SWEAR 61 MEN IN NAVAL AUXILIARYHY I WHAT'S GOING r 'i S SSHOE gulation Law School Loses Large Number Enlistment; Many Engineers Also Enroll by ;ON LAST Large Shipment Just Arrived a. s All sizes and widths Regulation or Oil Tanage Price $7.00 j alk-Over BOOT SHOP - 115 S. MAIN ST. ®° 1 of the University of Nichigan to inspect our splendidly complete line of handsome Suits and Overcoats, Smart, Clever Models Sack Coat, and full belted, in handsome plain cloths, single and double-breasted. FEB. 1 DATE OF ENTRANCE INTO ACTIVE U. S. SERVICE Six Months Practical Work on Trading Vessels to be Program of Training Sixty-seven students of the Univer- sity have beet accepted for the naval auxiliary reserve, recently organized on the campus by Luther Beach, '18E. All have been regularly sworn' into service by the recruiting officer at Cleveland, and will report for active duty at New York on Feb. 1, for the six months' preliminary training The men who have been accepted are: Luther H. Beach, '18E; Edward Daskam, grad.; B. F. Rosenthal, grad.; T. N. Kampf, '21; G. R. Finzelj grad.; E. L. Maloney, '20; Verne G. Eaegle, '20P; Lynn A. Glover, '18; W. A. Quinlan. '19; R. J. Mason, '18E; H. R. Adrianse, '18; G. W. Duncan; B. J. Scheinman, '18; S. L. Cohen, '18L; Lester S. Hecht, '18L; S. G. Miller, '21L; C. C. Corcoran. '18E; R. V. Lamkin, '19L; H. G. Selby. '20; C. N. Wimbles, '20; W. H. Ferguson, '19E; R. T. Mann, '18E; J. E. Marson, '19E; J. H. Levin, '20L; R. A. McIver, '19; J. D. Menchofer; '18; N. M. Lincoln, '20; E. S. Williams, '20E; N. H. Levine, '19; E. L. Griffin, spec.; S. B. Rentsch, '19; 0. M. Southard, '20; M. Y. Steck- er; F. L. Puvogel, '20; H. Blumberg, '18A; G. P. MacNichol, '21L; A. J. Levine, '19L; R. N. Hoskin, '"0L; 0. F. Ringsmith, '18E; W. Boice, '18E; I. M. Mumford, '20L; R. D. Smith, '19L; L. H. Bodman, '20E; G. C. For- rester, '19; S. W. Golinski, '21E; C. . Stenger, spec.; L. C. Leever, '19; C. B. Pearson, '19; P. T. Smith, '19; A. N. Clark, '18E; T. E. Phillips, '19L; V. D. Waite, '18E; L. D. Larle, '19L; L. W. Schoon, '18E; L. C. Doerr, grad.; M. E. Anderson; C. H. Daley. '20; W. Balgooyen, '18; M. R. Sulli- v an; R. W. Nicholson; S. L. Cohen, '18L; S. G. Weiner, 119E; D. H. Baad, '0; C. G. Fuss, '19P; R. Habermann, '20E, COMMITTEE WANTS 20 JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY-LYRICS BY JAN. 3 Prof. John R. Brumm Will Coach 1918 Performances; Cast To Be Smaller Than Last Year TODAY 7:30 o'clock-Spanish club meets in Lane hall. 7:30 o'clock-Adelphi debating so- ciety meets in Adelphi rooms, Univer- sity hall. 7:30 o'clock - Junior laws hold smoker at Delta Theta Phi house. U-NOTICE S The Girls' Glee club will not re- hearse this afternoon. The" Illinois club special will leave at 1:16 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Tickets will be on sale until noon to- morrow at the Union. Mrilitary Nelvs Capt. Thomas G. Holmes, M. R. C., Fort Wayne, will be at the University Thursday to examine all the men who have sent in applications for the third officers' reserve training camp. All men who are not examined on this day, will not be given another chance to take the physical examination. Lieut. L. J. Williams addressed the men in the R. 0. T. C. on the "Theory of Target Practice," at 4:10 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Hill auditor- ium. There will be no drill, athletic, or drill program for the cadets Wednes- day afternoon. Dr. George A. May, director of Waterman gymnasium, re- quests that all cadets who can make up absent gymnasium work on Tues- day and Wednesday afternoons, should do so before the vacation holidays. Company A, Second regiment, will have buck and tumbling, relay; com- pany b, voluntary exercise, wrestling; company C, vaulting bar pole climbing, and high jump; company D. relay, buck and tumbling; company E, wrestling, voluntary exercise, and company F, rope climbing and high jump, vaulting bar, at 4:10 o'clock this afternoon in Waterman gymnasium under Dr. George A. May. The gymnasium will be open from 7 o'clock to 5 o'clock every day dur- ing the holiday season, except Christ- mas, New Years, and Sundays. At 2 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, Jan. 5, all managers of the company basketball teams will meet in Dr. George A. May's office in Waterman gymnasium. The purpose of the meeting is to formulate practice and training schedules. ZKM I Precious Buy with confidence from a firm you can trust _ I Rings, Bar Pins, Pendants Brooches, Wrist Watches, Lorgnons Se with N, Flawless Diamonds Comparison- and other ._1* f) *1 I r , Stones $19.50 to $40 CIJLAR PEOPLE PREFER m Pure r ,) Pur Patrie Crea with regard to foot- wear, are not odious -that is, not to the merchant w ii o s e shoes are an art of unsurpassed merit. Compare Ruby Foot- wear. SHOES for MEN and WOMEN AlfredJ.Ruby I INCORPORATED , i' !,U NICKELS ARCADE .I r2 1 Yisely-- Eat Well- at the Arcade Cafeteria In the Nickels Arcade I 00p) IN DETROIT 101 Washington Blvd. Food Wholesomely Cooked --Books and Sup pies For all Courses ..Y EVERY STUDENTS' NEED .ehan C & Co. Detroit Twenty lyrics suitable for the chos- en scenario for the Junior Girls' play must be in the hands of the commit- tee by the end of the Christmas re- cess. The score will be published