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December 13, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-13

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Sport Critic Places Weston, Lkambert,
S Sparks, and Culver on His
All-Conference Team
Four Michigan men were placed owi




e All-conference team of Luther Coach Mitchell's varsity basket-
uston, international news corret-lballers showed better form than at
any tinie this season last night: The"
indent, this eleven being the forEF only fault was their failure to score
inner of c-ther such teams. on shots close under the basket. The
The players Huston selected are:
passing was far superior to any pre-
ambert, Weston, Sparks, and Culver. viously exhibited and the team worked
hese men Michigan depended on t' together brilliantly. The fact that
,rry away the majority of the sea - the varsity boys were beaten by the
n's contests. They showed up pro f .
fast fresh aggrer ation 15 to 9 is no

Farrell sSquad
Shows IReal Form
Forbes and Lombard Travel i5i Second
Quarter and Milers Hit Hot Pace
In Workout
With Forbes and Lombard traveling,
a quarter in 55 seconds and Sedgwick
and Donnelly clipping off seconds in
the' long run, Michigan's track team
displayed unusual form in yesterday's
McCoy, who made his first
appearance of the year yester-
day, is a dash man with a
,world of speed and in several fast
matches showed very well against
Johnson, Froemke, and Sparks. With
the addition of Parks and McCoy in
the past week prospects for a strong
dash squad are much brighter.
The distance stars, Sedgwick and
Donnelly went a mile in the fastest
time they have made this season, while
Forbes and Lombard finished the

Cross and Roberts were pole-vault-
ing in fine form also.
Germany Lacks Enough Shoes For All
Zurich, Dec. 11.-Significant in part
because a German newspaper, the Con-
stance Gazette, published the informa-
tion, comes word that Germany today
possesses less than one-seventh
enough leather and completed shoes
to supply its population for the com-
ing winter.-,
The figures, says the newspaper, are
the more alarming because they are
based on a population of 50,000,000
which averages but one pair of shoes,
and three sets of soles, per year.
Since certain classes of workers, adds
the Gazette, must have more shoes
than this, the gravity of the situation
is increased, and is not apt to be al-
layed by the production, as planned
at present,.of cloth shoes with wooden
Always-Daily Service-Always.

ngnts, theater fronts,
signs on shops, hotels
would be snuffed out
nights 'each week.
The administration
plan would save largf
coal. Part of the pla
ask all persons, both e
the office, to use one-
Michigan Sixth In Arr
Washington, Dec. 12.-
recruiting for Saturda
reached a total of 4,5
mark set since April
week end period. Cali
Indiana, Iowa, Massac
gan, Montana, Nebras
Ohio, and Pennsylvania
200 mark for the two
leading with 291 men

One other, inently in every contest in which the;-
, hasoe played and deserve the honorabi
,has ge- mention awarded them.
e-time let-. Lambert and Weston -Best
arks Lambert and Weston were ths
ided, Wie- greatest gridsters on the Wolverine
I as being squad this year, Lambert, on the de -j
s for the fensive, and Weston on the offensive,!
ltoo, was were Yost's big guns, the little quart-
ot, lar er running with the ball under all
1 out later a
tck in the conditions and gaining more ground
knly other than any of the other Michigan backs.
cond"M These men were not chosen by
cnarrowed Walter Eckersall for his All-confer-
, ence eleven because they were not
etty battle eligible to play in' the Northwestern
arks, for game. But Eckie announced that both
thrsince men would receive honors when he
reraten- selectgd the All-western team.
e fratern- .
Sparks is the player whom Yost
But the depended on this fall to pilot the teamn
e checked but early season injuries kept the
ily begun. speedy quarter on the bench. In the I
three games in which he played the l
Before -
Beforen-Jackson City boy showed the caliber
has been of football that won for him the hon- 1
t ofhswoorable mention of sport critics last
of t1hese
he hardest year.
Culver Lands Position
ierine ag-
Sorin its Culver, one of Yost's sophomores,1
a was given a regular berth on the Var-1
-t avde sity in the beginning of the season
this noon and the husky boy held down the posi-!
Thise naretion during every game of the sea-
There are
:le Varsity sn
who might The team picked by Luther Huston
is as follows: Bolen and Peabody oft
Ohio Statei at ends Eckliand and 1

