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December 11, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-11

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e, the famous
a new story


ies in France comes
e back home.
nal strong man in the
n iron bar and gripping
o hands challenged any
hience to keep a grip on
seconds. Several tried
hman broke their holds
em into the net placed
group of Amercian of-
ected his challenge at
A broad shouldered
ed at the awaiting audi-
pted the challenge. The
ized up - his opponent,
and in ten seconds was
he net with a force that
wreck the entire struc-
.mmy picked the dazed
it of the wreckage and
back to his friends.
die Hart, the former
ball captain.
c. 10.- President Ban
t with another of those
At are giving American
vnerA the horrors. This
sts that the government
of the ball parks of his
.g for itself all of the
ur per cent. This four
be based on the differ-
the amount paid out
tels, railroads and park
I that taken in at the

Cleveland, Dec. 10.-The basketball
team of Case Scientific school is driv-
ing hard to get ready for its open-
ing game of the 1917-18 season with
Michigan Saturday night.
'The quintet has been weakened
greatly by the loss of three of the
five regulars of last year's aggrega-
tion but, an abundance of material
from the 1916 freshman team and the
reserves is on hand and Coach Pasini
believes he can secure a good com-
bination from these men.
Captain Richardson, last year's for-
ward, and Norman Clark, his running
mate, are the two letter men on hand.
Richardson will be shifted to center
for the Michigan game because of his
experience, although Pasini will try
to develop a new center for the later
games on the schedule.
Howard, Younger, and Druckenbrod
the other three members of the Case
team that won the Ohio conference'
basketball title last season, are in
the service. Howard played center,
while the other two performed at the
guards, have come up from last year's
are out for these jobs and Houriet,
McCune, and Rogers stand out as
likely men for the positions.
Zimmermacher, center, Meredith,
forward, and Canfield and Moriarity
guards, have come up from last year's
scrubs, and will give the football can-
didates a run for the open positions.
Coach Pasini is not expressing any
great confidence in his team for he
does not yet know how they will
develop, but he hopes to make a good
showing against the Wolverines Sat-
urday night.

Coach Farrell sent his men through
a fast workout yesterday during
which Sedgwick the Varsity miler, ran
a mile in good time. The lanky miler
was pushed around the cork track
with Parks and Johnson running be-
hind him as pace makers and as he
finished the ten laps the dash men
were some laps behind.
In the dashes Johnson and Parks
were given a short drill in making a
quick get-a-way at the report of the
gun and were also timed in the short
dashes. Both of the men made the
dashes in fast time and Johnson looks
as the best competition which Coach
Farrell will give the athletes of the
Conference teams.
Though Steve does not intend to
time the boys in the sprints before
the holidays he is expecting some
pleasant surprises when he pulls forth
the indicator.



Mile in Fast Ti


e proposition may
lub owners at the
id it is predicted
11 be voted down

I Magazines - Best club rates at
dv. Wahr's University Bookstore.-Adv.



