extra help of seven peo- "One night a bunch of students University of Vermont, which office the plo during this week. gathered a large stack of hay, which he resigned upon his call to Michi- d had been cut on the campus, and piled gan. Be sure to ioin this week. home with you a copy of If you have any Thy Michigan tale Price 50 Cents STATE ST. WAHRS BOOK{STORES MA We have a complete stock of FLASHLIGHTS and FlashlightBatteries Switzer's Hardware 310 STATE CHOICE SELECTIONS OF CHRISTMAS CA RDS NOW ON DISPLAY Slater's Book Shop STATE STREET Db your Christmas plans include re- papering your home or any room in it. We will gladly help you in choosing, also see that it fits the color-scheme of your home. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237.-Adv. Class dancing at the Packard Aca- demy Monday and Thursday eve- nings, 7:30 to 9:30. Private lessons by appointment. Ftnone 1850-Fl. -Adv. Buy your alarm clocks at J. 1L Chapman's, Jeweler. 113 S. Main --Adv. First hY Class Hot Rolls - 2 for 5e MICHIGAN INK Phone 948-ft 601 E. Liberty e Gilberts Cranes and Choco QUARRY DRi PRESCRIPTION Cor. State and N. Phone 30 t DETROIT T ertis- Women Complete -,000 Surgical -ads Just 5,000 of the required 15,000 sur- -gical pads are now finished at the Red pads are now finished at the Red Cross and are waiting shipment. It is feared thats the enormous quota can- not possibly be met by Jan. 1, since the Angell house will be closed until after the holidays. Newberry Girls Knit Many Garments Newberry residence has turned into the Washtenaw Red Cross association 48 sweaters, 20 scarfs, five pairs of socks, and seven pairs of wristlets. A great deal of yarn will be taken home by the.girls, to knit into arti- cles during Christmas vacation. at tne rign I to come to would have at left it to it in the rear of the chapel where the When Dr. Angell came to Ann Arbor,, underclassmen were accustomed to the united faculties numbered 35 men, sit each morning. The following day, 24 of whom were in the literary de- President Tappan walked into the partment, seven in the medical school, chapel, took in the situation, but with- and four iji the law school. The first out giving a sign, went through the duty he performed was to lay the cor- service with his customary deliber- ner stone of the central wing of Uni- ateness. After he had finished he, versity hall, which is connected witft smiled and remarked, 'I was not aware'the two original dormitories. until this morning that the classes After this new buildings were rapidly who usually sit in the rear, boarded erected, and the enrollment increased in the chapel.'" steadily. Keeps Ui lty of University Established Lectures President Tappan insisted on the During the first years of President unity of the University thereby avoid-; Angell's administration lectures, as ing the mistakes of some older col- a means of instruction, were definitely leges who had organized their scien-'established. The customi of requiring tific courses in se'parate schools, and!jgraduating students to give orations preventing the duplication of appar- was replaced by the more approved atus, books, and professors. practice of having a man of distinction The administration of the first pres- give a commencement address. ident of the University was a period President Angell was recognized as of successful development. for the in- a man of rare diplomatic ability. In stitution. A disagreement with the 1880, he was appointed as envoy extra- Regents caused his resignation in (Continued on Page Five) "Just a Little BETTER" ICE CREAM for all occasions TRUBEY'S 218 S. Main Street tOI ; :4S. p. Local C a. in7., 7 : O p. m, 8: TO Ypsi'. 2:05 ;"mi 12:20 a. r chang at Local C Between Detroit, An (Eftfective INY Detroit Limited and m., 8:11 a. m., and hc p. Iin. Kalamazoo Limited every two hours to 6 8 :48P.m. an op-I SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING PENMANSHIP Classes Just Starting. Enroll Today IIA-AtILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and William We ha: ;i-kvL ense Women Give $10 to Red Cross Work Huch Ten dollars have been donated by next the Women's athletic association to d to the Red Cross for the purpose of buy- type ing material for surgical dressing The work at Angell house. ' 707 JOIN THE RED CROSS And Attend the 'A T SACRIFICE SA On all Christmas Books at 25% off List Price Owing to the demands on the Book Buying Public for such worthy ca uses as we have had. ks, Stationery, Tourist Tablets, Desk Sets, College Jewelry and other Suggestions. Be conservative and get your Christmas Gifts at this sale. THIS IS A STRICTLY CASH SALE We have decided to reduce our Stock of Clristrnas She Slater Book Shop