reason for discouragement, for the
first string men were playing well
enough to defeat the yearlings if they
had but been able to make the easy
shots count.
Coach Mitchell first pitted his men
against a team of ineligibles which
they handily defeated 26 to 1. How-
ever, this is no criterion of the ability
of the ineligibles, for these boys had,
never played together before. The
varsity quintet was then sent against
the freshmen. A lively scrimmage
followed in which both teams played
a fast brand of basketball. McClin-
tock at left forward was the big scor-
er for the varsity, having seven bas-
kets to his credit. Emery and Later
counted three apiece and Hanish tos-
sed one. Boyd played a strong stand-
ing guard, keeping the fresh forwards
well away from the basket. The pass-
ing of the boys was especially good
and if their.shooting can be brought
to the same high level they will form
a hard combination to beat.
Lots of credit must be given the
freshmen for the manner in Which
they performed. They all played well,
Karpus being perhaps the individual
star. He and Isbell handled the for-
wards, Williams played center, while
Wickham and' Wilson were the guards.
All of these boys showed a high brand
of basketball, and with such a foun-
dation this year's fresh team ought to
be a wonder.

Notice of a Special Meeting of the Mem-
bers of the University of Michigan Union,
Hill Auditorium, Friday, December 14th, at
S:Oo P. M.
IN accordance with the Constitution of
the University of Michigan Union, notice is
hereby given of a special meeting to be held
in I-ill Auditorium, December 14th, 1917, at
8:oo P M.
'ne Board of Directors recommends that
the Constitution be amended to read as fol-
lows: .


Vi1 LL, U L1 ; i'a U a
Hauser of Minnesota, at tackles; Cul -
ver, Michigan, and Schlanderman, Ill- ODD UASKETBALL}TEAM DEFEATS
inois, guards; Lambert. Michigan, cen- EVEN IN WOMEN'S TOURNAMENT
ter; Weston, Michigan, quarterback;
Sparks, Michigan, and Harley, Ohio In an exciting game of basketball,
State, halfbacks; and Higgens, Chi- 1919-1921 women scored a 24-18 vic-

looking forward to
py realizations. His

any worse than it did cago, fullback. tory over the 1918-1920 aggregation.
en it failed not only to Dorothy Sample played- the most
ut did noti earn a touch- St. Louis Seeks Better Grid Teams spectacular game for the odd team.
e closing game with Sy- St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 12.-Plans now while Clarissa Vyn, '18, starred for
er also is' cheered by being sponsored by the athletic depart- the opposing side. The 1919-1921.
he had a pretty fair ments at Washington and St. Louis guards also distinguished themselves
ten this year and that it universities indicate there will be in-- by their excellent defensive work.
vhere the Varsity was creased activity in efforts to produce The line-up was: 1918-1920 team-
the backfield. - Graves, winning football teams for the 1918 forwards, Clarissa Vyn, '18, Marjorie
. Noblet proved fine season. [Van Norman, '20; guards, Virginia
s and they are expected George Bakewell, secretary of the Cavendish, '18, Florence Butler, '20;
team next autumn. St. Louis university athletio board is centers, Beulah Smith, '18, Jeanette
canvassing among St. Louis univer- Sudow, '20.
Basketball Managers sity alumni for subscriptions to a 1919-1921 team: forwards, Dorothy
ant basketball managers $10,000 fund for athletics. If this Sample, '19, Margaret Kneeland, '21;
once to take care of the fund is raised it is probable that a guards, Elizabeth McCormick, '19,
ecstion with the Varsity training trip will be given the team Stella Cooper, '21; centers, Doris Mc-
am. All who wish to next season. Donald, '19, Edith Apfel, '21.
capacity are aked to
Athletic association of- A want ad in the Daily will ted! DaIly advertisers cater to DaIly
noon at 3 o'clock. your property.-Adv. readers.-Adv.