Next to Arcade Theatre


Notice of a Special Meeting of the Mem-
bers of the University of Michigan Union,
Hill Auditorium, Friday, December 14th, at
8:0 0P. M.
In accordance with the Constitution of
the University of Michigan Union, notice is
hereby given of a special meeting to be held
in Hill Auditorium, Decembert 4th, 1917, at
8 oo P. M-
The Board of Directors recommends that
the Constitution be amended to read as fol-
I. Name.
This association shall be known and in-
corporated as the University of Michigan
II. Purpose.
The purpose of the Union is to furnish a
University social center; to provide a club
house for faculty, alumni, former students
and resident students of the 'University of
Michigan; to interpret Michigan spirit in
terms of citizenship; and toinculcate broad
educational ideals.
III. Membership.-
Section x. There shall be six classes of
members, viz: (r) Annual Members. ()
Life Members. (3) Participating Life Mem-
bers. (4) 'fonorary Members. CS) Associate
Members. (6) Directors' Members, Annual
and Life:
Section 2. Annual Members. All men who
are students in actual residence at the Uni-
versity of Michigan; alumni and former stu-
dents who have been in actual residence at
the University of 'Michigan for a period of at,
least six weeks; regents; members of the
several faculties and officers of the University
of Michigan may become members of the
University of Michigan Union on payment of
the annual dues, such members to constitute
the annual membership of the association.
Section 3. Life Members. (a) Any stu-
dent eligible to membership as provided in'
Section 2 of this article may become a life
member during his last year of actual resi-
dence in the University of Michigan, or within
one year thereafter, on payment of fifty dol-
lars ($o).
(b) Any other person and any student (ex-
cept as provided in subdivision (a)) eligible
to membership as provided in Section a of
this article, may become a life member on
payment of one hundred' dollars ($poo).,
Section 4. Participating Life Members.
(a) Any student eligible to membership as
provided in Section 2 of this article may be-
come a life member during his last year of
actual residence in the University of Michi-
gan on payment of fifty dollars ($50), payable
in the following manner: ten dollars ($zo)
to be paid at the time of application for
membersip and forty dollars ($4o) payable
in four equal annual installments, to become
due and payable on one, two," three ' and
four years from the date'of such application.
Such applicants for membership shall be
entitled to all the privileges of full member-
ship from the date of the first payment, pro.
vided, however, that in case such applicant
shall fail to make payment of any one of said
four annual payments within one year of the
date such instl lment shall become due and,
payable, he shall forfeit his privilege of be-
coming a life member as provided in his ap-
plication, and any installments which may
theretofore have been paid by such applicant
shall be considered as forfeited. Any such
applicant who has forfeited his privilege of
becoming a life member in accordance with
his first application may, upon petition to
the Board of tDrectors of the Union, for the
privilege of making nut a second application,
be granted such privilege, provided, however,
such application is for a $zoo life membership.
(b) Any person eligible to membership as
provided in Section 2 of this article may be-
come a life member on payment of one hun-
dred dollars ($:oo), payable in the follow-
ing manner: twenty dollars ($o) to be paid
at the time of application for membership
and eighty dollars ($8o) payable in four
equal annual installments, said installments to
become due and payable on one, two, three
and four years from the date of such applica-
tion. Such applicants for membership shall
be entitled to all the privileges of full mem-
bership from the date of the first payment,
provided, however, that in case such appli-
cant shall fail to make payment of any one of
said four annual payments within one year of
the date such installment shall become due
andpayable, he shall forfeit his privilege of
becoming a life member as provided in his
application, and any installments which may
theretofore have been paid by such applicant
shall be considered as forfeited. Any such
applicant who has forfeited his privilege of
becoming a life member i accordance with
his first application may, upon petitibn to the
Board of Directors of the Union, be restored
to the privilege of applying for such mem-
bership. Any such person applying for a life
membership before April first, 1918, may be-
come a life member on payment of fifty dol-
lars ($So), payable in the following manner:
ten dollars ($io) to be paid at the time of
application for membership and forty dollars
($40) payable in four equal annual install-
ments, to become due and payable on one, twQ,
three and four years from the date of such
(c) Any member making payments on a
life membership shall be considered as a par-
ticipating life member and upon payment of
the full amount of the membership fee shall
be a life member.
Section s. Honorary Members.. The Union
may at any meeting, by a two-thirds vote of
the members present, elect to honorary mem-
bership any person who may have rendered
distinguished service to the University of
Michigan, provided such candidate for honor-
ary membership has received the approval of
the Board of Directors. Honorary members
shall enjoy all the privileges of annual, life
and participating life members, except that
they shall not vote or hold office.
Section 6. Associate Members. (a) Any
woman who is a student in actual residence
at the University of Michigan; alumnae or
former women students of the University of
Michigan; or an adult woman, a member of
the immediate family of a member of the
Union, may become an associate member,
provided such candidate for membership has
secured the approval of two-thirds of the Board
of Directors.
(b) Associate, members shall pay an annual
fee, the amount of such fee to be prescribed
for the ensuing year by the Board of Di-

rectors at its regular June meeting.
(c) Any person eligible to associate mem-
bership may become an associate life member
on payment of fifty dollars ($5o), payable in
the same manner as that prescribed in Section
4, Paragraph (a) of this article.

sibly never in Ann Arbor, has
under one roof such a won-
ne of artistic gifts. The new,
mups and fancy furniture of
e of the various lines selected

(d) Associate members shall have only such
privileges as may be adopted by the rules of
the Board of Directors. They shall not vote
or hold office.
(e) The number of associate members shall
not exceed one thousand (Iooo).
Section 7. Directors' Members, Annual and
Life. (a) Directors' Annual Members. Any
man who has made application tothe Board
of Directors and whose name has been ap-
proved by the Board by a two-thirds vote
may become a Directors' annual member on
payment of one hundred dollars ($ioo) in-
itiation fee, such payment to be made within
thirty days after the Board has approved the
application, and on payment of annual dues
of twenty-five dollars ($25), payable semi-
annually in advance on the first days of Jan-
uary and July.
(b) Directors' Life Members. Any man
may become a Directors' life member on pay-
ment of five hundred dollars ($5oo), payable
at the time of application for membership.
The Board of Directors may choose such
members from the subscribers to the Build-
ing Fund, who are not eligible to annual, life
or participating life membership.
(c) Directors' members shall enjoy all the
privileges of annual, life and participating
life members, except that they shall not vote,
or hold office.
(d) The number of Directors' members
shall not exceed five hundred (soo) non-
resident and two hundred (200) resident mem-
bers, resident members being those living
within a radius of twenty (20) miles of Ann
IV. Functions and Status of Members,
All annual, life and participating life mem-
bers shall have the same privileges, inclu'd-
ing that of voting at the meetings of the
Union and at the annual election of officers.

