I. WW{1 e now conside he draft age. age who have t us say that wisdom is se of service at ueer that the Inlan er enemy of Unive ias a staff consis of them. More pra atial .ver- PROF. H. I[. HIGBIE URGES THATj por- MICHIGAN PUBLICATIONS BE SENT TO MEN IN SERVICE. ring To Editor, The Michigan Daily: -not Undoubtedly every Michigan man they who has gone into the national ser- lect- vice with the army or the navy, abroad this or at home, would be heartily thank- ful for anything which would keep the memories of Ann Arbor fresh in ider, ,his mind. Perhaps if these memories rsity were kept alive, many an undergrad- sting uate who has left college before com- anks pleting his course might thereby be induced to come back when the emer- gency has passed. iique I would suggest that you present king this idea to your readers: That any har- reader of subscriber of The Daily or any other college publication (The Gargoyle for instance) who will be next willing to mail his copy after .he has ;lory finished reading it shall be furnished etc. through the Daily office or through the Michigan Union with the name eav- and address of some Michigan man n be who is serving the country. As an alumnus of Columbia Univer- sity and in response 'to a suggestion of the "Columbia Alumni News," I have pt to been sending weekly for some time my copy of the "News" to a Columbia man who is in the service of the U. ight. S. A. abroad. I believe the idea is a, fine one. . d soon De forthcoming. nano only comes backi of the sport writers' g :g "lead by the Tank," by the number of mer 1 aw school, we will soon wless days. ketball team will attemp Case of defeat tonight. 1 was matchless last ni I# JAZZ AT MIXER An All-campus mixer will be given 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in Bar- ur gymnasium, by the Girls' Glee ib. During the intermission the ib will sing "Dinah," by Clayton hns, "America and Liberty," by Earl oore and Dr. L. L. Davis, and the Valtz Song," from "Faust." Ike sher, assisted by his Jazz band will, rnish music. The chaperones are: Mrs. Arthur. Hall, Miss Grace Greenwood, Miss ;nes E. Wells, Miss Nora Crane int, Mrs. William Kilpatrick, and s Louise Potter. Tickets will be sold at the door. Iello Girls" Will e Sent To France, A unit of 150 telephone operators to be formed for immediate service France under the army signal corps. Applicants must be able to speak th French and English, and must physically fit. Women desiring take up this work should apply to 6 Mills Building, Annex, Washing- n, D. C. Another call for women to serve e country in the capacity of sten- raphers has been sent out by Dr. ma Howard Shaw, national chair- an of the Women's committee, Coun- . of national defense. Information ncerning such positions may be ob- ined by addressing the United States vil Service Commission, 1724 F St.,r W., Washington, D. C. esin Dents May Join Medical Corps Freshmen of the Dental college will permitted to enlist in the medicala serve corps after Dec. 15, upon ap- ication to the surgeon general. This 11 allow many more students o aft age the privilege of remaining school until they finish their urses. About 150 students of the llege have already enlisted. It's a practical gift-combining or-j ,mentation, good cheer, comfort and' uie economy through preservation- hat? Decorating the living room .th some of those new soft-toned pestries. C. H. Major & Co. Phone H. H. HIGBIE . OUTFITTING CHILD WILL BE XMAS GIFT TO MORTARBOARD Mortarboard has volunteered to be responsible for the clothing of some little girl as their share of holiday giving this year. A number of cam- pus organizations have arranged for the outfitting and entertainment of one or more children of the city this Christmas, but so far Mortarboard is the first woman's honor society to en- ter this list. In addition to a complete "dressing up" the society has plnned a Christ- mas party for the benefit of the young lady in question, which is to take place Monday afternoon at the home of Marian Williams, '18, 726 Church street. TRAIN MEN BEHIND TRENCHES SAYS MAJOR-GENERAL PARKER Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 14.-"The sooner we et our men to France," said Major-General James L. Parker, who assumed command of the 85th division here today, "the sooner they will be ready for battle." Major-General Parker further stat- ed that Michigan men of the 32nd di- vision, now training at Waco, have been picked as the next contingent to go abroad, having shown the best de- velopment of any similar division. The new Custer chief believes firmly that the best place to train soldiers is near the battle fronts where the men can ,see the airplanes, hear the artillery and mix with real live soldiers who are in the thick of the fray. Having trained the Wisconsin and Michigan guardsmen of the 32nd di- vision except for the few weeks which he spent as an observer of trench war- fare, Major-General Parker is excep- tionally well fitted to direct the move- ments of the Custer men and his ar- rival here will stimulate training and possibly help in placing the 85th di- vision nearer the top of the sailing lists. A new Christmas booklet by Lloyd C. Dougles.. Price 10 cents. -Foster House of Art.