I. Name.
This association shall be known and in.
corporated as the University of Michigan
II. Purpose.
The purpose of the Union is to furnish a
University social center; to provide a club
house for faculty, alumni, former students'
and resident students of the University of
Michigan; to interpret Michigan spirit ini
terms of citizenship; and to inculcate broad4
educational ideals.
III. Membership.1
Section r. There shall be six classes of
members, viz: () Annual Members. ()
Life Members. (3) Participating Life Mem.-
bers. (4) Honorary Members. (5) Associate?
Members. (6) Directors' Members, AnnualI
and Life. -
Section 2. Annual Members. All men who
are students in actual residence at the Uni
versity of Michigan; alumni and former stu-
dents who have been in actual residence at
the University of Michigan for a period of atj
least six weeks; regents; members of the
several faculties and officers of the University
of Michigan may become members of the
University of Michigan Union on payment of
the annual dues, such metbersto constitute
the annual membership of the association
Section 3. Life Members. (a) Any stu-I
dent eligible to membership aseprovided ini
Section 2 of this article may :become a life
member during his last year of actual resi-
dence in the University of Michigan, or within
one year thereafter, on payment of fifty dol-
lars ($so).
(b) Any other person and any student (ex-
cept as provided in subdivision (a)) eligible
to membership as provided in Section 2 of
this article, may become a life member on+
payment of one hundred dollars ($roo).
Section 4. Participating Life Members.
(a) Any student eligible to membership as
provided in Section 2 of this article may be-
come a life member during his last year of
actual residence in the University of Michi-
gan on payment of fifty dollars ($o), payable
in the following nianner: ten dollars ($io)
to be paid at the time of application for
membership and forty dollars ($40) payable
in four equal annual installments, to. become
due and payable on one, two, three and
four years from the date of such application.
Such applicants for membershi shl be
entitled to all the privileges of ful member-
ship from the date of the first payment,.pro-
vided, however, that in case such applicant
shall fail to make payment of any one of said
four annual payments within one year of the
date such installment shall become due and
payable, he shall forfeit his privilege of .be-
coming a life member as provided in his ap-
plication, and any istallments which may
theretofore have been paid by such applicant
shall he considered as forfeited. Any such
applicant who has forfeited his privilege of
becoming a life member in accordance with,
his first application may, upon petition to
the Board of Directors of the Union, for the
privilege of making out a second application,
be granted such privilege,, provided, however,
such application is for a $oo life membership.
(b) Any person eligible to membership as
provided in Section 2 of this article may be-
come a, life member on payment of one hun-
dred dollars ($roo), payable in the follow-
ing manner: twenty dollars ($zo) to be' paid
at the time of application for membership
and eighty dollars ($80) payable in four
equal annual installments, said installments to
become due and payable on one, two, three
and four years from the date of such applica-
tion. Such applicants for membership shall
be entitled to all the privileges of full mem-
bership/from the date of the first payment,
provided, however, that in case such appli-
cant shall fail to make payment of any one of
said four annual payments within one year of
the date such installment shall become due
and payable, he shall forfeit his privilege of
becoming a life member as provided in his
application, and any installments which may
theretofore have been paid by such applicant
shall be considered as forfeited. Any such
applicant who has forfeited his privilege of
becoming a life member in accordance with
his first application may, upon petition to the
Board of Directors of the Union, be restored
to the privilege of applying for such mem-
bership. Any such person applying for a life
membership before April -first, 1918, may be-
come a life member on payment of fifty dol-
lars ($o), payable in the following manner:
ten dollars ($o) to be paid at the time of;
application for membership and forty dollars
($40) payable in four equal annual install-,
ments, to become due and payable on one, two,
three and four years from the date of such
(c) Any member making payments on a
life membership shall be considered as a par-.
ticipating life member and upon payment ofi
the full amount of the membership fee shall-
be a life member.
Section 5. Honorary Members. The Union
may at any meeting, by a two-thirds vote of1
the members present, elect to honorary nmem-
bership any person who may have rendered
distinguished service to the University of,
Michigan, provided such candidate for honor-
ary membership has received the approval of
the Board of Directors. Honorary members
shall enjoy all the privileges of annual, life
and participating life members, except that
they shallnt vote or hold office.
Section 6. Associate Members. (a) Any
woman who is a student in actual residence
at the University of Michigan; alumnae or
former women students of the University of
Michigan; or any adult woman,. a member of
the immediate family of a member of the
Union, may become an associate member,
provided such candidate for membership has
secured the approval of two-thirds of the Board
of Directors.
(b) Associate members shall pay an annual'
fee, the amount of such fee to be prescribed
for the ensuing year by the Board of Di-
rectors at its regular June meeting.
(c) Any person eligible to associate mem-
bership may become an associate life member
on payment of fifty dollars ($o), payable in
the sani'e manner as that prescribed in Section
4, Paragraph (a) of this article.