. I


1 ; ~.. . -

V. Government. tion)c
Section r. The Officers of the Union.shall vise an
be a President, five Vice-Presidents, a Record- candida
ing Secretary, a Financial Secretary, a Gen- one ch
eral Secretary and a Director of Social Ac- polls
tivities. list of
Section 2. The President shall preside at bens. w
all meetings of the Union and of the Board R .
of Directors and shall be ex-officio a member Reo
of all committees. lists o
Section 3. The Vice-Presidents shall be list for
elected as follows: One from the College of the na
Literature, Science, and the Arts; one from, register
the College of Engineering and Architecture; deliver
one from the Medical School; one from the college
Law School; and one from the combined mittee
Pharmacy, Homoeopathic and ;Dental Schools vote fc
and Colleges. Record
Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall from t
keep a record of the proceedings of the meet- in whi
ings of the Union and of the Board of Di- istered,
rectors, and perform such other duties as are Board
herein and otherwise prescribed, by ba
Section 5. The Financial Secretary shall have
be a member of the University Faculty or a ta ing
resident graduate, and shall be chosen by the. candida
University Senate. He shall have entire charge shall b
of the financial affairs of the Union, and shall receivi'
be required to furnish bond in an amount eacho
prescribed by the Board of Directors, the threec
premium of such bond to be paid by the hr of
Union. At the annual meeting of the Union Board cs
he shall submit a complete financial state- Inca
ment. tion f
Section 6. The General Secretary shall con- days;
duct all official correspondence of the Union, the du
shall keep a 'record of all members and of mencei
-all financial affairs pertaining to the Union, may n
and shall be secretary and treasurer of all the pu
committees. In all matters pertaining to the year,
finances of the Union, he shall be directly the en
responsible to tpe Financial Secretary. He
shall be required to furnish bond in an amount
prescribed by the Board of Directors, the Secti
premium of such bond to be paid by the meetin
Union. , be hel
"Section y. The Director of -Social Activities At suc
shall have charge of all social activities per- submit
taining to the avocational ideals of the Union. Preside
Section 8. (a) The government of the dition
Union shall be vested in a Board of Directors, Secti
composed of the aforesaid ten officers; the meetin
secretary of the Alumni Association of the whenev
University of Michigan; three members elect- it nec<
ed annually from the University Faculties; the Re
and five alumni, members of the Union, the twenty
same 'to be elected by the Advisory Council the ma
of the Alumni Association of the University ever, t
of Michigan. be giv
(b) Upon the completion of the Michigan Secti
Union club house project as outlined in the Record
resolution of the Michigan Alumni Associa-. the U:
tion, passed at its meeting of June. 28th, i9gi, cial, b
the title to such club house, buildings and the Un
grounds shall be transferred to, and there- and ot
after remain in the Board of Regents of the and on
University of Michigan; the Michigan Union at leas
club house project shall, for this purpose, be' shall a
considered as completed at such time as such at leas
club house shall be. ready for use and oc- ceding
cupancy Sect.
(c) Upon the completion, of the Michigan numbe
Union club house project as set forth in (b) a quor
of this section, the management and control nual o
of the club house, buildings and grounds shall
be vested in a Board of Governors, composed The
of the Financial Secretary of the Union, who and th
shall be the Chairman of the Board; the year s
President of the Union; one member of the of Dir
Board of Regents of the University, to be tion o
chosen by the Regents; and four members lege in
of the Union, to be chosen by the Advisory the B
Council of the Alumni Association of the annual
University of Michigan from the life, faculty preced
and alumni members, provided that at least
three of the said four shall be alumni of the
University. Any
Section 9. Quorum and Vacancies. Seven cause
members of the Board of Directors shall con- of tir
stitute a quorum. Any vacancy occurring i Board
said Board, except in the office of FinanciaT taken,
Secretary, shall be filled by the Board itself, the m
the person so elected to hold office for the agains
remainder of the current college year. her,'
Section ro. Eligibility Requirements. The Board
President, Vice-Presidents, and Recording
Secretary must be student members of the
Union in actual residence at the University, A <
at the time of their nomination and election times
and during their term of office. termim
VI. Standing Committees duesp
, to pay
Section r. There shall be an Appointment zine.
Committee and such other Committees as membh
may he provided for by the Board of Di- to th
Section 2. The Appointment Committee
shall consist of the President, the General Am


its beauty.

Cedar Chest
Knitting Cabinets
Go-Cart Baby Robe
Windsor Chairs
Windsor Rockers
Cane Davenports
e and by taking a stroll through
e you worlds of suggestions.




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