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December 14, 1917 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-14

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ormation obtained from two Ann
r banks yesterday discloses the
that a considerable number of
nts have failed to meet their
ents on Liberty bonds. Ten per
of the student subscribers at one
have paid no attention to their
ations since the initial payment.j
official at one of the banks states
they have had numerous exper-
s with students who, after theyI
given their name to a solicitor,
to the bank and insist that their
subscriptions 'be cancelled.
the banks have already advanc-
e money on all bonds subscribed,
that are refused will be left on
hands unless students stand by
promises. Owing to the heavy
ise incurred in handling the localI
-officials feel it is only fair to;
that students meet payments on
bonds promptly, without put-
the banks to the extra expense of
ng individual notices.f

10:30 o'clock-Prof. S. P. Sherman
lectures in room 101, Tappan hall, on
"America and Allied Ideals."
7 o'clock- Meeting of all interested
in the revival of Christmas carol
singing, in Lane hall.
7:30 o'clock-Alpha Nu literary so-
ciety meets in Alpha Nu rooms, Uni-
versity hall.
8 o'clock-Spotlight Vaudeville in
Hill auditorium.
2:30 o'clock-All-campus mixer in
Barbour gymnasium.
7 o'clock--Upper Room Bible class
meets at 444 South State street.
7:30 o'clock-Craftsmen club meets
in Masonic Temple.
There will be a meeting of the rep-
resentatives of all campus societies
interested in Christmas work for poor
children at 5:30 o'clock today at the
Michigan Union.
Choral Union ushers will please re-
port at 7:30 o'clock this evening at
Hill auditorium.

Ann Arbor



3. ,

Mrs. Maelowell Asks Help In Equip-
ping New Hampshire Studies For
War Convaleseents
Mrs. Edward MacDowell, Wife of
the late American composer, appeared
as guest soloist in the Twilight con-
cert series yesterday afternoon in ;ill;
auditorium under the auspices of the
University School of Music.
Mrs. MacDowell gave an interesting
account of the work being carried on
by the MacDowell Memorial associa-
tion in Peterboro, and made a plea
for contributions for the purpose of
equipping the studios there for war
convalescents. Mrs. MacDowell's pro-
gram consisted entirely of her hus-
band's compositions. She told the
story of the various numbers and the
moods which inspired him to write.
"To a Wild Rose," "To-a Water
Lily," "From a German Forest," the -
"Sea Song," "A. D. '1620," and {'The
Witches' Dance" were especially pop-
ular with the audience.



Arthur C. Rosenfield
T. Rosenthal, Del
sbach, Detroit; Tri
rt Byron, Ill.; Ralf
oit.; Leigh H. Sim
ry A. Sisson, Higl
D. Smith, La Gr
Speer, Quincy; Hei
1 Ann Arbor; Fred
.' Joseph; Johan

Cadets in the last six companie:
the second regiment will have the
lowing program at 4:10 o'clock
afternoon in Waterman gymnas
under Dr. George A. May:
Company G, buck and tumbling,
lay; company H, voluntary exert
wrestling; company I, vaulting
pole climbing and high jump; c
pany K, relay, buck and tumbli
company L, wrestling, voluntary
ercise; company M, rope climbing
high jump, vaulting bar.
Kegham Q. Chutjian, graduate of
army stores methods course, has
for Chicago, where he will ren
until the government details him
an arsenal.



Charles D. Wessels, Detroit; Frank J.
Whalen, Buffalo, N. Y.; George H.
Williams, Detroit; Louis C. Wolter,
Ypsilanti; John Foods, Denton, and
Alfred C. Wortley, Ypsilanti.
Club Plans Special Train to Chicago
The Illinois club at a smoker held
Monday night at the Union planned
to run a special holiday car to Chi-
cago next Wednesday. The train will
leave Ann Arbor at 1:16 o'clock Wed-
nesday afternoon, Dec. 19.. Tickets at
- $5.95 may be secured at the Union up
to Wednesday noon. Students are
urged to bring their musical instru-
ments and join in the impromptu con-
cert which will be given enroute.
Reports of the club elections are as
follows: Henry G. Ross, '20, presi-
g dent; Leslie W. Page, '19E, secretary
is and treasurer; and Frederick J. Zoel-
lin, '19E, social director.

Members of the fourth army stores
methods class under Prof. J. A. Burs-
ley issued a directory containing the
nam/es of all the men in the ordnance
course yesterday. The book also gives
the names of the instructors and
group leaders in the class.
Michigan women, who are enrolled
in the military drill classes under
Miss Alice Evans, director of physical
education for the women, held their
last drill period before the Chiistmas
vacation Wednesday afternoon in Bar-
bour gymnasium. The first two squads
were under the command of a first
lieutenant from Fort Sheridan. The
remaining squads were drilled by
the regular commander.

Dance at the Armory before going
home. Last time Sat. night.--Adv.


Michigan Blankets,
ners, Memory Books,
Jewelry, etc., etc., at

Pillows, Ban-
Song Books,

"No provision has been made as Den
yet to furnish the men enlisting in case
the new Michigan naval unit withI
knitted garments," said Prof. A. E. An
Boak last night. "Of course, only 25
of the men are leaving now, but these 12U
few will need warm clothing." Lieu-
tenant Jaeger, who is here enrolling the
men, said, "Any work of this kind Muskegon, who
from organizations or individuals will ulty.
be highly appreciated."


Shoes repaired while you wait.
G. Andres, 222 S. State St-Adv.




Christmas Gits


Homoeopathic Heads Will H
The Homoeopathic faculty
its annual party at 8 o'clock
in Barbour gymnasium. The
Guild will present 'the de
with a service flag conts
stars. A' general surgical c
be held this afternon in the


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