(d) Associate members shall have only such
privileges as may be adopted by the rules of
the Board of Directors. They shall not votel
or hold office,
(e) The number of associate members shall
not exceed one thousand (0,ooo).
Section 7. Directors' Members, Annual and
Life. (a) Directors' Annual Members. Any
man who has made application to the Board1
of Directors and whose name has been ap-
proved by the Board by a two-thirds vote1
may become a Directors' annual member on
payment of one hundred dollars ($roo) in-
itiation fee, such payment to be made within1
thirty days after the Board has 'approved the
application, and on 'payment of annual dues
of twenty-five dollars ($25), payable semi-1
annually in advance on the first days of Jan-
uary and July.1
(b) Directors' Life Members. Any man1
may become a Directors' life member on pay-
ment of five hundred dollars ($500), payable
at the time of application for membership.1
The Board of Directors may choose such
members from the subscribers to the Build-t
ing Fund, who are not eligible to annual, lifei
or participating life membership.
(c) Directors' members shall enjoy all thei
privileges of annual, life and participating1
life members, except that they shall not vote,t
or hold office.1
(d) The number of Directors' members
shall not -exceed five hundred (500) non-c
resident and two hundred (zoo) resident mem-c
bers, resident members being those living
within a radius of twenty (20) miles of AnnI


to te electi
Section 2,
twenty-five r
inate candid
which the I
inate, by si
properly sig
tary before
preceding th
so receiving
candidates, 1
once cause I
the Michigar
to be accord

IV. Functions and Status of Members.)

s~ct pac a


Your Clothes Now!


VII. Electii
Section r. Nomin;
later than the second
shall be appointed , a
of five student memb
of whom is eligible
office. This Commit
ficers for the ensuing
least two candidates
of President and R(
least two candidates
offices of Vice-Preside