again this year. The scenario and the name of its author will not be revealed un- til the play is produced, just preceed- ing the spring recess. At least two out of town performances are expect- ed to be made. Tryouts will be made soon after the close of the Christmas vacation. There will be a smaller cast than usual, but each participant will have more work to do. Prof. John- R. Brumm discussed the chosen scenario, which was read, and offered suggestions for the lyrics and music at a meeting of junior women yesterday afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. Professor Brumm, who will coach the play again this year, will be in Ann Arbor during the holidays and has offered to assist any who care to come to him with their efforts. Lyrics or questions concerning them may be sent to Emily Powell, '19, chairman of the committee. Her address will be 615 White Ave., Marion, Ind. Catherine P. Achlen, '19M, Engaged Colonel and Mrs. J. H. Achlen of Nashville, Tenn., recently announced' the engagement of their daughter,' Catherine Parke Achlen, '19M, to Lieu- tenant Thomas Hartwell Brown of the United States Medical Reserve corps. The wedding is to take place on Christmas day at the home of the } bride's parents. ER PERMITS MARRIED. rO JOIN NATIONAL ARMT Y acArthur, Waco, Tex., Dec. ed min may now enlist in al army according to a bul- ved here today from Sec- conditions as single men. The re-enlistment of 500 men dis- charged from the Michigan forces last summer because they had dependents is expi^ted by officers here. Most of the men discharged at that time were border experts and will receive a roy- al welcome upon their return to the fighting forces. "The teams will be given certain hours of practice, and every member on the teams will be required to re- port promptly at the time schedule," stated Dr. May yesterday afternoon. Second Lieut. Roger Birdsell, '17E, who is now visiting friends in Ann Arbor, has been detailed to Washing- ton, D. C., where he will be stationed in the ordnance department. Birdsell expects to leave for the East Wednes- day. He has been stationed at Ft. Riley and Ft. Funston, Kans., since graduating from the engineering school last June. Milburn R. Palin, '17, and Harry Mann, '17, returned Sunday to the na- val officers' school in the East. Palin and Mann have been engaged in coast- wise trade since leaving the Univer- sity. Lieut. Donald D. Duncanson, '13, who was second baseman on the Var- sity baseball team in 1912-13, was in the city for one day last week. Dun-' canson received his commission at 'Plattsburg. James M. Taylor, '18, is expected to return to Ann Arbor this morning. Taylor enlisted in the ambulance ser- vice just after war was declared on Germany, and has been in active ser- vice in France until a month ago. He is a member of the Chi Psi fraternity. 'MEDICAL OFFICER TO EXAMINE APPLICANTS FOR ThIRD CAMP Capt. Thomas G. Holmes, M. R. C., of Fort Wayne, will arrive at the Uni- versity Thursday to examine all stu- dents who have sent in applications for the third officers' training camp. "This will be the last chance to en- ter the third officers' training camp," stated Lieut. George C. Mullen yester- day afternoon. "In case any student does not undergo the examination, Thursday, the possibility of entering this camp will be doubtful." ..... Phone 967 Do You Know that the SUGAR BOWL has one of the best equipped Candy Stores in the state? They have their own Refrigerating System, and make their own Ice Cream and Candies. : ::.:.: You are invited to visit and in- sp'ect their plant. : :::. .: 109 S. Main St.' _* Wear it on fall or on rain Hart Schaffnt & Marx made it, which means it stand good hard wear tear, and give you the kind of a value. Several variations for and young men. Reule-C oni Fiegel Co. The big store at the s east corner Main and W ington Streets-downtoi I I Af ew field for re- from Washington ent of married men g under the same ' The Daily's specialty is service to *veryone. Let us serve you.--Adv. .. ... .......... DON, Photographer 719 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor's Largest Dealer in Kodaks and Films Amateur Finishing raticular Business and we make it our r Business to get the Kind of Results e you our Permanent Customer Katherine Smith, '18, Engaged At a Christmas dinner last night at the Alpha Phi house Katherine Smith, '18, announced her engagement to David Ingles of Petosky. Mr. Ingles formerly attended Alma college but is now teaching in northern Michi- gan. You will always find bargains in Daily advertisements. Read them.. ThoYV" /3CST pnOoucr Catholics To Have Service Flag Bishop D. D. Kelly, of the Ann Ar- bor diocese, recently ordered a large service flag for St. Thomas' Catholic church while at Camp Custer. The 60 stars which the flag will cotain, will represent the young men of that church who are now in the war ser- vice of the country. The flag is expected within a few days, and will be hung over the rose window in the front of the church. Ii ing need E THE a- Farmers & Mechanics 101-105 So. Main 330 So. S (NickelsA Polish your floor with Old Floor Wax. C. H. Major & Cc 237.-Adv. You can't beat one of Moo Non-leakable Fountain Pens Xmas gift. Cushing's Pha Adv. Your, every .. ...." 1 R r ne Subscr 'I