-Adv. Women's league board of directors will meet at 9 o'clock this morning in Barbour gymnasium. The Girls' Glee club will give an 4ll-campus mixer at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. I Michigan Dames will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday night at Newberry hall. Employment can be secured at the office of the Dean of Women. Women expecting to be in town dur- ing vacation are asked to sign in the Women's league room or at Newberry hall. All junior girls interested in writing lyrics and music for the Junior Girls' play will meet at 2:30 Monday after- noon in the parlors of Barbour gym- nasium. Choice Bits From' College Exchanges Members of the faculty o the Uni- versity of Illinois-have decided to take military drill two days a week even though the -head of the military de-: partment told them it would be hard work. Much interest is being aroused at the University of Pennsylvania over the plans for a new stadium. It is planned to have it seat 100,000, making it the largest in the world for college dork. If built, it will be larger by 31,000 than the- famous Yale bowl. Thirteen student organizations and. 30 faculty members of the University1 of Nebraska have adopted French or- phans. The University of Colorado has es- tablished this year a four year course in home economics leading to a B. S. degree. Previously there had been a school for social and home econo- mics intended for non-professional -training. There is also to be a new develop- ment in the department of physical' education for women. The university has obtained the services of Dr. Elsie Beelye Pratt, formerly of the Univer- sity of Michigan, who will visit the university once a week to co-operate with the department in the supervision of the health of women students. Dr. Pratt wil take up her duties in No- vember. The University of Nevada student daily suggests that it would be a mpod idea to leave Red Cross bandages in the parlors for the boys to fold while they are waiting for "her" to appear. They are easy to fold and sometimes a fellow has time to fold a bale of them. One young man claims the re- cord of 21 bandages while he waited for the girl to put on her hat. r Reindel, '18, Enters Aviation Service Edgar G. Reindel, '18, enlisted in the U. S. aviation service Thursday afternoon, and is now stationed at the Selfridge aviation field. $ Dance at the Armory before going home. Last time Sat. night--Adv. Michigan 'Blankets, Pillows, Ban- ners, Memory Books, Song Books, Jewelry, etc., etc., at Wahr's.-Adv. STATE ST. THE EBERBACH & SON The Michigan 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET Chemicals Laboratory Supplies Drugs and Toilt Specialties II i .ni n u CHOICE SELEC OF CHRIST A NOW ON DISPLAY STATE SThEET LIMITED EDITION-Each one put up in artistic e mail. A very excellent Christmas Gift -at the a 500 BOOKSTORES N During the quiet Winter months, a discount in both labor and materials will be, given for all interior decorat- ing. C. H. Major & Co. Phon 237.- Adv. a i Bet Det n., S in. rn, c ver"y t > r ,. ':0 5 en r ii chg at Local Cars a "'-. "10 20 We hav the e, bes Capital Rescurc North 7 (7 Nc 1l 1 °'' I rJ l ,r , 1 . i! ;I i , ' .. . 1 ii ". - /% "s. U S. I t When i ber, S0 Finish, Special . IA Oopyright TIar~t Schaffner & Mara ,L A new military overcoat Wear it on cool days this fall or on rainy days. Hart Schaffner Marx So You Kn BC ' That shipment of onian Cordovans I ve been waiting for has JUST ARRIVED. made it, which means i stand good hard wear tear, and give you the kind of a value. and best has one of the best Candy Stores in the They lave their cwn Ref System, and make then. pCream and Candies.: You axe invited to vis spect their plant. Pb.nc 967 109 S on sale today and all next week at $8.95 (Regular Price $10.00). Several ariations frmen and young men. Reule-Conlin- f And all other styles of 'fine shoes at similar reductions. Your e Iing need fu THi'~i to $2 on every pair bought during our BIG STOCK REDUCTION SALE of Men's Fine Shoes. Fiegel Co. The big store at the south- east corner Main and Wash- ington Streets-do'ntoun. "I I rERY, 308 So. State Street d YTHE WAR TAX NDS