a list
tin bo

S of


desigmnate, on
All annual, life and participating life mem- on such day a
bers shall have the same privileges, includ- Day. The pol
ing that of voting at- the meetings of the twelve A. M.,
Union and at the annual election of officers. polls for thef
V. Government. (b) The Pr
tion Committe
Section r. The Officers of the Union shall vise and carr
be a President, five Vice-Presidents, a Record- candidate for
ing Secretary, a Financial Secretary, a Gen- onechallenger
eral Secretary, and a Director of Social Ac- polls during
tivities. list of annual,
S Th P d i bers, who hay
Section 2. The President shall preside at Aen. who hae
all meetings of the Union and of the Board A.M.of the
of Directors and shall be ex-officio a member sts ordnthen
of all committees. at the annua
Section 3. The Vice-Presidents shall be list for each scl
elected as -follows: One from the College of th'e names of
Literature, Science, and the Arts; one from registered in s'
the College of Engineering and Architecture; deliver a copy
one from the Medical School; one from the college to the
Law School; and one from the combined mittee; (e) E;
Pharmacy, Homoeopathic and Dental- Schools vote for one c
and Colleges. Recording Sec
Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall from the scho
keep a record of the proceedings of the meet- in which the
ings of the Union and of the Board of Di- istered, and th
rectors,, and perform such other duties as are Board of Dire
herein and otherwise prescribed. by ballot. '
Section . hThe FinancialSecretary shall have ready f(
be a member of the University Faculty or a tii~i l
residentgraduate, and shall be chosen by the candi ates for
University Senate. He shall have entire charge shall be no u
of the financial affairs of the Union, and shall receiving the
be required to. furnish bond in an amount each office sh
prescribed by the Board of Directors the three candidat
premium of such bond to be paid by the ber of votes
Union. At thetannual meeting of the Union Board of Dire
hie shall submit a complete - financial state- In' case of a
msent.- tion for that
Section 6. The General Secretary shall con- days; h) tt
duct all official correspondence of the Union, the duties of
shall keep a record of all members and of mencement, b'
all financialaaffairs pertainingto the Union may meet at
and shall be secretary and treasurer of all the purpose of
committees. In all matters pertaining to the year, and for
finances of the Union, he' shall be directly the ensuing y
responsible to the Financial Secretary.i e
shall be required to furnish bond in an amount
prescribed by the Board of Directors, the Section I.
premium of such bond to be paid by the neeting of th
Union, be held on
Section 7. The Director of Social Activities At such time,
shall have charge of all social activities per- submit his r
taming to the avocational ideals of the Union. President shal
Section 8. (a) The government of the dition of the
Union shall be vested in a Board of Directors, Section 2.
composed of the aforesaid ten officers; the meeting of th
secretary of the Alumni Association of the whenever the
University of Michigan; three members elect- it necessary;
ed annually from the University Faculties;- the Recording
and five alumni, members of the Union, the twenty-five m
same to be elected by the Advisory Council the matter to
of the Alumni Association of the University' ever, that in e
of Michigan. be given to t
(b) Upon the completion of the Michigan Section 3.
Union club house project as outlined in the Recording Sec
resolution of the Michigan Alumni Associa. the Ujsion of
tion, passed at its meeting of June 28th, 1911, cial, by postir
the title to such club house, buildings and the Union bul
grounds shall be transferred to, and there- and other Can
after remain in the Board of Regents of the and on the bu
University of Michigan; the Michigan Union at least ten da
club house project shall, for this purpose, be shall also be
considered as completed at such time as such at least two i
club house shall be ready for use and oc- ceding such a
cupancy. . Section 4.
(c) Upon the completion of the Michigan number of an
Union club house project as set forth in (b) a quorum at
of -this section, the management and control nual or specia
of the club house, buildings and grounds shall
be vested in 'a Board of Governors, composed The dues fc
of the Financial Secretary of the Union, who and the annu
shall be the Chairman of the Board; the year shall be
President of the Union; one member of the of Directors a'
Board of Regents of the University, to be tion of officer:
chosen by the Regents; and four members lege in June.
of the Union, to be chosen by the Advisory the Board of
Council of the Alumni Association of the annual dues sh
University of Michigan from the life, faculty preceding yea:
and alumni members, pr6vided that at least
three of the said four shall be alumni of the X. Su
University. Any member
Section 9. Quorumt and Vacancies. Seven cause be susp
members of the Board of Directors shall con- of three-fourth
stitute a quorum. Any vacancy occurring in Board of Dire
said Board, except in the office of Financial taken, the Rec
Secretary, shall be filled by the Board itself, the member a
the person so elected to hold office for the against him; a
remainder of the current college year. ber, he shall
Section 1o. Eligibility Requirements. T e Board of Dire
President, Vice-Presidents, and Record g
Secretary must be student members of the
Union in actual residence at the University, A club mat
at the time of their nomination and election times as the
and during their term of office. termine. One
, VI. Standing Committees. dues paid by
to pay for a y
Section 1. There shall be an Appointment zine. Life n
Committee and such other Committees as members shall
may be provided for by the Board of Di- to the magazi
Section 2. The Appointment Committee
shall consist of the President, the General Amendments
Secretary, the Director of Social Activities, violation of th
and the Financial Secretary. The President be adopted at
shall be the Chairman of this Committee. This- nual or specia
Committee shall have power to appoint all members prese


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The I
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Just before going home for the .
holidays you will want a new

The folks at home want to see
you at your best, and by being
well dressed in a classy, stylish


you will be right.',


"""""'" """""""


Sheep Lined Coats $13.50


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